Wednesday 5 October 2011


The Jersey Haut de la Garenne Murder Farce
"It's not brain surgery, anybody, any reasonable person could see that the way in which the initial press matters were handled was totally and utterly wrong. Anybody with any common sense can see that." - Home Affairs Minister, Ian Le Marquand, 14/10/2010.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011Senatorial Elections 2011 - The Good, the bad and the darn right mad!

There may be thirteen candidates, but the 2011 Senatorial Elections are actually about who will fill the remaining three places after Sir Philip Bailhache tops the poll.

At parish hustings, his quietly spoken, considered and measured delivery distinguishes him from all rival candidates. Sir Philip’s track record alone gives him the assured authority that contrasts sharply with the entreaties of other Senatorial hopefuls, who strive to list various meagre levels of achievement.

Given some of the well rehearsed Jersey voting techniques, Sir Philip will not even have to rely on his policies carrying the day. Significant numbers of local voters will use their multiple Senatorial votes to place a cross against any Jersey name on the ballot paper and no others, which bodes well for Bailhache, le Gresley and even the wayward Stuart Syvret. Alternatively, voters simply expend their voting crosses in alphabetical order, which is again good news for top of the list Bailhache, as well as Freddie Cohen and two of the three lady candidates, Colley and Corby.

As a former holder of the Poison Chalice of Planning, Senator Freddie Cohen has resorted to waving planning applications at assembled voters to prove that he was not the States member who signed off some of the more recent controversial developments.

His hustings performance carries the expected ministerial presence and he rightly promotes his successes in respect of the environment and his latest role promoting Jersey globally at government level. It remains to see how heavily the Planning albatross hanging from his neck will weigh him down, particularly unfair when the blame for many poorly or over-designed structures clearly lies elsewhere.

English Rose Advocate Colley is a wonderful exponent of her profession. Adept at highlighting problems and debating the issues, she remains light on finding the solutions, primarily – of course - because that’s what judges do, not advocates. Rosie is pretty vague on key subjects. For example, she wants “educational equality for all our children and young people”, but what does that actually mean? Equality of “educational opportunity” or the scrapping of private schools in favour of comprehensive style States schools for all?

Jumping on the constitutional reform bandwagon she wants a full debate on the subject – as if we hadn’t had enough already, public consultation – despite the extensive history of opinion polling - and a referendum, but she fails to offer any suggestions of her own on possible reforms.

One assumes she favours the Island wide franchise as she is taking part in it, but what about retaining the Constables or abolishing Deputies? To be fair, Rosie has only been in Jersey since 1997, so she’s probably still struggling a bit with local culture.

Linda Corby is the internet blogger behind the website. She has got things cracked and wants to reduce taxes, whilst spending much more money on affordable housing, free school milk, with financial subsidy injections into Agriculture, Leisure, Sports and Tourism. So, no problem there then.

At the Senatorial nomination meeting, Linda was proposed by Deputy Shona Pitman and Deputy Montford Tadier was one of the other nominees. That’s probably enough said.

Lyndon Farnham is as slick as his marketing campaign, but like so many heavily marketed products, this is merely a triumph of style over substances. He has been at pains to advise voters of his regular attendance at States sittings, notching up well over 200 during his time in office. This deftly avoids two interesting facts.
Firstly, once a States member responds to the morning roll call, no further check is made on attendance for the remainder of the day, other than via the voting record. In respect of the vote record, members marked down as “Not Present” may be on a “comfort break”, in the coffee or computer rooms or off the premises.

Secondly, when Lyndon was previously in the States he was known as “Lyndon Phantom” by a number of fellow members. On States sitting days he was apparently there, but never seen. Very spooky.

Mark Forskitt is the sandal wearing, eco-friendly, peak oil, climate Armageddon long haired Earth brother of the line up, except that he has taken the precaution of getting suited and booted for his public appearances, with his grey/ white locks restrained by a pony tail. If you wish to return to a regular diet of bean crock, tilling the fields and waiting for the tide to come in before the electricity comes on in your below ground Hobbit hole, then this is the man for you.

It is difficult to place Deputy Ian Gorst’s intriguing accent, which may come from St Clement, St Ouen or a TV comedy show. However, he is an accountant by training, so he will be able to tell us precisely how much money the States is wasting following any particular audit of finances. An evangelical proponent of the Protestant work ethic, Deputy Gorst is a “Right to Work” campaigner, in the sense that it is right that you should work and wrong if you don’t, especially if you are claiming benefits, which plays well with tax payers.
However, after making savings locally, Ian likes to spend lots of money on Overseas Aid, which is not so popular. He has also intimated that he fancies the role of Chief Minister. Steady on Ian, we haven’t even put a Jersey girl into that role yet, let alone a “come over”.

Senator Francis le Gresley is the “Stealth Candidate”. Having batted a steady wicket after winning the by-election prompted by absentee Senator, Stuart Syvret, it would seem likely that the voters will give him a full term this time. He has successfully brought private propositions to secure worthy outcomes such as extending the Cold Weather Payment’s Scheme for pensioners, but seasoned observers note that most of his proposals have the common requirement of even more expenditure.

This points towards the Senator being a little more “Broad Left” than he has led people to believe to date. Is he going to acquire Geoff Southern’s mantle as the new “Leader of the Opposition Progressives” or remain the true Independent that he claims to be?

Mrs Sylvia Lagadu has previously dabbled in local politics, putting her signature alongside that of Trade Union poodle, Geoff Southern, on the 2002 Senatorial nomination form for her current rival candidate, Chris Whitworth. This poses the question as to whether La Lagadu-du-du is quietly linked to the JDA-da-da.

The political party that meets in a telephone box mysteriously disappears at election time, when its erstwhile candidates opt to run as “Independents”. However, when successfully elected, the independent, former JDA members, appear to undergo a spectacular political conversion and promptly revert to their previous party allegiance.

So is La Lagadu-du-du a siren voice in a covert plot for JDA meetings to be upgraded from a telephone box to a bus shelter?

Darius Pearce is real, although you could be forgiven for thinking that he may be a virtual reality computer generated programme. Darius is the future of politics, because he has no policies of his own. Darius will represent everyone in the Island by listening to what you want and taking your policies to the States.

So email Darius with your policies and watch him sort them out. You can also, apparently, tell him how to vote on propositions brought by other States members as well, presumably via your mobile phone.

One has to ask “why bother with Darius?” Wouldn’t it be easier just to put propositions on line, so we can vote direct and cut out the politicians altogether?

If you fall for this lazy claptrap, you may be one of the people who put the twit into Twitter and you should consider whether you are actually competent to go out and vote at all.

David “Whacko” Richardson is a marvellous, deep throated, public platform performer, who wants to put discipline back into education. Stiff upper lip, shoulders straight, no talking at the back, no ruddy nonsense etc. has been missing in local schools and “Whacko” Richardson is keen to re-install the culture.

David has been careful to avoid the C-word (that’s cane, for the very imaginative), but some of you Mum’s had better look out, because curly haired and precocious blond school boy Tolstoy Becks (insert surname of preference) may be due to receive the thrashing he so richly deserves.

David’s election leaflet is a riveting read.
Politics – Something is wrong – notes Dave, swiftly followed by – Too many Senatorial Candidates? Yes Dave and, regrettably, you may be one of them.
Dave has a degree in Marine Biology and worked as a Fisheries Scientist in Africa. Sadly, he may be a “fish out of water” on the Senatorial trail, but at least represents top hustings entertainment value.

Following his “Wilderness Years”, Jersey’s icon of depression, Saint Stuart of Syvretia has returned to the political fray bearing the “Stigmata of Oppression and Rejection”.

Previously resurrected as a campaigning journalist for children’s rights, St. Stuart has now been reincarnated as an “anti-corruption campaigner”.

Humble and saintly Stu describes himself as – The only person who has shown the courage and integrity needed to really challenge the powerful in Jersey.

This courage required the one true Stu to seek “political asylum” in a flat in London belonging to a British Member of Parliament for over six months, followed by the local attempt to restore Stu’s messianic integrity, which cost the tax payer around £500,000 in Jersey’s law courts.

Incredibly, significant numbers of voters still appear to share Saint Stuart’s vision and faith, so stand by for a Triumphal Return following the Election Day of Judgement, grim rounds of atonement in the States Chamber, possibly leading to a Crusade to the International Court of Human Rights and a pilgrimage through the uncharted waters of the international media, as Jersey’s reputation gets a further trashing on a global scale.

Alternatively, you may wish to use your cross to ensure that Saint Stuart is nailed this October.

Last, but not least, (although that awaits confirmation when results are declared) is Chris Whitworth, who appears to be linked to the Whitworths dried fruit company, given that he has the ability to attend hustings in entirely dessicated form. St Clement voters were astounded to find Chris attending as a life size card board cut out which powerfully conveyed his presence, without words.

Subsequently, Chris has, presumably, added water to himself and can now speak at hustings meetings, having clearly reviewed his opinion that hustings were “a waste of time”.
Describing himself as Chris “Bean” Whitworth, this Senatorial hopeful is a maintenance engineer who wants change. Therefore he is not “appealing to the ten thousand voters who regularly vote for the Establishment…” but is instead appealing for votes from the “other fifty thousand who are continually disregarded and yet asked to pay for everything…”

Chris may end up not appealing to many voters at all. Whitworths make home baking products including dried fruit. Dried fruit is an important constituent of fruit cake. See if you can make the links.

A B’tot
Posted by Saturn 5 at 7:50 AM Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook92 comments:
Anonymous said...
Another great post, Linda Corby, Chris Whitworth and Mark Forskitt haven't got a hope in hell of getting in. But at least as newbies they have shown courage in going for the Senators which is something not seen by many current backbenchers.

September 28, 2011
Anonymous said...
Thanks for your update, I attended the hustings at St Peter and have more or less made my mind up who to vote for already and Philip Bailache will be getting a vote just like Ian Le Marquand got my vote in the last elections and that's without reading any manifesto even. I will not be voting for anybody with convictions in court no matter how trivial and Syvret standing after like you said, 6 months off, would be a stupid thing to do.

September 28, 2011
Anonymous said...
Syvret should not be allowed to stand with such an appalling record in such a small amout of time, and what’s happening with his community service? Rumour has it that he is snubbing them because of his election campaign which then should mean he is re-sentenced for a stretch up La Moye then?????

I wish these courts would show some teeth for a change.

September 28, 2011
Anonymous said...
I never realised that the Postal vote law breaker Shona Pitman promoted Linda Corby and what was Tadier connected to via Facebook? The original website owner of the spoof website Mike wasn't it? It does say it all.

September 28, 2011
The Belmont Road Troll said...
Everybody is voting for Bailache because he is something people like Syvret is not and that is trustworthy with confidential data for starters. With a data protection conviction of one former States member and Trevor Pitman's most recent behaviour will some of these stupid politicians ever learn anything?

September 28, 2011
Anonymous said...
Neil McFlurry just planted a question on bbc radio Jersey and this website is smearing Shona apparently according to her. Poor Shona..

September 28, 2011
Anonymous said...
Trevor Pitman's blog just makes a complete mockery of what Shona Pitman just said. What a hypocritical couple and Neil McMurray wth his support of the illussive Syvret blog just makes that accusation laughable. Can you please do another post on the Pitmans, these people are unbelievable!

September 28, 2011
Anonymous said...
Shona Pitman is a law breaker and that's what is says in the Court records and no moaning by her will ever change that.

September 28, 2011
Anonymous said...
Shona complains about town being densely populated....That’s probably why she and Trevor bought a house out of town then.

September 28, 2011
Anonymous said...
Shona Pitmans shows no remorse just like Southern and no matter how many people she helped fill in forms she is a law breaker and criminal and thats the end of it!

The ordinary law abiding people of Number 2 deserve much better.

September 28, 2011
Anonymous said...
Good post, its a question as to who will get the other 3 seats. Le Gresley is a certainty though so its down to 2 I reckon.

September 28, 2011
Anonymous said...
Re: Radio this morning, Tel boy has number 2 in the bag after listening to that. De Sousa and Pitman will not get in but Geoff might followed by Mr Bryans. The other contender this morning will get a few votes but won't get very far.

September 28, 2011
Anonymous said...
RICO apparently lied about his sources in scrutiny merely to further his cause no matter what damage is incurred to others - remind anyone of a terrorist?
He should stick to plastic pipe extrusion rather than trying to be the Ken to
Stuart's Wolfie

September 28, 2011
Anonymous said...
Sir Bailhache and Sen. Le Gresley look home and dry to me. The other two places are still for grabs. If Syvret's vote collapses, as it should, could well go to the pony-tailed doctor. Theres 12% more voters registered in town and that could make all the difference.

September 28, 2011
Anonymous said...
Why don't Debbie De Sousa and Shona Pitman just be honest for a change and tell the listening Jersey Public they are only in it for the money? I am looking forward to see them losing their seats to be honest, I don't want a criminal in the States or the other who has only live in Jersey for 5 minutes.

September 28, 2011
Mr Slap Head said...
If people live in St John they should stand in St John and all these lies about hassling late night phone calls, do you believe them because I sure as hell don't. I wish these people would stop lying to the public and as for harassment, Mr Bean e-mails, comments on her husband’s blogs about other contenders, I bet the Police and Data Protection Office think they are wasting time coming in with their feeble complaints.

September 28, 2011
Anonymous said...
The Pitmans will fight like mad to get back in because its wage security for another 3 years.

September 28, 2011
Anonymous said...
Surely if the Pitmans are getting threatened then they have intimidated or annoyed people?

Because reading Trevor Pitman's blog he is without doubt the only States Member who is using a Blog to intimidate and belittle other candidates in this election and I would like to know whether his behavior is acceptable for a current standing States Member? I would also encourage any named individual attacked on this fool's blog to file complaints because they have every right to.

To me Trevor Pitman is behaving like the the loon who has pushed a lot of people to their limits over the past 3 years, and one I believe to almost suicide and its even been mentioned on the loon's blog that multiple court actions are still pending against him.

But one thing I did notice is that the phone-in yesterday summed up that Trevor and Shona are far too weak to be in the Public eye because they simply cannot deal with critics or the people who pay their generous wages.

They even get stroppy with the JEP when somebody reports their fooling around with the e-mail system AKA the Bean incident or writes a letter.

So much so that Trevor Pitman has to physically walk to the letter writer's address to see him and if that is not a form of bullying and intimidation I don't know what is.

So the behavior of this couple just does not demonstrate enough restraint and tolerance to do the job to me.

Jersey is not at war with itself over policies and these people are not fighters like the Syvret's of this world try to tell you.

Its just a pathetic way of covering up their own failings.

September 29, 2011
Anonymous said...
Funny how the Pitmand are getting threatening phonecalls because I have tried calling Shona and Trevor several times over the past 3 years and they are always on answer phone. Yes I think they are making this claim up for attention seeking purposes. To top it all neither can be bothered to return your calls or e-mails. Terry Le Main does return your calls though and within only a few hours the once I phoned him.

September 29, 2011
Anonymous said...
Syvret's posting to himself AGAIN.

Anonymous said...
The St Ouen’s hustings as I saw it tonight…

In case this sounds like it comes from one of your devoted followers, I’m not naturally in that bracket, whilst I respect them, and this is my first posting on your blog site.

You deserve congratulations and clearly shine on the platform. To speak so coherently and intelligently without notes is very impressive and your message hits home. You did have one of my votes anyway but I got the impression, even if they won’t admit it, that you got a lot more tonight. You seem to get the most and warmest applause, deservedly. I was not alone in thinking how criminal it would be to throw away a talent like yours. Well done. etc,etc

Does the fool not realise you can tell his style of writing and the excuse his computer is on the blink just doesn't wash.
When you live in cyber land you begin to believe everything you read , even when you post anon to yourself.

September 29, 2011
Anonymous said...
Agreed, if you cannot take the heat then get out of the Kitchen Pitbulls.

Too pussy by the sounds of it!

September 29, 2011
Anonymous said...
If there are civil claims still to be heard against Syvret then he should not be allowed to stand. He has a shocking criminal record already, a shocking attendance record when he was in the States, a shocking record as a minister in charge of HSS, a shocking record of attacking people inclduing ex girlfriends with threatening e-mails. Over all he would be classed as nothing but scum by most people so votes I would expect to be going elsewhere and besdies what could he do if he got in apart from cause trouble with more confidential data and disrupt the sittings?

September 29, 2011
Saturn 5 said...
A post written last year by a States Member about Stuart Syvret:
The Virtual World of Stuart Syvret Part II

September 29, 2011
Anonymous said...
He said at a recent Hustings that he wants a Ministerial Role again. Is that to send demonising e-mails to the employees of the department, call them scum buckets on his blog and make that department turn on its self all over again?

Syvret must think everybody has short memories.

September 29, 2011
Zoompad's pads said...
I was amazed he decided to even stand again.

SS has told his 3 regular blog followers how much he hates this oligarchy, how he was suing them all because they are so corrupt. How they covered up child abuse, serial killers and planning scandals. How he was relieved to get away from them all and that they even had the SOJP under the thumb.

No wonder people burst out laughing with his annoucement outside the Royal Court about going against everything he said and wanting to rejoin them all over again, the man is a ponce.

September 29, 2011
Anonymous said...
The Ponce should have stood by his so called principles and took the jail time, and not community service. What a coward , he let a lot of people down that day .
That's why a lot off the voting public feel he is no longer a man of principles , he's just a showman, preacher.
He really should start practicing what he preaches.

September 29, 2011
Anonymous said...
I think Imogen Nichols summed him up in letting him disappear into obscurity. But he obviously cannot cope without any attention because its the only life he is used to. Funny though how people like Stuart Syvret are now going for the States because they are totally unemployable in anything else.

September 29, 2011
Anonymous said...
Your right he's like a petulant child, any attention, good or bad he craves.
It's like an addiction to him.

September 29, 2011
Anonymous said...
Syvret, clinical depressant, convicted criminal,
woman abuser, innocent families abuser,taxpayers money abuser, legal system abuser, hospitality abuser, government e mail system abuser,etc etc etc. How on earth could any sane person cast a vote for this excuse of a human being.

September 29, 2011
Anonymous said...
Has anyone spotted any posters off Stuart anywhere?
Or have they all been removed for fear the public might be traumatised .

September 29, 2011
Anonymous said...

Iwill never pay any fines i would rather go to jail.

I will not carry out any community service I would rather go to jail.

I would never stand for re election because the whole of the Jersey political system is corrupt.


September 29, 2011
Rico's yahoo account said...
Syvret is just a drunk and thats why he forgets so much of the twaddle he has written and acts of defiance to date on his blog, whats the other name for someone like him....Oh yer, a dickhead.

September 29, 2011
Anonymous said...
Syvret's claiming his computer is on the blink, which fool is going to be gullible enough to cough up the dosh.

September 29, 2011
Anonymous said...
I see your post made it onto this is jersey, nice one! Its well written!

September 29, 2011
Anonymous said...
Apparently there were a few Syvret pictures around but somehow they have found their way onto Rico's bedroom wall......

September 29, 2011
Anonymous said...
It's not Rico's bedroom wall you should be looking at but another Beau close to the double act.

September 29, 2011
Anonymous said...
I am not impressed by any of them, except Sir Bailhache. It frightens me that a tree-hugger was making some of the more lucid arguments and coherent presentations at the husting. Where is the quality?

September 29, 2011
Anonymous said...
Good points though of the new comers and the hustings so far I would say Linda Corby is the 'Nick Le Cornu' of this election. Just a load of rubbish.

September 30, 2011
Anonymous said...
There are still time wasters going for this job. Linda Corby's blog is so bitter and twisted they should really be making people like her take psychological tests before standing for Public office.

September 30, 2011
Saturn 5 said...
Dear Followers

A new post will be on it's way over the weekend.

September 30, 2011
Anonymous said...
Readers must have seen the comments of Proud Jerseyman in Thisisjersey.

Given the use of archaic language with some grammatical errors I would suspect that this may be the work of the Blessed SS in an attempt to be satirical and/or ironic.

September 30, 2011
Anonymous said...
The prat is off again about the criminalization of public interest disclosures and his argument that he is allowed to write crap about nurses, civil servants and suchlike in order to create vigilantism against people. His attacks on people are not in the public interest, they are a personal vendetta. You know this man is so dangerous if he ever got back into Government the powers that be will curse the day they failed to imprison him and properly deal with him in a proper manner. Is he doing any community service or is he such writing shite on his blog again for which he was punished for in the first place?

If you look at the way this man has behaved since he was sentenced in repeating all this crap about a serial killer nurse it makes you wonder whether he could give two hoots about the law or any of the people who enforce it.

September 30, 2011
Anonymous said...
Its surprising somebody who can only ever use a blog to call others corrupt can stand on the same platform with one of them in an election. To the Public it makes his act look comical and not to be taken seriously.

September 30, 2011
Anonymous said...
The latest Syvret attacks are against Alan Breckon, Judy Martins and Geoff Southern. I am starting to wonder whether there is anybody left in the States that he cannot stand?

September 30, 2011
Wash and Go said...
From the Clever Trevor Pitman Blog:

Anonymous said...
Well done Shona and Debbie. Only two worth voting for in No.2.

28 September 2011 12:21

Yer right!

Debbie did a study on dentist bills, told us everything everybody already knew and since then the bills have gone up again. Great and this is another person you do not see again for 3 years if elected.

Shona was on the Phone-in suggestion daft tax proposals that wouldn’t just dent an already precarious finance industry but dissuade the wealthy living here.

Maybe if she took at look down St Helier Number 2 she would realise the cramming of people is mainly due to a lot of outsiders living here and the main cost burden for people is rent.

These people are just too thick to represent St Helier Number 2 and I really hope they are gone in 3 weeks time.

September 30, 2011
Anonymous said...

Today, in psychology, narcissistic personality disorder is a mental illness characterized by a lack of empathy, a willingness to exploit others, and an inflated sense of self-importance. In popular discourse, "narcissism" is a widely-used term for a range of selfish behaviours.


October 01, 2011
Anonymous said...
Me Stuart Syvret

October 01, 2011
Anonymous said...
(NPD) Syvret
What is narcissism?
True narcissism is not unhealthy. It is the part of us that smiles for the camera and enjoys both the spotlight and being around attractive people, and most would agree that these are positive things. The word narcissism in recent history has however seen it’s meaning change to describe someone with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) which is a very different story. These days when someone is described as a narcissist (or we hear talk of narcissism) it usually describes someone who displays the symptoms of this personality disorder which include verbal abuse, aggression and defensiveness and a tendency to manipulate and rely on (or ‘use’) others while being charming or ‘playing for the crowd’.

October 01, 2011
Anonymous said...
(NPD) Syvret
A different person when the crowd has gone home
Individuals with symptoms of NPD are first and foremost two-faced; the subject being charming and competitive in public while critical, rude, arrogant, sarcastic and aggressive in private; usually to the people who are closest to them and who give them the most love and care.

October 01, 2011
Anonymous said...
(NPD) Syvret

A selfish ‘child’
A narcissist is someone who never grew out of being a selfish child. They find it hard to share and even harder to share the limelight, always wanting to be the focus of attention. They invent stories to get what they want and pretend they are more important than they are and blame others for their own wrong doings. Narcissism flourishes in those who are charming and attractive, because this means they will get away with this behaviour more easily. They may appear humble and very likable in public and may choose a less socially adept partner as their ‘foil’. Narcissists will usually get angry or sulk (and feel very embarrassed) if they are seen to be wrong or have made a mistake, and like a child they might throw tantrums or rages and ‘rewrite history’ instead of admitting their misdeeds.

Sorry, I can't agree with the, charming and attractive analogy , but everything else describes him perfectly.

October 01, 2011
Anonymous said...
I always put Stuart's abnormal mutterings down to alcohol abuse but then again his blog is incredibly childish for a man of 45 and it also shows paranoia and obsessive hatred of people I regard as totally harmless. So he is probably better describes as a narcissist.

October 01, 2011
Anonymous said...
(NPD) Syvret

Seduce and abandon
Whether sex is consummated or not there is often a pattern of seducing and abandoning lovers, friends or people they can attract as their ‘fans’. Their lack of empathy and self interest, mixed with a particular cunning charm and ability to manipulate others makes them highly abusive to live with. They will think nothing of exploiting their partner financially, sexually or otherwise, while blaming their own weaknesses and shortcomings on this very same person; while at the same time hindering any attempt their partner may make to regain their sense of strength or self worth and get back on their feet or get on with their own life or get away. Narcissism (or more accurately NPD) is a disorder and not a disease. There is no blood test for narcissism and three different professionals may diagnose the same person in three different ways. Narcissism describes a pattern of behaviour in an individual.

October 01, 2011
Anonymous said...
What's NPD
Has Stuart joined the New York Police Department now?
In his fight against corruption and concealment of crimes.
Or is he going to stand in for Clark Kent while he takes a long deserved break from fighting the baddies.
Poor old Stue, he's looking more like a character from Marvel every day.

October 01, 2011
Anonymous said...
I see a few of his trolls are planted bullshit letters in the paper again. I am surprised the JEP allow such blatent inaccurate rubbish so close to elections.

October 01, 2011
Anonymous said...
Can somebody explain why Senator Sarah Ferguson is rubbing shoulders with these idiots?

October 02, 2011
Anonymous said...
She is getting very lonely......

October 02, 2011
Anonymous said...
Somebody wrote on PJ that they have 1000 viewers and potential voters reading their website. That is amazing seeing as they have less than half a dozen people ever talking the same cack on there at any one time as a maximum.

October 02, 2011
Anonymous said...
I am surprised people still read Planet Jersey, that was killed off when they started to allow comments on the JEP and Channel Online news pages because all they ever did was copy and paste them over.

October 02, 2011
Anonymous said...
I see Syvret is still creating hatred towards the JEP and Channel Online with his narrow minded paranoid views of how the Island is run. If any of his claims held any weight then I am sure all would report on it but they don't. He is a perpetual liar, a bullshitter and a ponce. That's the real truth about Stuart Syvret, he makes things up and the States of Jersey Police know it, the JEP and Channel Online know it and so do all States Members know it.

That is why nobody is ever held accountable because there is never any case to answer and this is a former states member after all who has been proven in court back in October 2010 as a liar.

Why this man has not been arrested by the Police for the harassment of so many innocent, yes innocent people beggars belief.

He is not a purveyor of any truth, he is nothing but a Public nuisance.

October 02, 2011
Anonymous said...
I spoke to one of the Free Masons about Syvret recently and even they said he's a dickhead and I thought they ran the Island....

October 02, 2011
Anonymous said...
The kind of people who are glued to all his propaganda still believe in the tooth fairy and coconut bodies. Reading their simpleton blogs you can see they would probably have more luck trying to spot Flying Saucers.

Funny I heard this soap box in the Royal Square is full of Time 4 Change type moaning about the Bailiff. Well if that's the standard of the political preaching I won't be bothering that's for sure.

October 02, 2011
Jimbob said...
I was watching Points or View earlier about people writing and e-mailing in to moan about the BBC and you know it reminded of Rico, Stuart, Lenny and Neil.

They were all complaining about the coverage on the news and the way news items and programmes are written, delivered and issues portrayed. They even raised bad language before the watershed, peoples clothing and even their haircuts and accents.

You know the people writing in must be sitting around like the Team Voice Bloggers, twiddling their thumbs and cursing the TV, moaning about the accredited media and how it runs the Island in a way that they do not like i.e. not reporting on coconut bodies at every bulletin.

Funny enough I read a bit of what Ian Leslie Evans has to say about himself and Jersey earlier and he describes this Island he detests so much as another Zimbabwe though unlike Zimbabweans I am pretty sure he can just fly out whenever he chooses without hindrance.

But I guess I have to say he is semi-right when we look at Postal Vote law breakers like Shona Pitman and Geoff Southern though the crux of Zimbabwe life with its people being hacked to death for refusing to give up their land in Government orchestrated seizures cannot really be related to Jersey.

Nor can mass starvation, coupled with hyperinflation and government oppression by a rogue President who is obsessed with power and corruption.

Then I move over to Voice for Children who mirror us with North Korea. A Country where people disappear, where they work people to death in labour camps for having a view and ironically programmes like Points of View or Blogs are outlawed.

To add they threaten their neighbours with terror by firing missiles at South Korean Islands and testing underground nuclear bombs, again something I cannot relate to Jersey though Team Voice obviously can.

So you know sometimes when you think about the big picture and find the time to watch programmes like Points of View or read any of these crazy blogs, just think about the comparisons and then you will realise what a bunch of sad uneducated lonely bastards these people actually are.


October 02, 2011
Anonymous said...
PMSL! Yup Couldn't of put it better myself!

October 02, 2011
Anonymous said...
I see Rico Sorda is sending even more offensive e-mails to people, this time to the JEP and questioning the professionalism and integrity of the Editor. It’s a right sob one about how the JEP attacks his boyfriend and has responded to some woman’s wringing e-mail.
Funny though he says he represents a victim of abuse, well he kept that quiet because I never realised he was professionally registered and qualified. .....Lol, a bit like the other childless campaigner.....

October 02, 2011
Anonymous said...
These people don't represent the victims of abuse, they are using them for there own political gain as in Stuarts case. The plumber is just happy to appear on his mates North Korean T.V channel but only if he can wear his floral shirt and they air brush his nose before going Public.
I guess when you have lived most of your life in obscurity then suddenly a worthy cause comes along and you get the chance to appear on cyber T.V(suddenly your a star) in your own lunch box of course .

I really do have empathy for the victims of abuse but it just makes me so angry that these parasites are abusing these victims all over again.

October 02, 2011
Anonymous said...
Rico is back onto coconuts again, the highlight of Lenny Harper's fantastic career in Jersey and he claims it has been used to trash child abuse. Yes apparently you can 'make it up'.

October 03, 2011
Anonymous said...
It is so sad these news items go around and around like a merry-go-round.....

I am certain if the JEP or CTV were regurgitating these stories like these Muppets do, then the Island’s Public would be sending e-mails of complaint.....

October 03, 2011
Anonymous said...
Lenny Harper must be the daftest copper Jersey's ever had....I recall him showing unlabelled teeth to television reporters and arguing with them about how they fell out...

I found this in the archive:

“Child abuse: Final appeal
Police in Jersey are making a final appeal for child abuse victims to come forward.

They want to re-focus public attention on crimes that took place in the island's care system, following what they describe as "damaging" coverage of events at the former Haut de la Garenne children's home.

Officers have expressed concern that the way Lenny Harper handled the investigation before he left the island may have overshadowed the wider abuse inquiry.

The police appeal is being backed by the Care Leavers' Association, which is encouraging genuine victims to come forward. December 2008”

So the JCLA were backing the Police after Harper and Power were removed and note they were encouraging 'genuine victims' to come forward, not sensationalists and compo band Wagoner’s, but genuine and honest victims.

Funny that and when you read why some of these cases were thrown out you will realise that the media frenzy started by Harper encouraged a number of hopeless complainants to come forward. Add the crap Syvret threw in and you get a handful of people, notably within his small friend base on Facebook who are so thick they believe anything he tells them.

October 03, 2011
Anonymous said...
These people live in a world where the only way to adminsitrate justice is to stick it onto a blog.

October 03, 2011
Anonymous said...
Amazing! All these election posters being vandalised up St Brelade but they leave all of Montfort Tadier's alone! Is his weirdo side kick Jason Cronin still around on the scene or what about that other one Anthony Evans???

Poor Mike Vibert must of thought he had learnt his lesson by now tut tut....

October 03, 2011
Anonymous said...
They leave Monfords posters alone because it looks like they've been defaced already with those daft specs that look like they've been drawn on.

October 03, 2011
Anonymous said...
A paragraph from Saint Stuarts blog, on the subject of Geoff Southern

"The only wonder is , More people on the progressive side don't yet recognise him for the toxic and dangerous egomaniac that he is."

Surely does he not realise this is a description of himself and the progressives have recognised him for what he is. That's why he's out in the cold , no one and I mean no one could work alongside this egocentric lunatic.

October 03, 2011
Anonymous said...

October 03, 2011
Anonymous said...
Ha ha ha! I remember him he used to turn up at the Hustings all the time.

October 03, 2011
Anonymous said...
"They leave Monfords posters alone because it looks like they've been defaced already with those daft specs that look like they've been drawn on."


Nick Le Cornu has a massive banner around the Green Street roundabout so it will be interesting to see how many votes he gets from such a high profile 'in your face' campaign.

October 03, 2011
Saturn 5 said...
Dear Followers

An new Post will be up shortly.

October 04, 2011
Anonymous said...
Poor Trev's banner on the Green Street roundabout has been moved. Probably due to complaints from 'ordinary' people who cannot afford to live at Bonne Nuit.

October 04, 2011
Anonymous said...
I just laughed at the vile blog cause SS reckons Ofcom should get to grips with CTV for their reporting during the election! What a pleb. These open conversations he has with himself are getting so embarrissing to read sometimes its becoming farcicle.

October 04, 2011
Anonymous said...
St Helier Number 2 tonight if you want to see the last ever Hustings of Shona Pitman and Geoff Southern. You can take away their manifestoes as keep sakes. Won't be worth anything mind.

October 04, 2011
Anonymous said...
What is it about Syvret, he thinks he's the only honest uncoruptable politition Jersey has ever had. Any man that holds himself in such high regard and that constantly vilifies everyone around him should be very wary off this ego maniac.
The mans mad.!!
Read the description of someone suffering with NPD, describes him perfectly.
But the only people that are suffering this circus he's creating is the Jersey tax payer.

October 04, 2011
Anonymous said...
I will be there tonight for a game of count the VFC plants......

October 04, 2011
Anonymous said...
They won't be hard to spot, they will all be outside the door littering the pavements with there fag buts.

October 04, 2011
Anonymous said...
You should of seen it, Shona and Geoff ain't gonna win this, they are doomed! Th ePitman's will be down sizing soon its a certainty.

October 04, 2011
Anonymous said...
Back to the flat in St Helier then.
It's going to be hard trying to sell there mansion at the moment, they might even lose there property in the town.

October 04, 2011
Anonymous said...
The Murray gang must of been up St John tonight from the Tweets.

October 04, 2011
Anonymous said...
You knew the panic buttons were being pressed when Clever Trev went running to the paper complaining about an un-named website giving them grief.

October 04, 2011
Anonymous said...
I will tell you now, Shona and Geoff were crap tonight and they looked worried.

October 05, 2011
Anonymous said...
Judging by the expected fake posting on the bald psycho's blog he must of been watching a totally different hustings to me.

October 05, 2011
Anonymous said...
They are talking about personaly insults during these elections on the radio. Obviously with reference to Trevor Pitman's, Stuart Syvret's and Ted Vibert's blogs which only ever seem to insult other contenders whenever I find the energy to read them.

October 05, 2011
Anonymous said...
Hi Saturn what about posting extracts from the judgment from Stuart's case as this is available on the Jersey Law website and it refutes a most of what he spouts about the Nurse M case

October 05, 2011
Anonymous said...
The bald tit is on the radio this morning. Look out for the usual rubbish about how he does loads for kids and how cheesed off people in town are with the Government and how we should spend rainy day money on dead ducks like Fort Regent.

October 05, 2011
Anonymous said...
Trevor Pitman - we should not do business with China because of Human Rights. To hell with it being a super economy and doing business with the world already! God get this dickhead out. James Baker has excelled this morning.

October 05, 2011

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  1. I thought I would help people who have never heard of this wretched blog to find it, so they can see for themselves what an evil blog it is.

    The demon posessed creatures who run the Farce blog have boasted openly about hacking people, and have indeed done so. I was one of their victims. I have also complained to Stafford Police about that blog, and been told "WE ARE GOING TO DRAW A LINE UNDER IT", which is a euphenism for "SOD OFF AND SHUT YOUR TRAP, LOSER", I presume. A far cry from their attitude when a woman in league with an MI5 agent and some very corrupt people in Stafford Social Services and the Secret Family Courts sent them on an errand to my house one night to falsely accuse me of sending malicious emails. Oh yes, they suddenly found plenty of police time for two uniformed police officers to harrass and intimidate me that day!

    I suppose me not being a member of MI5 or a corrupt politician makes all the differnce. Well, pardon me for falsley believing that I was born into a modern democracy and that we had a great justice system in the UK. I will try my best to be a little bit less naive in future.

  2. If I ever get any more harrassment visits from anyone, including Stafford Police, the visit will be recorded and posted onto YouTube. I will also be videoing and posting any stalkers who park outside my door and spy on me, then zoom off as soon as they see me looking at them.

    Noone should be treated as I have been, its disgusting.

  3. I've been ill because of the harrassment. Not that any of them will ever feel sorry of what they have done. How would you like it if you were abused as a child and the abuse just wenmt on for year after tear? How would you like it if every time you wried to tell someone of the abuse you got pinched slyly? Its the sneaky way they do it, its so vile, the utterly disgusting way all the Pindown abuse survivors have been treated. My solicitor Richard Wise, he was getting women like me out of jail, they were jailing us for really trivial offences, such as non payment of TV licence fees. Crimes of povertyy, and so many of us have sunk into poverty because we are "damaged goods", noone wants to employ anyone who suffers panic attack fits and has been hospitalised for depression 4 times. All they want people like us to do is to just eff off somewhere and die!!!! And it annoys the hell out of them that we wont!
