Wednesday 19 October 2011


John Charles Baron (born 21 June 1959) is a British Conservative politician and the Member of Parliament for Basildon and Billericay.

Baron was born in Redhill, Surrey and educated at Queen's College, Taunton, Jesus College, Cambridge and at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. He joined the British Army in 1984 and was a captain serving with The Royal Regiment of Fusiliers in Northern Ireland, Cyprus and Germany. He left the Army in 1987 and became a merchant banker, working as a fund manager then director of Henderson Private Investors Ltd (now Henderson Global Investors) and Rothschild Asset Management.

[edit] Parliamentary careerIn 1995 John Baron became the treasurer of the Streatham Conservative Association. In 1997 David Amess decided not to risk standing again in his ultra marginal Conservative seat of Basildon and was successfully selected and subsequently elected for the safer seat of Southend West. Baron won the Conservative nomination to defend Basildon at the 1997 General Election, but Amess's judgement proved accurate and Angela Smith won the seat for Labour comfortably.

In November 1999 Teresa Gorman announced that she stand down at the next general election from her seat in Billericay, the neighbouring constituency to Basildon.[1] Baron was selected to defend Billericay at the 2001 General Election and he held the seat with a majority of more than 5,000, which he doubled at the 2005 General Election. He made his maiden speech on 20 July 2001.[2]

John Baron was a member of Iain Duncan Smith's frontbench team, but resigned in March 2003 in protest at Duncan Smith's support of the Iraq War.[3] He was reappointed by Duncan Smith as a health spokesman just four months later,[4] a position he held until July 2007 when he was moved to the Conservative Whip's Office.

Baron was a strong backer of David Davis in the most recent Conservative leadership election, having also supported him in the 2001 leadership contest won by Iain Duncan Smith.[5] John Baron was the only Tory among just 15 MPs[6] who voted against British participation in the attack on Libya in the Commons on 21 March 2011.

[edit] Personal lifeHe is married with two daughters.

[edit] References1.^ The Independent - Gorman to stand down at the next election
2.^ Hansard 20 July 2001 col 538
3.^ CNN Word - Blair wins vote for Iraq war
4.^ The Guardian - War rebels return in Tory reshuffle
5.^ BBC News - The Tory leadership contest - Form Guide: David Davis
6.^ BBC News - The full list of how MPs voted on Libya action
[edit] External linksJohn Baron MP official website
Contributions in Parliament at Hansard 1803–2005
Electoral history and profile at The Guardian
Voting record at
Record in Parliament at
Profile at Westminster Parliamentary Record
Profile at BBC News Democracy Live
Parliament of the United Kingdom
Preceded by
Teresa Gorman Member of Parliament for Billericay
2001–present Incumbent
Name Baron, John
Alternative names
Short description
Date of birth 21 June 1959
Place of birth Redhill, Surrey
Date of death
Place of death
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  1. I am not naturally sympathetic to gypsies, on account of being cursed by one once, for refusing to give money to fund her drinking. I had given her two big bags of food already and was living in poverty myself, so I was pretty angry at being cursed, and had a shouting match on Rookery Road in Handsworth with her, I told her that she could have her poxy curse back, as I didn't want it and it was undeserved and God wouldn't let it fall on me. The other problem I had with gypsies was when I was living in a mobile home in Hopton, Within Lane, Stafford, gypsies bought the site and harassed us three residents, they cut our electricity cable and my two baby hedgehogs died - I had been looking after two hedgehog orphans whose mother had been run over, with no electricity the poor little babies died of hyperthermia, because we just could not heat the caravan up properly. They also filled in the septic tank, and basically harassed us out of our homes. So I know all about what it is like to be harassed out of my home, not very nice.

  2. However, having watched the television footage of the Dale Farm eviction, I am pretty wel;l convinced that the police are acting illegally. Thats what it looks like to me. So although I dont really feel so much sympathy for gypsies, because of my personal experiences, I feel pretty sick watching todays events. £18 million is a lot of money, and I could not help wondering where that money was coming from. I think it is always good to try to follow money trials. Its interesting the link to St Helier, Jersey, with Basildon's MP. I wonder if this is something to do with the reason that us Pindown child abuse survivors have been treated like dog dirt?

  3. The caravan site at Within Lane Hopton was next to the 16MU at Beaconside Stafford. The man who gave me the baby hedgehogs to look after was on his way home from his shift at Stafford Prison, he was a prison officer.

    Just thought I had better post that because I want people to know that all sorts of people live in mobile4 homes, and just because someone lives in a tin house does not mean to say they are robbers and bad people. I am having to overcome my own prejudice, because of mu own bad experiences, but people are people and we all ought to be able to live in peace and harmony. Paying people to wear a uniform, carry weapons and act like thugs is no solution to anything, it will end in tears.

  4. Please excuse my typos I can hardly see

  5. South East Local Enterprise Partnership
    ...creating the most enterprising economy in England
    Full Board Meeting
    Friday 15th July 2011, 10am
    Full Board members present
    Prof Bob Allison for Prof Colin Riordan
    University of Sussex
    Cllr Tony Ball
    Basildon Borough Council / South Essex district authorities
    Cllr Kevin Bentley
    Essex County Council
    Cllr Jeremy Birch
    Hastings Borough Council
    Keith Brown
    Essex FSB
    Cllr Rodney Chambers
    Medway Council
    Rupert Clubb for Cllr Peter Jones
    East Sussex County Council
    Nicholas Cook
    Birketts LLP / Heart of Essex businesses
    Murray Foster
    South Essex businesses
    Capt Steve Gobbi
    Peel Ports
    John Grafik for Bill Fearon
    K College
    Cllr Nigel Holdcroft
    Southend Council
    Cllr John Kent
    Thurrock Council
    George Kieffer
    Interim Chair / Haven Gateway businesses
    Brett McLean
    East Sussex FSB & East Sussex Economic Advisory Board
    Geoff Miles
    Maidstone Studios
    Alan Ridgwell
    Tom Sanderson
    General Dynamics
    Prof David Smith for Prof Colin Riordan
    Canterbury Christ Church University
    John Spence
    West Essex businesses
    Cllr Robert Standley
    Wealden District Council
    Prof Mike Thorne for Prof Colin Riordan
    Anglia Ruskin University
    Cllr Lesley Wagland
    Epping Forest District Council / West Essex district authorities
    Andrew Wickham for Cllr Paul Carter
    Kent County Council
    Paul Winter
    Wire Belt Co Ltd
    Cllr Mark Worrall
    Tonbridge & Malling Borough Council
    Officer support and LEP associates present
    Matthew Balfour
    Tonbridge & Malling Borough Council
    Adam Bryan
    Essex County Council
    Robin Cooper
    Medway Council

  6. Kevin Fenning
    Shared Intelligence
    Ross Gill
    Kent County Council
    Stewart Henderson
    Essex County Council
    Simon Neilson
    Essex County Council
    Lee Shostak
    Shared Intelligence
    Anita Thornberry
    Southend Council
    1. Welcome and Introductions
    1.1 George Kieffer welcomed the Board and briefly summarised progress made at the recent Executive Group workshop and by the Procurement and Communications task and finish groups. George invited everybody to the table.
    1.2 The minutes of the second interim board meeting in March were unanimously approved. Lee Shostak of Shared Intelligence was introduced.
    2. Vision and Priorities
    2.1 Lee Shostak made the Board aware of progress being made by other LEPs around the country, explaining that, largely, we are falling behind. He was clear that private sector members should play a prominent role, working closely with local authorities and leading on key decisions. Lee advised that LEPs have made most progress where backed by a dedicated and seconded officer team – with no additional remit. His strong advice was that our LEP should pursue this route.
    2.2 The Board commenced consideration of the vision statement and the recommendations posed in the associated cover paper. Lee Shostak made it clear that the Board were to consider the LEP’s name as part of agenda item 3.
    2.3 In the interests of creating a focus on what the LEP exists to achieve, the Board agreed a mission statement, which provides a strapline for the partnership as well as sitting atop the vision statement. A mission ‘to create the most enterprising economy in England’ was agreed, it having been suggested by an individual Board member in the first instance.
    2.4 The Board raised numerous points to contribute to the redrafting of the document, all of which were noted separately and comprehensively and will appear in the final version of the document. They included comments around:

    the insertion of wording around enabling all parts of the LEP area;

    including a comment around our geography and being better placed for economic growth than other areas;

    including passing reference to the 2012 Olympic Games and maximising economic benefits;

    an expressed need to strengthen the references to the importance of inward investment given that our economic growth will be driven in part by overseas investment;

    to emphasise, in the introductory section, the critical role that the private sector has in delivering economic growth; and

    Board members were also invited to submit names of locations which warranted a mention in any particular section of the vision, having been missed in this draft. Eastbourne was mentioned specifically in this respect.
    2.5 It was agreed that the vision statement would make a general call for devolution of funding, power and responsibility from Government.
    2.6 Lee Shostak congratulated the Senior Officer Group for progressing the vision statement to this stage, whilst indicating that the Board would have the opportunity to suggest comments on the draft for the two working days following the meeting and that a final document would be circulated shortly thereafter.

  7. 2.7 Workstreams
    In turning the vision statement into an action plan for the LEP, the covering note called for the convening of groups (whether commissions, task and finish, champion‐led or other) around each of the strategic objectives and enabling activities listed in the vision statement.
    Each lead nominated by the Board was given the clear mandate to map out a way forward for each of the workstreams, using the cover paper as guidance. Building on this, the secretariat agreed to circulate a short pro forma to each lead Board member, reiterating the action plan and offering a template for reporting back to the LEP – primarily through the Executive Group in October.
    The following leads were agreed:
    Strategic objectives
    Secure the growth of the Thames Gateway
    Cllr Rodney Chambers (Medway Council) to convene the working group. Support from Kent County Council.
    Promote investment in our coastal communities
    Cllr Nigel Holdcroft (Southend Council) to progress with the Coastal sub‐group formed at the Tendring International Conference
    Strengthen our rural economy
    Jon Regan to lead. George Kieffer explained that JR already in the process of recruiting to a working group.
    Strengthen the competitive advantage of strategic growth locations
    Nicholas Cook to lead, with support from Essex County Council.
    Enabling activities
    Strategic transport infrastructure
    Cllr John Kent (Thurrock Council) to lead, with support primarily from the strategic transport authorities.
    Universal superfast broadband
    Alan Ridgwell to lead, although a commercial interest noted. East Sussex County Council, Brett McLean and Cllr Lesley Wagland expressed interest in supporting.
    Universities to lead with Prof David Smith of Canterbury Christ Church initially. Brett McLean interested in being involved.
    New financial instruments
    John Spence to lead and convene a group.

  8. In addition, the following workstream was convened:
    Research on key industrial sectors
    Essex County Council to lead, using Insight East and other observatories, on a research report provided to the October Executive Group, which advises on how the LEP might or might not provide direct support for key sectors.
    2.8 Lee Shostak urged the leads to quickly adopt the task, and to have convened an effective group within three to four weeks to ensure rapid progress. He urged lead members to make requests of the LEP’s Senior Local Authority Officer group to assist the process. Lee also urged the leads to inform each other as to the ongoing progress of the separate groups. This, and the circulating of information, to be managed by established means such as the Senior Local Authority Officer group and the secretariat – with the weekly briefing used as one way of communicating updates on progress.
    3. LEP Communications Strategy
    3.1 Keith Brown introduced the work undertaken by the communications task and finish group so far, with the documents provided endorsed by the Board.
    3.2 The Board debated the name of the LEP, Keith Brown having tabled Greater South East Gateway LEP on behalf of the task and finish group. The group agreed to pursue a working title for the time being, with the broad majority agreeing that ‘South East Local Enterprise Partnership’ be adopted in that respect. It was agreed that this name would be used alongside the mission statement from this point, with a permanent name agreed at an undefined point in the future.
    4. Dartford Crossing Consultation
    4.1 Cllr John Kent introduced the Government’s consultation on revising charging at the Dartford river crossing, suggesting that the LEP should posit a response which represented the views of the whole Board, its development being led by Thurrock, with the group of strategic transport authorities and in consultation with all business partners and district councils. The Board agreed this approach.
    4.2 It was agreed that the LEP should submit a challenging response, making recommendations on the procedure for lifting tolls when congestion is severe and seeking the legal and economic justification and clarification for tolling at all, given the impact on the LEP’s businesses.
    5. LEP Business Update
    5.1 George Kieffer introduced a short paper updating the Board on the LEP’s recent business.
    5.2 The Board heard progress on recruiting a Chair and that Odgers Berndtsson are due to return a revised initial specification. This to be circulated to all Board members. Selection of Chair to be undertaken by the Leaders of the upper tier authorities together with the three private sector vice‐chairs, who themselves would be selected from each greater county area. The Board did not discuss how local vice‐chair selection might be organised, leaving it therefore for local determination.
    5.3 The Board agreed that Essex County Council be ratified as the accountable body for administering resources relating to the smooth running of the LEP.
    5.4 It was agreed that the Board receive a paper determining the LEP’s role in the future of European funding to the next meeting of both the Executive Group and the Full Board.
    5.5 The Board voiced their approval for the LEP’s weekly briefing, produced by the secretariat.
    6. Any other business
    6.1 After some debate, the Board agreed that future meetings should all be held in the LEP area, not London, thereby demonstrating our commitment to the LEP. It was also agreed that location should be rotated and that start times should generally be no earlier than 11am where possible.

  9. It is illegal for councillors and politicians not to declare any conflicts of interests that they have.


    John Baron MP for Basildon 19th October 2011 Sky News
