Monday 10 October 2011


They put me in here on a "Place Of Safety" order. I was 14. They put me here because I had been punched and raped and had been wanting to run away from being punched and raped. They transferred me to this place from Chadswell Assessment Centre. Chadswell Assessment Centre was a worse place though, at least there were grown ups who weren't paedophiles or pimps in this place to look out for me. There were some pretty man nurses though and one of the male nurses kept trying to kiss me and feel my breasts. One male nurse threw me down the stairs for going to sleep on the bed in the daytime, it wasn't allowed. There were some nice nurses there though. The man in the Pottery Therapy was a very nice man, and he let me make lots of horses out of clay.I made so many that he put up a special shelf in the Pottery Therapy room, for my horses. I think everyone forgot I was only 14. I didnt do any schoolwork for a year. I think they forgot that I should have been going to school.

No-one has ever apologised for putting me in here yet, but Mrs Weaver my social worker did apologise for putting me in Chadswell Assessment Centre, and she cried when she came to get me out of there. But the police have never apologised for what they did to me, and neither have the Ministry of Justice. All they have done is persecute me.

Social Services were squabbling about spending money for my school uniform when I could not go back to Stafford Girls High School. They lied aqnd said that Miss Dawson had expelled me, but Miss Dawson sent my parents out of the room to try to persuade me to stay at the High School when they let me out of the nuthouse. I told Miss Dawson I was too scared of what the other girls would say if they found out where I had been. Miss Dawson was nice and I really wish I had gone back to that school now. Stafford Social Serrvices sabotaged my chance of getting a good job. They put in my notes to encourage me to leave school as soon as possible and just get any old job. They destroyed my career prospects, because I was suffering from clinical depression for decades, because of what they did.

I want an apology.


  1. Keep up the good work.

    - Aangirfan

  2. A lot of people think I am a "nutter" because I still get panic attacks and weep because of the abuse, but I don't think it's me that is the nutter. After all, what sort of people would put a bright intellegent Grammer School kid who has been raped into such a shit hole as Chadswell Assessment Centre, then transfer that same kid into an adult mixed sex ward of a psychoiatric hospital, and keep her there for a year, even though her psychiatrists report came back saying she was noyt mentally ill?

    Surely only serious head cases (nutters) would do something as mad and as bad as that?

  3. I was at Chadswell in 1978. Originally sent there because i was thought to be "out of control" an assessment made by Codsall social services and a "voluntary care order" was made by my Mother. She came to visit after 3 weeks and said " i could return home if i never saw my girlfriend again"...i agreed, but i broke my promise and so i returned. Then at 16 i was transfered to a working boys Hostel in Wolverhampton and 4 years later (my parents now both dead) found myself in Winston Green Prison.
    ...A fairly typical and predictable end to such experiences. Now in 2012 i still cannot have a proper relationship...i simply do not know how or what it means.I know that my early history has had a profound effect on my perception of the world,people and myself. I wanted an apology,
    i wanted justice, i wanted revenge, i just wanted to be loved. Now i just move from one house/flat to another, i understand now why older people are sometimes angry with the world, it is something they cannot change for sure, but they could not change their life or themselves either.

  4. I was at Chadswell in 1978. Originally sent there because i was thought to be "out of control" an assessment made by Codsall social services and a "voluntary care order" was made by my Mother. She came to visit after 3 weeks and said " i could return home if i never saw my girlfriend again"...i agreed, but i broke my promise and so i returned. Then at 16 i was transfered to a working boys Hostel in Wolverhampton and 4 years later (my parents now both dead) found myself in Winston Green Prison.
    ...A fairly typical and predictable end to such experiences. Now in 2012 i still cannot have a proper relationship...i simply do not know how or what it means.I know that my early history has had a profound effect on my perception of the world,people and myself. I wanted an apology,
    i wanted justice, i wanted revenge, i just wanted to be loved. Now i just move from one house/flat to another, i understand now why older people are sometimes angry with the world, it is something they cannot change for sure, but they could not change their life or themselves either.

  5. Thank you so much for posting that.

    I am determined that I am going to get that apology I crave so much for, even if I have to battle another 40 years for it. I want an apology from the people who trashed my life and I am going to get one!

    Every time I get a post like yours it makes all the hours I toil over this computer absolutly worthwhile. Please stay strong, and never give up on justice xx
