Sunday 30 October 2011


I am being threatened with people sending the police around again.

I have been told by a woman (a different woman to the last one who sent the police round my house last October) that I am harrassing her and I have done no such thing.

It seems to me that someone is making mischief, amd I am wondering if it is the same ones who were responsible last time.

I have had my social networking attacked (again) and don't know who to turn to, as the last time I told the police and showed them evidence, tried to, but they didn't want to hear my side of the story, they just "drew a line" under it all.

I am giving up campaigning against the secret family court abuse and paedophilia. I feel utterly powerless, totally out of my depth. I feel useless, and campaigning against this evil is making me ill, and I feel I have tried my best, but no-one wants to listen, so whats the point?

My own life was blighted because of child abuse. I don't know what can be done to stop organised institutional abuse, except to pray, I just don't know what else to do.

Thats all I feel I can do now. I won't be going on any more anti child abuse rallies or protests, and I have binned my yellow dress, that I used to wear, so that people could recognise me. I pray for this country, and hope that when the police arrive on my doorstep that they won't find further offence in the fact that I am a Christian, I will not give up my faith in Jesus Christ, help me God.


  1. Everything will be fine. Avoid anger. Don't force things. Enjoy life.

    - Aangirfan

  2. Thank you xx

    Just feel so sad, but I will do some knitting, I want to make some christmas presents for people, at least I can see now to read the patterns!

  3. Hi Ya Zoomy,
    Don't lose hope.
    You are right and you fight for the poor and powerless which is what Jesus did.

    Whatever happens to us we owe it to future generations to keep spreading the truth.
    Christianity survived through Roman arenas filled with lions for us.

    I was very sad to see that all your videos have gone from youtube, I was always going back to listen to your words for what's going on and -which was more- for inspiration.

    God bless you darling

  4. All my videos gone from YouTube?

    No, they are still there! I KNEW there had been some jiggerypokery!!!

    Thanks for the info George, I had wondered why I wasn't getting many videos from my subscribed channels.

    I am going to get this sorted, I am really very angry. Noone has the right to muck about with my social networking, it's illegal.

    God bless you xx

  5. Oops they're back on.
    I don't know what I've done Zoomy,
    they're on now any way, I'm really sorry to worry you without reason.

  6. No, I don't think it was you George, because I have not been getting other peoples videos. Thanks again for telling me about it.
