Wednesday 23 November 2011



Police chief: 'We couldn't speak out on Asian sex gangs for fear of appearing institutionally racist'By Jaya Narain

Last updated at 1:54 AM on 12th January 2011

Mick Gradwell, a former detective superintendent, said the targeting of underage and vulnerable girls had been going on for decades.

He added: ‘You have girls being abused and raped and yet the most senior officers are refusing to comment on it. On what other subject would you get that?

‘How many young girls have been abused and raped because of the reluctance of the authorities to say exactly what is happening?’

Mr Gradwell spoke out following a trial in Derby which resulted in Abid Saddique, 27, and Mohammed Liaqat

His warning also follows the arrests of a gang of Asian men over claims they plied 14 white girls with drink and drugs before turning them into sex slaves in Rochdale, near Manchester.

In the aftermath of these cases, former home secretary Jack Straw prompted controversy when he described some of the victims as ‘easy meat’ for gangs – often made up of Pakistani men – who trawl the streets looking for sex.

The vulnerable girls in Rochdale – some as young as 13 – say they were forced to work the streets as prostitutes and hand over money to the gang.

The nine men, eight of them Asian, were questioned

The arrests took place shortly before Christmas and were the result of a major inquiry into the sexual exploitation of teenage girls by men since 2008.

Mr Gradwell added: ‘When I joined in 1979 one of my first tasks was to police around a Blackburn nightclub where one of the issues was Asian men cruising around in BMWs and Mercs trying to pick up young drunken girls.

‘The main pressure police have is being called institutionally racist if they highlight a crime trend like this.

‘There’s a fantastic reluctance to be absolutely straight because some people may take such offence.’

The comments come just days after a nationwide investigation was launched following a string of disturbing cases.

The two sexual predators convicted in Derby, Saddique and Liaqat – both British-born fathers of Pakistani origin – cruised the streets in either a Range Rover or a BMW looking for vulnerable young girls.

The victims were ‘chatted up’ at the roadside and invited to go for drives in the car where they were plied with vodka or cocaine before being taken to hotel rooms, parks or houses to be sexually abused.

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April: Mick Gradwell

A former Detective Superintendent with the Lancashire Constabulary who retired after 30 years service in September 2009.

Mick was a PIP level 3 qualified Senior Investigating Officer and for over a decade investigated some of the most high profile and complex cases in Lancashire

He has investigated numerous murder, rape, kidnap, covert and sensitive enquiries during his career. Some of the cases he investigated include, the Morecambe Bay Cockling Tragedy, the murder of Sophie Lancaster (Goth) and the murder of Caneze Riaz and her four daughters in Accrington.

Mick now works as a consultant for SRi Forensics Ltd, who create electronic evidence presentation systems in complex crime investigations. He also has a weekly column in the Lancashire Evening Post, is a regular media contributor including BBC 5 Live debates and does after dinner speaking.

March: Kirsty Henshaw

On the 1st March we have secured Kirsty Henshaw who successfully went on Dragons Den and obtained funding from Peter Jones and Duncan Bannentyne

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Having made it through the pitch to the Dragons, Kirsty was in the enviable position of being able to choose between competing offers eventually settling on a deal with Peter Jones and Duncan Bannatyne.

Since the show was recorded Kirsty has been working closely with the Peter Jones’s office team and she has secured a licensing deal with R&R Ice Cream Limited, Europe’s largest ice cream manufacturer, who will make and distribute the range and expect to secure distribution in all of the leading grocery outlets.
February: Richard Burkard

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  1. ‘There’s a fantastic reluctance to be absolutely straight because some people may take such offence.’


    I take great offence to policemen who, not content with the wages in their wallet, go gallivanting around the country on the devils bidding at the slightest rustle of a bit of blue paper.

    I am old fashioned and believe that the police force ought to be recruited from the cream of our society, and be men and women of sober good character, honest, brave, decent, virtuous, reliable and self controlled people.

    The police MUST be "absolutly straight", they are paid to enforce law and order, how on earth can they do that if they are not absolutly straight themselves?

    Gradwell has a lot of explaining to do. There is a good man in La Moye prison right now partly because of his sharp dealings. I understand Rico Sorda would like a few words with him, if he would care to contact Rico I am sure Citizens Media would be only too happy to arrange an interview!

  2. Hmmm. My ratings have suddenly gone pretty high since posting this.

    Must make sure my mums neighbours as well as my own keep a good look out, as we don't want any more big rocks getting chucked through her window ect by RENTATHUG!


    L141 Secondment out of the Force
    1. Security protective marking

    1.1. Not protectively marked.

    2. Summary of changes

    2.1. The following changes have been made to this policy on 26 August 2011:

    •policy re-written;
    •merged with policy L50 (Central Service).

    2.2. This policy is scheduled for review in February 2014.

    3. Introduction

    3.1. A secondment is an opportunity for an individual working for Kent Police (police officer or police staff) to be deployed temporarily elsewhere, by another organisation (the host), for a fixed period, when such an opportunity:

    •has demonstrable benefit for the development of the individual;
    •has an equally demonstrable benefit for Kent Police;
    •is in accordance with organisational priorities and does not adversely impact upon service delivery;
    •is voluntarily entered into by the individual.

    3.2. A secondment is not a career break.

    3.3. This policy applies equally to all who work permanently for Kent Police, irrespective of grade, role, position or rank, who fit the eligibility criteria defined in section 7 below.

    4. Applications

    4.1. Any secondment must be:

    •for a defined period of time;
    •approved/ ratified by a Chief Officer or the Head of Human Resources;
    •of clear and measurable benefit to Kent Police;
    •of benefit to the personal and professional development of the staff member or police officer.

    4.2. A secondment will normally be advertised within force, in such cases the Head of Human Resources will have agreed in principle to the secondment.

    4.3. In normal circumstances the individual will be expected to apply for the position with the host. If successful, agreement to support release on secondment will be given on a case-by-case basis by the Head of Human Resources.

    4.4. In instances where the secondment has not been advertised within Force, the individual must first approach the Chief Inspector Human Resources Planning/Head of Recruitment and Talent Management, who will then seek authorisation for the secondment to progress.

    4.5. Any extensions will be agreed on a case-by-case basis and at the full discretion of the Head of Human Resources. Applications to extend should be initially sent to the Chief Inspector Human Resources Planning/ Head of Recruitment and Talent Management who will progress.

    4.6. A contract for the secondment will be drawn up, agreed and signed by Kent Police and the host before the secondment is permitted. Sufficient time should be allowed for Human Resources to carry out this process. Further details are provided at section 9 below:

  4. 5. Benefits to Kent Police

    5.1. Secondments away from Kent Police will:

    •provide unique development opportunities with clear potential for individuals to attain skills or knowledge of significant benefit to the Force;
    •help to retain good staff that are an expensive and valuable resource, therefore enabling the force to see a return on its investment in them;
    •enable the individual to develop new skills, broaden his / her outlook, encouraging fresh ideas, initiative and an innovative approach and / or shape strategies, policy or legislation which will benefit the force;
    •encourage loyalty and commitment from staff. Reduce initial training costs through the retention of existing staff, as those returning to work will already possess levels of experience and expertise;
    •demonstrate that the force values its staff and is willing to give reasonable consideration to individual career ambitions.

    6. Benefits to the individual

    6.1. The secondment scheme will:

    •enable personal development;
    •help staff to fulfil other ambitions whilst enabling them to continue with their career progression with Kent Police. Provide the opportunity to work with and to learn from other organisations and individuals;
    •provide knowledge and insight whilst increasing their skills and experience.

    7. Eligibility criteria

    7.1. Staff who offer themselves for, or who are offered, a secondment should discuss with their line managers and with human resources advisers, developmental benefits arising from the secondment and how these may match longer-term career planning. This must be linked to performance and development review.

    7.2. The force is not obliged to second any member of staff; this is not an automatic right. Under normal circumstances, police officers will be seconded only as police officers. The explicit written agreement of Assistant Chief Constable Human Resources and Corporate Communications must be sought if police officers seek to be seconded in non-police roles. This is because of implications for the Police Conditions of Service as part of Police Regulations. The individual’s interests, and those of Kent Police, therefore, must be safeguarded.

    7.3. While each application will be considered on its merits, the following criteria for selection shall include:

    •the applicant has successfully completed at least two years of satisfactory performance beyond the probationary period they completed when joining Kent Police (or after four years, which ever is the later);
    •a defined opportunity;
    •a time-limited or fixed term;
    •the host must be a reputable and stable organisation in which Kent Police has confidence;
    •the position will offer real and quantifiable work which the applicant is well-qualified to undertake;
    •the position will offer the opportunity to extend knowledge or improve or advance skills for the applicant in line with the applicant’s most recent Performance and Developmental Review (PDR);
    •the development of the skills are of clear and measurable benefit and use to Kent Police.

  5. 7.4. Applicants who are subject to an outstanding complaint, disciplinary or capability processes. will have their application referred to Professional Standards Department/Human Resources for advice, prior to being permitted to commence a secondment.

    7.5. From time to time, it may be determined that there are organisational imperatives where individuals, who otherwise meet all the criteria in this policy, cannot be released for the secondment. This may be either through operational imperatives or because the force cannot sustain a loss of specialist skills in the short term. This decision, taken by a Chief Officer cannot be appealed.

    7.6 Kent Police will only enter into agreements with organisations that can demonstrate that they actively promote equality and diversity in the services they deliver.

    8. Costs

    8.1 Pay and allowances shall be determined between the secondee and the host except where pre-determined by Police Regulations.

    8.2 Pay, allowances and expenses, including those relating directly to the secondment will be made via the Kent Police payroll system. The host organisation that affords the secondment opportunity will reimburse the force to the extent of full cost recovery. This will include full costs of any expenses claimed for by the individual. Expenses will only be paid to the secondee where it has written approval from the host force that these expenses were agreed. Further details of financial arrangements are provided in the individual contracts referred to in section 9 below.

    8.3 Costs of urgent repatriation in the case of overseas Secondments are dealt at section 10.5 below.

  6. 9. Contracts

    9.1. A contract must be drawn up, agreed and signed by Kent Police and the host. Depending upon the secondment, this may be either provided by the host organisation, or be drawn up on behalf of Kent Police by Human Resources - HR Services page in conjunction with Kent Police Legal Services Department.

    9.2 The contract must be signed on behalf of Kent Police by the Head of Recruitment and Talent Management or the HR Corporate Delivery Manager, an authorised signatory of Kent Police Authority and signed by a senior representative of the receiving organisation, prior to the individual’s departure.

    9.3. Copies must be sent to Human Resources at the business centre to be lodged with the individual’s personal file so that a record of the duration, nature and extent of the secondment may be held within the Force during the period of the secondment. Human Resources will update all secondment details onto SAP.

    9.4 In the case of Central Service (temporary service under the Crown) secondments, applicants should refer for further information to the Home Office document ‘A Guide to Conditions of Service for Police Officers Seconded to Central Service’.

    9.5 Overseas secondments and mutual aid secondments have template contracts which are held by Human Resources, as described in sections 10 and 11 below.

    9.6 Depending upon the nature of the secondment and the host organisation, the secondee may also be expected to sign the contract.

    9.7 The approval of the secondment will be confirmed in writing by the Human Resources Manager assigned to the secondee by Kent Police. This letter will be attached to the contract between Kent Police and the host.

    10. Overseas secondments of officers

    10.1. A secondment contract must be completed with the host before an officer can be seconded overseas.

    10.2. The contract must be in compliance with S26 and S97 of the Police Act 1996.

    10.3. A template contract is held by Human Resources - HR Services page:

    •secondments overseas involving Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO);
    •secondments overseas involving other organisations / hosts.

    10.4 The focus of such contracts is the health and safety and appropriate training of officers due to be seconded into an overseas jurisdiction.

    10.5 The host organisation is expected to pay the costs of repatriation in urgent welfare cases. For example, the current FCO policy is to approve one return flight in respect of defined compassionate leave, per 12 months. Officers will be expected to bear their own costs which fall outside the host organisation’s policy, and should be aware of those policy terms before commencing the secondment.

    11. Mutual Aid - secondment of officers between police forces

    11.1. A mutual aid contract must be completed with the host before any officer can be seconded to another United Kingdom police force.

    11.2. The contract must be in compliance with s24 of the Police Act 1996.

  7. 12. Appraisals and annual leave

    12.1. It is expected that, during the period of the secondment, the individual will conduct him or herself in accordance with the professional standards, probity and integrity, which that individual would have been expected to demonstrate, had s/he remained with the force.

    12.2. The receiving organisation undertakes to provide appraisal of the individual’s performance in the secondment, with a formal appraisal meeting between individual and immediate line manager at least once a year.

    12.3. It will usually be expected that the Kent Police PDR scheme is to be used. The secondee’s new line manager will be provided with necessary guidance and information from Human Resources to ensure the scheme is followed correctly.

    12.4 The Kent PDR should be completed manually and submitted to the Force Business Centre for processing and recording on SAP.

    12.5 The secondee should seek approval for annual leave from the host, to ensure that internal Human Resource systems are accurately updated the secondee must ensure that Human Resources is updated of any annual leave taken during the secondment.

    13. Contact

    13.1. The secondee must keep in regular contact with Human Resources, providing information on sickness absence, updated qualifications skills or authorisations and including any appraisal updates, or changes to next of kin details, changes of address and any other changes to personal or professional circumstances.

    13.2. An e-mail address and / or contact telephone numbers at work and at home, together with contact details for the receiving line manager, should be provided to Human Resources and Human Resources Planning.

    14. Promotion on secondment

    14.1. Officers will be supported for temporary promotion or acting rank whilst on secondment if they are deemed to be a suitable candidate for assessment at a promotion process in-force, and are suitably qualified.

    14.2. A satisfactory performance review must be completed by their line manager, endorsed by a member of the Senior Management Team and submitted with the secondment application to the Head of Human Resources.

    14.3. Acting rank or temporary promotion will only be granted for one rank beyond the officer’s substantive rank.

    14.4. Substantive promotion will be dependent upon passing an in force promotion process.

    14.5. Officers who are not considered suitable for promotion in force but nevertheless have specialist skills for a more senior secondment opportunity may be considered in exceptional cases. In such cases, consideration may be given to making payment at the higher rank with the difference in salary being paid as a non-pensionable allowance. The force will not support officers in such cases being paid at the substantive salary for the rank that they are not eligible to hold in force.

  8. 15. Return to force

    15.1. Officers / staff returning to force should contact Human Resources at least 3 months prior to return, in order to arrange a posting and to allow security vetting. In the case of overseas secondments, 6 months should be allowed. Late notification may restrict posting options.

    15.2. For police officers, Human Resources will inform Human Resources Planning of the return date. Human Resources Planning will then contact the officer and ascertain a suitable posting in their substantive rank, in time for the return date.

    15.3 For police staff, Kent Police will try to ensure that a secondee returns to work of the same kind and at the commensurate substantive grade, but cannot guarantee a return to the post that the secondee left. This will normally depend upon their employment contract. There may also be occasions when owing to reorganisation, the substantive post no longer exists in its original form. In such an event, force policy L21 Employment Security and Redeployment applies. The secondee will be consulted and advised accordingly in line with that policy. Wherever possible, individuals will be placed in an available vacant role to best utilise their skills and abilities. They will be paid the rate for the job into which they are placed.

    15.4. Members of police staff who commence a secondment whilst on a fixed-term contract that expires either during the secondment or upon the individual’s planned return to the force needs careful consideration. The right to return to Kent Police will be governed by the contract of employment. Where there is a right to return it will be subject to paragraph 15.3.

    16. Equality impact assessment

    16.1. This policy has been assessed with regard to its relevance to race and diversity equality. As a result of this assessment the policy has been graded as having a low potential impact.

    16.2. Attached is the latest equality impact assessment that forms part of the policy review process.

    Policy reference: L141 Secondment out of the Force
    Policy owner: Head of Human Resources
    Contact point: Policy Unit, 01622 654662
    Date last reviewed: 26 August 2011
    Document last saved: 19 November 2011

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