Friday 18 November 2011



  1. Fascinating. Wheatley mixed with some bad people. We should avoid ouija boards and all that stuff.

    - Aangirfan

  2. The Bible tells us very clearly to have nothing at all to do with witchcraft, fortune telling, enchantment (hypnotism) or anything like that. Wheatley is right, you can't believe in God without believing in the Devil!

  3. I read some of his books when I was younger, and I remember the warning at the start of the book. Personally, I believe him, that he didn't get sucked into it, but I think he must have dabbled and decided he didn't like it. But he certainly met some of the wickedest people on earth at the time!

  4. 10 corrections, most recently by sandraj64 - Show corrections

    A Mother's Dream.
    LONDON, Sept. 20.
    Here is material for a first-rate detec- tive story-a life of fraud, a turf coup, im- personation, murder, suicide, mystery, amateur detective work, and, after months of search, revelation. The story-first be-, came public property when a young adven- turer named Ernest Dyer, son of a brewer's drayman in Brighton, who lived in Aus- tralia for some years, won a commission in the Australian Imperial Force. After the war Dyer made a small fortune by risk- ing his war gratuity upon Furious, when that horse won the Lincolnshire Handicap in 1920. Dyer's luck brought him £15,000. With part of the money he purchased a racing stable at Kenley, near Croyden, known as The Welcomes, which had some fame as it had been owned by Mr. Percy
    Woodland, father of certain well-known jockeys. Dyer trained his horses on- the adjoining Downs, and seemed in it fair way to making a profit upon the £5,000 he lind ventured upon the stables, when they were unexpectedly burnt. Dyer claimed £12,000 from the insurance companies. There was nospecial reason for suspecting fraud. Dyer claimed to have been at Brighton when the fire took place, and his wife was in Scot- land. But the insurance people seem to have learnt that The Welcomes cost Dyer only £5,000, and refused to pay the insur- ance monies, a refusal which did consider- able damage to Dyer's credit. However, he and his family, continued to live on at Kenley in a loft which had escaped serious damage. His chief associate was a young fellow named Eric Tombe, son of a South London clergyman, with whom Dyer ap- peared to be in partnership, first as a motor engineer and later as a racehorse trainer. Tombe had invested money in the venture at The Welcomes, but devoted most of his time to a motoring business in the west end of London, owned by the pair.
    Husband Vanishes.
    The fire took place in April, 1921, and the life in the Kenley stable continued until July 1922, when Dyer suddenly announced that hell ad business in Paris, and went there by aeroplane, arranging to meet-his wife at Boulonge. The meeting took place, mid the husband and wife parted on the best of terms. From that day Mrs. Dyer heard no more of her husband. He van- ished, until two policemen chanced to call at the Old Bar Hotel, Scarborough, in search of a man charged with hotel frauds. They had been informed that there was a man at the hotel who might throw light upon the identity of the offender. When the policemen entered the hotel they met Dyer. He had a pistol in his hand, and without a word of explanation the detec- tives closed with him. A desperate strug- gle ensued in which all three came to the ground.. Dyer fell on his face, and just found time to pull the trigger and shoot himself dead. A year earlier a man giving the name of "Tomber," who said he was in partnership with "E. Dyer, of Purely," had defrauded certain innkeepers at Chelten- ham. Apparently the two policemen had expected to find "Tomber.'' When they turned over the dead man they found Ernest Dyer.

  5. Dyer wus duly buried, and his wife and children continued to live at The Wel- comes. It seemed that the life story of the ex-member of the A.I.F., who had won the fortune over Furious, had abruptly ended. Then it was remarked that no one had seen Eric Tombe for some time. The young man did not live with his parents, and was accustomed to go abroad "on busi- ness" for prolonged periods, so no particu- lar notice was taken of his disappearance at first. The Rev. Gordon Tombe last saw his son at the Strand Palace Hotel on June 6, 1922, when Eric said he was going to Sicily for a trip. Young Tombe went and returned early in March. In the middle of April he wrote lo his father that he-was going to Paris for a few days, and made an appointment to meet some re- latives on Sunday, April 24'. This appoint- ment Tombe never kept, nor did he go to Paris. Instead of going to Euston to meet the friends with whom he had arranged to travel, Tombe "sent" Dyer. In what is now described as "a frightful state of agita- tion and excitement, with perspiration pouring down his face," Dyer came to the station, and explained that he had received a telegram from Tombe saying that he had suddenly been called, away overseas. The friends were surprised, and asked to see the telegram. Dyer refused to give it up. One of the party said she was sure there was something wrong, and suggested going to Scotland Yard. Dyer's reply was, ''Oh, if you do, I may as well blow out my brains."
    Parents' Detective Work.
    Apparently the answer was regarded as a
    jest. At any rate, nothing was done until the Rev. George Tombe began the inquiries which led to the discovery of his son's body in a cesspool at Kenley last week, after 10 months continual search. Eric Tombe had a bullet-hole at the back of his skull, suggesting he was shot from behind and bad been flung into the hole send fore- most. The detective work of the dis- tracted father and mother will be remem bered as one of the romances of crime. First the clergyman visited a hairdresser's shop in the Haymarkct.'whicb his boy had fre- quented, and learnt that he had not been there since March, 1922. The clergyman asked the manager if he could suggest any- one who could give further information. The manager consulted his books and answered, "Yes, I can:" and he pointed to the entry:-"Ernest Dyer, introduced by Mr. Eric Gordon Tombe."
    The hairdresser went on to say that Dyer was quite a notorious person, who seemed to have turned out badly, and mentioned the episode of the fire at Kenley, and the refusal of the insurance companies to pay the £12,000. The old clergyman then went to his son's tailor's in Albemarle street, and found that three or four suits ordered by his son remained unclaimed, clothes in- tended for the Paris trip. Every inquiry deepened the father's impression of foul play, but he did not go to the police until he read of Dyer's suicide in the newspapers in November, 1922. Then he found that his son's suitcase, passport, and other pos- sessions were discovered in Dyer's rooms after the suicide. Indeed, Mrs. Tombe believes that Dyer shot himself with her
    son's revolver.

  6. Still Eric Tombe was not traced nor was his body found. Young Tombe's bankers told the police that the young man had £1350 standing to his credit, and that he had been in twice to nigotiate the transfer of the amount to Lloyd's Bank, in,Paris, adding that "Dyer was to be joint owner of the account." The London bank manager
    was just suspicious enough to want his Parisian agent not to pay the £1350 unless Eric Tombe himself was present. In spite of this precaution the money was drawn by Dyer in Paris,' who evidently imperson- ated his partner.
    Detectives' Perseverance.
    The shocking discovery of last week was the direct result of a mother's dream. For
    mouths, old Mrs. Tombe had been assured that her son was dead, and had come to the conclusion that he was murdered, by Dyer at The Welcomes. One night she dreamt her boy lay buried in the garden at Kenley. "In my dream I heard Eric say, 'Oh, let me out.' I felt he was shut in somewhere and could not get free."
    The mother's dream was told to the de-
    tectives, and persuaded them to make yet
    another search at The Welcomes. After days of search and considerable excavation, four cesspools were found on the farm. All were filled with loose concrete and rubble, and appeared to be covered with the vege- tan of years. But impressed by the mother's dream, the police persevered. After tons of debris had been removed, the body of a young man was found, fully clothed in a brownish tweed suit, over which a dark overcoat had been thrown. It was covered by 10 feet of water. There was an affecting scene when the paientsFix this text of the dead man were brought to the farm to identify the body . They had no doubt.
    It was Eric Tombe.. It has now to be seen if the mystery will he fully solved, or if Ernest Dyer's crime will remain one of the many deeds of horror in which the motive and the method are known only to the murderer and his victim.
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