Thursday 24 November 2011

Hansard Scholars Programme: Who's Who?

Hansard Scholars Programme: Who's Who?
Professor the Lord Norton of Louth FRSA, AcSS - Director of Studies

Lord Norton of Louth [Philip Norton] was appointed Professor of Government in 1986, making him - at the age of 35 - the youngest professor of politics in the UK. In 1992, he also became Director of the Centre for Legislative Studies and he is currently the Vice Chair of the Political Studies Association. In 1998, he was elevated to the peerage, as Lord Norton of Louth. He is currently a member of the Select Committee on the European Union, was Chairman of the Commission to Strengthen Parliament, which reported in 2000 and has been Chair of the Houses of Lords Constitution Committee (2001-2004).

Lord Norton is author or editor of 26 books and has also published over 65 book chapters, over 100 articles in scholarly journals and in excess of 225 short articles for parliamentary and other magazines. He has delivered over 100 papers to conferences around the globe and is an internationally recognised expert on the British Parliament and on comparative legislatures. Lord Norton has been described in The House Magazine - the journal of both Houses of Parliament - as ‘our greatest living expert on Parliament.'

Lisa George - Programme Director

Lisa George is the Director of the Study and Scholars Programme (run in association with the London School of Economics) and is responsible for the marketing and development of the Society's range of political education and training programmes. Lisa works closely with senior politicians, civil servants, journalists and other key political players to develop bespoke political training programmes within Parliament. She is also developing and expanding the Society's corporate sponsorship scheme.

Lisa joined the Hansard Society in June, 2009. Prior to joining the Society, she spent many years working for one of the first study abroad programmes to provide political (and other) internships for North American students, first as London Programmes Director and later as European Programmes Director. She has also worked for an NGO for which she organised political training programmes and provided in-house editorial support. Lisa received her Bachelor of Arts degree in Government and Speech Communications from the University of Virginia, USA.

Contact Lisa at

Gail Ann Bumbury - Programme Manager

Gail is responsible for the day-to-day running of the undergraduate Hansard Scholars Programme and the postgraduate Hansard Research Scholars Programme. She acts as the first point of contact for the Scholars.

Prior to joining the Hansard Society Gail worked at Youngstown State University, USA where she advised international students and managed the international undergraduate and ESL admission process. Originally from Guyana, South America, Gail moved to the U.S. in 2004 to pursue graduate studies at Ohio University. There she completed masters’ degrees in International Studies and Higher Education and worked as a graduate assistant in their International Office.

Contact Gail at

Luke Boga Mitchell - Programme Coordinator

Luke is responsible for the general coordination of the programme, including the administrative organisation of the courses, placements, social and cultural events, and the programmes online agenda.

Luke joined the Hansard Society as an intern for the Study & Scholars Programme in April 2010 having previously interned as a writer for an online news and culture magazine. He graduated with a BA in Philosophy (2007) and an MA in Social & Political Thought (2009), both from the University of Sussex.

Contact Luke at

Dr Elizabeth Monaghan - Lecturer in Parliament & Politics, Hansard Scholars Programme

Liz is a Lecturer in Politics in the Department of Politics and International Studies at the University of Hull. Her teaching and research interests are in the field of Comparative European, with an emphasis on democracy and legitimacy issues in the European Union.

Dr Peter Catterall - Lecturer in Democracy & Public Policy, Hansard Research Scholars Programme

Peter has written extensively on British constitutional issues, party politics and the media. Apart from editing the journal National Identities, his current research interests range from the development and operation of British Cabinet committees to the role of the Leader of the Opposition in Westminster systems.

Luke Boga Mitchell Yah, mit von schminkle ist einen vorsprung technic disco. Das mitchensteina ist weinen likvarf, lol. Do vu das love einen coalition techno? mit sexy love yah?
31 October 2006 at 00:46


  1. Category:
    Music - ElectronicDescription:
    Group for all lovers of the fine artform of Coalition Techno. Electro, Robotnic, New/Old Wave, Post-Modern, Pre-Communism, Eastern Bloc, Pillaging, Unbroken flavour Breakbeats with deepbase baseless baselines.

    If you havent heard of it just find the works of Igor Van Hisselvine who was a pioneer or Coalition Techno.

    "Once you've heard Coalition Techno, you'll never go back!!" - Funky Fred RagdanovicPrivacy type:
    Open: All content is public.

  2. ACID STEVE - "f*ck the coalition" (techno mix) 320kbps - Music*ck-coalition-techno.htmlCachedNot helpful? You can block results when you're signed in to
    - Block all resultsYou +1'd this publicly. Undo
    1 post - Last post: 20 Dec 2010
    Hi people, my latest mix, entitled “F*ck the Coalition” for obvious reasons! 320Kbps, techno all the way, hope you enjoy, feedback as always.

  3. I am sitting here asking myself, the Hansard Scholars programme - are the right sort of people being given authority in this important work?

    It is Rico Sorda's inability to access Hansard Jersey that made me look for reasons why he was unable to find information on important Government papers.

    There is something definatly not right here.

    Recently I was asked to sign a petition complaining about David Cameron, but I wish I had not signed it now because I have a strong feeling that the people who are complaining about Cameron care a lot less about this country and its people than he does.

  4. I am a survivor of the Staffordshire Pindown child abuse regime and I am distraught that a man who has helped me so much, while I was being persecuted in the secret family courts, Senator Stuart Syvret, who blew the whistle on institutional child abuse in Jersey is right now in La Moye prison, convicted for a very minor paperwork ommission offence - he forgot to change the address on his driving insurance.

    Stuart has been persecuted for helping people like me. It's made me feel really distraught to see him being persecuted for helping me, it's made me feel guilty. I have written to him in prison, I've had to stop writing because I am so upset about him being in jail that I fear my letters might be more of a hindrance to him than a help, and I don't want to burden him any more with my distress.

    All the time, the people who put him in jail are laughing, mocking, dancing with joy.

    I feel so powerless, and just ask the Lord Jesus to sort out this awful mess.

  5. FACEBOOK Coalition Techno Appreciation Society

    Report as abuseSamuel Edward Eaton I went to and I like what I hear. It's good to see there are some Americans with musical taste out there. The minimalist baseless baseline impressed me, thanks for the link. If you know any like minded people get them to join so we can talk about sounds and rythms we hear. CT RULES!!!!
    21 November 2006 at 18:23Report as abuseThomas James Rennie Oh man, i just heard marvin mcbredheads new tune 'gravy for the north in a pool of fish heads', it's mad crayzee. full of those hypnosis inducing synth drives that beat the temple like a 3 inch high pigmy with a pick axe attempting to break into your forehead and steal the precious brain juice to feed its starving home planet. Its got that waving high pitch low tempo speed freak inspired greek geek chic, it's utterly translucent in its mad crayzee bang bang beat beat lack of rhythm but doesn't care rhythm's. also i like take that. x
    2 November 2006 at 17:58Report as abuseLuke Boga Mitchell Yah, mit von schminkle ist einen vorsprung technic disco. Das mitchensteina ist weinen likvarf, lol. Do vu das love einen coalition techno? mit sexy love yah?
    31 October 2006 at 00:46Report as abuseChar Dean gutting....coalition techno just really isnt taking off over in the USA....
    27 October 2006 at 23:01Report as abuseKatie Ranger i cant tell if you're all serious or not, but i'm in the thick of all this crazy minimal technological mess living in Germany, the birth place of hard communazi perostroika get your red army out coalition techno. Take my advice, its big stuff.

  6. 20 October 2006 at 20:47Report as abuseThomas Driscoll a double wassup to my techno homies!
    the ct conference in estonia is gona be a meglomania mash-up of mental mixes followed by some classic tedious techno turbos! i cant believed that herbert van winkleshrinkel is coming out of retirement to play his last avant garde underground postmodernist set, well worth the trip itself.
    keep on those baseless baselines boys! see u in tallinn!
    19 October 2006 at 14:50Report as abuseSamuel Edward Eaton Attention all CT fans. There is a trip to Estonia being organised for December (16th-19th). Plane tickets at the moment retail for about £80 so book early to avoid dissapointment. We plan on taking in two CT nights at some local hotspots so spread the word. Estonia is the new capital of baseline disco funky party technic love sounds. So get yoirself on a Sleazy Jet ASAP for the funkiest basless baselines with a minimal tecnho undercurents in the place.
    18 October 2006 at 18:24Report as abuseAsher Pirie guys, I'm lookin for this track i heard but I don't know who its by. It was a kinda pacy fusion of sparsely packed layer beats and new school funklines. The dragtune was proper twisted like Theo Von Scrotplay's evening groove tracks. Does anyone know these beats? Let me know, I'm off to drop some angel cakes - the night starts here!!
    18 October 2006 at 00:30Report as abuseLuke Boga Mitchell I heard Ich Von Sex is playing in Brighton this week. If ur into baseless baselines, templess tempos and rhythmless rhythms, head down to brighton with 12 E's, a hit of acid, some horse tranque, and a box of purple smarties. It'll blow your mind and your balls!!!!!
    17 October 2006 at 20:22Report as abuseThomas James Rennie I just heard a great new tune by Bertie Van Heslan Boogiewotsflap, called 'bitch dances on the grave of boogie pimp freaks', it has that fluffy techno rhythmn with a deep baseless baseline layered with broken whole grain freak beats. kind of disco funky crazy party, covered in whorish drums and chas and dave melody with a hard house reggae 1987 raptastial electric synth beat.
    17 October 2006 at 16:27Report as abuseConor Joseph McDowell Guten Abend fellow Coalition Techo Troopers! Ich esse mein fruhstuck um sieben Uhr! U heard the latest tune from Christian Lehmannakov's funky new beats, where he mixes the Fucking, the schucking and the bananash!! Es is sehr Gut ja..!! Thanks for helping me work it boys!!
    16 October 2006 at 21:59

  7. This might seem old fashioned to some people, but if a person is going to work for a Government agency is it not too much to ask that they uphold a certain level of sobriety in their personal lives?

  8. "Let me know, I'm off to drop some angel cakes - the night starts here!!"

    I understand "angel cakes" are round disks of crack cocaine.

  9. I just went to the Hansard site to look at the Staffordshire Pindown debates to check if they are still there. This is what came up:

    "Your search - hansard staffordshire pindown - did not match any documents"


    Matthew 10 v 26
