Friday 25 November 2011


I KNEW there were good police out there!


MESSAGE TO ALL THE GOOD POLICE: Don't let anyone intimidate you, and don't get tricked and please keep up the good work.

MESSAGE FOR THE PAEDOPHILES AND MURDERERS AND CROOKED POLITICIANS: You can forget about being above the law. You think you are clever but the Lord is watching and seen what you have done and you won't be getting away with it.


Agent of Labour MP Chris Bryant is jailed for collecting 12,000 pictures of 'the most serious child pornography police have seen'Stephen Carnell was chairman of governors at a primary school in Mr Bryant’s constituency
Five laptops contained images of sadism, bestiality and child porn
He was also swapping images with other paedophiles

By Emma Reynolds

Last updated at 4:16 PM on 21st November 2011

The agent of Labour MP Chris Bryant has been imprisoned after he was caught with a huge stash of 'the most serious child pornography police have ever seen'.
Stephen Carnell, who was a chairman on a primary school board of governors in Mr Bryant's south Wales constituency, was sentenced to three years in jail.
The 58-year-old was found with 12,130 pornographic images, as well as material showing sadism and bestiality, Merthyr Tydfil Crown Court was told.

The divorced father of two helped shadow justice minister Mr Bryant to a resounding victory in Rhondda during last year's election.
He had worked as a Labour councillor in Tonypandy in Rhondda and also sat on the board at another school, the court heard.

Carnell began downloading paedophilic images eight years ago - and became obsessed with the 'disturbing and appalling' scenes.
A spokesman for Chris Bryant, above, said that any comment would come from Welsh Labour, who said: 'Steve Carnell was expelled from the Labour Party immediately following his conviction'
When police visited his home, Carnell let them in, saying: 'The child pornography is on my laptops. I've been stupid.'
Police saw the disturbing images on five laptops and storage equipment at his home, said David Pugh, prosecuting.
Mr Pugh said: 'He was also distributing the images through internet file-sharing to swap with other paedophiles.'

The prosecutor said many of the images were of the most serious category, level four and five, showing 'sexual activity with children, sadism and bestiality'.

He said Carnell had admitted to being 'sexually interested in both male and female images on his computer'.
But he added: 'Carnell denied being sexually attracted to children in real life.'
The election agent admitted a total of 47 charges, consisting of 35 counts of making indecent images, seven counts of possessing and four counts of distributing indecent photographs of children between May 2003 and March 2011.
There were 12,130 images and 453 films of paedophilia - showing the abuse of babies as young as 12 months as well as boys and girls up to the age of 11.
Stephen Jury, defending, said Carnell had a 'good character' and had been a 'hard-working man' for 39 years.
This is not a victimless crime - small children are subjected to the most appalling abuse for these photos and videos to be made. Anyone who is twisted enough to take part in this activity is going to be severely dealt with. This has been one of the largest number of images and movies I've ever had to deal with.
He said: 'He has operated at a high professional level but he has lost his employment.

'From the time he was arrested, he has co-operated and done what he can to assist police.

'He appreciates the need to join a sex offenders' treatment programme.'

A reference was handed to Judge John Curran but the author was not identified.

Judge Curran said: 'This is not a victimless crime - small children are subjected to the most appalling abuse for these photos and videos to be made.

'Anyone who is twisted enough to take part in this activity is going to be severely dealt with especially as there is an element of distribution.

'This has been one of the largest number of images and movies I've ever had to deal with.'

Carnell was ordered to register as a sex offender for life and banned from ever working with children.
A spokesman for Mr Bryant said that any comment would come from Welsh Labour, who said: 'Steve Carnell was expelled from the Labour Party immediately following his conviction.'

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  1. Former school governor jailed for possessing indecent images

    Suzanne Evans, WalesOnlineNov 21 2011

    A former primary school governor and election agent to two senior Labour politicians has been jailed for possessing indecent images of children as young as a year.

    Stephen Wayne Carnell, who worked on election campaigns for the Welsh Government’s education minister Leighton Andrews and Westminster shadow minister Chris Bryant, pleaded guilty to 46 counts of making, possessing and distributing sexual pictures of young children.

    The 58-year-old, a former Labour councillor in Rhondda Cynon Taf, was jailed for three years after being described as “twisted” by a judge at Merthyr Tydfil Crown Court.

  2. Carnell, a divorced father-of-two, admitted 35 counts of making indecent images of children, seven of possessing and four of distributing, between May 2003 and March 2011.

    He denied two counts of possessing extreme pornographic images and one of possessing indecent images of children for distribution.

    Jailing him for three years on each count concurrently, Judge John Curran told him that the court had a duty to deal with “anybody twisted enough to download this sort of stuff from the internet”.

    “This is not a victimless crime,” he said.

    “The children are subjected to the most appalling abuse to create these images.”

    David Pugh, prosecuting, said the images were discovered during a raid at Carnell’s home in Garth Road, Tonypandy, on March 2 this year.

    Carnell, who was in the house at the time, admitted that he had the indecent images of children on his computers, iPod and CDs and told officers he had been “stupid”.

    In total, there were 12,130 images and 453 movies – including some of the most serious categorised by the legal system.

    It was, said Judge Curran, one of the largest hauls of photographs and movies he had ever sentenced.

    Mr Pugh told the court that images at levels four and five – the most serious – involved male and female children of babies around 12 to 18 months to youngsters aged nine years.

    His computers were set up for file sharing to enable other “like minded” internet users to access his photographs and for him to access theirs.

    Mr Pugh said: “He said that he first started viewing around eight years ago.

    “He spent more and more time on various sites and did so out of compulsion and sexual gratification.”

    Carnell, the chairman of the board of governors for Trealaw and on the board of governors at another school, also told officers that while he gained that gratification from images he did not experience the same from “real” children.

    Steven Jeary, defending Carnell, who was of previous good character, said: “He is described at being able to operate at a very high functional level in terms of professional situations.”

    Mr Jeary, handing in a reference from un unnamed work colleague, accepted in mitigation that it would go to length of sentence and asked for full credit for Carnell’s guilty pleas and said he understood the “necessity” to attend a sexual offenders programme.

    Carnell’s sentence had initially been adjourned for a psychiatric report, which said that the risk of further sexual offending remained “significant” until he developed a sense of his own actions and was able to take responsibility.

    Jailing Carnell, Judge Curran told him that because of the distribution and quality of the level five images sentencing would be at the upper end of the sentencing ranged of two to five years.

    Carnell will have to register as a sex offender for life and was made the subject of a Sexual Offences Prevention Order limiting his use of the internet without a readable history and making it available for inspection by police, and prohibiting him from contacting anyone on the internet under the age of 18.

    Last year, Carnell acted as Chris Bryant’s election agent during his successful campaign to be re-elected as MP for Rhondda. In 2007 he performed the same role for Leighton Andrews in his winning campaign to be re-elected as Rhondda’s AM.

    Mr Bryant is currently the Labour shadow minister for political and constitutional reform, while Mr Andrews is education minister in the Welsh Government.

    Until 2008, when he lost his seat to Plaid Cymru, Carnell represented Trealaw on Rhondda Cynon Taf Council, Wales’ second biggest local authority.

    He has been described by sources within the Labour party as “a hardworking party activist for many years”.

    Read More

  3. 'She asked me to rip her top off'.

    A woman who claims she was indecently assaulted with a hammer handle and then raped had consented to sex, a court has heard. The 23-year-old, who was eight weeks pregnant at the time of the alleged incident, gave evidence at Merthyr Tydfil Merthyr Tydfil (mûr`thər tĭd`vĭl), town (1981 pop. 38,893) and county borough, 43 sq mi (111 sq km), S Wales. Located on the Taff River, the town is connected to Cardiff by canal. It has ironworks and steelworks. Crown Court.

    Marc Llyr Ashman, 21, of Mornington Meadows Mornington Meadows (Welsh: Dolydd Trefore) is a residential area of the town of Caerphilly, south Wales. , Caerphilly Caerphilly (kīrfĭl`ē, kär–), Welsh Caerffili, town (1981 pop. 42,376) and county borough, 108 sq mi (279 sq km), S Wales. , has pleaded not guilty to indecent assault and rape.

    On the second day of Ashman's trial, the woman, who can't be named for legal reasons, was being cross examined by defence barrister Steven Jeary.

    Ashman, a postman, is said to have followed the woman upstairs in a house, as she went to the toilet and enticed her into a bedroom.

    He is then said to have pinned her down on a bed, torn her clothes off and indecently assaulted and raped her.

    Mr Jeary said: 'Did not the two of you sit on the sofa and get closer, become more intimate?

    'There was an obvious agreement between you to go upstairs. You went into the bedroom to have sex with him. You lay on the bed and started to kiss and cuddle.

    'You asked him to rip your top off. You ripped your own underwear off. Did not the idea of having your clothes ripped off excite you?

    'Did you scram scram Slang
    intr.v. scrammed, scram·ming, scrams
    1. To leave a scene at once; go abruptly.

    2. To shut down automatically. Used of a nuclear reactor.

    n. him on his bare flesh when you were having sex?'

    During the two-and-a-half hour cross-examination yesterday the woman, who was giving evidence via video link, broke down three times.

    Pc Nigel Davies, of Gwent Police was called to the scene on July 5, last year.

    He spoke to the woman through the front-door letter box.

    He said: 'She was talking very quietly and sobbing.

    'She said she could not open the door. She did not have the key.'

    Officers eventually entered the house where they found the naked woman.

    Ashman, who was asleep upstairs, was woken and arrested.

  4. Stephen Jeary (1987)

    Areas of Practice :
    Criminal Law

    Specialist Criminal Law practitioner.

    Stephen Jeary was called to the Bar in 1987 following a successful career in finance.

    In addition to defending many serious cases as lead junior, he has defended cases of the utmost gravity as junior alone, or leading junior. These include murder, attempted murder, fraud including serious fraud, complex computer crime, drug conspiracies and the most harrowing sexual cases.

    Stephen Jeary is mentioned in Chambers & Partners 2008 as a Leading Junior on Circuit and described as shining through his ‘evident dedication to the cause of the client’. He has also been similarly mentioned in various other directories for many years.


    The Honourable Society of the Inner Temple
    The Wales and Chester Circuit

    Bar Final Examinations, Inns of Court School of Law (1987)
    Ll.B. (Hons), (1986)

    R v Cong Van Le (2008):- the successful defence, as leading junior, in a four-month trial during 2008 of one of six men jointly charged with murder. All other defendants and prosecution were represented by Queen's Counsel leading junior counsel.
    R v Bevan:- successful defence of a teenager charged with hacking the computers of the United States State and Military. There were around 750,000 pages of evidence. This case attracted national media coverage.
    R v Sullivan:- the second longest murder trial in Wales. This involved the successful defence, as led junior, of a woman charged with two others with the murder of two small children and their mother. The case attracted national media cover.
    R v H [2006] EWCA Crim 853
