Sunday 13 November 2011

Sandusky had access to vulnerable kids via charity


Why did Jerry Sandusky's wife call abuse victim weeks before his testimony and how much did Dorothy and six adopted children know about Penn State 'paedophile'?Dorothy Sandusky called Victim 7 before he gave evidence despite him cutting contact with former football coach two years prior
She was major part of Sandusky's life since meeting in 1960s and assisted with his 'Second Mile' charity from which he 'selected his boys'
Couple adopted five sons and one girl, who are now all adults
Abuse allegedly occurred over a number of years in family home
By Laurie Whitwell

Last updated at 7:45 AM on 13th November 2011

Comments (0) Add to My Stories Share What did she know? Dorothy Sandusky has been married to alleged child rapist Jerry Sandusky since the 1960s and the indictment says abuse took place in their home
Jerry Sandusky’s wife has been largely absent from the analysis of who knew what about her husband’s alleged sexual abuse of eight boys over a 15-year period.

But Dorothy 'Dottie' Gross Sandusky does make an appearance in the 23-page Grand Jury indictment which graphically details the charges against the 67-year-old former Penn State coach.

Mrs Sandusky, 68, attempted to call one of the victims in the weeks leading up to his testimony, despite the fact the now 26-year-old had cut off all contact with Sandusky two years prior.

She left a message on Victim 7's phone saying the matter was 'very important' but the man, who told the Grand Jury that as a ten-year-old in 1994, Sandusky hugged and inappropriately touched him, did not return the call.

Part of that alleged abuse took place in the Sandusky family’s State College, Pennsylvania, home, in which Dorothy and her husband raised their six adopted children. Sandusky claimed he and his wife could not have any of their own.

Over the years the couple became the parents to Ray, now 46, a businessman living in Nashville, EJ, 41, former Nittany Lions player, and now a football coach at West Chester University, Kara, 38, a Penn State graduate, Jeff, 35, a former Marine, and 33-year-olds Matt, a Penn State graduate and Jon, who is Director of Player Personnel for the Cleveland Browns.

Quite how much any of them knew about the sexual abuse, which occurred between 1994 and 2009 with a number of incidents at the family home, is now under scrutiny.

The former Penn State defensive coordinator and his lawyer, Joe Amendola, have maintained that Sandusky is innocent and publicly denied all allegations. Neither Dorothy Sandusky nor any of her
The Grand Jury indictment states that Sandusky selected his young victims from the 'Second Mile', a charity he started in 1977 devoted to helping troubled boys in the State College area. Mrs Sandusky helped out with the running of the programme.
'After we had taken in some foster children, we saw the opportunities that some kids just hadn't had,' Mrs Sandusky told Sports Illustrated in 1982. 'But we'd gotten to the point where we couldn't take in anymore, so Jerry started thinking about starting a group home.'

In his 2000 autobiography, 'Touched: The Jerry Sandusky Story' the onetime heir apparent to Joe Paterno devotes many pages to his relationships with boys he met through the Second Mile.

He also makes reference to his own children during an exchange with some of the boys from the charity.

Sandusky wrote that one night he was talking to two Second Mile boys who had rebelled against their foster parents, with one boy telling how his foster father had 'grabbed me around the back of my shoulders and he made me do something when I didn't want to do it.'

'Do you ever grab your kids like that?' the boy asked Sandusky.
'No, I don't grab my kids like that,' Sandusky answered. 'I grab them like this.' He wrote: 'With that, I put my hands gently around their throat.' It was an apparent jest.

'I could tell they were totally confused,' Sandusky wrote. 'Both boys had a scared look in their eyes.'

The book repeatedly described Sandusky hugging boys and detailing how he was very close to those he met through the charity. Of the photos that line his office walls, he said: 'They are kids that have touched my life and have been a part of me for a long, long time.'
In the book he paints himself as someone who would repeatedly take risks in the hunt for what he refers to as 'mischief.'

'I believe I live a good part of my life in a make-believe world,' Sandusky wrote in one of the final chapters. 'I enjoyed pretending as a kid, and I love doing the same as an adult with these kids.'

Whether Mrs Sandusky was worried by any such behaviour is not yet known. What is established is that she has been by Sandusky’s side since the mid-1960s, when they married.

Originally from Chattanooga, Tennessee, she had met Sandusky in Washington a few years before. He endearingly called his wife 'Sarge,' because she was in charge in their home, ESPN News

The shocking Grand Jury indictment makes repeated accusations that victims were abused inside the couple’s home.

Victim 1 spent many nights there sleeping in a basement bedroom. The report states that Sandusky would come down to the basement to check on him at bedtime.
The report found that Sandusky 'indecently fondled Victim 1 on a number of occasions, performed oral sex on Victim 1 on a number of occasions and had Victim 1 perform oral sex on him on at least one occasion.'

Phone records also confirm that Sandusky made 61 phone calls from his home phone to Victim 1's home phone between January 2008 and July 2009 despite Victim 1 expressing a wish that he no longer wanted to see the football coach.

The defensive coordinator also made 57 calls from his personal cell phone to Victim 1's home phone.
Despite these actions, there is no suggestion whatsoever in the indictment that Mrs Sandusky was aware of her husband's sexual relations with Victim 1 or any of the other seven victims.
Experts have suggested that she and her children could well have been kept in the dark.

'[Abusers are] very good at hiding it from everyone,' clinical social worker Farlie Chastain told WRCB TV. 'Very good at seducing the child and manipulating the child not to tell.'
However, Chastain, who counsels sexually abused children and teenagers at Parkridge Valley, Tennesee and at Foxus Psychiatric Services in Tennessee Valley, adds: 'I've seen it both ways, in which the family knows and is in denial.'

Meanwhile State College police have reported that someone threw two cinder blocks through a bedroom window at Sandusky’s house on Thursday night.

The news came as it emerged that the accused child rapist, who is out on bail, lives close to an elementary school and playground.

..STATE COLLEGE, Pa. (AP) — Over the past 30 years, politicians, sports stars and community leaders heaped praise on Jerry Sandusky and the charity he founded for troubled youngsters, The Second Mile. It was a model program, and the acclaimed football coach was its driving force.

Now, prosecutors say that very success enabled Sandusky to find boys and sexually assault them.

Sandusky, 67, was charged last weekend with molesting eight boys over a 15-year period in a scandal that rocked the Penn State campus and brought down the university's beloved football coach, Joe Paterno.

In the aftermath, some are wondering if The Second Mile can survive amid questions about its role in the alleged cover-up.

Sandusky was a star assistant coach at Penn State from the 1970s to the 1990s, and many assumed he would lead the team one day, or even head to pro football. He founded The Second Mile in 1977 for youngsters from broken homes and troubled backgrounds, building it into an organization that helped as many as 100,000 children a year through camps and fundraisers.

Among the big-time athletic figures listed as honorary directors were Cal Ripken Jr., Arnold Palmer, former Pittsburgh Steeler Franco Harris and Philadelphia Eagles coach Andy Reid. President George W. Bush praised the group as a "shining example" of charity work in a 1990 letter. (Sandusky's reaction: "It's about time, George! This is long overdue," he recalled in his autobiography, "Touched.")

But prosecutors said that running the charity gave Sandusky "access to hundreds of boys, many of whom were vulnerable due to their social situations."

He invited youngsters for overnight sleepovers at his home and took them to restaurants and bowl games. He wrestled in the swimming pool with kids who craved the attention. And he gave them gifts: golf clubs, sneakers, dress clothes, a computer and money, according to the indictment from the Pennsylvania attorney general.

The good-guy aura around Sandusky was so great that when some children questioned behavior that didn't seem right, no one took the complaints seriously.

Troy Craig recalled attending a weeklong sleep-away camp run by The Second Mile on the Penn State campus in the early 1990s. He was never sexually abused, but in other ways the coach's behavior seemed inappropriate at the time, said Craig, 33, who is now a disc jockey in State College.

Sandusky "had a way of, whether it was a hug or a hand on the leg in the car as we were driving, or just a way of putting his arm around you," Craig said. "I said this back then to people I knew. Everybody found it hard to believe, or that I was overreacting. I remember feeling as if I was the only one that thought anything was amiss."

Through his attorney, Sandusky has maintained his innocence.

Experts on pedophiles aren't surprised by the stories that have shocked so many people.

Richard J. Gelles, dean of the school of Social Policy & Practice at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia and author of several books on abuse and violence in families, said pedophiles typically engage in a "grooming" process in which they select a potential victim and proceed to "break down the inhibitions and establish trust." Gelles said it is no accident so many people saw a "good" Jerry Sandusky.

Sandusky "covered himself by being so beloved that nobody would think he would do something as awful as this," Gelles said.

The mother of one alleged victim told the Centre Daily Times that that disconnect enraged her.

"I just lived with this for so long, and it killed me when people talked about him like he was a god, and I knew he was a monster," said the woman, whose name has not been released.

Thomas Day was 15 when he began a Second Mile fitness program in 1996. Scrawny and not doing that well in school, he was suddenly getting one-on-one encouragement from big college football players who helped run the program. Day met Sandusky only a few times but remembers him as a mythical figure around The Second Mile.

"I remember being kind of envious of kids who got to spend more time around him," said Day, who never witnessed any abuse.

Day said he has trouble sleeping this week because of the scandal.

"These guys took me in and made me in to the man I am today," Day said. He went on to work as a mentor with the program, served with the 101st Airborne Division in Iraq, and is working on his second master's degree at the University of Chicago.

Sandusky also had the support of many other powerful figures in the community. The group's current board includes state Sen. Jake Corman, and attorneys, prominent business leaders, and community volunteers. Corman didn't respond to a message seeking comment.

The grand jury said that Penn State officials in 2002 told Jack Raykovitz, executive director of The Second Mile, that there had been an issue with Sandusky and a minor. But the charity took no action against Sandusky because, it said this week, Penn State did not find any wrongdoing.

And in 1998, Sandusky was investigated after he was accused of "behaving in a sexually inappropriate manner" with a boy in a shower at the football team's facilities, the grand jury said. The report said an attorney for Second Mile who was also university counsel, Wendell Courtney, was aware of the allegations.

Phone calls seeking comment from Courtney on Saturday rang unanswered, and emails sent to him were returned as undeliverable.

The Second Mile said that Sandusky told the organization in 2008 he was being investigated, and that from then on the charity separated him from programs involving youths.

But the word about Sandusky may not have reached other youth programs he was involved with.

Sandusky held summer football camps — both at Penn State satellite campuses and at other Pennsylvania schools — for years after he was banned from taking youths onto the main campus by the school's athletics director and senior vice president. Both officials have now been charged with failing to tell police about a 2002 allegation that Sandusky had sexually assaulted a boy in the showers of the football building.

Sandusky held the football camps through his Sandusky Associates company from 2000 to 2008 at Penn State's Behrend satellite campus near Erie. There were never any complaints, according to a spokesman. Still, Behrend's athletics director said he wishes someone had told him about the 2002 allegation.

"You definitely would know that person doesn't belong here on the campus," Brian Streeter said. "It's a sick feeling even to think about it."

The very success of The Second Mile meant there was plenty of money for Sandusky to lavish on boys. A review of tax forms filed by The Second Mile shows that out of almost $3.3 million in revenue during the 2008-09 year, salaries, wages, and payments to directors totaled almost $1.4 million, along with $190,000 for "camp food" and $288,000 for "other expenses."

Sandusky is no longer on the payroll; his last payment was $57,000 in 2007-08, according to tax records. Over the years the payments to Sandusky totaled hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Records from The Second Mile show that the organization asks staff members and volunteers to sign a statement affirming they have never been suspected of child abuse. They must also submit a criminal background check. Officials from the Second Mile didn't respond to a question about whether any such checks were ever done on Sandusky.

The Second Mile said in a statement that it has done "everything in our power to cooperate with law-enforcement officials." But Pennsylvania Attorney General Linda Kelly said that during the grand jury investigation there was an "uncooperative atmosphere" from some officials at Penn State and The Second Mile. And Gov. Tom Corbett said he believes there will be an investigation into what Second Mile officials knew.

Deborah Small, an associate professor of marketing and psychology at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, said she doesn't think The Second Mile will survive the scandal.

"There's too much moral hypocrisy going on," she said. "No one's going to want to be associated with them."

Late last week, The Second Mile removed the list of honorary directors from its website.


Associated Press researcher Judith Ausuebel in New York and writer Michael Rubinkam in Allentown contributed to this report.



    Mission Statement
    The Second Mile challenges young people to achieve
    their potential as individuals and community members
    by providing opportunities for them to develop positive
    life skills and self-esteem as well as by providing
    education and support for parents and professionals
    addressing the needs of youth.

    Board Chairman Bob Poole and
    President/CEO Dr. Jack Raykovitz

    In a year that is certain to go down in
    economic history, economic hardship yielded
    more requests for Second Mile services than
    ever before. For many charities, that same
    downturn resulted in a decrease in donations
    and services to clients. Had Second Mile donors
    responded similarly, The Second Mile may have
    been unable to maintain our commitments to
    current program participants or to expand our
    outreach to answer additional needs.
    But you did not. Thanks to the collective
    generosity of Second Mile donors, we
    maintained our commitment to all of the
    children on our rolls when the year began
    and expanded our Challenge Program, serving
    825 young people—more than ever before. In
    a roller coaster of a year, you provided the
    safety belts that kept Second Mile children
    secure: we met the challenge of continuing
    all of our programs and included a significant
    increase in our enrollment in the Challenge
    Program, honoring our promise of service—
    caring mentors, safe places, and educational
    activities—to young people who have often
    been disappointed by the adults in their lives.

  2. Many individual donors helped ward off that
    disappointment, and they are acknowledged
    in this report. Key to maintaining our
    commitment in this difficult year was the
    receipt of our largest foundation gift ever
    from the Highmark Foundation, created
    as a charitable organization and a private
    foundation that supports initiatives aimed at
    improving community health in 2000 as an
    affiliate of Highmark Inc. The Second Mile
    received a Highmark Healthy High 5 grant,
    which focuses on the health and well-being
    of children. In addition to this critical support
    from the Highmark Foundation, Second Mile
    children also benefited from key, first-time
    gifts from the Hershey Company, the Brook
    J. Lenfest Foundation, the Philadelphia
    Foundation, and the Walmart Foundation,
    and from ongoing significant support from the
    Bank of America Charitable Foundation, the
    Ferguson Foundation, the Hamer Foundation,
    and State Farm Companies Foundation. Along
    with individual and special events support and
    lead corporate support from Computer Aid,
    Inc., S&A Homes, Sheetz, Inc., Poole Anderson,
    and Turner Construction, these gifts enabled
    The Second Mile to fulfill our mission—to
    provide help and hope to children and teens
    needing support across Pennsylvania.

  3. We anticipate that 2010 will continue to be
    challenging, especially to the children and
    families that we serve. As you review this
    report, in addition to looking at the data,
    we hope you enjoy the thank you letter from
    program graduate Lindsey Hoff and the quotes
    from Second Mile children, teens, families,
    counselors, and volunteers. They articulate best
    the impact and importance of your support.
    We close here with the words of a Second
    Mile Challenge Program graduate and current
    Second Mile scholar:
    “The Second Mile taught me respect for myself
    and for others. Now, I am studying pre-law and
    criminal justice, and I hope, when I complete
    my schooling, to follow your example and allow
    a student the opportunity to experience his
    or her true potential through my own giving.
    I realize that this year might have been a
    difficult one to be able to give, but do know
    how much I do appreciate your gift.” —Greg
    Bob Poole
    Chairman of the Board
    Jack Raykovitz, Ph.D.
    President and Chief Executive Officer

  4. Statement of Revenues, Expenses,
    & Changes in Fund Restrictions
    Individuals $ 390,827
    Corporations 698,146
    Foundations 597,727
    Organizations 60,311
    Special Events Income $ 1,106,985
    Expenses $ 377,202 729,783
    Special Projects 156,553
    Other Revenues (Expenses) (19,520)
    Net Assets Released from Restrictions 439,408
    Total Revenues $ 3,053,235
    Community Education $ 285,066
    Foster Care 231,440
    Friend/Friend Fitness 401,902
    Fundraising 488,952
    General Programs 201,179
    Leadership Institute 212,245
    Management and General 330,355
    Nittany Lion Tips 143,688
    Prevention: Education & Awareness for Kids (PEAK) 27,030
    Challenge 567,100
    Total Expenses $ 2,888,957
    Contributions $ 947,432
    Interest Income 94,748
    Realized and unrealized loss on investments, net (89,188)
    Net Assets Released from Restriction (439,408) $ 513,584
    NET ASSETS, BEGINNING $ 8,257,623
    NET ASSETS, ENDING $ 9,142,485

  5. Statewide Program Service Totals
    186,185 Addressed important issues through the Nittany Lion Tips Program*
    258,525 Learned new skills through PEAK Videos I or II or Play Kit I*
    633 Participated in safe activities with caring mentors through the Friend Program
    155 Built outer strength and inner character through the Friend Fitness Program
    826 Developed key skills and set goals through the Challenge Program
    20 Attended the Clearfield Day Enrichment Program
    282 Learned leadership skills to heal communities through the Leadership Institute
    157 Received critical support through the Children’s Scholarship Fund
    4,001 Enjoyed recreation and received recognition through 59 Foster Family activities
    18 Benefited from 38 Counseling sessions
    133 Received Guidance and Referral information
    686 Participated in Professional Training through 55 different sessions
    2,449 Attended 50 Community Education presentations
    *estimated number based upon counselor reports

  6. You Help Change Children’s Lives…
    Dear Second Mile Donor,
    As a “graduate” of a Second Mile program
    who is enrolled in college and has
    financial need, I was eligible to apply for
    a scholarship through The Second Mile’s
    Children’s Scholarship Fund. I recently
    learned that I was awarded a $1,000
    scholarship and am writing this letter to
    give sincere thanks to all donors to The
    Second Mile. Although, to you, it may have
    been just a natural act to donate money to
    The Second Mile, I want to let you know that your generosity to
    The Second Mile impacted my life throughout my adolescence and
    is now helping me to continue to reach for my dreams.
    I started The Second Mile Friend Fitness Program when I was
    in the eighth grade and continued with it all the way until my
    graduation from high school. The program taught me many
    valuable skills, including how to live in a healthy manner.
    However, more importantly, The Second Mile taught me how to
    work hard and to never give up, even when things seem almost
    too tough to bear.
    These values that have been instilled in me have continued
    to carry me throughout my college education. Currently, I am
    a junior at the Pennsylvania State University and have been
    accepted this year into the new and prestigious MAcc Program in
    the Smeal College of Business. The MAcc Program is the Master’s
    of Accountancy Program that accepts only a select number of
    students who are dedicated to a career as an accountant. It is
    a five-year program, master’s inclusive, which gives students
    the opportunity to earn all of their required class hours for CPA
    certification and also provides an excellent chance to line up
    internships and jobs before graduation. My future goals are to
    continue my hard work as a student and graduate with a Master’s
    Degree in Accounting, securing an internship at one of the four
    major accounting firms.
    Like other students who have participated in Second Mile
    programs, I have The Second Mile and the program mentors and
    staff to thank for their support and you to thank for providing
    programs like Friend Fitness and the Children’s Scholarship Fund
    that make that support possible. I hope that you know that I will
    never take your contributions for granted.
    Lindsey Hoff

  7. The Arthur C. and Evelyn M. Sandusky Society
    The Arthur C. and Evelyn M. Sandusky Society
    recognizes those individuals who have made an
    estate provision for, or a planned or deferred
    gift commitment to, The Second Mile. These gift
    commitments could include a bequest in a will or
    living trust, the designation of The Second Mile as
    the beneficiary of a retirement plan, a charitable
    remainder trust, the gift of a life insurance policy
    naming The Second Mile as beneficiary, and/or the
    execution of an estate note. We wish to thank the
    members of this society for providing a foundation
    for the future of our organization.
    John Barry*
    Daniel and Kimberly Bright
    Wendell and Linette Courtney
    Doris Daniels
    Kenneth and Susan Ewing
    Robert Forbes
    Frank Franco
    Blake and Linda Gall
    Drew Garban
    Les W. Hart
    Ben and Robin Heim
    Bruce and Susan Heim
    Robert* and Carol Herrmann
    Martha Hostetter
    Jack Infield
    Robert and Jean Kistler
    Sanford and Kathryn Kranich*
    Ronald and Dianne Lewis
    Ralph Licastro and Laura Reidy
    Brad and Susan Lunsford
    Bill and Amy Sue Martin
    Bob and Marilyn Mayer
    Jack R. Nemes
    Fred* and Joyce Nicholas
    Bob and Kim Nielsen
    Mike Patrick
    Sophie W. Penney
    Carol Pioli
    Alec Pringle
    John R. Raykovitz and
    Katherine Genovese
    Neal and Linda Rhoads
    Dan and Nancy Ring
    Jerry and Dorothy Sandusky
    DrueAnne Schreyer
    The Schreyer Foundation -
    William Schreyer
    Steve and Amy Seltzer
    Lance and Ellen Shaner
    Harold and Eileen Shaub*
    Jack Shaub
    Harry K. Sickler, Jr.
    J. Lawrence and Molly P. Snavely
    Donald Stripling
    Fred Strouse
    Mike and Lynda Sullivan
    Peter and Karen Weiler
    Verne Willaman
    David and Hollie Woodle
    “The opportunity
    to positively and
    profoundly impact
    the life of a child is
    a truly meaningful
    experience. Bob and
    I have been actively
    involved with The
    Second Mile for many years and are privileged to see, on
    a first-hand basis, our gifts at work in the lives of Second
    Mile kids. It is exciting to know that by making a planned
    gift through The Arthur C. and Evelyn M. Sandusky
    Society, we have provided help, hope, and opportunity
    for future generations of children and young people.”
    —Kim Nielsen
    The Arthur C. and Evelyn M. Sandusky Society
    Statewide Program Service Totals
    186,185 Addressed important issues through the Nittany Lion Tips Program*
    258,525 Learned new skills through PEAK Videos I or II or Play Kit I*
    633 Participated in safe activities with caring mentors through the Friend Program
    155 Built outer strength and inner character through the Friend Fitness Program
    826 Developed key skills and set goals through the Challenge Program
    20 Attended the Clearfield Day Enrichment Program
    282 Learned leadership skills to heal communities through the Leadership Institute
    157 Received critical support through the Children’s Scholarship Fund
    4,001 Enjoyed recreation and received recognition through 59 Foster Family activities
    18 Benefited from 38 Counseling sessions
    133 Received Guidance and Referral information
    686 Participated in Professional Training through 55 different sessions
    2,449 Attended 50 Community Education presentations
    *estimated number based upon counselor reports
    Bob and Kim Nielsen

  8. Prevention Programs
    Nittany Lion Tips
    • Penn State athletes reach out to students through short educational or motivational
    messages that pertain to personal or social development on cards known as Nittany Lion
    Tips. Each set consists of 25 unique Tips from student-athletes on the football, men’s and
    women’s basketball, men’s and women’s gymnastics, and wrestling teams. Nittany Lion
    Tips have been distributed by more than 1,619 school counselors and other youth-service
    professionals to students in elementary, middle, and high schools. Counselors reported
    that, on average, they used the program with 115 students. Each of the two editions are
    accompanied with a facilitators guide, which offers further concepts and activities that
    address and expand on the ideas found on the cards.
    Second Mile Leadership Institute
    • The Second Mile Leadership Institute teaches, encourages, and empowers students from
    across the Commonwealth to make a difference in their school communities. For four
    days each spring, teams of five high school sophomores that represent a diverse crosssection
    of their schools, along with a faculty mentor, attend workshops and planning
    sessions. In 2009, 44 teams representing 51 high schools attended presentations on topics
    ranging from fundraising and publicity to group function and communication styles.
    After leaving the Institute, groups are now focusing on implementing projects pertaining
    to mentoring, incoming student orientation, school pride, and school beautification.
    Additionally, The Second Mile recognized six teams from the 2008 Institute for particularly
    exemplary work.

  9. The Angel Society
    The Second Mile thanks the members of the Angel Society—those individuals, organizations,
    foundations, and corporations that made an annual gift equal to or greater than $2,000.
    We also recognize here all donors who made an annual gift of more than $500, providing
    an Angel Scholarship through their annual support. You all are truly “the wind beneath the
    wings” of Second Mile children. Thank you for helping them soar.
    Peter and Joan Fuller – Willow Brook
    Land Development
    Gamber Foundation
    Giorgio Foods, Inc.
    Glatfelter Insurance Group
    The Graham Group
    Harry K. Sickler Associates
    Benjamin and Robin Heim
    Heim Family, LP
    T. Jerome and Carolyn Holleran
    Lloyd and Dottie Huck
    Jack Infield
    Irwin Financial Incorporated
    KS Tooling, Inc.
    Dick and Sandy Kile
    Kish Bank
    Josiah & Bessie Kline Foundation
    Kyle Krall and Joel Weinstein
    Leonard S. Fiore, Inc
    Live Nation Music Group, Inc.
    Wilhelm and Peggy Maier
    Massaro Corporation
    Mike McCloskey
    The McCormick Family Foundation
    United Concordia Companies, Inc.
    Utz Quality Foods, Inc.
    Varischetti & Sons, Inc.
    Walmart #1640
    Walmart #2230
    Waste Management
    P. Gary Wienken
    Charles and Patricia Wilcox
    Wilsbach Distributors, Inc.
    A.D. Starr
    A.W. & Sons Enterprise
    The Air Products Foundation
    Marion and William Alexander
    Altoona Curve Baseball Stadium
    Altoona Mirror
    American Eagle Paper Mills
    American Endowment Foundation
    American Music Theatre
    Armstrong Foundation
    Edward and Jeanne Arnold
    Babst, Calland, Clements, Zomnir
    Beard Miller Company LLP
    Roy Belli
    Gary and Julie Dubler
    Merlin and Wendy Dunkelberger
    Elizur Corporation
    ELS Marketing LLC
    Ned and Christine Faust
    Michael and Kristen Fiaschetti
    Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
    Gary and Kimberly Filkins
    First Affiliated Insurance Group
    Pete and Sue Forster
    Foundation for Enhancing Communities
    Fulton Bank – State College
    Fulton Bank, Drovers Division
    Leigha Galgan
    Drew Garban
    Karl and Mary Ann Glocker
    Ryan and Amy Grube
    James and Carol Hanna
    Harrisburg Kiwanis Youth Foundation Inc
    Health Care Benefits, Inc.
    F. William Henninger
    High Industries
    The Hite Company
    P. Douglas Hoke
    HydroWorx International, Inc.
    Kohl Building Products
    Edwin Krane
    KVF Associates, Inc.
    Peter and Bonnie Marshall
    Mobile-Rec, Inc.
    M&T Bank
    David and Carol Nevins
    Heidi Nicholas and Bruce Fleischer
    Novinger’s Inc.
    Kimberly Ortenzio-Nielsen and
    Robert Nielsen
    The Philadelphia Foundation
    Precision Medical, Inc. and Clyde
    and Nancy Shuman
    Ronald Seiger
    Jack Shaub
    $50,000 and Above
    Bank of America Charitable
    Foundation, Inc.
    Blake and Linda Gall
    The Hershey Company
    Highmark Foundation
    Bruce and Susan Heim
    Maier Family Foundation
    Bob and Marilyn Mayer
    Ray and Carole Neag
    Robert and Shirley* Rissinger
    S&A Custom Built Homes and Bob and
    Sandy Poole
    State Farm Companies Foundation
    Turner Construction
    (All totals represent The Second Mile's 2008-2009 Fiscal Year, September 1, 2008 - August 31, 2009.)

  10. Counseling and Referral
    The Counseling and Referral service assists children and families by helping them
    recognize and resolve problems or concerns in the early stages of their development.
    With memberships in a variety of human service agency networks, referrals can be
    made by Second Mile staff in cases where needs fall outside of the scope of existing
    Second Mile programs. In 2009, the Second Mile was able to refer 133 young people to
    appropriate sources of support. Additionally, 78 young people received 561 counseling
    sessions through the State office.

  11. William and Estelle Turney
    David Udovich
    uFinancial – William Martin
    and David Becker
    Valley Preferred
    Vantage Point Retirement Living, Inc.
    Vinart Dealerships
    Gary and Tammy Vratarich
    C. Alan and Judith Walker
    Larry and Karen Walker
    Walz, Deihm, Geisenberger,
    Bucklen & Tennis
    Waste Management
    Robin Weikel
    Weinstein Appraisal Group, Inc.
    Leigh and Ethel Wheeler
    Wirehead Business Technologies
    Kenneth and Debora Wolfe
    Wyeth Pharmaceuticals
    Timothy and Susan Yoder
    York Container Company
    York Mail Service/Prospect
    Hill Cemetery
    York Traditions Bank
    John and Suzanne Young
    Zeus, Inc.
    Simon and Hope Ziff
    Dan and Del Bright
    Linda Brown
    Caruso Benefits Group, Inc.
    CMB Associates Inc.
    Community Computer Service, Inc.
    Barbara Conklin
    Robert and Janice Cook
    Cosmopolitan Club of the
    Capital Region
    Counsel Trust Company
    Wendell and Linette Courtney
    Curwensville Nursing Home, Inc.
    Thomas and Karen Daley
    Doris Daniels
    Jeffrey and Judy Davidson
    Terry and Marsha Davis
    Lonnie and Victoria Dawes
    Polly DeGol
    Pete and Carole DeSoto
    Dick’s Sporting Goods, Inc.
    Dave and Tina Dix
    Dennis and Kathleen Dobbie
    Charles and Naketa Dobbins
    Tom and Sheila Donchez
    Leo and Lois Doriguzzi
    Robert and Hazel Dorney
    Paul Helsel
    Terry and Nancy Hendricks
    Phil and Wendy Hunt
    Carol Herrmann
    Gregory Hitz
    Hollie Wise Insurance
    The Honeybaked Ham Company
    HRI, Inc. – John R. Kulka
    Wilmer Humphrey
    E.Z. and Arlene Jackson
    John and Jennifer Farrell
    James J. Gory Mechanical
    Contracting, Inc.
    JEB Environmental Technologies, Inc.
    John Yurconic Agency
    Richard and Patricia Johnson
    Nancy Jones
    John Judge
    The Junior League of Reading
    Yi and Marianne Kao
    Karns Food
    King Printing
    William and Staci Kirchhoff
    Alice Kirchner
    Kissinger, Bigatel & Brower
    Meridian Bank
    Dave and Cookie Metzler
    Mid Penn Bank
    Mid-Atlantic Fire & Air, Inc.
    Jamie Modge
    Robert Moran
    Mountain Dog Construction LLC
    Mountville Lions Club
    Kevin Mullar Key
    Mary Mulligan
    Dean and Ellen Musser
    David and Jennifer Myers
    National Penn Bancshares, Inc.
    New Enterprise Stone and Lime
    John O’Dea
    Gloria Ohs
    Terry Padden
    Dick Panagacos
    D. Brent and Cynthia Pasquinelli
    Michele and Gary Peck
    Penn National Employees’
    Penn State Alumni Association –
    Lake Erie Chapter
    Michael Pillion
    Carol Pioli
    Martin and Nichol Sheridan
    Thomas Sherk
    Nikki Silvis
    Ski & Company
    Harry and Jeanne Smith
    Jeffrey and Laura Smith
    Melissa Snyder
    Randy Southern
    Sovereign Bank
    Kevin and Elizabeth Splaine
    Angela Sprock
    SPS Associates
    Steamfitters’ Local Union 420
    Stephenson Equipment, Inc.
    Lorin Stough
    Bill and Julie Straub
    Elliot Jay Sussman
    Perry Swanson
    David Sweetland
    Ten Sent Corp. / Ten Fold Vending
    Texas Roadhouse – Camp Hill
    Thompson Masonry
    Tire Town
    Torron Group
    Tray-Pak Corporation
    Timothy and Caroline Twardzik
    “Your foster family event was a wonderful, positive family-oriented
    day that created a lot of pleasant memories for the children in
    foster care. Thanks again for including Lancaster County resource
    families in this very favorite event.”
    —Lancaster County Children and Youth Services
    “Thank you very much for the special day that was
    given to our family. We would never have been able
    to have such a fun day without the hard work that
    The Second Mile did for us. Our 5 children, 3 adopted
    and 2 foster, had a great time, and we, as parents,
    enjoyed the smiles and laughter that were given to
    us that day. Thanks again for all your hard work.”
    —Foster Parents from York County
    This family takes a moment
    to pause from eating lunch
    and have their picture taken
    during the foster family event
    at HersheyPark.

  12. Andrew and Laura Zimmerman
    Calvin and Pamela Zimmerman
    All4 Inc.
    Kurt and Kimberly Allerman
    D. Reed Anderson
    William Asbury
    The Ashland Foundation
    Automated Records Centre
    Joseph and Sherry Baird
    Baker’s Group LLC
    William and Dorothy Barnes
    Elsie Bedwell
    Mark Bedwell
    Charles and Sharon Bell
    Ruth Benns Suter
    R. Clifford Berg
    Berks County Chapter of PSAA
    Frederick and Polly Beste
    Andrew and Beverly Biddle
    Patrick and Paula Bisbey
    Todd and Cherie Blackledge
    Bon Ton Stores Foundation
    Bradford Coal Company
    Kirsten Braley
    Marty and Joan Duff
    Douglas and Pam Dyer
    E.J. Breneman, LP
    Robert and Judith Ecker
    Ecowater Systems
    The Ellis Group, LLC CPAs
    Robert Emert
    Art Entz and Leslie Dutchcot
    Kenneth and Susan Ewing
    Fasnacht Family Foundation
    Jeremy Fegert
    Michael and Clare Fitzgerald
    Scott and Traci Frey
    Adam and Linda Frye
    William and Kitty Lou Gamber
    Frank and Corinne Genovese
    Louis and Judy Geschwindner
    Grand Street Boys’ Foundation
    Roger and Valerie Grimes
    Gary and Christine Groff
    Tom and Sandy Hood
    Brian and Nina Hand
    Kevin and Karen Hand
    Robert Harbison
    Harold Greaney Charitable Trust
    Dan and Suzie Hawbaker
    Samuel and Janice Hawbaker
    Kleinbard Bell & Brecker LLP
    Robert and Karen Klock
    Richard and Susan Knowlton
    Kohl’s Unit 970
    Ronald and Sandy Koldjeski
    Cathy Kornfield
    Marc Kuster
    KW Gas & Oil
    Aimee Latta and Shane Markley
    Art Leach and Sophie Penney
    Brian Lee
    Lehigh Valley Hearing, LLC
    Christopher Leitzell
    Matt Leitzell
    M. John and JoAnn Lew
    Lock Haven University Foundation
    Jeff and Vikki Long
    Richard Maguire
    Stephen Mahood
    Karl Martin
    Keith and Marilyn Martin
    Andrew and Sarah McIntyre
    McKonly & Asbury, LLP
    McNees Wallace & Nurick LLC
    McQuaide Blasko
    Jodi McWhirter
    Virginia Meadows
    Jim Plessinger

  13. Mark and Carol Pollard
    PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
    Brenda Probst
    The Prudential Foundation
    Gregory and Patricia Purcell
    Gregory and Rosalie Radio
    Jeffrey Ratner
    Razor’s Edge, Inc.
    RBC Dain Rauscher, Inc.
    John and Jillian Reese
    N. David and Karen Rinehart
    Clyde Robbins
    Rosa Rosa Ristorante Italiano
    David Rossi
    Rotary Club of Colonial Park
    Ruth Roush
    John and Janice Sain
    Robert and Susan Sands
    Jon and Kia Sandusky
    Scalise Industries
    SCI Houtzdale
    Ivan and Julie Segal
    Neil and Lauren Shank
    Jeff and Marsha Sharp
    Grace Shatto
    Tyrone Shopping Center, Inc.
    W.E. Yoder, Inc.
    Donald ‘Woozy’ Walker
    Ed Walker and Akemi Benton
    West Pharmaceutical Services
    Julie Dietz-Wheeler and
    Michael Wheeler
    Karen Wheeler
    Alan Whitaker
    Jack and Dorothy White
    Lurene Wiest
    John Wilchek, Sr.
    Ben and Shelley Williams
    John and Arlene Witmer
    Edward Wojdylak
    Quentin and Louise Wood
    Alan and Kathryn Woolslare
    World Marketing of America
    Worley and Obetz, Inc.
    Karen and Paul Yarrish
    William and Joanne Yoder
    Harold “Bud” Yost
    Karen Zawitkowski
    John and Janet Zerbe
    Jane Zimmerman
    Advanced Color Graphics
    Allenberry Playhouse
    American Music Theatre
    Automated Records Centre/Mike
    Barton Associates
    Bellefonte Lanes
    Best Event Rental
    Best Western of Lock Haven
    Blue White Illustrated/Phil Grosz
    Borders Express
    Chester County Council on
    Addictive Diseases
    CMT Laboratories
    Conestoga High School
    Cradles to Crayons
    Damon’s Grill
    Fitness Unlimited
    Billy Gilchrist
    Heritage Hills Golf Resort
    Hoss’s Steak and Sea House
    Idlewild and SoakZone
    Keller Engineers
    Keystone Real Estate Group
    KVF/Taco Bell
    Lakemont Park
    LionHeart Fitness
    Lock Haven University
    Lock Haven YMCA
    Louis Pantages
    Bonnie Marshall
    M. John Lew Architects
    Millersville University
    Rob and Kathy Moir
    Muhlenberg College
    North American Communications
    Olive Garden
    Outback Steakhouse
    Penn State Altoona
    Penn State NROTC
    Penn Terra Engineering, Inc.
    Penncara Energy
    Poole Anderson Construction
    Reading Phillies Baseball Club
    Nancy and Dan Ring
    Snavely Associates, Ltd.
    SPACES Design Center/
    Susan Brown
    Springfield School District,
    Delaware County
    State College Area Jaycees
    Super 8, State College/HAMCO
    Susquehanna Transit
    Texas Roadhouse
    Toys for Tots
    Upper Main Line YMCA
    Villanova University
    Water World
    Many opportunities

    Many opportunities for Pennsylvania children and families are made
    possible through the support of in-kind donations. Some in-kind
    donations, such as event tickets, supplies for program activities, and
    transportation of participants, extend directly to the children and
    families served by The Second Mile. Other donations offset operating
    costs of programs and special events, which allows a larger percentage
    of money raised to go to Second Mile programs. Donations have
    included anything from equipment storage space and printing services
    to special event prizes and meals. In-kind sponsors who contributed to
    special events were acknowledged previously in conjunction with those
    events. Here, we would like to highlight additional in-kind donors who
    contributed goods or services valued at $1,000 or more this past fiscal
    year. In 2009, The Second Mile received $419,359 in in-kind donations

  15. State Board of
    Robert Poole
    Chairman of the Board
    Jack Raykovitz, Ph.D.
    President, Ex-Officio
    Dave Woodle
    Clyde Shuman
    William Martin
    Cliff Benson
    Don Carlino
    Jake Corman
    Neal DeAngelo
    Eddie Dunklebarger
    Ken Ewing
    Mike Fiaschetti
    Michael Fiore
    Linda Gall
    Anne Deeter Gallaher
    Bruce Heim
    Dottie Huck
    Dick Kile
    Tom Knepley
    Mike Kuntz
    Matt Millen
    Heidi Nicholas
    Mike O’Donnell
    Kim Ortenzio-Nielsen
    Chuck Pearson
    Eric Peterson
    Al Pringle
    Nancy Ring
    DrueAnne Schreyer
    Steve Seltzer
    Lauren Shank
    Louie Sheetz
    Fred Strouse
    Ric Struthers
    Mike Sullivan

  16. Central Board
    of Directors
    Linda Gall
    William Martin
    Vice President
    Steven Seltzer
    Ralph Licastro
    Dan Bright, Esq.
    Linda Brown
    Jennifer Chambers-Nicholson
    Todd Erdley
    John Farrell
    Dana Fonash
    Drew Garban
    Ginny Glickman
    David Goodman
    Brian Hand
    Michael Hawbaker
    Benjamin Heim, Esq.
    Carol Herrmann
    Dorothy Huck
    Jack Infield
    Laurene Keck
    Alan Kirk, Esq.
    John Lieb Jr.
    Renee Marks
    Ted McDowell
    Heidi Nicholas
    Alec Pringle
    Suren Rao
    Bob Ricketts
    Nancy Ring
    DrueAnne Schreyer
    John Sheridan, Ed.D.
    Harry Sickler
    Jeffrey Smith
    Lewis Steinberg, Esq.
    Fred Strouse
    Michael Sullivan
    James Swistock
    Michael Trombley, Esq.

  17. Southcentral
    Region Board
    of Directors
    Michael Fiaschetti
    Eddie L. Dunklebarger
    Vice President
    Daniel A. Gifford, CLU
    Dennis Pyers
    Marion Alexander
    Kasey Angstadt
    Joseph Baird
    Douglas L. Byers
    Barbara Conklin
    JoAnn DeRose
    Douglas C. Dyer
    Mark Everest
    Kenneth Ewing
    Anne Deeter Gallaher
    Jeffrey S. Gelburd
    Michael Gillespie
    Gary Groff
    James Hare
    Scott A. Heintzelman
    Ricki Hevner
    Steven Hevner
    Michael Huegel
    Patricia Husic
    Jack J. Jaroh
    Kurt M. Malick
    John O’Dea
    Kimberly Ortenzio-Nielsen
    Kelly Pallis
    Michele Peck
    Eric Peterson
    Dennis Pyers
    Neal Rhoads
    Michael Smith
    Mark Snyder
    Kevin Splaine
    Angela Tatum
    Karen Yarrish

  18. Southeast
    Region Board
    of Directors
    Don Carlino
    Lauren Shank
    Vice President
    Terrance Bowman
    Gregory Elinsky
    Dawn Holden
    John Judge
    Tom Knepley
    George J. Lavin III
    Tom Law
    Barry Lott
    Jacqueline Martin
    Stephen J. O’Connor
    Joseph O’Neil, Jr.
    Beasley Reece
    Randy Southern
    Doug Strang
    Tara L. Weiner
    Jenell Wunsch


    I remember Lord Falconer - the man who kept the secret family court secret and who I kept writing to asking why the secret family courts were allowing syndromes which were invented by American paedophiles to be used in their secret triels.

    I remember Falconer having something to do with this company, so this is very interesting!

  20. 30 Nov 2000 : Column WA155

    Written Answers
    Thursday, 30th November 2000.
    NMEC: Solvency

    Baroness Seccombe asked Her Majesty's Government:

    What action has been taken by the Lord Falconer of Thoroton in his capacity as Minister and as shadow director of the New Millennium Experience Company to comply with the advice given by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) at page 39 of their Project Mozart presentation that shadow directors "must be on notice and need to take urgent action to address the position after taking appropriate legal and commercial advice" in light of the PWC's statement at page 39 that "There is clear evidence to suggest that NMEC is currently insolvent."[HL4134]

    The Minister of State, Cabinet Office (Lord Falconer of Thoroton): Any action I may take in relation to the New Millennium Experience Company (NMEC) I take in my role as shareholder, and I am not on the board of directors. As shareholder I have been kept informed of issues as they have arisen. The PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) report was submitted to the Board of NMEC on 22 August. The board noted the PwC view, and took expert advice about the company's solvency position at the end of August. As a result they considered that there was a real prospect of further funding to enable the company to ensure ongoing solvency. This was found to be the correct course of action as on 5 September the commission approved a grant of £47 million to the NMEC which secured NMEC's ongoing solvency.

    Baroness Blatch asked Her Majesty's Government:

    Whether the Millennium Dome's New Millennium Experience Company has, at any time, traded while insolvent; and, if so, which periods.[HL4159]

    Lord Falconer of Thoroton: The PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) report, which was presented to the NMEC board on 22 August and is now in the Libraries of the House, costed the liabilities of the company and indicated that there were periods of insolvency throughout the year.

    The effect of Section 214 of the Insolvency Act 1986 can be to make it proper for a company's directors to continue to trade, even though the company may technically be insolvent at a given time, if there is a reasonable prospect that they may be able to introduce sufficient funds to correct the insolvency and thereby eliminate any risk to creditors.

  21. The NMEC board and its directors secured additional grant from the Millennium Commission in February, May, August and September 2000.

    30 Nov 2000 : Column WA156

    Baroness Anelay of St Johns asked Her Majesty's Government:

    Further to the statement by Lord Falconer of Thoroton on 5 October (H.L. Deb., col. 1684) that "discussions are taking place to finalise how the other pre-condition will be achieved, but they are almost there", whether those discussions have now been completed; and whether, as a consequence, the pre-condition imposed by the Millennium Commission on a grant of £47 million on 4 September that that amount represented the last draw-down from the Millennium Commission is now in place.[HL4237]

    Lord Falconer of Thoroton: The Government are currently considering the best process and vehicle to deal with any potential residual and contingent liabilities arising from the Millennium Experience. However, the grant of £47 million awarded by the Millennium Commission to the New Millennium Experience Company (NMEC) was to ensure an orderly wind-down of the company. The board of NMEC are confident that a solvent solution will be achieved within the current level of grant.

    Millennium Dome Site: Sale

    Baroness Anelay of St Johns asked Her Majesty's Government:

    Further to the Written Answer by Lord Falconer of Thoroton on 20 November (WA 61), whether any request has been made to Legacy plc by the Government for a portion of the sale price of the Dome site to be paid prior to the signing of the contracts; whether Legacy plc has agreed to such a request; and whether there is an agreement that such a sum will be repaid to Legacy plc in the event that outstanding contractual issues cannot be resolved satisfactorily within an agreed timetable.[HL4745]

  22. Lord Falconer of Thoroton: The details of contractual issues are being pursued in negotiations between the competition team and Legacy plc. Details of the proposed overall financial consideration for the sale of the Dome to Legacy plc must remain commercially confidential at this stage. The arrangements for Legacy plc to acquire the Dome will include a cash consideration on exchange of contracts and a further cash consideration on completion of the sale.

    Baroness Anelay of St Johns asked Her Majesty's Government:

    Further to the Written Answer by Lord Falconer of Thoroton on 20 November (WA 61), what is the sum offered by Legacy plc for the purchase of the Dome site and accepted by the Government as the basis for the award to Legacy plc of the preferred bidder status; and[HL4744]

    30 Nov 2000 : Column WA157

    Further to the Written Answer by Lord Falconer of Thoroton on 20 November (WA 61), what are the outstanding contractual issues which must be resolved before contracts can be signed with Legacy plc for the sale of the Dome site.[HL4746]

  23. Lord Falconer of Thoroton: There are a number of contractual issues, including purchase price, which will form part of the current negotiations currently taking place between Legacy plc and the competition team. The details of these negotiations are commercially confidential.

    Baroness Anelay of St Johns asked Her Majesty's Government:

    Further to the Written Answer by Lord Falconer of Thoroton on 20 November (WA 61), which body or bodies will regularly monitor the progress of the negotiations for the sale of the Dome site to Legacy plc; and to which Minister or Ministers the reports on such progress will be made.[HL4747]

    Lord Falconer of Thoroton: The negotiations with Legacy plc will be undertaken by the competition team, and overseen by officials from the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions (DETR), the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS), Cabinet Office and HM Treasury. Regular reports will be made to the ministerial team, which includes the Deputy Prime Minister, Lord Falconer, Minister of State at Cabinet Office and Shareholder of the New Millennium Experience Company (NMEC), Andrew Smith, Chief Secretary to the Treasury, Hilary Armstrong, Minister for Local Government and the Regions, and Janet Anderson, Minister for Tourism, Film and Broadcasting.

    Baroness Anelay of St Johns asked Her Majesty's Government:

    What assessment they have made of the impact of the development of the Excel site in Docklands upon the viability of the Legacy plc offer to develop the Dome site; and whether they will publish the results of that impact assessment.[HL4749]

  24. Lord Falconer of Thoroton: The Excel centre in the Royal Docks and Legacy plc's proposals for the Dome are of a very different nature, one being an exhibition centre, the other a high-technology business park. The commercial and financial viability of Legacy's proposals has been evaluated by the Government's advisers. The evaluation is commercially confidential. Further development of evidence of commercial demand will be important in continued negotiations with Legacy plc.

    Baroness Anelay of St Johns asked Her Majesty's Government:

    Further to the Written Answer by Lord Falconer of Thoroton on 20 November (WA 61), what action they propose to take in order to sell the Dome site in the event that the outstanding issues with Legacy plc cannot be resolved by mid-February.[HL4748]

    30 Nov 2000 : Column WA158

    Lord Falconer of Thoroton: English Partnerships undertook a review of alternative options for the Millennium Dome and its site while discussions were taking place between the competition team and Legacy plc. Ministers will wish to revisit that work should negotiations with Legacy plc fall.

    Baroness Anelay of St Johns asked Her Majesty's Government:

    Further to the Written Answer by Lord Falconer of Thoroton on 20 November (WA 61), what advice they received that Legacy plc should not be named as the preferred bidder for the Millennium Dome; and why they rejected that advice.[HL4782]

    Lord Falconer of Thoroton: The professional advisers to the competition team provided comprehensive advice to Ministers. This detailed advice is commercially confidential, but it concluded that Legacy plc could be awarded preferred bidder status while recommending that a number of issues should be vigorously pursued as part of any future negotiations with Legacy plc. These negotiations will continue over the coming months and the Government hope to be in a position to exchange contracts in February.

    Baroness Anelay of St Johns asked Her Majesty's Government:

    Further to the Written Answer by Lord Falconer of Thoroton on 20 November (WA 61), what will be the cost of clearing attraction zones from the Millennium Dome after 31 December: and what sum has been allocated for this work within the budget of the New Millennium Experience Company as at 22 November. [HL4783]
    Lord Falconer of Thoroton: The New Millennium Experience Company (NMEC) is in discussion with Legacy plc with regard to the level of decommissioning required. NMEC has a budget of £7.5 million for the decommissioning. This sum is sufficient to deal with decommissioning which NMEC is obliged to undertake.
