Sunday 25 December 2011



  1. I see the blog of doom are playing games again.
    Looks like they have taken down Stuarts e- mail to his X just in time for them to have caused upset and distress for his X partner over the Christmas weekend.

  2. I screensave all their posts. Stuart will need all the evidence of bullying and harassment when he takes them all to court.

  3. Stuart was in a depressed state when he wrote that email. He'd been subjected to an illegal dawn raid at his home. It shook the whole family up, the gangsters used the police as a private army, in the same way Stafford police were used by MI5 agents to shake me up last year. It's about time all the police forces all over the country wised up to the fact that there are paedophiles and murderers in MI5. They shouldn't be allowed to use the police, which are there to keep law and order, at taxpayers expense, as their own private bodyguard. If only the police would do their paid job and arrest these criminals and gangsters instead of arresting whistleblowers and harassing child abuse survivors that these paedoscum set them onto, people would regain respect for the police. So saying, the police did a splended job investigating Operation Ore, but these same gangsters outsmarted them, then were sniggering about how stupid the police were in the horrid book they wrote to crow about how they did it, The Appalling Vista by Brian Rothery. The police really need to get their officers to read that book, then learn from it and get these human scum under lock and key, for the safety of all the children in the UK and Channel Islands!

  4. The woman who set the police onto me last year has reappeared on a website run by Michael Heseltines business partner.

    I think I understand why Margaret Thatcher is quite correct to put as much distance between herself and Heseltine. I have changed my mind about Margaret Thatcher, and have realised that the newspapers cannot always be trusted to tell the plain truth.

  5. But then again, neither can films!!!

  6. Re Stuart was in a depressed state when he wrote that e- mail.

    Are you that blind ?the man is a parasite and has absolutely no feelings for anyone apart from himself.
    That is the real Syvret behind this correspondence , why do you think he was so angry when it got exposed . The mask dropped and It allowed everyone that doubted before to see what a self centered malicious bully of women he really is.

  7. The mask did indeed drop, and when I went to London I saw how sad and depressed Stuart was. He really loved that lady, he was so crushed about the end of their relationship.

    But you lot have done him a favour by your relentless persecution of that good man, getting him maliciously sent to prison has given him a chance to restore his health!

  8. He lost the golden goose you mean , nothing more.
    He told the public he had to escape Jersey for the good of democracy and releasing more information on his blog ,yet he totally contradicts this in his correspondence to his X.

    Another example of misleading the public to suit his own agenda.
    Perhaps RICO could cross reference some of the Bull he was writing on his blog at this time against the diatribe to his X partner .

  9. "He lost the golden goose you mean"

    That is a totally vile thing to say.

    I have published your horrid comments because at least on my blog I can defend him, wheras on your horrible Blog of Doom you either refuse to publish my comments or else make up comments and publish them using my identity, my pen name Zoompad. And as I am a published author you are breaking the law by doing so, not that you care about that, and you know I won't take you to court over it, but will leave the Lord to administer justice in His own time.

    Stuart Syvret is a lovely man, so kind and decent and you are trying to sling mud where it won't stick. He ought never have written that email, he did it in a really depressed state of mind, and I expect the lady he sent it to realises that by now. It was a private email but you keep posting it and reposting it without permission of either the sender or the reciprient, again, breaking the law, not that you care - yet. But you will care, because the hateful persecution you are doling out will bring its just reward to you, in good time, praise the Lord!

  10. I'm so sorry to shatter your alusians of Mr Syvret.
    He is most defnitly not honest and decent.

    Let's just wait until next year .
    I think there is going to be a few PERSONAL prosecutions
    winging there way to the sainted one.
    And it's got nothing to do with politics , child abuse etc.
    The man is a sycophant .

    Nothing personal , Zoompad.
    You have all my support and always will .

  11. I don't need or want your support. I don't want anything off anyone who is connected with that detestable blog.

    I'm only publishing your comment so that Stuart will be able to see the plotting against him.

    Even if you were right about Stuart being a Sychopant it wouldn't change a single thing as far as I am concerned. He's been kind and gentle to me, and was there for me when I needed someone to help me and not many people, not even Christians wanted to lift a finger to help me, but Stuart had pity on me and helped me at a time when other people were treating me as if I were a leper. I will never forget his kindness towards me. I will never forget the ones who were kind to me when I was so needy.

    I think you Bloggers of Doom have written correctly about John Hemming though. I can't stand that odious creep and everyone knows why. I wish Stuart hadn't stayed with him, I begged him not to.

  12. One day this blog will be used as evidence (if not already) to have you put into a secure unit.

  13. More malicious threats from people who asume they are anonymous and hide behind it to abuse other people.

    I have already been hospitalised 4 times in psychiatric hospitals, once as a "place of safety" (when my medical records show clearly I was not suffering mental illness) and the other three wimes as a voluntary patient suffering clinical depression due to the abuse I suffered as a child.

    You coming on here leaving bullying remarks is a criminal offence.

  14. And I do know already that you Jersey bullies have connections in Staffordshire. You lot are not as anonymous as you would like to pretend to yourselves that you are. Yopu have left a trail of slime behind you everywhere you go.
