Thursday 15 December 2011


The arresting of Lucy Panton

Former NoW journalist arrested over alleged payments to police

Lucy Panton, former crime editor of News of the World, believed to have been arrested then bailed in ongoing investigation into alleged payments to police

Josh Halliday, Thursday 15 December 2011 11.03 GMT

Lucy Panton, the former crime editor of the News of the World, is believed to have been arrested on Thursday morning as part of an ongoing investigation into alleged payments to police officers.

She has since been released on bail until April

Officers from Operation Elveden said that a 37 year old woman was arrested at 6.15am on Thursday at an address in Surrey and is the seventh person held under Scotland Yard's probe into allegations of payments to the police.

It is understood from sources that the person arrested was Lucy Panton, who was taken to a south London police station.

Panton was promoted from crime correspondent to crime editor of the News of the World in October 2005. She joined the News of the World in September 2002 from the People and was crime editor of the News International title until it closed at the height of the phone-hacking scandal in July.

The Metropolitan police said in a statement: "At 0615hrs on Thursday, 15 December, officers arrested a woman on suspicion of committing offences involving making payments to police officers for information.

Panton is believed to have been on maternity leave when the News of the World closed in July. She has a six-month-old baby and another young child. She is married to a serving Metropolitan police officer.

Calls to Panton's mobile phone were unanswered. News International declined to comment.


This is the disgusting Blog of Doom, which has repeatedly broken the law on cyber bullying, this is the blog that boasted about hacking my computer (I have the evidence saved) certain corrupt Jersey politicians and other corrupt ratbags post on this poisonous place, see for yourselves what vicious evil people are posting on this awful blog.

The Jersey Haut de la Garenne Murder Farce: Who is turning the ...

13 Jul 2011 – The Jersey Haut de la Garenne Murder Farce ..... I wonder how much Lenny got from Lucy Panton for giving her an exclusive story which turned ...

Wednesday, July 13, 2011Who is turning the States into a Looney Bin ??????
(Observations of a Civil Servant.)
It seems to me to be some time since anyone posted on this blog. So, here goes! A lot has happened. Mr Syvret is going to jail. That is certain. His replacement in the States, Francis Le Gresley has now served for over a year and has proven to be a good man.

However, that cannot be said for some Muppets in the States. It seems that some members are obsessed with Harpergate or they seem to think that this man Lenny Harper and his actions can in some way be justified.
So, now, we have a new investigative journalist in one Enrico Sorda. He has written the Hollywood Harper series of comic scripts for an ever diminishing group of panting drooling half-wits that hang on every posting coming out of this self-appointed plastic extruder of subjective crap. I think when we all get to Hollywood Harper 271, we will lose the will to live.
What the heck is going on in Pitman Land ? Here is the man, Clever Trevor, leading an official States Scrutiny Sub-Panel review into a review by this band of muppet men into a professional accountancy firm BDO Alto and on the chase of a leak or possible leak of some data. Roy le Herissier allows this. This is probably going to be another £10,000 of taxpayers money.
How the heck can the public accept Pitman as a neutral objective chair of this ?
Here is the same man asking for a vote of censure in the Chief Minister.
We have seen that the BDO Alto report and analysis into the financial costs of the Haut de La Garenne. It paints a picture of Jersey Police under Harper going to London to meet top people in the Met. However, it also shows that Harper and his boys also enjoyed themselves and pushed the boat way out in the expenses department. There was quite a few occasions when the bold Mr Harper, Jersey’s Inspector Clouseau wined and dined with a certain voluptuous reporter from the News of The World on more than on occasion. This was witnessed by some serving and former Jersey Police.
Who brought the News of the World to Jersey? Who triggered the salacious articles with double page centre page spreads in 2008? Who fed the feeding frenzy that happened in the UK media? Who damaged Jersey by saying that the “Partial Remains Of A Child” had been found, when nothing remotely like this has ever been found. It was of course the Harper and Syvret Road show. Now, we have pathetic comments on Mr Syvrets blog where he distances himself and huffs and puffs in some ridiculous display of outrage at what is now coming out in the real antics of News International research. It is a bit late for Harper and Syvret to show any remorse. The damage is done. The horse has bolted. Like many things in Jersey, those that did suffer will be entitled to recompense and the Syvrets of this world be left looking in from the outside.
Now, we have another farce opening up in the Scrutiny area. Trevor Pitman is chairing a sub-panel to look into the circumstances relating to the BDO Alto report. It is enough to suggest that the lunatics are running the asylum. A competent firm of accountants have produced a report into the costs of the Haut De la Garenne enquiry. Now the Scrutiny panel under Roy le Herissier have decided that more work needs to be done. More taxpayers money and expense. More officer time. More wasted resources. Of course, why the phone call? Why does Hollywood Harper not visit Jersey? The answer is that he could very well be arrested. You won’t see this boyo here. A telephone call was made to Mr Harper in Scotland. There in the Scrutiny room was a collection of Jerseys finest. Sorda, Mc Murray, Evans, Syvret, Pitman, Tadier all listening to a failed detective, Jersey’s Clouseau, expounding his theories on why a firm of accountants did not contact him. This is pathetic.
What has Syvret cost the Island with all his stupid court actions? Who else would have been allowed to rack up so much cost? What has he cost us? £50,000, £100,000, £150,000, £200,000, £250,000? What costs has he accrued in court time and officer time? Who pays for the judges to be flown in from the UK? When oh when is someone going to say, enough is enough? It is bad enough the taxpayer incurring all these court costs but the taxpayer is also paying him to live and is accommodating him. Good old Social Security!! How can Syvret be allowed to keep lodging these vexatious actions?
Oh well! It’s not my problem. I’m going fishing! Hopefully, some clever man or woman with a law degree will read this and have a chat with someone. This is not Palermo.
Posted by Saturn 5 at 8:53 AM Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook
Labels: Lenny Harper, Stuart Syvret 52 comments:
Anonymous said...
Excellent stuff, thats really cheered me up today! What a bunch of looneys!!! ROLMH.

July 13, 2011
Anonymous said...
£10,000.00? I bloody hope not and why can't they wait until the full public inquiry?

July 13, 2011
Anonymous said...
Rico refuses to entertain any posts on his blog that question his knowledge about forensic accounting or why he never takes his claims to a proper source like the JFSC or ACCA/ICAEW. A man that has said in Public that a local Accountancy Firm with offices spread around the world does not follow codes of conduct I hope has a good lawyer. I have told him before and he refuses to post anything. And until he gets any of these historic abuse cases re-opened his blog or his Team Voice are getting nowhere. The historic abuse inquiry was closed last year so picking on a journalist of 2008 for reporting matters that ended up being accurate is doing nothing for abuse victims, its clutching at dust. If I were an abuse victim I would be trying to figure out what he expects to get out of all this himself.

July 13, 2011
Anonymous said...
The States can't lose. The review is either conducted

1) On an impartial basis (Highly unlikely, given the participants), in which case the reasons for the courses of action taken will simply reiterate previous findings. (Or, on the basis that findings are critical of previous findings, see outcome of 2 below)

2) On a biased basis (Highly likely, given the participants) in which case any findings of the review will be easily dismissed as politically motivated.

Either way, game over. What the idiots don't realise is that by attempting to populate the review panel with only those whose bias was obvious beforehand, they have destroyed any credibility the report might have had if it is found to confirm their suspicions that something was amiss. Clevor Trevor ? Not so much. The grownups must be pissing themselves.

July 13, 2011
Anonymous said...
I couldn't believe a scrutiny panel had been formed to look into this and why doesn't Harper come back and clear up some matters like day books and the affidivat he's stuck on the vile blog? Lets get this shoulder chip sorted out.

July 13, 2011
Anonymous said...
I think BDO Alto will deserve a massive apology after all this mud slinging.

July 13, 2011
Anonymous said...
Look people this is serious.


July 16, 2011
Anonymous said...
Why they keep on talking about this frigging piece of coconut is a mystery. No missing person, no potential murderer, no motive for murder and remains that pre-date any worthwhile investigation. Its a farce.

July 17, 2011
Anonymous said...
There are a handful of people who just want to believe the worst even in the face of a mountain of non evidence. Most states members are sick of hearing about it and cannot understand why its being dragged up time and time again personally I think some of these bloggers need to geta life.

July 17, 2011
Anonymous said...
I wonder what Mr Green Peace Syvret thinks of his great chum Robert Parker of The Hotel De France, his description of parker last year was a glowing tribute praising him as a man of integrity even though he is a multi millionaire. Syvrets green peace pals are now blogging away trying to destroy Parkers company. Will Syvret jump to his defence i wonder

July 17, 2011
Anonymous said...
I did hear that 'Voice for Whales' is a new blog they are working on.

July 17, 2011
Anonymous said...
Blampied Room States Building this Friday the 15th July 2010.

Giving evidence.

11am BDO Alto Limited and Mr. M. Kellett

12.45 Mr. R. Sorda

14.00 Minister for Home Affairs

15.00 Chief Officer, Home Affairs

What the heck were they doing in interviewing a known blogger with such strong conspiracy theories of cover up and other shenanigans and who is known for sending annoying e-mails to States members on this very issue? Also what connection has this person got with Operation Rectangle, Police finance and the Home Affairs department? No wonder this inquiry is looking like a sham, they may as well interview all these bloggers seeing as they think they know more than anybody else.

July 17, 2011
Anonymous said...
I stopped reading his blog sometime ago because its much the same and he will do anything to protect Harper/Power. I think this all boils down to whether you think their work was ever good or not and that is possibly down to whether you think the find was coconut or skull? Some people out there still seriously believe it was the remains of a dead child. Those that cannot accept this theory will effectively dismiss everything else. I also think these claims by 'Team Voice' to do work for the victims of child abuse is one of the most stupidest statements out there. I mean are they qualified?

There is also evidence of them trashing people or at least attempting to trash anybody who disagrees with them. States Members, Journalists other Net users, some of these blogs are very biased especially with their photoshop.

July 17, 2011
Anonymous said...
The bloke comes over as full of himself and gets excited by his own work, 'yer yer, oh yer, my hopes are you look at this objectively' so do I, NOTW reporters paid for by the tax payer. A useless search dog paid for by the tax payer, double time for SOJP officers and what else was there? So he hates the way the JEP and CTV reported on the finance abuse of the SOJP, whoopie. Why he is allowed to give his opinion at a scrutiny hearing as an unregistered journalist just makes it look a farce, why don't they question the real accountable media? His online interview is just a pleading to Trevor Pitman for the Panel to conclude all that he has done as the answer to everything, ok he sticks his neck out and some people may give him credit for that, but the findings are there in black and white and no matter what excuses we hear, they will never go away.

Mick Gradwell pulled no punches before he parted, he had been involved in very high profile cases before coming here and still is by the looks of it. His opinion on all that went on was a picture of nothing short of a travesty and that will never change.

I also think the depiction of a North Korean flag by these bloggers when addressing this subject on their short films does not show that this alternate media is to be taken seriously.

The association is blown so much out of proportion its silly and only anxious attention seekers would do such a daft thing.

July 18, 2011
Anonymous said...
i am more than a little confused, Parker from the hotel de france entertains as a freebee Syvret and Lobby, (no i have not spelled it wrong)
that was last year, this year syvrets mates from greenpeace are doing their best to destroy parkers business , how does parker feel about syvret the back stabber now. Every person who has befriended syvret has ended up being attacked after they are no further use to him. You only have to look at his treatment of Lobby (no i have not spelled it wrong) i know for a fact that the chief protester who was ejected from the hotel de france for disrupting its business visited syvret the day he landed in jersey i wonder what was agreed by them and what motive would syvret have for trying to help destroy parkers empire.

July 18, 2011
Anonymous said...
Rico and Team Voice will never get any abuse cases re-opened with this work because its only all about Lenny Harper.

July 18, 2011
Anonymous said...
Its hysteria about nothing, Mick Gradwell won't give a monkey's toss about any of this conspiracy, and it just does not change anything apart from make them think they have won some kind of irrelevant victory.

July 18, 2011
Anonymous said...
Excellent Front Page of the JEP today, its just not happening for them though the same idiots are doing their upmost to play the story down, and that Rico Youtube video is a load of crap, his evidence is just an attack on the JEP so It makes you wonder who else in that scrutiny panel has a similar axe to grind. Still it keeps them thinking they are onto the next big 'noth'ing.

July 20, 2011
Anonymous said...
LEAKED details of the Haut de la Garenne inquiry which sparked scurrilous headlines in the News of the World are likely to have come from the police, the Home Affairs Minister said yesterday.

Senator Ian Le Marquand revealed his alarm in a written statement which further fuels suspicions of inappropriate links between officers and journalists from the former Sunday tabloid.

‘I am very concerned that the News of the World is referred to twice in the independent reports which I have received in relation to the Haut de la Garenne investigation,’ the Senator said.


July 20, 2011
Anonymous said...
The NOTW and SOJP FARCE! Nobody can ever conclude other than Harper's running of this investigation was suspicious from the offset. Was he paid money for an exclusive? Well MET Officers have been so we will never know.

July 20, 2011
Anonymous said...
Comment from another blog:

"Why does the Jersey Media spend so much time rubbishing Lenny Harper yet so little time on the child abuse."

Lenny Harper has successfully rubbished himself. Day books missing, confidential Affidavits stuck on a person's blog who has already been charged and found guilty in court for Internet Activity and now a restaurant bill that will haunt him forever which was with a rogue newspaper group thats being condemned around the world. Harper's critics have got more than enough ammunition to clearly say he was not suitable for such a high profile case and historic child abuse has nothing to do with it, he was out of his depth then and carries on digging a hole for himself now.

July 20, 2011
Anonymous said...
Will the scrutiny panel be asking Lenny Harper to explain how his close connections at the NOTW had all this information before it was officially released. No, of course they won't. They'd rather waste their time and our money giving time to a pipe salesman's conspiracy theories. Credibility GONE ! As one of the above commenters suggests, GAME OVER.

July 20, 2011
Anonymous said...
Lenny must be nervous, given the Prime Minister's announcement of a review into all police forces past relationships with the media.


July 20, 2011
Anonymous said...
I just pissed myself at today's JEP article on Lenny defends links with press.

According to Harper "We took News of World Reporter to dinner to stop inaccurate stories being printed"...Is that a new directive of the Police then is it? Buy tabloid journalists meals to make them print accurate stories? At this rate is somebody going to take SS for a Pizza then? What a load of cobblers and it really worked didn't Lenny when the News of the World ended up with headlines like "children raped, murdered and burnt in incinerator".

Keep on digging Lenny just keep on digging....

The News of the World actions you've made will end up being the final nail in this farce.

July 20, 2011
Anonymous said...
Lenny Harper seems to have a grudge with Senator Ben Shenton in moaning about his Monday question, so yet more professional comment from the former police officer.

July 20, 2011
Anonymous said...
Lenny Harper is clutching at straws and nobody with an ounce of common sense will swallow any of this twaddle after the recent UK/USA news headlines on this newspaper.

July 20, 2011
R Soda said...
We should all get behind Lenny Harper and Deputy Trevor Pitman (physically) because they are such lovely, honest and caring people for the victims of child abuse. Despite me not having any kids of my own and proclaiming to be an expert in Police/Accountancy/Paodophile matters I do sometimes wish I was a woman so I could have their babies.

July 20, 2011
Anonymous said...
PMSL! Well it does creepily come across that way!

July 20, 2011
Voices in my Head said...
He's not that bad....

When he starts being observed as a true drunken loner with a laptop writing stuff about being threatened by crypto-fascists then you can truly say he really is a complete dickhead.

July 20, 2011
Anonymous said...
Funny how two child less loners, a person with a horrendous criminal record of violence, a person thrown out of the States Chamber and banned from a school for threatening behaviour plus filming the States Chamber, an ex copper that dines with corrupt journalists and a religious fruitcake from Staffordshire all get together and think they are the 'new media for the victims of HDLG'. You could make it up if it was on the same par as Alice in Wonderland.

July 20, 2011
Anonymous said...
Anon you just said what everybody in the real world has always been thinking and Leonard Harper's pathetic excuse in the paper for his mingling with well known mud slinging journalists gave us a real chuckle in the office at lunchtime :-0.

July 20, 2011
Anonymous said...
VFC make me chuckle, they are using a picture of RS crouching for a $hit.

July 20, 2011
Anonymous said...
They have it in their heads tonight that they have made the JEP do a report on Harper, funny that on a day that their messiah also announces a legal action by one of Harper's affidavit victims against him for presumably harassment. When is Harry going into jail? Can't wait to have a dam good chuckle at that one :-0

July 20, 2011
Anonymous said...
No outside democracy would tolerate the level of lawlessness by the crypto-fascist oligarchs made up of criminals instigating unlawful actions against me. I am above the law and I have always had a right to pass insult on others.

July 21, 2011
Anonymous said...
The man lives a solitary life of going out and sitting on his own with a laptop whilst others avoid him. He stills sends weekly annoying e-mails to his ex but like many others he tries to destroy they just see him for the fool he actually is.

July 21, 2011
Anonymous said...
so lenny the liar says that ben was delighted that we found out that he entertained for the sum of £700 a news of the world reporter who happens to be the wife of a policeman that lenny the liar knows.
i wonder if lenny the liar reimbursed our taxapayers money in benefit or in kind. roll on the met investigation. Ben you and Power should be proud that you both sussed him out at an early stage. even though lenny the liar was bullying everyone around him. YOU COULDNT MAKE IT UP.

kind regards STUART

July 21, 2011
Anonymous said...
Talking of Clever Trev, you want to take a look at all the ghost postings on Channel Online praising his and Shona's work and it always follows a critical post of their work. I have asked Channel Online to look at how many of these posts are coming from within St Helier and how many are coming from out of town and where. This is abuse of the Internet to promote two useless people before forth elections as far as I can see and I bet paople from St Clement and Rozel is writing some of this guff not forgetting St John.

July 21, 2011
Anonymous said...
I noticed that, I think Clever Trev could be writing them himself.

July 21, 2011
Anonymous said...
Well their Scrutiny panel has collapsed since they found out the truth about Harper by the looks of it. Amazing isn't it, SS now being sued by loads of people for cyber harrassment, Harper exposed for dining with rogue journalists and now the self proclaimed scruting panel that put their beliefs in all this voice of bum fluff media has collapsed. Funny isn't it really :-0

July 21, 2011
Anonymous said...
It was best they all resigned because its doubtful any of them will get back in come October.

July 21, 2011
Ian Jersey Law Reports Evans said...
THREE more States Numpties have announced their intention to resign from the Education and Home Affairs Scrutiny Panel.

The decision of the chairman, Deputy Roy Le Hérissier and panel members Deputies Trevor Pitman and Jeremy Maçon follow that of former member Deputy Montfort Tadier last week.

Full story on the Drama Queens in tomorrow's JEP.

July 21, 2011
Anonymous said...
What shocking news....I don't know how I will be able to sleep tonight....

July 21, 2011
Anonymous said...
Scrutiny is a waste of time and they should sit back and let the brains aka the COM just do all the technical stuff.

July 21, 2011
Anonymous said...

July 21, 2011
Anonymous said...




July 21, 2011
Anonymous said...
This is brilliant stuff, keep it going!

July 22, 2011
Anonymous said...
I think this Scrutiny Panel was a farce from the start, starting an inquiry ages after a report has been done, interviewing non entities who run conspriracy blogs and support rogue ex politicians who is well known for sending threatening e-mails to his ex, interviewing people who dare not step back into Jersey because they could be arrested, throwing toys at question time at other States Members who ask the questions the tax payers want to know and walking out/resigning in a strop, it’s hardly professional, it's pathetic.

This review was always flawed after the News of the World scandal and as for the blogs, never have we seen such close companionship between some states members and known idiots.

July 22, 2011
Anonymous said...
These useless unemployable twerps are the people who will be seeking re-election this coming October and yes the public will be paying them over a 4 year term £360,000 if you elect them. You could not make it up ! jokers who could not get a job in the private sector. When highly qualified nurses are on half these idiots pay, no wonder the public are dis-illusioned and fed up.

July 22, 2011
Anonymous said...
A hypothetical question.

I wonder how much Lenny got from Lucy Panton for giving her an exclusive story which turned out to be a fairy tale, and when it was discovered as rubbish did the NOTW ask lucy to get a refund ?

July 22, 2011
Anonymous said...
The pitmans le claire tadier and a couple of other numbties are off my voting list come october, each of them have been sucking up to rico the sordid in an attempt to have him publish on his nutty blog favourable stuff about them.

July 22, 2011
Anonymous said...
through a dating agency i contacted RS and he responded asking what sex i was, i told him i was bi and he replied how much.

July 22, 2011
Anonymous said...
i see paul, syvrets pal who works at the police station is still posting comments on his blog, this time slagging off PB. what is wrong with these people. ?

July 22, 2011

This is the article that Lucy Panton wrote. The wicked people above have done everything they can think of to cover up what really happened at Haut de la Garenne, and brave Stuart Syvret is in La Moye jail, for whistleblowing. loaned out


  1. Why hasn't David Rose been arrested?

  2. The Doombloggers are crowing about what a lovely Christmas they are going to have because they have managed to put an innocent man in prison.

    Well, let them make the most of their Christmas turkey dinners, as it will be the last one those wretches taste as there are going to be rather a lot of paedophiles in prison next year - there certainly won't be any room for innocent men like Stuart Syvret.

    Once all the paedos are in jail I am going to personally lobby the Government to stop them wasting money on providing anything but the basics to felons in jail. I can't do that at the moment as there are too many decent people in jail who ought not be there at all.

  3. The paedos think they are above the law. They've got away with so much bad stuff that they've got cocky. But the smirks will soon be wiped off all their faces.

    The police are not going to be very happy about the harassment of one of their officers wives.
