Sunday 11 December 2011


American paedophile living in Putney as Goverment seeks extradition

10:23am Thursday 6th October 2011 in News

A convicted child molester who is one of America's most wanted sex criminals has been secretly living in Putney.

Shawn Sullivan, of Horne Way, off Lower Richmond Road, has been wanted in the United States since 1994 for allegedly sexually assaulting two 11-year-old girls.

He is believed to have been lying low in Ireland until he received a suspended sentence for sexually abusing two 12-year-olds girls.

The 42-year-old was picked up in England last year having entered the country from Ireland by allegedly duping border authorities by using the Gaelic spelling of his name, O'Suilleabhain.

In December , Sullivan, originally from Fort Benning, Georgia, was granted bail and ordered to wear an electronic tag and follow strict curfew rules pending the extradition proceedings.

Authorities in the US state of Minnesota want him to face charges where he could, according to US sentencing guidelines, face up to 25 years in jail for each charge.

Unsuspecting neighbours in the Horne Way estate, where a children's fĂȘte is being held this week, were horrified to find out who was living among them.

One Putney resident, who did not want to be named, said: "I accidentally spoke to him last week. He is an extremely charming man and you would have absolutely no idea who he was.

"He has managed to weasel his way into the community and has made some friends in the Horne Way estate.

"It is a very family orientated area and there are children everywhere, he should not be in this country at all and the Government need to extradite him."

In 2007 the US national was added to worldwide police force Interpol's "Most Wanted" list along with some of globe's most notorious murderers, terrorists and paedophiles.

The Home Office confirmed Sullivan's extradition was ordered in February but it is being contested by Sullivan.

A spokesman said: "Mr Sullivan has appealed to the High Court against the decisions of the District Judge and the Secretary of State; this is therefore a matter for the courts."

Putney men jailed for part in paedophile picture exchange

4:50pm Monday 18th July 2011 in Wandsworth

By James Trueman »
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Two Putney men who were part of a paedophile ring have been jailed for possession of indecent images of children.

John Morrison, 45, of Upper Richmond Road, was sentenced to two years in jail at the Old Bailey on July 15 after pleading guilty to possession of indecent photos of a child and failure to disclose a computer password.

John Parratt, 63, also of Upper Richmond Road, was found guilty of the same charges and received a 12 month sentence.

They belonged to the group led by Steven Freeman, of Arnulf Street, Catford, who would host weekly meetings at his address where he would share indecent images, videos and drawings of children, the court heard.

The 57-year-old, an ex-committee member of former international organisation the Paedophile Information Exchange (Pie), had pleaded guilty to possession of indecent photographs of a child, distribution of indecent images of a child, failure to disclose a key to protected information and possession of prohibited images of a child.

He was jailed for a minimum of 30 months.

Around 14,500 pictures and films were found on computer disks at Freeman’s home and at the address of two members of his paedophile ring.

The images were described at the Old Bailey as "vile and disgusting" and were among the worst police had seen.

Prosecution barrister Mark Gadsden told the court around 3,000 hand drawn images of children were discovered, "some of them unfinished, some in colour and some in black and white".

Police officers also found a computer game in which the primary objective was to have sex with as many schoolboys as possible.

A board game with the same rules was also discovered where extra points were awarded for particular types of sex.

Another member of the ring, Barry Cutler, 60, of Porchester Mead, Beckenham, was jailed for 15 months after pleading guilty to possession of indecent photographs of a child and failure to disclose a key to protected information.

Leo Adamson, aged 49, from Vauxhall, was found guilty of failing to disclose a key to protected information and was previously jailed for 12 months.


"In 1994 the National Crime Authority (NCA) was given the task of completing a
strategic intelligence assessment of a range of organised crime groups, including
paedophile networks and organised paedophile activity. A Report by the ParliamentaryJoint Committee on the National Crime Authority 2 summarized the findings of this
Report as follows:
most sexual offences against children are committed by their relatives and
neighbours who are not paedophiles in the strict sense of the term and who do
not operate in any organised or networked way.
while very small paedophile support groups operated openly in Australia in the
1980s there was no evidence that they currently do so.
there was no evidence to suggest that organised paedophile groups have ever
resembled what are traditionally thought of as ‘organised crime’ groups in size,
aims, structures, methods, longevity and so forth. Many paedophiles offend in
isolation. To the extent that two or more paedophiles group together to commit
offences, the numbers involved have almost invariably been very small and the
groupings very much ad hoc and on a peer to peer basis.
more commonly, where there are contacts between paedophile offenders, they
consist of loose informal networks of peer to peer contacts.
there was no evidence of any commercial production of illegal child
pornography in Australia. Most of the current illegal material that undoubtedly
is possessed by many paedophiles appears to be made by them, obtained by
informal trading of home made material amongst paedophiles assisted by
informal networking or obtained from overseas.
there was no evidence of any current organised promotion or arrangement of
tours by Australian paedophiles to overseas destinations known to be attractive
to them. However, informal networking among paedophiles may assist some
tourists going overseas to commit paedophile offences.
One of the recommendations made by the Committee was that:
The Minister for Justice raise with the APMC the issue of how the
improved flow of information on paedophile offenders and suspects
between Australian law enforcement agencies can best be achieved, and
in particular: (i) whether enhancing the ABCI’s database is the most
appropriate avenue along which to proceed; and (ii) whether formal
agreements between relevant law enforcement agencies on information
sharing should be put in place."

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