Thursday 12 January 2012


I am still getting abused in this way. I won't be publishing any more of the abusive comments.

It is horrible to be getting this abuse. I dread looking on my own blog site, because it makes me feel horrible inside to have people hating me for no reason at all.


  1. "people?"
    No, it's just one or two sick nutters, with no power to hurt you unless you allow them to.
    Ignore them and stay strong xx

  2. It's difficult to do that when they knacker up your Hotmail account and get people to smash up your loved ones windows and tip all their bins all over everywhere though.

  3. I am still getting the sad Troll comments but won't be posting any of them.

  4. i like your blog zoompad true theirs a lot of sick people about dont let them get to you just ignore them and keep writing

  5. "The reason for the timing of this announcement is that another man with a brilliant mind will shortly become available, on early release from prison, where he has been confined for inappropriate thoughts and the exercise of his imagination. He will be unemployed and penniless but has both the talent and the will to take over the technical management of this new enterprise, in particular applying his expertise to electronic publishing and the interface with Kindle and similar devices. "

    See how determined these people are? WHY ARE THESE PEOPLE ABLE TO GET AWAY WITH THIS?????

  6. hi zoompad i think it's awful who ever is doing this to you i dont know much about computers or bloging for that matter as i am now to bloging but some people i know use hush mail if that wont do the trick try a domain name i would not worry too much about nutter though keep writing i like your blog best wishes bill

  7. Hi Bill

    The people who are doing this to me are already known to the police, but the police only seem to investigate certain crimes (and non crimes) committed against certain people, and "draw a line" under crimes committed against other people. If I were a member of a club such as the Freemasons or MI5 I expect the police would have arrested the bullies straight away.

  8. There's no chance of me ever being a member of any of those secret clubs though as it is against my beliefs to join any club or society in which I would be asked to take any vow or oath contrary to the standard of conduct that Jesus Christ set as an example, and I know that Jesus said it was wrong to cover up crimes that other people had committed, and to be untruthful and to plot against other people. So even if I was ever invited to join those clubs (or gangs) I would have to turn them down.
