Wednesday 25 January 2012


Last night I watched Oranges and Sunshine. I had wanted to see this film at the cinema, when it was released last year, but none of the cinemas near me showed this film.

I cannot recommend this film highly enough. It is about the organised deportation of children in care from the UK to Commonwealth countries, such as Australia, New Zealand, Canada. It has extra materiel included on the DVD, a questions and answers session with people from the film and Margaret Humphries, the social worker who led the quest to reunite the deportees with their families in the UK, and the apology from Gordon Brown and Andy Burnham is also included. Before the apology, there is a statement which says that the deportations were not only going on in the 1950s and 1960s, but that they had been going on for centuries. As I read that shocking statement, I wished they could have added that the illegal deportations are still ongoing, as the secret family courts are still taking peoples children from this country and sending them abroad - there are accounts from the West Midlands to show that Social Services have spent public money in this way, on plane tickets to whisk children out of this country.

I don't want to knock Gordon Brown, because one thing I will say about him is that I wrote to him many times while he was the Prime Minister and I got a reply from every single letter I sent to him. I don't think it is fair to blame the horrible wicked child stealing and deportation that has come to light on people like him. I just wished Gordon Brown would have had a bit more courage, and a determination to stop these disgusting crimes against humanity while he had the chance.

Of course, the situation is different from this film now, as nowadays each individual child is worth more, the human traffickers see the stolen children as little pots of gold, as the child prostitution and forced adoption industry is worth £billions, whereas the 50 - 60s deportees were wanted as cheap labour to exploit, although some of them were also sexually abused as well.

It is a very good film and I am very glad to have managed to get a copy at last.


  1. I am struggling with learning this link posting skill and need some help

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  2. A genuine question.
    Why are you called Zoompad?

  3. I don't really know. The name just popped into my head one day, when I was trying to think of a pen name. I wanted a name no-one else had, something that would stand out a bit, so I could get my voice heard. I just wanted to be heard, because I wanted the abuse to stop you see. I just tried to think of a name and the two words Zoom and Pad popped into my brain, so I thought they would do just fine, so thats what I called myself. Afterwards though, I found out there is some sort of computer function called Zoom pad, but I didn't know that at the time.

  4. She is called Zoompad because she is a mad women with a kiddy fiddling obsession that makes her unable to stop writing absolute crap about the subject. In my humble opinion Ian Evans is right and she should be in a secure unit and kept away from blogs.

  5. I have let that abusive comment through so that other people can see what we Pindown survivors are up against.

    We are hated by these anonymous bullies.

    I think it is not difficult to work out why these bullies like to make their comments anonymously.

  6. Ian Evans is the man who refused to explain to me how a man called Brian Clare knew I was standing right next to him at the Trafalger Square rally a year ago. It would have taken less than five minuits to explain this puzzle to me, but he told me he didnt have time.

    Brian Clare is a man who said he was abused as a child who tried to get me and other women to commit perjury for him in court. He also claimed to know people from the past when he had never met them before, which is a very creepy thing to do.

    I still don't know why Ian Evans could not have just explained to me what the heck was going on, as a result of which I do not trust him any more.

  7. I like people to be straight with me, not lead me a merry dance and try to pull one over me.

    I don't trust people who aren't straightforward, honest and compassionate.

  8. I am obsessed with getting an apology for the vile way I was treated as a child and vulnerable adult.

    I want an apology. 40 years is a long time to wait for an apology.

  9. Ian Evans knows more about child abuse and the plight of survivors than anything you've ever written.

  10. I had to publish that comment as well, because it made me laugh.

    It reminds me of the sort of comment made about penuses, the who has got the biggest one sort of comment. Totally totally pointless, and just mad.

  11. Well, I think you've had enough attention paid you Mr Troll, so don't expect any more of your stupid comments to get published, as they will be goinmg injto the spam folder in future.

  12. Good blog post.

    (I delete the rude comments on my humble blog)

    - Aangirfan
