Thursday 5 January 2012



  1. Jailed for trying to help people who had been abused as children in care.

    Jersey, this is your shame. You are persecuting good men and letting bad ones get away with some of the wickedest crimes ever committed.

  2. Once again, I am publishing your vile comments for the police to see.

  3. 'Jailed for trying to help people who had been abused as children in care.'

    Err no Zoompad.

    He was jailed for refusing to do community service after being found guilty of contempt of court. A big difference love and the court transcripts are online for all to see.

  4. I'm not your "love" so please don't call me that.

    Stuart was given the community service after a kangeroo trial. He did not have a proper trial, because he was prevented from bringing his defence. He couldn't do the community service because by doing so he would have been acknowledging that he had had a proper trial. I advised him to do the community service, but he refused to do so, and I can see that he was right to stand up for his principles. I know that you probably find those principles of moral virtue difficult to understand, as in your childhood teachers were allowed to inflict corporal punishment upon children, and too many times perverts spanked innocent little boys to get their sexual gratification, most boys of your generation realised this, and just took the unfair punishment, as it was the easiest route out of the trouble. But some people just wont take punishment that they know they dont deserve and Stuart is one of those brave people.

    The people who used the judicial system against him in a malicious and illegal way did so because Stuart would not stop exposing institutional child abuse.

  5. A Kangaroo Court? I am not getting into a silly debate about excuses for losing a case but if you do not trust the justice system then that’s your prerogative. As I said the court transcripts are online. The Judges involved including from the UK are all of good standing so either accept it or forget about it but don't start telling people it’s a fit up because the evidence is over whelming enough to show it isn't.

  6. I think you're missing the point The issue isn't that I don't trust the justice system at all. There wouldn't be anything wrong with the justice system if everyone abided by it. Sadly, some people consider themselves to be above the letters of the law.

  7. But your point about getting into silly debates is a good one. It is a bit silly getting into a debate with someone who hasn't even got the guts and integrity to show his face. Therefore, unless you drop your mask of anonymity I won't be publishing any more of your comments on this subject.

  8. "It is a bit silly getting into a debate with someone who hasn't even got the guts and integrity to show his face."

    Coming from somebody that uses a pseudonym and photo less avatar, that must be the stupidest comment of the year so far.

  9. Zoompad is my pen name,that I used for my book TIP, you already know what my real name is, and where I live.

    My avater is a lovely self portait I did while I was recieving councelling for child abuse. The therapist told me to paint so I did and this is one of the paintings I did. I like it, I feel proud that I did such a good painting, I love the way the hair curls shine because of the colours that I used, and I think my face looks calm, peaceful and contented in it, and that is how I would always like to be, rather that the weeping wreck that the abuse and reabuse reduced me to. It is a good self image aspiration, and that is why I use it as my avater. Why shouldn't I use something that makes me feel positive and happy?

    As I said, I won't be posting any more of your comments while you choose to call yourself anonymous. I already know who you are, so why not use your real name?

  10. Why don't you keep your nose out as you obviously never get any facts correct.

    You jabber on an on whilst not having the slightest inkling of what it is you are spouting off about, and you bring grief and discord to those who are trying to unite.

    Please just butt out and let those with some idea continue unhindered.

    I don't expect this to be posted but you needed telling straight.

  11. Once the police have finished their initial reinvestigation of institutional child abuse and start rounding all you bad ones up, you will also get more free time to do some nice art work as I have done, instead of lurking round the blogs of child abuse survivors and moaning about their pen names and avaters. I know Lord Ramsbotham has been setting up art exhibitions for prison inmates.

  12. You are absolutly correct, in that I won't be posting your comment. As for me butting out, well, I will hopefully be coming to Jersey this summer, as I have been very kindly invited over by several Jersey friends.

  13. In the light of what I have just read on VFC blog I have changed my mind and decided to let those two blogposts through after all. I would like other people to see what is being said here.

  14. Zoompad said...
    I don't think you are a very nice man Tom Gruchy. Last night I found a thread of you on a forum attacking viciously attacking Stuart. I sent the link to Stuart, I was really shocked. Are you Ugh! Its's Him?

    7 January 2012 14:34

    Anonymous said...
    UGH it's him is David Rotheram

    7 January 2012 17:32

    Zoompad said...
    Yes, I know Ugh! It's him is David Rotherham, but is he also Tom Gruchy? Does anyone know?

    7 January 2012 17:38

    voiceforchildren said...

    Tom Gruchy (who I know) is not “Ugh it’s him.” There might have been, quite some time ago, differences between Tom Gruchy and Stuart. The hatchet has somewhat been buried and are both fighting the same cause.

    7 January 2012 17:43

    In case VFC doeswn't post in on his blog, here is my reply:

    "The hatchet has somewhat been buried "

    I would never turn my back on someone who had attacked me so relentlessly, lest that hatchet ended up buried in my back. Someone is very angry about what I have recently posted, I am getting some pretty nasty comments on my own blog.

  15. Sorry if I have upset anyone, but I can't be gagged any more, and I feel its very important to have some things right out in the open.

  16. "Why don't you keep your nose out as you obviously never get any facts correct."

    That is not true. Yes, I sometimes make mistakes (doesn't everyone?) but I know I have been of great assistance to the Jersey anti child abuse team, and it was me who found out about David Rose, I dug all that up initially, and Rico has done a fantastic job of researching it properly. But it was me who sniffed it out.

    The only people who would be telling me to sod off would be ones with stains on their hands. I know who you are, and I think you are a very nasty man, a big liar and a creep, as I already told you. You should get off my blog and stop harassing me, on this blog and all the other blogs and tell your creepy wino friend to do likewise.

  17. You might be able to pull the wool over the eyes of VFC but you dont fool me!

  18. 'I know who you are, and I think you are a very nasty man, a big liar and a creep, as I already told you. You should get off my blog and stop harassing me, on this blog and all the other blogs and tell your creepy wino friend to do likewise.'

    That's it. I'm fed up with you being rude about me and my friends. I'm making the police aware of your harrasment. And I'm telling my lawyer. And God can see that you are trying to intimidate me. I'm sure they'll treat my complaints with the same seriousness with which they treat your own constant moaning.

  19. "That's it. I'm fed up with you being rude about me and my friends. I'm making the police aware of your harrasment. And I'm telling my lawyer. "

    But that's just stupid! It's nyou that is harassing me! It's you who is coming onto my blog and leaving vile comments about my mental health and whats more you are doing all this behind a creepy mask of anonymity!

    There are laws in this country to protect me from people like you. You are not supposed to go round the social networking of people who were abused as children and anyone who tries to help them and bully and threaten them. It is illegal, and it's also immoral.

    I hope your lawyer isn't from the same firm that has already been paid a lot of taxpayers money to attack Stuart Syvret.

  20. You are like a naughty little schoolboy who goes round bullying other kids, then when one of them stands up to him cries out "Teacher teacher". That is exactly what you are like.

    I still have faith in the integrity of the UK police, despite the sad way I have been treated. I know there are good people in the UK police who detest child abuse and corruption. I also have faith in God to protect me from gangs of bullies such as the nasty one you belong to.
