Wednesday 4 January 2012

Trying to heal

I am trying to help myself. Regular readers of this blog will have witnessed some of the abuse I have been subjected to.

I have been regularly called a "nutter" and told that I need to be in a psychiatric hospital. I have been bullied and threatened, and have kept some of the nasty comments I have been sent off this blog. I have only let a few on because I wanted other people to witness the bullying. So, you see, I am not such a "nutter" after all!

Anyway, it is hard to cope with depression, when it tries to stranglehold your life. The way I am coping is

1) Prayer, I talk to God about my troubles. This is one of the reasons I am called a nutter, because these days it is considered old fashioned to talk to God, although not that very long ago lots of people talked to their creator. Anyway, thats what I do, and I don't see why I should have to put up with being called a nutter for doing so. I know its the Christian way to be long suffering, but I reckon I have suffered enough now, so if anyone leaves any vile comments about my mental health status because I choose to talk to God I will be taking them to court for harassment. I think it's about time I put an end to this nonsense for once and all.

2) Knitting, sewing and crotchet, I love making things. Yesterday I made a bag for a keyboard, I made it out of an old pair of trousers and some materiel I had left over from something else. I will be posting pictures of that at some point, in case anyone else wants to make one.

3) Origami I have rediscovered this beautiful art form. I have got Robert Harbins Origami books 1 and 2 and have been going through the different folds. Its a very relaxing and cheap hobby. Those unwanted junk mailings can be put to good use.

4) Dancing I love ballet, and have started doing my old ballet exercises to some music while I cook dinner. I might start to go to dance class again if I can find one near where I live.

5) Singing and playing music. It's a lovely thing to do, even if you arent very good. Anyone can play something, even if its only rattling a tambourine. Its a great stress reliever.

6) Painting. I like watercolour painting best, because they dry quickly and I like the effects you can get from wet in wet technique. I like painting landscapes best. Painting makes you really look at things.


  1. Excellent!

    - Aangirfan

  2. You need electric shock therapy to even start healing. You and Rico are so weird I would never let either of you anywhere near my kids thats for sure.

  3. You have just broken the law (again) and I am going to see a solicitor tomorrow to do something about your wicked harassment of me. You have absolutly no rights to persecute me the way you are doing.

  4. You can take it to whoever you please, I couldn't give a dam. You need help. You’re an obsessed, demented, bitter and twisted lonely woman that’s a danger to the public. Ask your lawyer for a referral to an asylum for everybody’s sake.

  5. You're still a "Nutter"

  6. Right, well I have just got back from the solicitor, and the solicitor has told me that this is a matter for the police. This is harassment, and there is a law to protect people like me from people like you and I am going to make sure it is enforced.

  7. I am none of those things, I'm not bitter twisted or lonely, I am a lady who got abused whilst in care when I was a child who has suffered mental health problems because of that and because of the further abuse I have suffered from people like you. I am not a danger to anyone at all, and you are slandering me by saying that. I am going to go to the police to stop you from bullying me and other people, I think you already have a police record for doing that, but like you said, you don't care. Well lets see if the British police can change your bad attitude!

  8. I put this post up so that the other child abuse survivors could read it and get some good ideas on how they might be able to help themselves to get over their terrible experiences. So for you to come onto this thread and start harrassing me is absolutly disgraceful.

  9. Harassment? After the way you harass others? Your lawyer must be on the same loony medication as you then because your nothing but a blogging nuisance and should be locked up in a secure unit away from normal people. Your life is pathetic.

  10. I am posting your horrible comment up as a witness to the harassment I have put up with for years.
