Sunday 11 March 2012


He was pretending to be my friend but the Lord Jesus looked after me thank you Jesus

He was posting horrible things on the Blog of Doom, jeering and sneering at me. I realised it was him when he called me "Babs". That was what he called me. He knew I hated being called that, and he did it all the more, to wind me up.

I would never have suspected that he was treacherous had he not tried his monkey business on me at Trafalger Square.

I was gutted. I thought he was a really nice man. I really looked up to him and felt safe with big men like him around. When he was so horrible to me over that, when he wouldn't even spare me a few seconds to even talk about it, I was really very upset. I felt as though other people were turning their backs on me, because I was making too much fuss over what everyone else thought was a small incident, but it wasn't small to me, because I felt stabbed in the back.

It was him on the Blog of Doom. He was pretending to be my friend, pretending to be other peoples friends as well.

Why did he do it? I have no idea, but I kept saying the Lord would not be pleased, and that the Lord would deal with him, and so He has!

Staffordshire Police have not contacted me since I complained a few weeks ago about the abusive comments that were left on my blog, but it looks like they have been doing some digging anyway! THANK YOU STAFFORD POLICE!!!!!

I hope this means that my ordeal might finally be coming to an end, I really do hope so. I would so love to have some sort of normal life, where I don't feel scared all the time.


  1. Burton cannabis haul

    Staffordshire Police have carried out drugs raids in Burton resulting in the recovery of a significant amount of cannabis.

    The raids followed a major investigation into a suspected drug trafficking operation between Burton and Jersey.

    Officers from Staffordshire Police’s Serious Organised Crime Unit worked closely with colleagues from the State of Jersey Customs and Immigration Service.

    On Tuesday 6 March, simultaneous operations were conducted in both the Burton and Jersey areas.

    Officers recovered a significant amount of cannabis and cash.

    Over 250 kg of suspected cannabis, with an estimated street value of over £1 million, was recovered from addresses in the Branston, Uxbridge and Horninglow areas of Burton.

    Three people were arrested in Burton - two men, aged 49 and 44, and one woman aged 49.

    They have all been released on bail pending further enquiries.

    Detective Chief Insp Paul Clews, from the Serious Organised Crime Unit, said: "This seizure demonstrates Staffordshire Police's ongoing commitment through Operation Nemesis to tackle organised criminality linked to illegal drugs.

    "We are continuing our investigations to ensure that any people responsible are properly brought to justice.

    As part of our investigation we will be working closely with our colleagues from the State of Jersey Customs and Immigration Service who are completing their own investigation."

    Anyone with any information on drug supply or use in their area should contact Staffordshire Police on 101, or the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

  2. I was really upset after the WPC from Stafford Police said they weren't going to do anything about the cyber bullying.

    They must have changed their minds, and had a look after all. They must have traced the IP addresses of the bullies.

    It's just been so horrible for so long, and I really really really hope that the horrible bullying is going to stop now.

    Its horrible to trust someone and think they are your friend, only for them to be laughing up their sleeves about you, and plotting against you. Thats what it was like for Jesus when Judas betrayed him, except even worse because he was mocking me and jeering at me, and Judas didnt do that.

    They got me so upset that I felt like I just wanted to curl up and die. Only I cant because I have people who love me. But thats how they make you feel, like a microscopic useless thing.

    Why did he do it? Why did he hurt me? I cant even see the point in it at all. There doesn't even seem to be any point in what he did. In fact, it must have been his bullying that got him caught. Its like in the Bible story of Daniel - they fall into their own trap, praise the Lord!

  3. Dear Zoompad
    Who are you talking about?
    Shouldn't we know?

  4. I won't name him, but I will say this - if he had not bullied and hounded me and if my poor old mum had not been terrified by having a big rock hurled through her window by two men from Rentathug, then I would not have gone to the police and showed the policewoman the horrible hateful things that he wrote about me on my blog and asked her to trace the IP address.

    I didnt think Stafford Police were going to do anything about it, as they have been so hopeless about letting bullies and paedophiles go on do their horrible bullying, but it looks like they have changed their minds.

    I hope Stafford Police will re investigate Operation Ore now, I know some police were looking into it from other forces, because I was bullied for two years on MFJ and it was the Orees doing it and the Orees had computer experts with them.
