Saturday 17 March 2012


17th March 2012
Your Grace,
Does a shepherd abandon his sheep?
The Lord God Almighty gives us all a cross to bear. We all have a duty to perform; we all have a battle to be fought.
Jonah tried to abandon his duty and run away from God, but he soon discovered there was nowhere to run to.
When you first became Archbishop there was an outcry against you. You spoke some words about Freemason pledges that some people did not want to hear. You were right to speak the truth, it’s a shame you were able to hear the few voices raised in anger rather than the many that would have been raised in praise to God, had we a proper free press that allows the people to read the truth untainted with wilful God denying propaganda.
My battle is against institutional child abuse. I have felt like giving up many times, and running away, but how can I give up a burden that God has placed on my shoulders, and where could I run to? God has even provided a goad to spur me on, in the shape of ex Senator Stuart Syvret, who is an atheist, yet is valiantly doing Gods work, in trying to protect Gods children by bringing child abusers to justice, and has poured out his own life as an offering to do so. If an atheist can honour the God who made him by such nobleness of spirit, how can I who have faith in the living God give up hope and run away?
And if a broken down old woman like me can cling so determinedly to the promises of God then you can do likewise. You have your burden to carry, and to look at it, it seems impossible to carry such a large thing. But so did it seem impossible to feed 5000 hungry people with a little bit of bread and fish, but with the Lord nothing is impossible!
When the Pope came you had a golden opportunity to put right a great wrong. You hugged him and offered him a chair – that was good, Christians are supposed to show others kindness and hospitality. But the chair you offered him was the wrong one. You didn’t respect God when you offered that particular chair to the Pope. If you can’t work out what you did wrong that day in offering that particular chair to that man, then you should ask God to show you. There were many people in the congregation that day that badly needed to hear the words of God, though the words might have seemed like arrows in their hearts at the time. It was your duty to ask God to put the words into your mouth that you needed to speak. It was not a day to read from a script. Jeremiah didn’t know what to say, and God filled his mouth with the right words. He would do the same for you, if you allowed him. You should have trusted in God to fill your mouth with the right words, and you should have remembered that you are His servant, and not the servant of the State. You should always put God first. It’s not too late to put things right.
I am sorry for rebuking you, but someone has got to do it.
May God bless you
Barbara Richards (aka Zoompad author of “Tip”)


  1. 2 hours ago

    John Hemming's Web Log
    Twitter Spamming starts again on NHS Bill - What I find difficult to understand is how anyone thinks it helps tweeting standard tweets at MPs that are not your own MP.All it does is to stop MPs respond...
    4 hours ago

    This was on Voice for children's side bar
    Nice people Zoomy , they are all very sinister and I wouldn't be surprised if it came out they were all in a relationship at some point.

    Jersey is very small and people talk.

  2. 2 hours ago

    John Hemming's Web Log
    Twitter Spamming starts again on NHS Bill - What I find difficult to understand is how anyone thinks it helps tweeting standard tweets at MPs that are not your own MP.All it does is to stop MPs respond...
    4 hours ago

    Voice for children

  3. I showed John Hemming MP that 2 American paedophile psychologists had influenced the secret family courts when I first found out I think it must be 4 years ago. John Hemming was very nasty to me, as he was to all the PAS accused women.

    He also let me be bullied relentlessly and called horrible names on MFJ. One of the bullies was Nigel Oldfield. They were the Fathers Rights men. Me and thye other ladies were trying to not get uppety over the horrible things that were being said on F4J at the time, we were trying to see if there was a way forward, rather than being confrontational and we were turning the other cheek to the insults, because we could see how corrupt the courts were, and we thought if only we could build bridges with the men we could try to stop the secret family child destroyers together. But when they started attacking me for posting about those two wicked paedos I could not turn a blind eye, I could ignore personal insults up to a point, but not compromise on the truth, and the truth is that the Kinsey Institute has tried to legalise paedophilia, and some of us are trying with all out might to stand against paedophilia being legalised. But Hemming let me get bullied. Stuart would never have done what he did.

  4. Dont mean to idolise Stuart, but he's a good man. I tried to warn him again and again not to stay with Hemming. Good people often get tricked though.

  5. Personally, I think anyone who trusts John Hemming MP needs to have their brain examined for loose screws.

  6. And now I know that Rowan Williams was targetted by the BFMS for their propaganda.

    I feel sorry for Rowan Williams but I would still like to shout at him and tell him to sort himself out quick sharp and make a stand for God. I would tell him that to his face, over a nice cup of tea, if only I had the chance.

  7. Why would anyone want to listen to a "nutter" with PTSD. I feel really fed up at times. So frustrating.
