Tuesday 17 April 2012

Lena Adelsohn Liljeroth - Let them eat cake


  1. How on earth could anyone think this is anything other than utterly disgusting?

    This woman is a politician! Look at them all, grinning like apes!

    No wonder the world is in such an almighty stuff up.

  2. I just wonder what the heck is going on on this planet. And people have the cheek to call me a nutter and say I need putting in a straight jacket! Its all topsy turvy, as if someone has got a great big spoon and stirred everything up so that nothing makes much sense any more.

    They've even made the inside of that disgusting cake red, so that it looks like they are eating a corpse!

    Just unbelievable.

  3. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-17749533

  4. It looks like it was one almighty great cock up, but you would expect someone in her position to use her brains and realise what that cake was going to look like to everyone.

  5. Perhaps they should have wasted less public funding on the hideous offensive thing and bought a few boxes of Mr Kiplings instead.

  6. Wilson from Brazil18 April 2012 at 11:29

    stop the witch hunting for me is simply art

  7. I realise that now. Not having a go at you, if you read the rest of my blog you will probably be able to appreciate why I blew a gasket when I saw that cake.

    I am anti paedophilea and anti corporate corruption, not anti cake or anti art, and especially not anti cake!!!
