Tuesday 8 May 2012



  1. Good video.

    - Aangirfan

  2. I agree with Anon. Take an over dose of tablets and do the world a favour.

  3. I'm publishing some of these foul comments from these foul people NOT because I am "an attention seeker" who wants people to feel sorry for me, but so that other people can see what the Pindown abuse victims and whistleblowers have had to put up with.

    I think it's very important that the world sees exactly how bold and ruthless child abusers are, and how they are being protected, as we recently saw in Rochdale.

  4. "Meanwhile the gang of nine men who were convicted on Tuesday of offences relating to five girls aged between 13 and 15 were jailed at Liverpool Crown Court.

    Judge Gerald Clifton told them: "All of you treated (the victims) as though they were worthless and beyond any respect.

    "One of the factors leading to that was the fact that they were not part of your community or religion.

    "Some of you, when arrested, said it was triggered by race.

    "That is nonsense. What triggered this prosecution was your lust and greed.

    "In some cases those girls were raped callously, viciously and violently."

    The man regarded as the ringleader, a 59-year-old who cannot be named for legal reasons, was jailed for a total of 19 years for conspiracy, two counts of rape, aiding and abetting a rape, sexual assault and a count of trafficking within the UK for sexual exploitation.

    The remaining gang members received sentences of between nine and four years.

    Rochdale Borough Council declined to comment on the allegation that social workers had been aware of the activities of Asian grooming gangs for nearly a decade."

  5. "As a clinician who treats survivors of psychological trauma, I see the damage sexual abuse causes. The consequences are indeed lifelong, and always debilitating in some form or manner. That is not to say that survivors can't or don't go on to live fulfilling lives--but it is usually an extraordinarily difficult and lengthy process, that among many variables, requires professional help from clinicians trained in trauma therapies. Therapy alone is not the answer either. What good does therapy do when the source of danger is tolerated in your community, and even protected by the leaders of that community? Talk about a Shandah!

    Thank Goodness for the likes of people like Rabbi Rosenberg, Rabbi Gluck, Mr. Feinstein, and the father who had the courage to protect his son. "

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. "Failing to report child abuse is itself a crime. Those who try to intimidate those who have taken cases to the police are engaging in obstruction of justice. This article contains enough information to raise the question, what is D.A. Hynes doing about this?"

  8. "Interesting that the victims in two of the highlighted cases of abuse are youth or children with disabilities (young man with intellectual disabilities and the child who uses a wheelchair). Children and youth with disabilities are more vulnerable, often less mobile and in some cases (if they have intellectual disabilities or are deaf) may not be able to communicate the story of the abuse they faced (or have that story believed by other parties). I can't help but think that molesters know full well this dynamic and that guides whom (the most vulnerable) they target. This is extremely appalling. thank you for shedding light on this. "

  9. Just thought some of the comments left by people on that article were interesting. I had to remove one of them because clumsy fingers me accidentally posted one of them twice!

  10. Show one's gratitude you entirely much for the sake of the take forum. I well-trained a lot and got to know the lucid with captivating people. I'll be a frequent visitor.

  11. What a sad blog this is.

  12. What are you doing reading it then?
