Monday 25 June 2012


The media has not exactly lied about George Wiskin's death on Fleetwood beach, but it hasn't exactly gone out of it's way to tell the truth either.

George Wiskin has been portrayed in the news reports as an elderly gentleman of no especial consequence who had been in the Blackpool area for a conference.

George Wiskin was in fact the Chairman of North Staffordshire NHS.

I have been watching this story waiting for the media to tell the public who this man actually was.

Today, at last, the Staffordshire Sentinel has said "DETECTIVES are trying to piece together the final movements of a Staffordshire pensioner who was found dead on a beach.

Former Westwood High School headteacher and NHS boss George Wiskin went missing while attending a pensioners' conference in Blackpool.

The 76-year-old's body was found on a beach at Fleetwood, just to the north of Blackpool, on Friday.

Police are not treating the death as suspicious after a post-mortem examination revealed Mr Wiskin had died of a heart attack.

But they still want to know what happened to the pensioner after he was last seen.

Mr Wiskin, of Park Road, Leek, had been attending the Pensioners' Parliament at Blackpool's Winter Gardens, organised by the National Pensioners' Convention.

Detective Chief Inspector Neil Esseen said: "Even though we are now happy that there is nothing suspicious about the death, for the sake of his family, we are still keen to try to piece together Mr Wiskin's last movements.

"If anyone does think they have any information that might help then I would ask them to get in touch.

"The last sighting of Mr Wiskin we have is in Blackpool at the Winter Gardens around 8pm on Wednesday June 20. He was attending a conference function and I am sure people would have seen and spoken to him.

"If anyone saw him either in this area or later on that evening, please get in touch."

Incidentally, the Sentinal was the snoozepaper that pronounced in big bold headlines the libellous statement THEY WERE NO ANGELS at the Staffordshire Pindown child abuse investigation. I was one of those poor kids that was dumped in what was really a prison for children that was being run by pimps hiring out the kids the state had handed over to them supposedly into a "Place of Safety".

Well, I must say Staffordshire Police have been very quick in deciding that there was no foul play. I wonder if Mr Wiskin's body will be cremated very very quickly indeed as Amy Winehouse's was?


  1. Well well well, look what I just found!

    "A DISTRAUGHT dad smothered his six-month-old baby then hanged himself after he split up with the boy’s mother.

    Paul McBride was found in a house with little Ollie McBride nearby in a “very poorly condition”.

    The infant was rushed to hospital but could not be saved.

    Police believe the taxi driver, 39, committed the horrendous crime in a rage after he and Ollie’s mother separated.

    A police source said: “It is a very sad case but it appears Paul wasn’t prepared to let anyone else have his son if he couldn’t have him.

    “They had recently split up and were rowing a lot. Paul was upset he couldn’t see his son as regularly as he wanted"

    Now, what I would like to know is who the police source of that statement was. Could it have been the same source as the statement below?


    "Detective Superintendent Neil Esseen says there were no obvious signs of physical harm to six-month-old Ollie McBride, who died in hosiptal after being found with the body of his father. "

    Was this yet another Parental Alienation Syndrome case?

  3. Interesting developments.

    - Aangirfan

  4. AT LAST! The Sentinal have finally decided to spill the beans about who George Wiskin was. It took them long enough!

    "great advocate of the underdog"

    Police believe George Wiskin may have been visiting the Blackpool area to attend a conference

    Surely it wouldn't take much to find out definitively, would it? He may just have liked trams,for instance...

  6. When the freemasons close ranks finding out anything at all is like trying to move a mountain.

    Why did the media cover up who George Wiskin was?

  7. well, it wasn't the conference of the FPH, Faculty of Public Health into which George Wiskin had just been inducted as a New Lay Member on the Curriculum and Assessment Committee - that's next month in Cardiff.

  8. Thanks for the link:

    FPH news

    New Lay Member on the Curriculum and Assessment Committee

    The Education and Training team have successfully recruited into the Lay member role on the Curriculum and Assessment Committee. George Wiskin has a background in developing syllabi in further education and has spent time in the NHS, through membership of a local Primary Care Trust. We welcome George to the Committee and welcome his engagement into the FPH Curriculum and Assessment systems.

  9. Births Sep 1935
    Wiskin George R.
    Perkins [mother's maiden name] Hackney 1b 607

    Maureen Wiskin
    Leek, Staffordshire, ST13

    Dr.Maureen Wiskin - Director of Health Promotion in North Staffordshire Health Authority. [2005]
    01538 385799

    Labour Party members

    Foxlowe Films co-ordinator Maureen Wiskin said: "We are really pleased with the response to the shows. We are clearly meeting a local need. [Apr 2 2012]

    Trinity Church member...[ex-Congregational] Maureen Wiskin

    Fascinating, very active and high profile people in the Leek community one would think.

  10. I'd forgotten all about George Wiskin, now another Staffordshire council man has been found dead, Philip Atins:,d.ZWU

    Staffordshire is rife with corruption, some days I wish I could just move but my family and friends live here

  11. Workplace bullying and stress were factors in the suicide of a planning officer found hanged in a Staffordshire forest, an inquest has heard.

    Philip Atkins, 45, was found near Kingsley Wood Road, Rugeley on 3 May.

    His widow, Nicola Atkins told the inquest in Cannock he was being victimised by colleagues at Stafford Borough Council's planning department.

    South Staffordshire coroner Andrew Haigh recorded a verdict of suicide.

    The coroner said Mr Atkins was also affected by the death of a colleague and problems in his marriage.

    The inquest heard he had grown up in Stafford and had worked for the borough council for 27 years, since leaving school at the age of 18.

    Ms Atkins said she had spoken to him the night before he was found dead but there was no indication he intended to take his own life.

    She said she had found warning letters sent to Mr Atkins, which were the results of meetings about his performance and ability to meet deadlines.

    "He was very distressed at work and worried about losing his job," she said.

    "[The council] were very heavy with him and I feel he was being bullied there."

    'Culture of bullying'

    He was also affected by the suicide of a planning department colleague in 2013 and he kept the order of service from her funeral in his car, the inquest was told.

    In making his ruling, Mr Haigh said it was clear Mr Atkins "was unhappy in his work".

    "It would appear that the view of the council was that Phil's situation was not as serious as Phil thought it was but he was clearly very much distressed by what was going on," he said.

    "There were other problems in Phil's life and in his marriage, and he was affected by low moods at times."

    Speaking after the inquest, Ms Atkins said she wanted a further investigation into whether there was a "culture of bullying" at Stafford Borough Council.

    A spokesman for the council said the authority treated allegations of bullying very seriously, but that it had received no such complaints concerning Mr Atkins throughout his 27 years of service.


  12. 'George was a tireless servant'

    By The Sentinel | Posted: June 26, 2012

     Comments (0)
    TRIBUTES have been paid to a former headteacher and NHS boss who was found dead on a beach.

    George Wiskin was reported missing on Thursday after failing to catch a train home to Leek from a conference in Blackpool.

    He was found on a beach at Fleetwood, just north of Blackpool, the following day.

    A post-mortem examination has revealed he died from a heart attack.

    Today, the 76-year-old former headteacher of Westwood College, in Leek, was described as a 'strong leader', 'tireless servant' and a 'charismatic' man.

    Keith Hollins, executive principal of Westwood College, said: "Westwood College is saddened to hear about the sudden death of former headteacher, George Wiskin.

    "He was a strong leader who laid the foundations upon which the modern college is based.

    "After his retirement, he remained an active supporter of the college, often being asked for advice and attending events both as a guest and as a speaker.

    "Our thoughts are with his family at this very sad time."

    Mr Wiskin was appointed in 1976 and was headteacher for 24 years.

    In 2002, he became the chairman of Staffordshire Moorlands PCT, then went on to become chairman of North Staffordshire PCT in 2008.

    Mr Wiskin, of Park Road, was also secretary of Leek's Trinity Church and a Labour Party supporter.

    Leek GP and executive chairman of North Staffordshire Clinical Commissioning Group, Dr David Hughes, said: "George was a tireless servant to our community, and a highly respected colleague, friend, citizen and family man. He truly believed in developing potential and his work as a head master touched many lives of people young and old.

    "The roles he played in the local NHS service, he did with absolute honesty and integrity, speaking up for people that were disadvantaged and promoting equality.

    "I believe we all put something into society and all take something out, but with George he put so much more in and will be sadly missed."

    Former Moorlands MP Charlotte Atkins, who knew Mr Wiskin for 17 years, added: "He was a very caring and charismatic man and also an inspirational headteacher who was passionate about comprehensive education and the health service.

    "He fought hard to maintain health services in Leek, such as the drug and alcohol service behind the church."

    Send your tributes to Mr Wiskin by emailing

    Read more:

  13. Some of these so called suicides are actually murders.
