Monday 6 August 2012


In all my journey as an anti child abuse blogger I have come to realise that it's very difficult to find people you can trust.

I have had people gain my confidence, only to betray me, and that has happened many times.

My agenda is to do everything I possibly can to stop deliberate organised intitutional child abuse in the UK. There is a network of gangsters in the UK who are using syndromes that were invented by paedophiles to point the finger at parents - usually mothers, but sometimes fathers as well - to maliciously accuse them of child abuse so that they can steal their kids or make a pile of money out of long expensive secret family court cases.

Anyone caught up in these secret court cases then has to prove what a perfect parent they are in order to be allowed to keep their own children. These gangsters like to pick on people who have had a history of mental illness or been in care, because people like that are unlikely to succeed in passing through the trials of fire and water they are made to walk through. I am referring here to the Magic Flute, the series of tests that Pamina and Tamino are made to endure. Believe me, going through the secret family courts is just like being forced to walk into a fiery furnace, and being waterboarded.

I was forced to endure the secret family court torture myself, but it wasn't Isis I called out to for protection, it was the Lord Jesus Christ. I am not a perfect parent - I am not a perfect anything, I am an ordinary sort of woman who has been through an extraordinary ordeal, and clung tight to the promises given by the Lord Jesus Christ to endure the torments and was not dissapointed.

So who can we trust. Well, without meaning to hurt any of my friends, the only one I can completly trust is the Lord Jesus Christ. I can't even trust myself, as I know my own weaknesses, and I have made some incredible cock ups, I have also let other people down at times, without meaning to, but I know that I have. But the Lord my God has never lied to me, never let me down, every time I have called out to him he has heard my cry, even when I was in that awful shit hole Chadswell Assessment Centre, he heard my cries for help when I was so frightened, and he got me out of that awful place.

I put my trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.


Anonymous said...

Quite right.

- Aangirfan

Anonymous said...

Are the child snatchers panicking ?

Looks like they are getting extremely desperate trying to discredit honest people whilst revealing THEIR true colours at the same time !

Zoompad said...

The truth will come out.

Anonymous said...

John Blake Publishing this week released the autobiography of CONVICTED CHILD ABUSER Micky Gluckstad called The Devil Shook My Hand.

Anonymous said...

It was in the paper no medical evidence the hole Of the eastend noes that and how badly Micky was set up even the police these days no that who are these people read books when police are after u they will get u one way or another every gangster has been set up at one point of their life's the police was after micky after? Wouldn't happen in these days

Anonymous said...

It was in the paper No medical evidence the whole of the east end noes he didnt do it wouldn't happen in these days

Anonymous said...

No medical evidence mud sticks and that's that old east end noes the truth

Zoompad said...


I don't like to publish anonymous comments normally, but as you seem to know a lot about this Micky Gluckstad case I decided to publish yours.

I don't know anything about any of this, apart from what I have just read. I will publish more of your comments, but I would need to know who you are and what your involvement in the case is.

Hope that sounds fair to you.

Anonymous said...

Yeah about Micky Gluckstad. The papers lied,the child made it all up the women beat herself up! the doctors,the psychiatrists,the school teachers all made it up and the child is a lying shit! aged 10 a devious liar! aged just 10 years old!!

Anonymous said...

Funny how ROY SHAW said this about Gluckstad eh? (hes used the names GLUXTED,GLUCKSTEAD,GLUCKSTAD to try and hide)

TC - Who was next?

RS - Next was an Irishman called ‘Mad Dog’ Mullins, I finished him in the first round. Then I beat a mongrel named Mickey Gluxted in three rounds. I have been told this mongrel is now gobbing off about the fight being fixed blah, blah. Well I would gladly fight him again right now! He is a scumbag and scum should keep their filthy mouths shut! If I knew then what I know now about what he is I would have killed him stone dead! and then Terry Hollingsworth, the A.B.A. champion was taken care of in round one.

Zoompad said...

Sorry to nag, but who are you?

Zoompad said...


Anonymous said...

The boy was 10 with a statement who from the c I d they wanted Micky after the death of c I d s girlfriend who jumped in the thames Micky sent to prison Then the old baily found him not guilty and they wanted the bullit when he was shot to nail big timers for the z...... Killings over 120 deaths that single Bullitt would of nailed them he refused to give them oh and by the way my dad was at that fight so was 200 witnesses every1 noes Roy shaw lied he was known for that he wernt the only 1 to be set up for that charge I don't no Micky but I've been told Roy shaw didn't want to fight Micky with his knuckles Mickys a knuckle fighter not a boxer but still fort him to a standstill read his book but anyway r I p Roy shaw who was a good fighter and a good friend of my dad he will be missed by many one love x

Zoompad said...

I don't know anything about this apart from what I am reading here, and the bit I found by googling, but I do know something about the bare knuckle fighting in Staffordshire, because I used to go to Stafford College in the 70s and we had a Welsh maths lecturer, and he was really interested in boxing - I think he used to box before he was a Maths lecturer - anyway, he used to talk about boxing during our Maths lectures, and I remember him telling us about the Police bare knuckle boxing. He said it was illegal but they used to do it anyway, and that it was really exciting. It just sticks in my mind what he told me, but I was never interested in boxing not even Mohammed Ali, that was at Stafford college, it must have been round about 1975 - 1976, some time round about then when he took me for O level Maths at Stafford College.

Zoompad said...

Not being judgemental in any way posting that, I don't care about boxing bare fisted or otherwise, to me though I think it would be better to have bare fisted boxing than nuclear wars, between just the ones who started all the trouble rather than dragging loads of young people into it. I would live to see general elections fought that way, but would not think anyone would stand much of a chance of taking John Prescotts seat!!!

Zoompad said...

Sorry for typo

Anonymous said...

Micky gluckstads ex girlfriend and that boy got moved to a safe house who was seeing the c id who was after Micky who our now happy married good luck to them other gangsters who tryed to get revenge was told they will get what Micky got I feel sory for Micky but that's life and Roy shaw who was also set up by the same CID for other crimes but that's life people need to read books

Anonymous said...

i heard from my dad that when Micky gluckstad was set up by the CID mickys girlfriend became good friends with The CID and now that boy and the exgirlfriend our happily married and every body who said something about it was told that they would get what Micky got. Like shaw as well got fited up for a different crime but never mind enough said about that.

Anonymous said...

you should remove all this stuff about Micky as you will only end up being threatened by his idiot "gangster" friend Billyboy. He calls the police all the time over net comments.

Zoompad said...

Yes, I think thats good advice, I will remove it, after the proper uncorrupted police (as opposed to the corrupt police who also troll this site) who read this site have had a good chance to read it and trace the sources.

Anonymous said...

I would like to know why the original article about this man was removed from the website courtnewsuk.
I find it very suspicious that out of the thousands of archived news articles this single one got removed just days after it was reposted elsewhere online exposing his past.
A cover-up of some sorts is for certain going on. Although im certain any police officer with access to a police computer can verify the actual case.He was tried by jury,convicted,found guilty by a judge and sent to jail for several years.That is fact!
Maybe you could contact the admin of courtnewsuk to see why they removed it.

Anonymous said...

By the way. It is not illegal nor is it slanderous to re-post a genuine news article and comment on positive or negative.
If someone is CONVICTED then its not slander to call them by what the law has proven them to be in a court.
Example:Gary Glitter's lawyers have no chance ever to take a newspaper to court for libel every time they label him a paedophile cos he was convicted of a paedophile offence.

Zoompad said...

"By the way. It is not illegal nor is it slanderous to re-post a genuine news article and comment on positive or negative."


Anonymous said...

Every1 noes that police have lost all papers of Micky they ain't even got the papers of him goin to prison when he tried to sue us the only paper got is the news of the world that's impossible I no don't no how that happen but it did

Zoompad said...

Interesting comments.

I don't know the truth of this case, but the Lord Jesus does, because he sees everything.

My experiences are of the illegal and corrupt secret family courts and Pindown child abuse. I don't have time to research everything, I am stretched to the limit untangling the threads of the horrible paedophile gangsters who prey on children in the caring professions.

My advice to anyone who has been treated in a wicked way is to ask the Lord for help, thats what I do. I asked the Lord to help me when a big load of them ganged up on me, and the Lord led me to a website that was all about Ralph Underwager, I had never even heard the name before.

My advice to anyone who is wicked and trying to cover up what they have done is not to bother. The Lord can see everything we do here on this planet. The Lord has much more wisdom and insight than Solomon! Anyone who has done bad things should be repenting and trying to put right the wrong they have done, before he comes back.

Thats the only advice I will be giving on this issue, and I won't be posting any more anonymous comments either from either side.

soho44 said...

I'm still having a hard time trusting anyone.

Anonymous said...

Top East End villain Micky Gluckstead has been exposed as a child molesting pervert. The self-confessed hard man, still carrying a bullet in his body following a gangland style shooting, now faces the wrath of fellow prisoners who despise sex offenders - the men they label 'nonces.'
Gluckstead, 41, was blasted outside the Norsemen Club in the East End's Barking Road in 1977 by Nicky Gerrard - the son of Kray henchman
Alfie Gerrard.

He survived the shooting for which Gerrard, murdered himself some
years after, was convicted and jailed. The two week trial had described how for three years Gluckstead, subjected a woman friend's little boy to sickening sex assaults, said Mr Brian Barker, prosecuting, at the Old Bailey.

The child was 'terrorised into submitting and keeping silent about
the appalling attacks by Gluckstead who said he would kill his
mother if he said anything.' And having witnessed his mum being beaten up on a number of occasions the helpless youngster could do nothing but comply. He finally broke down and told his headmaster that he was being abused after getting into trouble at school.

'The boy's school work had deteriorated and it was noted by the
teachers he had an unusually high sexual awareness for someone of his
age,' said Mr Barker. It was after being hauled before his head, following an incident in the school playground, that 'he suddenly disolved into tears' and revealed he was being abused by Gluckstead.

That night the boy ran away from home. He turned up at his grandmothers where he poured out his terrible story. A medical examination revealed terrible damage to the little boys anus 'consistent with intercourse having occurred over a long period of time,' said Mr Barker.

Gluckstead had protested his innocence from first to last insisting that he had 'never touched the boy who lived in a fantasy world.' But during his evidence via video link the child, aged just seven years when the assaults began, had told the court: 'I was scared of him. He used to beat my mum up and I was afraid he would kill her.'

Jailing Gluckstead, from Stratford, E. London for nine years today Thurs Judge Michael Coombe said: 'There is no need for me to enlarge upon the wickedness of these offences. 'Over a period of three years you buggered him, committed acts of indecency with him and then there was the last disgusting act - after making sure he was looking on, you allowed a dog to lick your private parts.

'I have no doubt having heard the evidence and seen you, that that boy was terrified of you. You deliberately terrorised him so he didn't reveal these matters until they had been going on for some three years.

'It's impossible to know what effect it will have on that boy. The courts regard sexual offences against young children as very serious.'

Gluckstead, 41, was found guilty of three charges of buggery, three indecent assaults and one offence of gross indecency between 1986 and 1989. It was revealed that both the boy and his mother have been given new identities and moved to a secret location 'following,' as one officer put it, 'very serious threats to the life of the child and his mother.'

Gluckstead a one time bare fisted knuckle fighter has a string of convictions comprising 31 offences of violence and dishonesty stretching back to 1961. He has none for sex offences. Giving evidence he had revealed his own long criminal record claiming that he was an East End 'hard man' - not a child molester.

After sentencing Gluckstead the judge turned to Det Sgt James Keeling of the Child Protection Team based at East Ham and commended
him for his handling of the case.

Anonymous said...

After sentencing Gluckstead the judge turned to Det Sgt James Keeling of the Child Protection Team based at East Ham and commended
him for his handling of the case.

'This was a difficult and very painful case and my gratitude extends to Sgt Keeling who took the statements from the boy and was responsible for much of the investigation.

'I would like my commendation for the way he conducted this very delicate inquiry and most unpleasant matter,' said Judge Michael Coombe.

Minutes earlier the prosecution asked that five charges of assault occassioning actual bodily relating to alleged attacks by Gluckstead on the boy's mother be left on the court file and not proceeded with.
All occurred during the same time span that the child was molested by Gluckstead. He had been found guilty of the child sex abuse charges last
week, but sentence had been adjourned while the crown considered
whether to go ahead and try the contested assault charges.

And on Thursday Mr Barker said that although the alleged assault victim was prepared to testify 'she would prefer not to.' 'The crown have considered all of the circumstances and given the courts powers in the present case, given the age and time of these allegations and the most important factor that that lady has started a new life and is very anxious to put these matters behind her. 'Both she and her son have been given a secret identity outside of London.'

Mr David Cocks QC defending said his client who still maintained his innocence did not wish anything to be said in mitigation on his behalf.

Zoompad said...

I am not posting any more anonymous comments on this subject.

Zoompad said...

Thanks for the link, but I wont be publishing any more anonymous comments on this subject.

I have no idea who is telling the truth on this issue. I hope you can understand my dilemma.

The Lord Jesus Christ said that the truth will come out about everything in the end though.

Zoompad said...

I will add this one last comment though. I am well aware of one of the paedophile networks tricks of setting up a person to accuse them of being a paedophile. The Orees tried to persuade me that Gordon Brown was a paedophile, I didn't believe it then and I still don't.

The paedophiles are connected to MI5 and use some pretty sophisticated tactics to cover their tracks. None will succeed in the end though as the Lord sees everything.

Anon said...

you don't have to believe anything but it helps clarify things when you seek the differences beteen Lucifer and Satan. The Satanists are the abusers, the Luciferians seek to help, check it out carefully, it does help, the Satanists infiltrate to get at the vulnerable, hth

Zoompad said...

Lucifer is Satan, Lucifer was the brightest most blessed angel, but he rebelled against God and turned evil

Anon said...

where does it say that?

Zoompad said...

In Ezekiel 28 v 11 to 19 and Isaiah 14 v 12. Read the Bible, the whole Bible and you will understand how the brightest and most beautiful of all the angels dragged another of God's creations, a weaker creation of flesh and blood into rebellion our of sheer spite. Its all there, in the Bible.

What you have to understand about God is that He is not a liar, so when He said that the tree of knowledge of good and evil was forbidden fruit to Adam and Eve, He really meant it, and when Satan said that eating of it wouldn't cause death he was lying. But Satan told half truths, he always does, and Adam and Eve's eyes were opened, and they saw they were naked, they hadn't realised their nakedness until then, it wasn't just lack of clothes, it was spiritual nakedness, and now mankind is always trying to cover up, instead of humbly asking God to clothe us, and guide us. we need God, we are helpless lost souls without God.

Satan/Lucifer is one and the same. He was created beautiful, but he turned proud, and wanted to actually be God. I think the reason God said to Adam and Eve not to touch the forbidden fruit was because it was nothing at all to do with us, we were innocents until we listened to Satan, we could have turned away and said no to him and told God what he had said, but we didnt, we listened and believed him and turned from God - and the reason I'm saying we did this is because we've all done it, not just Adam and Eve, we've all followed down the same path of rebellion at one time, all of us.

Zoompad said...

In my case, I listened to my brothers who had turned to the madness of the age, I started smoking cigarettes at the age of 11, knowing full well my dad hated them, so I grieved my father and mother by doing that. I can't make any excuses for doing it, ie that someone else tempted me, because I could have said no to that! So I was then a slave to those cigarettes and they've affected my health, I spent 30 years trying to get free of the cravings for that drug, thankfully I am clear of it now.

Some of the awful things that have happened to me, I dont know why they happened, one day God will tell me very clearly and console me, but that rebellion that led me to start smoking at the age of 11, and I've paid a heavy price for grieving my parents by taking up the filthy habit, as that is one thing I could easily have said NO to!

Anonymous said...

Saville, Peter Sutcliffe, and Prince Charles. What's the connection there then?

Anonymous said...

The Bible is a lie, copied from various other ancient religions and used by the Romans to help control it's population. A clever way to make people police themselves

Zoompad said...

The Bible is NOT a lie, yes the Romans misused it, the Church of Rome is a misuse of power and authority, but all the same I know Jesus is real, I know Jesus does answer prayers, I know the Bible is not a lie, though I can't prove it to you, even if I could write a million words I couldn't prove it to you what I know to be true.

I am sorry that you think the Holy Bible is a lie, have you read it all through, or just selected parts of it? To me the Holy Bible makes perfect sense, I am sorry it doesn't make sense to you.

Zoompad said...

"Anonymous said...
Saville, Peter Sutcliffe, and Prince Charles. What's the connection there then?"

Let me add a few more names to that little list, Frank Bruno, Teresa Cooper, CARELESS WHISPERS

Zoompad said...

Peter O Toole used to attend the same church as Jimmy Savile.

Anonymous said...

Regarding the Bible, zeitgeist 1

Unknown said...

I KNOW Gluckstead messed with 2 beautiful children under 10yrs.
He was a nasty evil man.
Im trying to upset anyone.
I was witness . i saw those 2 kids eyes.
They were not Lying.
He. definately abused them
He was a scary imtimdating man.
I also know he was a coward when fronted out by a REAL man

Anonymous said...

I've met Mickey Gluckstead in person and he is a personal friend of brothers Godfather and to my father himself.
I was at the book launch for the Danny Woolards release of We Dared.
A story about his life feat his friend Mickey Gluckstead.
I have a signed copie so has my father and brothers Godfather.
I also have red Mickey version of the accounts in the Devil shook my hand.
You talk about God, Jesus, and Satan, good and the bad people and the paedophile ring and network, let me tell you from an early age.
I was abused numerous times tried to be groomed on many occasions and spotted the signs of predators whom like children and so kept it quiet til mid twenties I was between 9-14 during these horrid times but in the end after being married to a CID daughter something broke me down and it was no gangster!
It was my past my future grew to know the people of the east end due to my father's connections, I know how the law works and how the truth bends to stitch people up, I spent many occasion visiting Mickey Gluckstead and my Brothers Godfather whilst my father continued to work on the outside.
Read and know your history before you assume a situation regarding chasing down a murder inquiry.
Things have been taken out of context from the truth of the book and the rest is in God's hands the End.

Anonymous said...

Do your research and now look into Mark Duggan and the real reason the riots happened look into what was published in the real news papers and not these fake news A 1 million pound hit on a coppers head and no gun found all because of the copper setup gangsters years ago and now running scared it was in the daily mirror Mark Duggan 1 million pound hit (daily mirror) and see if you have the same opinion

Anonymous said...

This case is most definitely Mi5 linked, researchers say theres no court files of this case no newspapers of this case only article was a false court transcript there was no medical evidence from mr gluckstead himself. The mi5 are linked to all pedovile cases this man was totally setup

Anonymous said...

the boys mother was with the copper involved in the case. And they all got a lovely house out of it. Micky never pleaded guilty that’s a false claim he protested his innocence from first to last, he was found guilty not pleaded guilty because of the age of the victim the court was given the power in this case and all the statements which was made was from the copper involved in the fit up they needed Micky away as he was a very dangerous man all the boy had to do was admit he was scared of him by video link and all the rest was made up by the mothers new boyfriend, theres coppers today say he was fitted up. Dannys firm was to powerful for the police to control

Anonymous said...

Court papers showed lad got a inner disease that only dog carry ?
So obviously micky have ing sex with dog then child
Woof woof