Wednesday 17 October 2012


I see Esther Ranzen has been sacked from NAPAC.

Esther Rantzen, the founder of ChildLine, has been sacked by the National Association for People Abused in Childhood. The decision follows Rantzen's admission that she blocked her ears to all the rumours about Jimmy Savile...According to Unreality TV, Mr Peter Saunders, the Chief Executive and founder of the NAPAC, said:

In the light of her admission that she heard rumours about Savile but did nothing, I am going to ask the trustees if they feel she is an appropriate patron.
A number of people have contacted us to say they don’t feel she is.

Read more:

I hope Esther Ranzen gets to read this blog post, I don't know how to contact her, so if anyone does can you please point this blog post out to her?

I asked NAPAC to help me a few years ago - I was being maliciously persecuted in the secret family courts, falsely accused of Parental Alienation Syndrome (which was invented by an American paedophile) and Richard Gardner's "Threat Therapy" used on me for years. I was in great distress and eventually became so run down that I ended up seriously ill in hospital with pneumonia. I am one of the Staffordshire Pindown child abuse survivors, and have gradually realised that Stafford Police have colluded with other agencies and the Government to cover up institutional child abuse, and persecute the victims to keep it all hidden, my solicitor Richard Wise, who died very suddenly ten years ago was helping us Pindown victims, and he discovered that many of us were being deliberatly criminalised and jailed.

Peter Saunders was very nasty to me. I do have the email exchange I had with him somewhere amongst my files, but I had my computer hacked repeatedly and so I do not have them on this computer but on saved files, which I have had to hide away from my home due to my house being ransacked and documents taken a few years ago. Basically, I told NAPAC what I had endured, and added that I had grown so used to being set up by one agency after another that I didnt really expect NAPAC would help me, but hoped that they would.

Peter Saunders must know how broken someone like me has become, with repeated abuse from one agency that was SUPPOSED to be there to help people like me, but didnt, and have some understanding of how people subjected to malicious vindictive persecution for years on end end up not knowing who they can trust, like a dog who has been repeatedly beaten and is crouched in the corner frightened of any hand that goes near it. But what he did is inexcusable. Instead of making any allowances for me being sceptical that NAPAC would help me, he confirmed my fears by falsely accusing me of being aggressive to the female member of staff that opened my email!!!

I was horrified when I read what Peter Saunders had written, and posted an email back, telling him that I had no intention of attacking or upsetting anyone, but that I had suffered so much abuse from agencies supposedly set up to help child abuse victims that I was sceptical of any agency, but was bravely trying to get help anyway. I told him that I did trust Shy Keenan and Sarah Payne, and asked him to pass on my details of how I had been abused and contact details to them.

Peter Saunders washed his hands of me instead. He did absolutly nothing to help me. Also, the top of the list in my area of agencies that he is recommending to help people like me is Emerge. They were the ones who maliciously sent me to St Georges Psychiatric Hospital for child abuse councelling, despite me begging them to send me somewhere else, as that was one of the places I was abused at as a child. They didnt listen, and I ended up in A and E after a "therapy" session in which I had my head opened up and had been talking about some of the horrible things that had been done to me as a child, and then left to make my way home, past the gloomy buildings of St Georges Psychiatric Hospital and Stafford Prison, to the bus stop. My head started spinning as if there was a big thunderstorm inside, and I ended up on the pavement, unable to feel my lips and arms and legs, so someone called for an ambulance. That is what happened to me, and at first I tried to give Emerge the benefit of the doubt, but after another 8 councelling sessions at another, safer venue, with a man who promised me that the councelling sessions were confidential, but finding that little snippits were becoming known to other people who had no rights to know them, I now have no doubt in my mind that Emerge was acting maliciously towards me and had sent me for councelling on purpose at St Georges, knowing full well what was likely to happen.

I hope Esther Ranzen gets to read this. I don't believe she is one of the bad ones, and that she genuinly does want to stop child abuse. Perhaps I am being naive, but I still believe she isn't malicious to child abuse survivors.


  1. Many thanks for this info.

    - Aangirfan

  2. Ms Rantzen said she had 'no memory' of being contacted by campaigner Shy Keenan who said she told her about Savile.

    The presenter added: 'Now the lady who says that she told me 18 years ago - I’ve gone back through the records of that year to see if we ever did an item about child abuse in that series of That’s Life...she says she met me then.

    'I have no memory of her at all. And we did one item about child abuse in that series and it was about criminal compensation...the other members of That’s Life staff have no memory of her.'

    Read more:
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  3. I would like to know if Peter Saunders ever did pass on my email to Shy Keenan, as I asked him to.

  4. Would I be able to talk to you further about NAPAC for a piece I'm putting together? N


  5. Thank you. Can I send you my email address and name of the programme without it appearing here and then we can talk further that way? N

  6. Yes, now that I moderate the comments before posting (I had to do that because the vile creatures who used to run the JERSEY HAUT DE LA GARENNE MURDER FARCE blogsite kept posting horrible things on my anti child abuse blog)the comments don't get automatically posted any more.

    If you want to send me something in private just write NOT FOR POSTING at the top, I will see its just for me then and delete it as soon as I have read it.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. I am a survivor of severe and enduring sexual abuse as a child the Saville revelations have opened up scars from my past I emailed Peter Saunders 8 days ago and have still not had a reply. I donated £1000 to NAPAC in 2009. I believe Saunders to be a publicity seeking egotist.

  9. Hi Helen, thanks for posting that.

  10. I have still not had a reply from NAPAC some 12 days after sending my cry for help. However my partner who also emailed Peter Saunders had a reply by return. He states that his position is purely as a Spokesman & Fund Raiser !!!!! I noticed that one of your bloggers is doing a piece on NAPAC if so I would like to be Involved

  11. I noticed that you are a writer I to am an Author my book *Today I'm Alice" Published by Pan Macmillan under the pseudonym Alice Jamieson was a best seller.

  12. Yes, my book is called Tip, and I wrote and self published it at a time when the Secret Family Courts, goaded by MI5/MI6 were persecuting me and repeatedly threatening me with jail for "Contempt of Court" and accusing me of having one of their syndromes that an American paedophile had invented (Parental Alienation Syndrome). I got it published to get myself some publicity so that the evil plotting bastards would find it harder to put me in jail unnoticed, as they have done with other victims of Pindown child abuse in Staffordshire. Tip has been blacklisted, and the British Brainwashing Company have had several copies of it and are very well aware of its existance and contents, but they snubbed me when making their Neil Morrissey (star of Men Behaving Badly) programme about Pindown child abuse. In a nutshell, the BBC made a cover up program about the Pindown child abuse and ignored the living daylights out of the victims of the abuse!!!!!

  13. The BBC are a disgrace. They broadcast propaganda and downright lies instead of news. They ignore news, they try to do damage limitation exercises on really important news stories that ordinary people in this country really need to know about.

    The Jimmy Saville scandal is only the tip of a very large iceberg.

  14. Its 14 days since I emailed Peter Saunders and I still have no reply he appears to have plenty of time to speak to the Media but not SURVIVORS. I emailed The Guardian yesterday questioning the validity of NAPAC and Saunders in particular. Can you put me in touch with the person who wrote on the 19th Oct saying he or she was doing a piece on NAPAC

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.


    And if anyone else from the BBC wants to come creeping round trying to wind me up any more, you can take a running jump, because I won't be playing any of your sill stupid wind up games any more.

    I am pissed off with you, your network and your horrible threats of thousand pound fines, I pay your blasted protection money, because I am scared of you, but as far as I can see you are just a big bunch of criminals.

  18. Sick of it.


  19. The BBC News is the biggest joke on the planet.


    You have the cheek to call that news?

    It's just regurgitated claptrap that goes round and round and round all day long!

    How much licence fee money gets spent on that brainwashing regurgitated propaganda claptrap?

    For heavens sake!!!

  20. I have been asked by a BBC employee to remove several blog posts. I have done so, because, unlike the BBC, I have a sense of moral duty to protect vulnerable people, especially women and children.
