Monday 18 February 2013


So upset, because I tried to contact Shy Keenan to tell her about the horrible way us Staffordshire Pindown victims have been treated, and I tried to repost one of her comments on Twitter about how child abuse victims are made to feel like social outcasts, and it would not repost. So I tried to find out why Twitter had blocked me reposting in agreement with her, I didnt understand why it was not allowing it, and saw to my astonishment that Shy Keenan herself has blocked me!

I have not had any argument with Shy Keenan over anything, just tried to tell her about the Pindown cover up and reabuse of the victims. I was dissapointed not to get a reply to the email I sent her - she had asked me to email her rather than tell her stuff on Twitter, so I did, and she didnt reply. I just assumed she was too busy with all other complaints, but now I see its not that at all, she has actually blocked me!

Well, I have not been a pest to anyone, unless now trying to tell someone who has been set up as a Government appointed guru into child abuse about institutional organised child abuse is now considered to be stalking behaviour.

What am I supposed to do? Sit quietly in a little corner with Duct Tape over my mouth, never telling anyone about the horrible way I and others have been treated? never telling others of the systematic wicked abuse and reabuse that we Pindown victims have had to deal with for decades?

Shy Keenan, by blocking me, you have shown me your true colours. You aren't bothered about stopping institutional child abuse. You aren't bothered about helping the victims. You have done me a big favour by blocking me, because one thing is for sure - you wont fool me again, and I wont waste any more time trying to contact you to tell you about the abuse, ever.

They fool you once, but the more they do it the less they will do it in the future.


  1. email recieved 10th 11th 2012

    Thanks for your email. Please note, victims of crime or social
    injustice should always report to the police / authorities. Make sure
    you have included your name, address and a contact number so that we
    can get hold of you if necessary. Together we can make a difference.

    Sara and Shy

    Dr Sara Payne MBE & Shy Keenan
    The Sun Justice Campaigners
    The Sun
    3 Thomas More Square
    London E98 1XY

    This was the response I got from the email I sent her (as she had asked me to) telling her all about the Pindown cover up. And I had told her that Stafford Police already knew all about the Pindown child abuse, and the cover up, and how the Pindown report has been taken out of all the libraries so that people cant read it any more. I told her that I HAVE been to the police and done a 3 hour video statement at Blythe Bridge police station and my case was dropped!

  2. So disgusted, but hey, have been here so many times, its the same old sly cover up crap that I have come to expect every time now.

    Its not going to make me lose any sleep or go on a junk food binge, thats for sure, I am cracking on with the yoga and the diet because I want my health back, I want my life that they have crapped up for me, and no amount of sneaky sly crafty re-abuse is going to make me go off track!

  3. So sorry Barbara, I am very disappointed in Shy. "Email me" seems to be a way to get rid of people on Twitter, doesn't it?
    Charlie Foulkes

  4. Not only that, Teresa Cooper has falsely accused me of stalking her, because I pleaded with her to show me the letter she recieved from a senior police officer that said that Staffordshire Pindown and Haut de la Garenne child abuse investigations had been discredited. She told me she had been told by someone in the media not to show me the letter or have anything to do with me, because if she didnt break association with me and other child abuse people from other investigations they would not let her do the television program they had promised her. She thought they were going to serialise her book which was called initially "Pindown" (but she told me she had been advised to change the title so she did, to "Trust No-one", but afterwards she tried to change it and told me it was her own decision to change the title, but she'd already told me initially that some person from the Media had told her to change it) I didn't stalk her at all, but I did beg her, just to tell me the name of the senior detective, or, if she didnt trust me, to tell it to ex Senator Stuart Syvret who blew the whistle on Haut de la Garenne.

  5. They never serialised her book, but they did let her go on telly in a really short little programme that looks more like a trailer than a proper documentary, and Frank Bruno was in it as well, so I assume thats the program that they bought her silence with.

    I don't really want to criticise Teresa because clearly she has gone through hell, but if anyone asked me to cut myself off from other Pindown abuse victims in return for such a crappy little advert, I would tell them to get stuffed. I wish she would grow a pair, and spill the beans on these media and police scum that have been trying to cover up the SYSTEMATIC ORGANISED NATIONWIDE (not isolated incidents) Pindown child abuse scandal.

  6. This is the tiny little microscopic TV program they gave her, they didn't let her say anything that hadn't already been said, nice and safe, no boat rocking allowed.

    To me this is not worth stabbing your friends in the back for, no way. Sorry to sound critical but this is just pants.

  7. Now THIS is real stalking - what I am having to put up with, from the bold as brass paedoscum.

    Just look at the comments!

    "Linked Comment

    realzoomy 3 years ago

    Parental Alienation Syndrome was invented by the PAEDOPHILE, Richard Gardner. Research him, see for yourself.

    The entire UK Government has been informed about this.

    Reply ·

    clevelandphil 3 months ago

    Screw you, bitch.

    Reply · in reply to realzoomy

    realzoomy 3 months ago

    I am one of the Pindown child abuse victims.

    Reply · in reply to clevelandphil

    Henry Friedrich 2 hours ago

    Too bad u weren't raped to death, u low-IQ misandrist imbecile.

    Reply "

  8. And some more:


    Henry Friedrich 2 hours ago

    There is nothing i hate more than women. u alone justify all Male oppression of women since the dawn of time, subhuman waste of space. You fucking idiot.

    Reply · in reply to Daniel Riordan(Show the comment)

    realzoomy 3 months ago

    You are a stalker and I think I will not waste any more of my time on you. As for me being a man hater, what utter nonsense! But the Richard Gardner/Ralph Underwager fan club always comes out with that tripe.

    Reply · in reply to clevelandphil(Show the comment)

    clevelandphil 3 months ago

    A stalker?! I'm just replying the posts like you are. You're a man hating bitch who's totally full of shit. Or shite. Whatever you call it. And Norman Scarth is like you, a paranoid wackadoo who according to Wikipedia, "In 2001 Scarth was sentenced to six years in jail for wounding a court bailiff with a chainsaw with the intent to cause grievous bodily harm".

    Reply · in reply to realzoomy(Show the comment)

    realzoomy 3 months ago

    I am used to horrible stalking trolls like you calling me bad names and telling me that I am a nutter, I have had to put up with that nonsense all of my life. One day I wont have to put up with any more of it, and I will see justice done at last.

    Reply · in reply to clevelandphil(Show the comment)

    realzoomy 3 months ago

    You are a horrible bully as well as a troll and a stalker. That old man you are talking about did no such thing, and his name is Norman Scarth, and he is a multi medalled war hero. Those Pindown kids you are libelling, many of them were in "care" under "Place of Safety" court orders, they were VICTIMS of child abuse, thats why they were there!!!

    Reply · in reply to clevelandphil(Show the comment)

    clevelandphil 3 months ago

    You are a fucking wacko! Everyone is against you. Poor widdle Zoomy. BTW I've been reading about this pindown scandal and all the kids there were criminals. Some of them violent. I looked at your other video where you want some old man released from jail. A man who tried to kill a bailiff with a chainsaw. So I see where you're coming from. In your mind folks are made up of you and your violent friends and everyone else is a pedophile. Check yourself into Broadmoor and quick.

    Reply · in reply to realzoomy(Show the comment)

    realzoomy 3 months ago

    Not paranoid. I just know how you people employ systematic malicious vindictive persecution, skulking round and stalking your prey, pretennding to have just bobbed up by chance, then, when caught out, you start calling the person you've been stalking a paranoid nutter. I know all the tricks.

    Reply · in reply to clevelandphil(Show the comment)"

  9. THATS real stalking, and the horrible thing is that there is absolutly no-one or nowhere I can turn to, Stafford Police treated me worse than a criminal for reporting a death threat made to me last year, they are fully aware of what I have been subjected to, so are the MET, so is the Government, what the blinking heck can I do apart from praying to be delivered from this horrible stalking? I feel so isolated, yet these arse holes are doing this to other victims of abuse as well!

    Teresa is wrong to let these malicious scum bags divide and isolate us, we Pindown victims should be standing strong together!

  10. Oh yes, and the YouTube moderators are just as bad, the last time I tried to complain about perverts on YouTube I ended up being punished with a 6 month sanction!You daren't even complain, because they gang up, they get their friends on all the complaints and moderator panals, they have even taken over child abuse survivor help sites, the perverts just want to squash their victims flat and not let us have any voice at all.

  11. The news today that the BBC paid off some of Savilles abused kids to silence them is nothing new, in the 30s Rothschild got several of the cambridge traitors jobs at the BBC, they had the same problem back then
    The BBC is corrupt and has to go
    PS why is the british broadcasting corporation always run by jews ? it should be englishmen

  12. when i was a boy we had Jimmy saville come along as assistant scoutmaster, we were thrilled, he even came away to camp with us,
    but was suddenly asked to leave and not come back, rumours began to circulate and sure enough it turned out two boys in our scout group were abused, but why does the BBC not acknowledge the boys he abused and say he abused girls ?
    kevin Mc'dermot

  13. I wonder how much TC got paid off with and if the money has run out yet ?

    The children are still suffering and will continue to suffer all the time victims get paid to stay silent.

  14. I have just seen a picture of that murderer Bible John on another blog site, and a picture of Jimmy Saville underneath it, and Bible Johns face looks the very spit of Jimmy Saville!

  15. Peter Saunders of NAPAC told Shy Keenan lies about me, that I am "Aggressive" and a trouble maker.

    I'm not agressive, I'm ASSERTIVE, and I'm not a trouble maker, I'm a Pindown child abuse survivor!

  16. I've had to learn to be assertive because of the ganging up of so many wicked people trying to cover up Pindown.

    Being assertive is not the same as being aggressive, and I am definatly not aggressive at all!!!

  17. Mary Whitehouse was assertive as well, and she is one of my heros now.

    I admire her as much as I admire Elizabeth Fry.

  18. "clevelandphil 3 months ago

    You are a fucking wacko! Everyone is against you. Poor widdle Zoomy. BTW I've been reading about this pindown scandal and all the kids there were criminals. Some of them violent."

    THATS the sort of abuse I've been getting, and who is there to defend me from it - no-one!

    And that is libel, because a lot of Pindown children, including myself, were there on "Place of Safety" court orders, NOT NOT ABSOLUTLY NOT because we were violent criminals, WE WERE ACTUALLY VICTIMS OF CRIME!

    So now, 40 years later, I am being reabused again, and who is there to stop it - thats right, no-one, same as when I was 13 years old, NO LESSONS LEARNED AND NOTHING HAS CHANGED!




  20. Jesus, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE help us!

  21. Thanks for your comment. I can't publish it, but thanks for it, it's really really interesting.

    There was a woman called Karen who accompanied Richard Wise when he first came to my house, when he was investigating my complaint about Pindown abuse. There were two women, one called Karen and I can't remember the name of the other one. Richard asked me if he could bring her along, as she was one of the ones who had already won her case. That would have been in 2002, Richard took on my case not long before he died. He was definatly not riddled with cancer though, like the local newspaper (the Sentinal I think) said he was, because he was bounding up the stairs fit as a fiddle at his office - he was much fitter than me!

    This Karen was about 5ft 6 and she had brownish hair. After Richard died I never saw her again, my papers got passed on to Tylip Solicitors and they dropped me like a stone, no support no nothing.

    So what you said is very interesting to me, because I am wondering if your Karen is the same as my Karen, if you see what I mean!

  22. I am 99.9%sure that Richard Wise was murdered.

  23. Are you trying to get help with your case, through 'Shy Keenan' or are you just venting, because no one has helped? I do not understand the reasoning of the swearing and name calling. Can I ask, is that a victim saying all that, or someone who wants to try and justify their own anger with her, through your blog? Why are you approving that kind of language? I think this may be the reason to why you can not get the help you say you need. Myself, being a researcher, is trying to figure out the whole story on the 'phoenixsurvivor' case. What is your story?

  24. Hi Keith,

    I contacted Peter Saunders of NAPAC, because I discovered Shy Keenan and Sara Payne both worked with NAPAC to stop child abuse and I desperatly wanted to tell them about my own personal experiences in a Pindown childrens home and the secret family courts, and what I had found out about the FMSF and BFMS, and the Forced Adoption Industry via the UK Secret Family Courts as a result of me being persecuted. (I would never have found out any of that stuff had I not been cruelly and relentlessly persecuted by paedophile gangsters for a 7 year period in the Secret Family Courts)

    Peter Saunders accused me of being aggressive and libelled me to other people. I'm NOT aggressive, but I am very determined and assertive - I've HAD to be, because of the horrible paedophile gangsters who I have had to fight - and when I say paedophile gangsters, I dont mean poor old tramp figures in dirty raincoats - I'm talking about well heeled professional legal gangsters

  25. That swearing, its not me - those are the things that are being said TO me, from the cowardly anonymous gangsters.

    They are quotes. Read it through properly.

    I'm NOT an aggressive mentally disturbed nutjob (as Peter Saunders and others have tried to slander me to be) I am an angry but focussed and determedly ASSERTIVE victim of institutional child abuse and institutional legal abuse!

    He badmouthed me to Shy Keenan and other anti child abuse campaigners.

    I'll tell you what Peter Saunders is - he is a greedy avericious man who doesn't give two hoots about stopping institutional child abuse.

  26. I'm NOT in any way approving this:

    "clevelandphil 3 months ago

    You are a fucking wacko! Everyone is against you. Poor widdle Zoomy. BTW I've been reading about this pindown scandal and all the kids there were criminals. Some of them violent."



  27. I am so very sorry Zoompad. I do not know if you heard that Shy's child died a few month's ago. after a long battle with bullies. Maybe she has been too focused on that and then also listened to 'Peter Saunders' whoever he is? I am sure if 'clevandphil' or whatever his/her name is? do not understand your full story. They seem like very angry and nasty people. Have you gone to the media with what you know?

  28. Yes, I just heard about that, I read about it in the newspapers, and am so sorry for her, it's so very very hard to lose a child.

    I don't exactly know what happened, but hope she will realise that Peter Saunders isn't what he pretends to be. He knew I was telling the truth about Pindown abuse, and he knew the ordeal I have gone through would make any normal agitated and upset, yet he chose to slander my character and tell other people that I'm aggressive, and accidentally on purpose forget to tell them why I'd have very good reason to be very agitated and ASSERTIVE (I'm NOT aggressive, but I've learned by experience to be assertive.

    All I know is that I should never have had to fight the way I have had to just to be heard. And Peter Saunders of NAPAC has been elevated into an outlet for people like me, people who were abused as children, what happens when we do go to him, well look what happened to me!

  29. Peter Saunders is in charge of NAPAC Keith.
