Wednesday 27 March 2013


"Anonymous said...
During W W II me who was 11 and my 15 year old sister got evacuated to Norfolk, my sister was only 15 but she had the most gorgeous pair of tits, they were an F cup even then, and the men went crazy for them, she said to me why should i give them away ? so she started charging 10 bob for a feel round, we always had loads of sweets it was an amazing time.
Hilda. C

26 March 2013 06:07 "

There is no way anyone could have known who Hilda C was unless they had hacked my mobile phone and accessed my contacts. I have never spoken about Hilda C anywhere online, or spoken to anyone about her.

Now I know for absolute certain I have had my mobile phone hacked. What the heck can I do about it though? There's no-one for me to complain to, as the paedoscum have taken over the hacking enquiry!


  1. That disgusting comment is libel. Hilda C would never have done anything like that.

    I am not going to say anything at all about Hilda C, who she is or anything, or how I know her, but the paedoscum have really shown their cards this time. The thing is about the paedoscum is that they can never resist an opportunity to bully their vivtims, they just wont give over their horrible malicious bullying, and that is how they end up exposing themselves.

  2. This is just so sickening, because it is obvious that MIpaedos have been using their privilages to spy on decent people, they know how old Hilda C is, they know enough about her to be able to post that she was a teenager during WW2. The military secret services needs disbanding urgently, because it is a front for a network of paedophiles satanists and murderers.

  3. The security consultant Chris
    Cooper was hacking Rupert Murdoch all the time Murdoch was hacking phones and having mail opened, this mans testimony is a shocking indictment of Rupert Murdoch and his part in the massive Mossad information gathering exercise
    as a prelude to W W 3

  4. I am sorry i am lost who is hilda C ?
    do you mean hilda murrel murdered by the establishment ?

  5. this reminds me of what the rothel madam Lindie St Clair said
    asa teenager she had a mindblowing, traffic stopping body, her power over men was total
    and they would stare at the buttons straining to breaking point on her blouses, she got fed up with men begging for them so began to charge them and soon madea lot of money before opening her brothel to cash in and exploit mens needs

  6. The John wills story is huge, he links via the scouts to Derek slade.
    There is strong information that wills has been offered amnesty by the police to give up his associates in the paedophile ring in return for him abusing children unchecked, this is happening a lot, the police and others are sacrificing children to catch more paedophiles.
    Also the police and others are now using pictures of children in sexual poses naked to lure paedophiles in and to catch them, becoming paedophiles themselves and all sorts, it's become very blurred and there are few to trust.
    Zoompad you are of god and trustworthy, keep at it and exposing all of this, we are close now, there are very very few to trust and believe but your one of them, and you will win, because god himself is on your side, your needed to help expose this
    A friend

    Barbara, listen to me, we all know what you went through and the value of your work, and we love you for it.
    The security investigator Chris Cooper has said that he hacked Rupert Murdocks phones, and Murdoch was hacking literaly thousands of calls every day, on top of having vast amounts of mail opened, its not just you, but so many other people who were hacked, you know stuff about pedophiles so you are a prime target, any danger to Tony Blair Margaret Hodge Ester Rancid etc , would be targetted

  8. John wills links to Peter righton via lord henniker and a social worker called Jonathan eckersley a leaked document now shows.
    Wills links to slade, so here we are, wills links to derak slade and lord henniker, I think zoompad we have found the huge ring, there's a man who can help but he refuses and simply says he doesn't want to talk.
    And wills was a district scout leader for stowmarket before his conviction, when he was released a bob costin held a party for him costin was a fellow scout leader and went on to be convicted himself two years later, I'm sure more is to follow

  9. My busty freind started a job as a postwoman,... she had not been there long when she got caught in a rainstorm,... coming back to her norfolk office she went into the changing room and took of her wet clothes down to her bra and pants... putting on dry clothes she got back into her work...
    later she had to drop some papers into the managers office... he was not there so she went in and put them on the desk... and to her horror were pictures of her in her bra and pants in the changing room...
    with zoom pics onto her bust...
    she was very upset and on looking into it, royal mail have secret cameras in the workplace, changing rooms and even in the toilets....
    it turned out its comon place for managers to have still taken...
    for whay purpose ...? why does this go on ?

  10. My social worker freind told me over the weekend, that you have to be very careful when talking about child abuse, as you are imediately then called "homophobic" she said this has silenced many people where she works, she also said Peter Tatchell claims that having boys aged 9-15 does not harm them in any way.
    i say bullshit !!!!

  11. "I am sorry i am lost who is hilda C ?
    do you mean hilda murrel murdered by the establishment ? "

    No, this is nothing to do with Hilda Murrel, thanks for reminding me of her though, as you say, she was murdered by the establishment, the same people who are desperatly trying to cover up decades of institutional child abuse, people who are so arrogant they think they can use other people like numbers and "eliminate" them whenever they want. MI Paedo think they have a licence to kill, well they don't, all their horrible crimes will come to haunt them, they will have to answer for every crime they have committed.

    Hilda C is someone that MI Paedos could only have known about by hacking my phone.

  12. Peter Tatchell is a wicked man and if we had a proper justice system he would have been arrested years ago.

    But sadly we don't have a proper justice system any more, the paedophiles have wrecked it, they are wrecking everything that gets in the way of them having sex with boys, but still too many people go lalala and stick their fingers in their ears when you try to show them what the paedos are doing, and I am just a fat loudmouthed troublemaking nutter according to MIPaedo and they do their little whispering campaigns to turn people against me, like Sara Payne and Shy Keenan, more fool them for believing a bunch of aggressive paedo moles. but it makes me feel that I am banging my head against a brick wall.

  13. "The security investigator Chris Cooper has said that he hacked Rupert Murdocks phones, and Murdoch was hacking literaly thousands of calls every day, on top of having vast amounts of mail opened, its not just you, but so many other people who were hacked, you know stuff about pedophiles so you are a prime target, any danger to Tony Blair Margaret Hodge Ester Rancid etc , would be targetted"


    I know it's not just me, like you say, its everyone who is a danger to the paedo gangsters. I found out about Richard Gardner and Ralph Underwager, and Eagle Associates David Abrahams (dodgy donations to New Labour) Eagle Associates were the ones who sent the paedo Richard Gardner on a world tour of lectures about Parental Alienation Syndrome. I only found all that out because I had to fight my corner when I was being persecuted and systematically psychologically tortured in the secret family courts, those secret courts are totally illegal, it is not and never will be no matter what Act of Parliament they try to sneak in legal to have secret malicious trials against people, if Ken Clarke has no respect for God's laws then he and all his wicked cronies will have to answer to God for what he is doing to the people who are getting mangled up in those blasted satanic kangeroo courts!

  14. Concerning Jonathan Eckersley, this is an interesting document:

  15. METHODOLOGY: Qualative and quantative (eg Scrutiny of files, interviewing of staff and young people)
    TARGET POPULATION: Social Workers and young people (age appropriate)
    DEPARTMENTAL LINK: Jonathan Eckersley
    RGG APPROVAL DATE: 25/1/06
    OUTPUT: Quarterly reports

  16. Read this barbara, my son whose i the last year before going up to "big school" had a show personality come in and talk about
    the gay life style ( homosexual)
    my son said some young boys earn big money from homosexuals, and one young lad on his 17th birthday bought a nice sports car, i phoned the headmaster and complained, he said if you dont like it move your son to another school, WTF ?
    Diane Smith

  17. I looked up hilda murrel, intertesting story
    try the hilda murrel that will shock you its all there, and it will show our
    politicians dont work for us, as my father who went through W W 2 always said " it was fought for the damn jews "

  18. Re your posts about Jonathan eckersley.
    He sat on the vetting committee when John Wills became a foster carer along with a female magistrate called Kate Redmond, who also happens to sit on many many committees.
    Redmond is also an ex labour mayor of a town called woodbridge, and knew Derek sawyer years ago in islington.
    All of these people and their links go to the very top, there are also links to private schools.
    This is all very relevant, the documents are out there.
    I know of.a man abused by wills who has more but he won't speak out. Why?

  19. I have found the man I'm looking for, and it's rather interesting, Jonathan eckersley was his social worker, now if we can get him to talk all will be clearer.

  20. I saw this Chris Cooper on the TV the other night talking about how eveil rupert Murdoch is, according to chris he even hacked the phone of little murdered millie dowler, how sick is that ?
    I did look up hilda murrel on truthseeker and bloody hell !!!

  21. Here's more, the former head teacher of oakwood school, Mr Smith wrote John wills a reference for his fostering approval board, Jonathan Eckersely has noted down that Mr Smith was a fantastic judge of character and that they knew each other socially, it's on the documents if anyone wants to look, just ask Suffolk social services and they will give you them, well they did with me

  22. call me BARB - LIZ - HELP PLEASE =PLEASE


    I was delighted that David Icke has outed MP Greville Janner this morning, i was in Barnados homes
    in the early seventies, and we were woken at night and told to stand by our beds, Greville and two other men came and smiling loked us up and down and took several boys away in their pyjamas.
    Over the next 18 months greville would come and always choose the same 3 boys to go away for the night, one boy Tom when he came back next day was bleeding from the rectum and got into trouble for spoiling the sheet.
    These people think because they are important they can do what they want, we were terrified.
    paul leake

  25. I've just posted this persons anonymous comment on the post titled WARWICKSHIRE PAEDOPHILE JOURNALIST THOMAS O' CARROLL THE PAEDOPHILE INFORMATION EXCHANGE (PIE)
    "Anonymous said...
    i had a sexual relationship when younger it was very mutual.yes i was 12 and he was in his twenties but i knew what i was doing and it has not changed my orientation and i have fond sure this is not what you want to hear but i have a right to voice my personal memory on this issue.

    28 March 2013 10:22 "

    And I have told the poster that I will only post any more of their pro paedophile comments if they leave them using an identifiable persona.

  26. Liz, hang on in there, we're all very tired, we mustn't pull each other down, keep your pecker up girl.

    I know this might sound a bit mad but my sewing and knitting and little walks in the fields listening to the birds is keeping me sane. Sometimes my brain just can't cope with the awfulness of the times we are living in.

    The robins and blue tits and sparrows are still managing to keep body and soul together in spite of living in a country ruled by some of the wickedest people ever to walk the earth, and so must we, keep going.

    If this pissing evil government take everything away from me, they can't take away my spirit, which belongs to God, and neither can they take yours. Keep strong xx

  27. "Anonymous said...
    Read this barbara, my son whose i the last year before going up to "big school" had a show personality come in and talk about
    the gay life style ( homosexual)
    my son said some young boys earn big money from homosexuals, and one young lad on his 17th birthday bought a nice sports car, i phoned the headmaster and complained, he said if you dont like it move your son to another school, WTF ?
    Diane Smith

    28 March 2013 02:29"

    Are you the same Diane Smith who is the spin doctor for David Kidney that I met at the Democracy Club and who I argued with about the Staffordshire Pindown child abuse cover up?

  28. No No not the same Diane Smith
    thank god.
    Thankyou for sharing so much with us on the blog, its so important to share this with others some who have been very hurt too

  29. Interesting story about barnados, there's a document, several of them that show proof of John Wills being given counselling by barnados counsellors after his initial arrest, at his arrest he was found in possession of child sexual magazines. The counselling was paid for by Suffolk social services.
    So a man, teacher, scout master, foster carer is arrested and found to be in possession of hold porn and social services pay for counselling with barnados for him.
    Everyone reading this needs to spread the case about, let others know.
    I know who the man is who holds the key to this, I will actively try and find him now

  30. Kate Redmond has links to a children's group here
    Every single person on that site has links to peadophiles, and she has links via Jonathan eckersley to Peter righton, lord henniker and also derek slade, Derek Sawyer and oakwood school.
    Why has no one stopped this woman, and her ring

  31. Kate Redmond has links to convicted paedophile counsellor Ben redsell of Woodbridge via the youth group just 42

  32. the government must understand that its not right to have bunboys
    whatever happened to normal sex ?

  33. I used to be all for sex uducation in schools but this in recent times has become very twisted and very pro homosexual.
    My daughter whose 12 told me they were taught how to sucka mans dick
    and told to practise on their thumbs, now i always thought this was meant to be something for within a marrriage not taught to kiddies which i feel is wrong

  34. Sorry Diane, I had to ask though, because you share the same name, she gave me a hard time and is a nasty piece of work. She's involved in the Save Stafford Hospital stuff at the moment, and it's crafty what they are doing, because she is pretending to be oh so caring about the people of Stafford and yet its her lot that have smashed up Stafford Hospital in the first place, it used to be a good hospital until the frigging politicians wrecked it, brought in the Foundation Trust Liverpool Care Pathway and made the staff on some of the wards there accessories to mass murder.

  35. "Anonymous said...
    I used to be all for sex uducation in schools but this in recent times has become very twisted and very pro homosexual.
    My daughter whose 12 told me they were taught how to sucka mans dick"

    I have published this comment but won't publish any more like this unless you include the name of the school where this happened, its hard for me to tell wether or not people are having a laugh sending comments like this, I have given you the benefit of the doubt and published it. If this is happening in your daughters school then the teacher who has done this needs to be arrested and all the other parents need to know that their kids are being abused, because basically to force kids to attend such a lesson is child abuse.

  36. I have just found this:

    August 21, 2012 11:00 am
    Police chiefs probe claims of corruption

    Corruption investigations have been launched against dozens of Staffordshire Police officers following allegations of leaking information, stealing, fraud and substance misuse, it emerged today.

    Corruption investigations have been launched against dozens of Staffordshire Police officers following allegations of leaking information, stealing, fraud and substance misuse, it emerged today.

    The force’s anti-corruption unit launched 116 investigations into officers from April last year until March this year.

    Some inquiries covered more than one allegation. Chiefs could not supply information on what disciplinary action was taken. Thirty-five inquiries looked into leaking information.

    Although figures represent a minority of the force’s 3,300 officers and staff, force bosses stressed they would take firm action in every case as the nature of investigations may damage the public’s trust in the force.

    Spokeswoman Sarah Davison said: “Corruption within Staffordshire Police is thankfully uncommon.

    “Public allegations of police corruption in Staff-ordshire as evidenced by a recent independent IPCC report – were lower than the national average for the relevant period. We are, however, not complacent.

    “When corruption does occur, it has a disproportionately damaging and corrosive impact upon indiv- iduals, the force and most importantly on the communities of Staffordshire.

    “Such behaviour affects trust and confidence in the force and the criminal justice system as a whole. Staf-fordshire Police remains vigilant.” There were 29 cases of discreditable conduct and 20 of ‘inappropriate’ or criminal associations.

    Dishonesty and theft investigations accounted for 15 of the operations. There were 13 allegations of officers who misused force systems and 10 of substance misuse. Investigators also looked into eight cases of financial corruption. There were seven further cases of officers allegedly abusing their authority.

  37. Stafford Police have cautioned me three times so far for blogging. They have ordered me to stop blogging. One of the times was after I recieved a death threat from the paedo gangsters who hate and detest my blog. Stafford Police didn't bother investigating the death threat, they just pretty much called me a nutter instead and told me to stop blogging.

    Now I have found this Express and Star article.

  38. This is why I get so frightened, there's no-one I can complain to.

    We are supposed to be able to go to the police if crimes are committed against us, but Pindown child abuse victims can forget that, because they are just supposed to STFU and stop moaning about the past, they have to let it all be covered up, WELL I JUST CAN'T AND WONT!

  39. The authorities see anti-pedophile blogs as anti-semitic, as its supposed to be a jewish idea, although not all jews support this
    i just hope they dont close the blogs down
    kate Smith

  40. Cat jenkins
    walthamstow E 17

    I can confirm that the sex education given to both my kids went way beyond that of normal sex,
    anyone who complains is branded small minded now as homsexuality is now legal and encouraged

  41. They can't shut us all up any more, it's too late for that now. They tried to smear all the Pindown victims, they wanted to save money on compensation claims, all they have done is dug a deeper hole for their own selves to fall into, some of us child abuse victims are determined never to be smeared and wiped away. Them keep bullying us just draws more attention to them!

    The BBC news is a joke and most intellegent people realise that now.

    Cat, I'm sorry, I don't know what to say, but please get together with other parents if you can and complain en masse.

    I am so pleased norfolks secrets are coming out, i lived there for some time and it had the worst figures for child abuse and corruption of any UK county.
    social sevices and the crooked new labour MP George Turner just looked the other way while the russians who really run the county
    had to be taken on by Cheif Constable Julie Spencer


  44. Carol Allison
    There is a plot to discredit anyone who exposes pedos, Steve Messham was absolutely hounded asa rogue and a liar, before others came forward to confirm what he said.
    Similarly there were some in the media who tried to protect Jimmy Saville, those who listen to Moshe Solomons on radio know the jews wanted to keep this all under wraps.
    Just because we want to expos all this does not make us pedophobes
    thankyou CA

  45. I am very grateful for this blog and the help it has given.
    We are al in agreement that some official bodies are encouraging and hiding child abuse and promoting homosexuality, what the reasons are i just dont know, but thankyou for highlighting it

  46. I confess i had not heard of Hilda Murrel or Chris cooper, so thankyou for the tipoff.
    Hilda Murrel was murdered by the security services, who are suposed to be working for us, if this was so they would not be killing us or standing by why jewish banks take our money.
    Chris Cooper it seems was tapping Rupert Murdochs phones while he was tapping everyone elses, according to Chris he has evidence taken from Murdoch that Huntley did not kill the two little girls
    a US serviceman did, he also said their families had ther mail and phone and emails recorded
    what bastards

  47. Steve Messham's big mistake was that he thought he could trust a Member of Parliament.

    I have written to every MP in the UK including the islands about the Secret Family Courts, Pindown, Richard Gardner and Ralph Underwager (paedophiles) and the False Memory Syndrome Foundation. I could wallpaper my house with all the cream coloured House of Commons paper drivel replies, the " can't help you because of Parliamentary convention" excuses from most of them.

    Clare Short and Nick Clegg were two of them that actually made any noises that they actually gave a damn, and now I have found out that Clare Short covered up Elm House, and Nick Clegg has done nothing at all to help the Pindown victims and stop the ongoing abuse of God knows how many children.

    I don't trust any of the buggers now, and especially the gatekeepers like John Hemming (MI5) and Tom Watson (member of Searchlight and friend of Peter Bazalgette)

  48. We have a Conservative MP and i know him and his wife quite well
    i wrote to him about all the pedo stuff and asked what the conservatives were doing about it,
    he replied that David Cameron the party leader was worried that it could become homophobic and affect homosexuals getting married
    what sort of an answer is that ?
    he may just as well have said its Ok for shirtlifters to abuse our kids.
    Karen Cummings

  49. some excellant points raised here
    i tried to rasie the point about institutionalised pedophilia on qestion time
    ad they accused me of being pedophobic.

  50. It was the jewish MP Frank Soskice who got the law changed which made it harder for people to publicly name pedos, they only did that for one reason, second they got shirtlifting made legal, christ they even teach it in schools now
    Teddy Brumas

    I have a relative who has been working on the investigation into the BBC pedophile ring, she told us that Bee-Ges singer Robin Gibb
    bragged in israel before he died of AIDS that he had had over 1000 young fans including a boy of 12,
    so how many did he infect ?
    The next person on the list is singer Tom Jones who has a long history of being a sex pest apparently but only with women.

  52. Two Scottish newspapers have divulged that Jimmy Savile and his close freind the Israeli leader Menachem Began were both pedos and loved small boys, what is interesting is that both Jonathan king and Roman Polanski both said there was nothing wrong that they anally raped under age children, and of course in jewish law, it is not a crime, and now we are ruled by jews our laws have to fall in line with theirs.
    Unless we all spaek out it will soon be seen as normal

  53. I dont think this homosexual thing is a new fad...
    i remember homosexual DJs sexualy preying on the effeminate nancy boys on their scoters years back...
    fashion changes then 20 years back we had bovver boys with shaved haeds rolled up jeans and boots selling their bodies outside railway stations.... now we have another fad of schoolboys on the game..... why is shirtlifting encouraged ? does anyone know ? ...

  54. There's a film of Frank Soskice:

    This film documents the opening of the Leeds City Police headquarters in 1965. The film features prominent political figure Frank Soskice who, at one time, was the Home Secretary for the Labour government. Sir Frank Soskice opens the HQ, and, along with other VIPs, is taken on a tour of the new police facilities.

    The film opens with a shot of senior police officer and an important looking woman, who wears a dark dress suit and pearls; they talk briefly before another shot captures a plane landing. The filmmaker captures Sir Frank Soskice and other VIPs, who step off the plane and are met by senior police officials. A brief sequence shows them shaking hands as they walk towards their cars.

    The next sequence, outside the newly build Leeds city Police HQ, shows the VIPs and senior police officials greeting each other and posing for photos outside the entrance.

    Inside the HQ, the VIPs are initially shown round the canteen facilities; the VIPs stand in front of the counter posing for pictures, while chefs can be seen working in the background. Moving on, they are led through several corridors, and shots capture them talking animatedly. A brief shot then shows the visiting party on the facilities roof, with the background of Leeds city centre visible, including a high rise building under construction nearby.

  55. Returning inside the HQ, the visitors are shown some offices and in one instance a VIP is directed to a piece of paper on a desk. The group then enter a communications room, where several officers sit at desks answering telephones. The VIPs stand behind a seated officer working at a desk and are talked through the process by a senior policeman. They then move to the back of the room, where a woman sits at a switchboard, and again the VIPs are talked through her vocational procedures.

    The next sequence opens with more important guests arriving. Static shot capture the fashions: the men wear dark suits and service uniforms, while the women wear formal dresses. One woman stands before the camera for an extended period of time wearing an extravagant and very ornate looking necklace. A dinner then takes place; the camera pans round the table showing the important guests, some of which are senior police officials in service uniforms, while others are special guests in more traditional formal wear. An older gentleman studies the menu using a magnifying glass, and many of the guests are captured conversing as they enjoy the meal, while a waitress stands behind attending to the guests; pouring some wine for a man in one instance.

    A bespectacled man then gives a brief speech to the diners, before another official introduces Sir Frank Soskice who, at one time, was the home secretary for the Labour government. Sir Frank Soskice rises from his chair and gives a speech into a microphone, shuffling his notes as he progresses through the speech.

    Outside the HQ, a brass band plays as Sir Frank Soskice emerges from a black car and is greeted by senior police officials. He then moves past the camera to stroke an officer's horse. The next shot shows Frank Soskice inspecting some constables lined up along the pavement, while a sign in background reads 'Queen Street Closed'. The party then head inside, where a group of VIPs sit on a platform behind a microphone. Frank Soskice is introduced and he stands to make a speech, and photographers can be seen in the foreground. Sir Frank Soskice then unveils a plaque on the wall that reads 'Leeds City Police. These headquarter were opened by the Rt. Hon. Sir Frank Soskice QC. 9th April 1965'. Some of the senior officials pose photos with Sir Frank.

    The filmmaker captures an exterior view of the new police headquarters. Constables enter the building and the camera tilts up to show the sign above the entrance that reads 'Police Headquarters'. Shots again capture the communication room with many officers at desks, on the phone. A secretary then files a record away, before a close up shows a printer printing a document.

    More shots capture switchboards and command consoles. A plaque on a door then reads 'Chief Constable', and inside the room the chief constable sits writing at a desk. The next shot shows both male and female police officers enjoying their lunch in the canteen, before in another room inside the HQ Sir Frank Soskice shakes hands with senior police officials. The final shot shows Sir Frank and other important guests being led through the communications room and Sir Franks smiles as he passes the camera.


  57. This is very interesting! Thanks for telling me about Frank Soskice.

    "Ever since the first race law was introduced in 1965 by the Labour Home Secretary of the time, Frank Soskice, (himself a Russian immigrant) our own politicians have put the foreigner first in our country."

  58. some fabulous comments here, please read the jewish talmud and sacred books before coming to any conclusion you will read in black and white they are totally christophobic, they even say jeusus and christians will spend to eternity in a huge vat of boiling shit, nice religion eh ?
    But what i wanted to tell readers was my husband hada long discussion with Chris Cooper mentioned here, and he said Max Clifford had his phone tapped by several people and when ciff Richard was about to be outed he was tipped off by Tony Bliar, max Clifford negotiated Clif Richards would doa tour of israel in exchange for silence on the topic, so that ya go !!!
    sarah wilkins

  59. thankyou for the warning about anngirfan i could not beleive they would say pedos make good parents, thats scandalous, the bullshit about hitler was bad enough, but there is some good stuff
    on "englandisyours" website
    these pedos and bumtouchers really need weeding out

  60. If i may correct one of the comments, in jewish law christians are goyim, or soul less animals
    who will boil in exrement with jesus til the end of time, its there in the ancient books read it,
    many experts now doubt that jesus was a jew, and not an essene either

  61. the country is falling apart through the cost of mass immigration, yet the government is going to put more policemen at football matches to nick anyone who shouts out about a foreign or homosexual player, on the one hand the governemnt is turninga blind eye to child abuse but nicking people who shout about it
    figure that ?
    roy davis

  62. Aangirfan is welcome to defend him/herself here, to explain why that comment about paedophiles being the best child carers was published on his/her site. I haven't censored any of his/her comments to that effect, because I have so far not recieved any.

  63. "many experts now doubt that jesus was a jew"

    The paedo/satanists are crafty. They take things over, infiltrate things, like parasites, they are crafty nasty selfish stinkers. Ralph Underwager told them to be bold, and they have certainly have done just that, and look at the consequences. They are tearing civilisation apart, trashing all the imperfect justice system, making it absolutly useless, creating fear and tension and trouble everywhere.

    I don't know how any decent person can join the police force nowadays, because they are expected to defend the wicked and persecute the weak and vulnerable. Decent coppers are being persecuted and murdered.

    Yet it's only a very small number of desperatly wicked people who are responsible for all the confusion and chaos. The police could easily round them all up if they really wanted to, but they won't go for the ringleaders, all they ever do is skirt round the edges.

    Jesus was a Jew, what utter nonsense to try to pretend he wasn't, it reminds me of the ridiculous attempt a few years ago to pretend that a crappy little brass bound stone book was an ancient artifact.

  64. "in jewish law christians are goyim, or soul less animals
    who will boil in exrement with jesus til the end of time"

    We will see who that happens to in the end. I believe in God and I believe that God is loving, kind and just, and patient. I became a Christian in 1984 after the Yorkminster fire, it happened a few days after the Bishop of Durham blasphemed on Radio 4 about Jesus. No-one was hurt in the fire, and no-one knew how the fire was started, and all I could think of at the time was that God must have done it. After that I started to pray, and God answered my prayers, and I just knew inside of me that He is alive, though I can't prove it to anyone. Since then I have struggled with God, because so many bad things have happened, and I felt abandoned by God, the Secret Family Court persecution was the worst, the cruel persecution I witnessed in that evil place was almost unbearable. I don't know why God let me go through that torment but one thing I will say is that if I hadn't I would never have believed that people could be so wicked and greedy and cruel, if I had not experienced it for my own self. And because of the persecution I found out (led by God, shown things) all about the horrible bastards who have persecuted children in care, men like Richard Gardner and Ralph Underwager.

    I don't believe any of that so called "Jewish" curse is going to fall onto me or onto Jesus Christ either. I don't believe the horrible bastards who are cursing people like that are proper Jews either, because if they were they would be following the laws gave to Moses after the Exodus instead of that other crap

  65. what about the hushing up about Mp David Laws ? he was the somerset MP
    who with his boyfreind was having young lads, this bit about the young lads not complaining will not wash if they are under age.
    its still wrong


  67. I hear from my uncle who works for the police gazette, that when the police cleared saviles home there was loads of incriminating evidence
    from big people, photos letters etc
    i doubt whether this will ever be made public tho, shame we should all be able to see.

  68. the fact that there are 68 comments shows just how important your work is, exposing the perverts
    it has even been outlawed now for football supporters to mention it at matches
    whatever next ?
    Colin mc carthy

  69. Colin, I feel pretty useless, just a broken old woman grumbling, but what the heck can I do? I know what I feel like doing, but it's against the law, God's law and British law, I suppose I am not the only one in this country that feels lampposts need using for something else apart from lighting the streets right now.

    I don't hear anyone having a good word to say for the bunch of paedo protecting criminals we have in Parliament right now.

  70. Robert Maxwell and his offspring would say that, but some of us prefer not to listen to stinking rich moneygrubbing newspaper progaganda sellers.

    I read the newspaper today, I only read it because it was free, it was the Metro, it didn't take me long to read it, I wouldn't waste my money on any of the propaganda papers nowadays, but that newspaper will come in handy for making paper pots for my vegetable seeds.

    The Bible has been translated many times, I prefer the King James version, I would not bother with some of them because some of the modern translations have altered some of the passages

  71. it s so good that websites like this expose what is going on and the vile people who commit these acts, my grandfather was one of Winston Churchills drivers and he said Churchill liked the young boys, we dont see that in the news do we ?
    He sat by while 5 million people in india starved to death, and when germany occupied the channel islands Hitler said you can drop food and medical supplies only, churchill said let them starve, they let the germans land there so they are collaborators, i belive something similar happened to Malta too
    dave winglass

  72. I read all the comments and was not surprised your remarks from your phone were copied about Hilda C, i was informed anyone resisting the march of homosexual rights would have their phone tapped 24/7 and their mail opened and their freinds and associates too.
    what scumbags !!

  73. M<y dad was brought up in barnados chidrens homes, he said most of the staff were gay, the staff used to use buggery as a " PP" Personal-Punishment tactic against the boys, he saw boys aged 10 wet themselves in fear
    Micheal Johnson
    South London

  74. "Hitler said you can drop food and medical supplies only, churchill said let them starve, they let the germans land there so they are collaborators"

    The Anthony Hopkins film "The Remains Of The Day" was on a few days ago, reminding me that there were Nazi collaborators in the "upper classes" here in the UK.

  75. I say "upper classes" because although moneyed people have a tendency to assume they are better than everyone else, the Big Issue sellers, if you observe them, make a bee line for scruffier looking people, don't just take my word for it, you just watch them and you'll see it for yourselves, now that suggests to me that they know from experience that poor people are a damn sight kinder to each other than moneyed folk, even though they've got less, and that means that Tory idea of "trickle down" wealth is absolute rubbish. Rich folks, as far as I can see, tend to grab grab grab grab and grab, stamping all over the hands of anyone else trying to take what they need for substinance.

    I wont give to any of the charities nowadays, because of seeing with my own two eyes the fraud and the greed. The Big Boys have even knackered up the ways poor folks try to help one another, look at the charity shops, you can't buy anything for less than 50p nowadays in them, people donate unwanted items and they are selling them for nearly as much or sometimes more than what they are worth brand new! And a lot of donated items get thrown away. Poor people used to be able to go to jumble sales, now its car boot sales, and a few days ago there was a car boot sale in Eccleshall, and the greedy beggers running it were charging £2 per car and £2 per pedestrian to get in, on top of the £8 per stall, and that wasn't advertised that you had to pay to get in, its bloody horrible being poor and at the very bottom of the pecking order, and now this horrible paedo protecting government has just made things even worse, by attacking the poorest in every way they possibly can.

    I would like to see Ian Drunken Smith trying to survive on less than £60 a week, not just for a week. anyone can do that, and go back to one of their nice cosy mansions and unsmashed up by the Governments Secret Courts at the end of it, he either does not have a clue or else he is a horrible wicked moral less man, I dont know which because I have never met him and never am I ever likely to, but him pretending he could do it makes him a liar, he couldn't and wouldn't survive on a pittance, he'd do what men like him always do and prey on other poorer people instead.

  76. Its very hard trying to scrape yourself from rock bottom, and I know that from experience.

    I get sick of people telling me that the abuse I suffered as a child is all in the past, forget about it and "move on"

    Move on? Where to?

    Being abused as a child blighted my life. It isolated me. It stopped me being able to get work to make a living. No-one wanted me, because I had been in the "nut house" (on a "place of safety" court order after being assaulted at Chadswell Assessment Centre children's "home" on a "place of safety" court order after being assaulted as a child)

    It wasn't my fault I ended up in "care" but I am the one who has paid the price, I haven't just suffered extra abuse in the actual places they sent me on court orders, I have also had the shunning stigma of being a "nutter" and a "delinquent" for even being in such places!

    So people like Ian Drunken Smith make me laugh, when they look down their noses at folk like me. They think themselves so superior, because their ancestors were successful robbers. What else was the Enclosure Act than daylight robbery? What else was living off the proceeds of forced slavery than robbery?

    I wanted to do a fair weeks work for a fair wage. What happened? I worked at Burgesses and gave my 100% and ended up getting punched off my chair by a horrible woman in the office, she accused me of making a mistake and when I tried to tell her it wasn't me who filled out the invoice sheet wrong she punched me off my chair. That was the end of that job. I worked in lithographic printing, and that boss kept creeping up behind me to feel my tits and bum while I was at the silk screen trying to do the work he was paying me a pittance for.

    Ian Drunken Smith and his rich pals don't know anything about anything.

  77. I was in a case of statutory rape with Tom Jones in South Africa in 1976. He came here to do some shows. I had just turned 14 - he was around 36yrs or so. I was robbed of my childhood.
    It is currently with the National Prosecution here in South Africa, under investigation, as a charge of rape was laid and there is an official case number.
    I went to get an autograph, his son instructed me to enter an inter leading door at the hotel - which was his bedroom (I had no idea...he got me wasted with Dom Perignon and my virginity was snatched in a moment of inebriation where I was numb and in pain and my life was turned upside down ever since then. The Daily Mail UK - I gave them the complete story, but they were warned to back off due to his status and fear of being attacked by an army of expensive lawsuits. Most media people are warned off (or perhaps even paid off.... who knows)
    Scotland Yard and Operation Yewtree could not assist as they say it happened out of the UK.
    His HUGE error was that he was quoted as saying in a biography called Close Up, that he doesn't know what all this sex stuff is about and why its freaking people out cause it's not as if, and I quote: "It's not as if I've done anything with kids....or sheep"
    Well - I WAS a kid, a child of 14....
    There must surely be boundaries and SURELY the more famous one becomes, there is a moral obligation to set and be an example to society? Many celebrities are also found in 'abusing their positions', where their fame and mastery of their charismatic manipulation often culminates in statutory sexual abuse/rape. Media motivated psychology and insight of impressionable youngster’s minds and the effects that parental attitude, peer pressure and pop idol status has on them, cuts deep. Child abuse not only occurs from a violent aspect, but it challenges us in various disguises, often with the mask of sweet seduction promising the ''Hollywood'' life every child dreams of….Often in these situations - children are then used to engage in sexual activity with the rich and famous whom have a penchant for young flesh. My experience changed my life forever – It is of statutory sexual abuse/rape with an international celebrity/star many years ago. With so much recent publicity in the media regarding the increase in child abuse/rape and abuse of power – from Priests to Presidents ,, celebrities, movie stars and ordinary folk , where do we start and when does it stop?
    I learnt what is an insight into the mind of impressionable young teenagers and the effects that parental attitude, peer pressure and pop idol status has on them.
    The violator’s mastery of his charismatic manipulation (his apparent ‘modis operandi’), has been the issue in my life ever since. My naivety completely emotionally ‘sucked’ me into his ‘masterplan’ and only through many years of research did I understand the full repercussions thereof.
    In this hard and fast world that is media motivated – how do we teach the parents to teach their children that life is no fairytale? And more importantly and more effectively through people who have had first hand experiences in this regard?
    Who teaches us of life and its qualities? Responsibilities and common sense?
    Big dreams and boundaries?
    Where do we learn of ‘’life’’l?
    Where and how do we learn not to believe everything you see…
    An urgent awareness, understanding and education needs to be created, that child abuse and rape not only comes and occurs from a harsh and evidently violent point of view, but it challenges us too in various disguises, often with the mask of sweet seduction promising the Cinderella life every girl dreams of .
    It’s been 39 long years and it cuts very, very deep.
    The irony is - I CAN'T EVEN GIVE THE STORY TO ANYONE OUT THERE as they're all constantly warned off by his legal teams even if just the thought is there, to going to print!
    May Karma seek revenge sweetly.
    He may be ''the Voice''..... but I, WILL HAVE THE LAST WORD.
