Tuesday 5 March 2013


Thanks to Anonymous for sending me the link to this.

John Ward knows very well that John Hemming MP is the creep who was on Mothers for Justice whilst I was being relentlessly attacked by paedoscum (including Nogel Oldfield)

they attacked me because I found out that the junk science syndrome they were using against me in the Secret Family Court had been invented by an American paedophile, Richard Gardner, the colleague of another notorious American paedophile and founder of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation, Ralph Underwager.

John Hemming MP not only refused to help me he also let the paedos bully me for two years on that website. The paedos smashed the site, they asked the lady who set it up to help her run it, then they smashed it and hacked her computer.

John Ward knows all this so why has he done this? WHY???

I feel sick and angry. Totally betrayed again!!!

Lord Jesus, please come quickly. This world is in a horrible mess, theres hardly anyone left to trust!


  1. I have sent this link to John Ward, and asked him why he did it.

    Waiting for an answer.

  2. Interesting, as Ward always comes on as "holier than thou".

  3. The Great North Road6 March 2013 at 03:44

    I watched the video fleetingly - more for a look at how people were reacting to each other. Everything that was questioned was done so in a way that was trying to get to the truth, and that included Mr Ward.

    On the other hand, Mr Hemming was in defensive mode. Everything he said was defending a position. If someone interrupted him, he stood on his principles and told people that he was better than them. It is as good a defence as any.

    Mr Ward was at least there, questioning him as best he could. He was sitting next to the man, he did not agree with him. I am sorry that he did not aim his questions more directly - however Mr Hemming's obfuscations of all topics and at all levels meant that such directness would be taken as insult not inquiry.

    I am sorry that you feel Mr Ward stepped down to Mr Hemming's level - only, what else can you do and still get an answer? Mr Ward has spent many years dealing with people of his kind and at his level. He is neither a lawyer or polemicist - he is not the strongest of interrogators. Were I there, I am sure Mr Hemming would have walked out in a huff of righteous indignation. I feel that would not have helped matters, only the problem is that the meeting recorded in the video was of little more help given the unhelpful stance of Mr Hemming.

  4. "The Great North Road", I don't actually know who you are.

    It's no use you trying to make excuses for John Ward, that's for him to do, and so far he has been as silent as the grave. But other people have been more vocal, on his blog, I notice, and they have made some pretty shitty remarks to me on there, the same ones who made shitty remarks to me a few months ago. Funny how if I answer any of them back its me that is in the wrong though, isn't it?

    John Ward can speak for himself. I would like to know the names of everyone who attended that Portcullis House meeting. I have a feeling that some of those men (very few women there that I could see apart from that self confessed witch and that woman who worked at a racecourse and asked John Hemming MP to help her in a Secret Family Court case and ended up in jail (which seems to happen to a lot of the poor sods who ask that double dealing MI5 would be NASA astronaut creep for help)

    Yes I do feel let down, but it's up to John Ward to explain himself, not you.

  5. Oh yes, and I had a porno email sent today SUPPOSEDLY from Jane Webb, but I know damned well it wasn't off her.

    That was Gazza and Andy off the Farce blogs speciality, sending filth from that looked like it had come off someone else.

    I dont like Jane Webb but I know she didnt send that email.

  6. The Great North Road6 March 2013 at 13:37

    Thankyou firstly for publishing my comment - and responding too. As to my identity, a certain troll calling itself Gemz might give you a hint.

    As to the situation of the meeting, I know little or nothing. It seemed very stilted and allowed Mr Hemming to - I don't quite know how to say this - look good. My thoughts were that Mr Ward was there as an antagonist. In any case, it is not easy to question men like Mr Hemming and not start a fist-fight. He is the kind of man who will insult you first and think later how clever he was - all the time showing his ignorance.

    Am I to presume from the things you are saying that it was some kind of fix? Nothing would surprise me in the un-regulated world of British politics. Nobody, it seems has any rights. It is something I have to teach ex-pats to expect, they have little idea that a government can actually treat them with respect.

    It may be that Mr Ward will respond, only I wouldn't hold your breath waiting. In many ways he puzzles me, he is relatively successful - and yet remote. Perhaps it is only women that he is annoyed with? Perhaps they get past his armour and his reaction is to reject all women.

    Perhaps you can clarify some of the points I have raised. I made a comment earlier about Pilate, I hope it made sense to you.

  7. I want John Ward to tell me why he went to that meeting with that creep. He wont talk to me.

    My gut instinct is telling me that John Ward is a decent man who hates child abuse and corruption, but my gut instinct is feeling very lonely now, it needs something to prove that it is right. My gut instinct also told me Brian Gerrish was a good man, my gut instinct isn't always right.

    I was furious when I saw that video of him sitting next to that creepy MI5 devil, all meekness and submissive. Now I've had time to calm down a bit, and try to work out why he went to that meeting, and why he wont talk to me. I feel like I have been sent to Coventry, and have felt like that for some time.

    The only thing I can think now is something John Ward said on his blog about young girls and what lads like him did in their youth, it was like he was trying to justify underage sex in some circumstances. He got repremanded for it, and at the time I defended him, by saying I felt there was a big difference in two young people with barely any age difference between them doing that and adults perving on little kids. I wonder if he has got into trouble over that comment, and if the BFMS or FACT or one of the other paedo protecting shitup "charities" have done a Hemming, by pretending to be all nice and kind to his face whilst stabbing him in the back? Thats the only thing I can think might have happened, because the horrid sending to Coventry way he is treating me right now is so out of character to my mind.

  8. That MI5 toad Hemming and that equally obnoxious slightly fatter toad Watson skulk round pretending to be oh so kind to victims of institutional abuse, but its all a sham. I get so tired, I can't do very much at all, I get too ill and tired but I keep reposting that stuff about the 2002 conference that Cameron was at, with those wicked men Rose Woffinden and Webster, the scum who tried to cover up Haut de la Garenne, but what I overlooked was that Tom Watson was also there! Now he has told me I shouldn't start conspiracy theorising about the fact that he was there because he didn't know much about it, WTF!!! If I was at some sort of conference to try to stop the police investigating institutional child abuse I would make damned sure I could remember every detail of the meeting, and I would be furious about anyone even wanting to do that, some funny kind of anti paedo person he is! And Harriet Harman as well - she is now on Twitter pretending she actually cares about rape victims, SHE DOES NOT GIVE A MONKEYS, NONE OF THEM DO!

  9. Talking about fat toads, and getting taken in by gut instincts reminds me of one of the fattests toads of them all, Eric Pickles.

    I was taken in by him as well, because when I was going through the Secret (therefore illegal, and no amount of illegal legislation from corrupt MPs will ever make what is illegal legal either)Family Courts Jack Frost published this book:
    and he said how Eric Pickles had tried to help him while he was his Councellor and that Eric Pickles and others who tried to help had been treated in a terrible way by the police and been threatened with jail.

    I know what really happened now. They put on a little show, the Secret Family Scum did the same sort of trick to me in Stafford Court, the judge (Cleary) pretended to get really angry with my solicitor (Murray Cantlay) when I insisted on Cantlay asking a question on my behalf in court (I was not allowed to speak for years, not until I sacked Cantlay and went LIP, and even then they all tried to gag me and tried to make out I was insane for talking to much at one meeting till I told them that they had better send the White Van men to Parliament if they were going to judge me insane for talking too much as they are all far worse than me in that respect!

    They put on these little shows, they did it to me, theyve done it to others, Pickles is one of the fat two faced lying toads.

  10. thankyou for the warnings about aangirfan, i shant look there any more, the best authorities on the third reich are holger haffe ernst zundel and david irving, not one of these have said hitler was a sex fiend, in fact under the 1938 protection of children act, the perverts were all put in the work camps, aangirfan are making up bullshit, just like you said they did

  11. I don't know about Hitler being gay or not, I don't know what the truth is there, all I know is that Aangirfan made that creepy post about child abusers making the best child protectors, and letting someone tell a lie about Carol Valentine being me, I am Barbara Richards and she is Carol Valentine, the only thing we have in common is that we are both Christian women child abuse survivors who hate and detest child abuse.

    I don't like all the pro gay posts, it isn't that I am homophobic, I don't actually care what grown up people do with each other, thats between them and God and none of my business, its just that I know the paedos use Gay Rights as a cover, so they pretend to be gay when they are actually paedos, and that makes it mine and everyone elses business, because I dont want any fecking paedos perving on my kids.

  12. I don't remember saying Aangirfan made up bullshit, I don't think it was actually me who said that. Sorry to nit pick but I like to be 100% accurate at all times if possible about stuff like that, for the records.

    Thats why I dont make many comments about Hitler stuff, I don't know enough about it to be able to comment much, I dont know if he was gay or not, but I have got Mein Kampf on my Kindle and started reading it, and from what I have read so far he sounds like a right nasty bully, like most politicians seem to be, and a bit bonkers as well.

  13. Perhaps "a bit bonkers" is an understatement

  14. John Ward has now replied to my email. This is what I wrote:

    Why did you go to that Portcullis House meeting with Hemming? I just want to know. I feel betrayed by you doing that.

    Why did you do it?


    and this is his reply:
    Barbara I have no idea what you're on about: I went with a view to making MPs more aware of the endemic problem and in that regard it was a success. It wasn't his meeting, we invited him to it.
    Please stop pestering me about this.

  15. So basically, John Ward is calling me a pest.

    Great. Thats what my local church also thinks of me, a pest. In fact, most people - apart from other Pindown victims and whistleblowers of Pindown, think I am a nuicence.

    That makes me feel just great (not)

    I wrote this in reply to him, will post his response, if any:

    Yes you do, John Hemming was one of the ones who was on Mothers for Justice when all the paedos snook onto the admin pretending to "help" and he let me be bullied for two years on there. I told you what he did, why are you pretending you dont know? Why are you doing this to me?

  16. I just read the piece about Hitler,
    i dont like the man but he was sexually as straight as a die, its all there in the intel files aftera 4 year study on the man, why make up this stuff ?
    it was churchill who was into boys, his long breaks away from his wife were his "boytimes" as his doctor called them

  17. I have found this:

  18. Mind the Gaps between Online and Mainstream Media, Government and Public

    January 15 · 10:00 AM

    House of Commons

    Globalisation strategist Zbigniew Brzezhinski recently identified accelerating social change driven by “instant mass communications”, which have been cumulatively stimulating “a universal awakening of mass political consciousness .” In the UK, the consequent gulfs between public opinion and government, and between online and mainstream media are widening precariously: poll after poll details public trust plummeting all round while many political activist websites have grown as busy as mainstream e-commerce and media outlets.

    The first panel discussion hosted by John Hemming MP is from 11-1 in Portcullis House and another one with Austin Mitchell MP from 2-4 in the Palace of Westminster, where we have lunch in the Jubilee Cafe.

    Topics of discussion are the Seven Deadly Syndromes and Seven Media Cover-Ups:
    1.Secret Societies - the Private Lives of Public People
    2.Mainstream Media Cover-Ups - Strategies for Gagging, Controlling and generally Dumbing Down
    3.Crimes against Children and Families - Paedophilia, Child Snatching and Premature Sexualisation
    4.Reporting Fraud and White Collar Crimes - Public Services as Perpetrators and Non-Investigators
    5.The Illegality of Usury and Wars - How Successive Governments Ignore National Law and International Treaties
    6.Policing - Who Guards the Guards?
    7.CONTEST - How the Counter-Terrorism Strategies Drive Miscarriages of Justice.

    Please RSVP for details of Committee Rooms.

    Join or login to comment.

  19. John Love

    The focus of Victims Unite, may be best aimed at the rule of law.

    If those that administer the law adhere to the intent of the relevant legislation and the principle that the public must be served by persons who are true to the public image they represent. Then justice will rule.

    The needs of victims need not be divided by the offense, but be united for all victims against all offenders whether it be one crime or another.

    All this is needed for those who we wish to permit to administer Justice.

    The question is; How do we achieve it?

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    Parliamentary Inquiry into White Collar Crimes

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  20. And John Ward never even thought to ask me if I would like to attend!

    And he has the cheek to call me a pest

  21. "Anonymous said...
    I just read the piece about Hitler,
    i dont like the man but he was sexually as straight as a die, its all there in the intel files aftera 4 year study on the man, why make up this stuff ?
    it was churchill who was into boys, his long breaks away from his wife were his "boytimes" as his doctor called them

    7 March 2013 10:01"

    Thanks. My gut instinct tells me that Hitler wasn't a "boy lover" , the only things I have heard about him being one are unsubstantiated rumours.

    I know the institutional child abuse has been going on in the UK for a long time, because I was in a Pindown childrens "home" in the early 70s and there were rich people being let into the hell hole I was in to have sex with some of us kids. And everyone in the UK Parliament knows, plus the Church, they all know and yet they have covered it up and let it carry on. So if Parliament is behaving like that now I dont find it hard to believe that it didnt behave in a similar way 40 years earlier!

  22. Chris Cooper investigations doa lot of security work for various governments, much of what we know about the Rupert Murdoch/Peter mandelson criminal phonetapping/mail opening scandal
    came from them.
    he said that if you look at the amount of comments on the Aangirfan website, they have fallen by two thirds as people
    have realised its a fake zio pro-socialist website.

    Child abuse at my orphanage was diferent from others that i have read about, we would have several men come and choose boys, a couple of these men had wedding rings on and one we were told was a big politician, another was a black football player, they would take some boys away, the boys would come back later in the day but were too terrified to speak, but we knew from blood in their underpants what went on, nothing was secret in the dormitories, these boys would come back with sweets wehich were always taken by the bigger boys, who would then tease them about being old mens bum-chums
    i heard several committed suicide later

  24. Chadswell Assessment Centre where I was at was using tne home as a pimping house

  25. I am so thankful that at last people are listeneing to what went on at Elm house, the boys there were used by homosexuals as a free brothel, i am part handicapped so wa sonly there a few weeks, but Nimrod house too was used by homosexuals to bugger small boys

  26. As long as teenage boys will have bumholes there will always be homosexuals, those perverts who hang around young football teams and swimming clubs, er hada man called bill goldsmith who got away with boy-abuse for years, then when he was caught quickly fred to ireland.
    Now we hear the queen supports homosexual lifestyles.

  27. Well, the Queen certainly doesn't support the VICTIMS of child abuse, if the snotty reply to the letter I wrote to her on 14th August 2009 is anything to do with her. If it isn't, the person who sent it has committed treason, by not passing my letter, which outlines treasonous crimes committed against the Queen's young subjects by those in hig office.

    This is the letter I wrote:


    And this is the letter from Buckingham Palace dated 25th September 2009 that I had in reply:


    Either the person responible for that awful letter has committed treason, or the Queen could not give a monkeys about institutional child abuse. I don't know, so I can't be the judge, but God will!

  28. If I were a paedo I would beg God to forgive me and do anything I possibly could to avoid ever being with children and would devote all my life to trying to stop children getting hurt to try to put right the wrongs I had done.

    Instead I am a victim of paedos and battle on and on and on being pretty much hated and despised for being a frigging victim, because what the world wants me to do is STFU, otherwise I am being a nuicence and a pest, but how the heck can I STFU, its stuffed my life up what the paedos did, and NO FRIGGING WAY am I going to STFU.

    Sometimes I feel so angry with God, because I feel so lonely and smashed up, but Jesus did say that this life would not be a bed of roses, so He hasn't broken any promises, but grief and anger overcome me some days, and I end up in a heap. I expect the other brave whistleblowers and victims feel the same. I don't know why God let me be abused as a child, but its all about breaking the circle. I forgave the ones who have abused me and stamped all over me, inasmuch as I dont wish anyone to hell any more (when I am in my right mind, when I have a bad day I dont feel that way!) but like I said, unrepentant paedos and wicked people will end up in hell, the Lord wont let any wicked people into heaven, they have to repent, really repent, not just pretend to by joining some paedo friendly church and using that as a smokescreen, most churches are a bloody disgrace.

  29. people say to me " how could you let men abuse you when you were a boy"?

    Yes, I've had that said to me as well, and that made me blame myself for a long time. But it wasn't my fault I was abused and it wasn't your fault you were either, we were CHILDREN and children are supposed to be allowed to grow up straight and strong without being perved on.

    "i could not stop them one boy i knew kicked upa helll ofa fuss and he went missing and was never seen again"

    They put me in a psychiatric hospital on an adult ward for almost a year, I was 14 years old, because I made a fuss about not wanting to be locked up with people who were pimping children. Apparently I should have been a good little girl and behaved myself quietly in that hell hole Chadswell Assessment Centre, not screamed in terror of them.

  30. from what i have read on the subject and people i have spoken to, all care homes and orphanages had their share of bum-touchers and pants sniffers, but not all boys were sexually abused, i only know of 4 in all the men i know who spent childhood time in these awful places

  31. And that is one of the reasons those bastards have got away with it for so long. Not all the children in those hell holes were sexually abused. I wasn't, not in Chadswell Assessment Centre Child Pimping House, but I was locked up in the charge of the pimps, and I was fully aware of the abuse of children in there while I was there, I was terrified!

  32. Its left massive scars in me, what they did, and all I am getting is shitbags calling me a "professional complainer", and warning me that if I dont stop moaning I will get banned from peoples blogs, well, thats too bad, because I can't stop moaning, if people like me stop moaning the paedos will never be rounded up, its only because of moaners like me that Saville was booted off his pedestal!

  33. If anyone wants to ban me off their blog for moaning about Pindown cover ups thats up to them, but its going to look bloody funny if the blockee is a person who has set themselves up as an exposer of elete wickedness!

  34. HELLO NOW,

  35. there was a great comment by an african woman, i cant find it now
    but she suggested cutting the balls off child sex offenders
    what a great idea that is ? Charles walker

  36. some good points about the Aangirfan blog which make good sense to me, and a lot of people are now saying hitler was right all along about bankers and child molesters, oh why didnt we listen to him ?

  37. Don't ever give up don't let the vile toads win x



  38. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtHCIXVb_eo&NR=1


    Thank you xx
