Sunday 5 May 2013


This is very interesting:

I see the Tory MP who has just been arrested is one of the Parliamentary Patrons of the Forum. John Hemming MP (the one who let a bunch of paedophiles gang up on me for two years) is there as well:

Parliamentary Patrons of the Forum

Lord Adebowale, David Amess MP, Baroness Barker, Lord Best, David Burrowes MP, Douglas Carswell MP, Lord Colwyn, Baroness Coussins, Jack Dromey MP, Clive Efford MP, Nigel Evans MP, Baroness Gardner of Parkes, Stephen Gilbert MP, John Glen MP, Baroness Gould of Potternewton, Baroness Greengross, Lord Haskins, John Hemming MP, Baroness Howe of Idlicote, Huw Irranca-Davies MP, Diana Johnson MP, Rt Hon David Lammy MP, Lord Lester of Herne Hill, Lord Lipsey, The Earl of Listowel, Caroline Lucas MP, Baroness Masham of Ilton, Baroness Massey of Darwen, Nicky Morgan MP, Meg Munn MP, Professor the Lord Patel of Bradford, Mark Pawsey MP, Lord Rea, Lord Redesdale, Baroness Thornton, Paul Uppal MP, Robert Walter MP, Rt Hon the Lord Whitty and Roger Williams MP. Please note: parliamentary patrons take no financial interest in the Forum.


  1. Jack Dromey MP is there, he and Harriet Harman shared a platform with paedophiles in the 1970s.

    What the heck is this group? What powers do these people have?

  2. Baroness Howe of Idlicote, she's there, I wrote to her on 8th February 2008, to beg her to help me, she did write back but said she couldn't do anything, the usual response I got back from so many MPs, here is the letter I wrote, I posted it on YouTube, its in 3 parts:

  3. Letter to Baroness Howe of Idlecote 8th February 2008 part 2 and 3:

    The Secret Family Court persecution has now stopped (thank God!!!) but I am on the MI5 list of potential terrorists, I know that because they have hacked my email and other social networking, and because MI5 overrule the police, which is why the police would not investigate the death threat against me, I know its not the ordinary "plod" who are doing this, because one of the local "plods" very kindly told me that a senior detective had overruled my complaint about institutional abuse.

    How the bloody heck can a VICTIM of institutional abuse be put on a list of potential terrorists, simply for complaining what they had done to her too heartily?

  4. Sorry, I just accidentally deleted a comment that I meant to publish, I pressed the wrong button, it was something about Nigel Evans, Tony Blair and D Notice, please could you send the comment again and I wont mess it up this time, thanks

  5. I wanted to tell you that the evening standard are considering publishing an article naming nigel evans with visits to barnados homes, which tory spokeman grant schapps said " were entirely innocent in nature"
    this is the tip of the iceberg, he will not slip away quietly like david laws, the police want some scalps.
    and under tony bliar this would have been D noticed


    Tom Watson and D Notices

  7. "the police want some scalps"

    Good. Paedorings need to be broken up, no matter how wealthy the members are.

  8. I can tell you froma source through my family, that strarting with ex chief constable julie spence who broke up 122 russian run brothels in norflok and surrounding counties, the pressure has been on the police to stop the pedos, and they now want to get on witha clean up, one copper said to me the politicos are trying to hinder and get in our way all the damn time !

  9. today there were two sex crimes in the news, one an important political figure uses the power of that job to go have sex with two vulnerable lads, and accusations of more of the same,
    and everyone is cheering for him
    two vicar in sheffield takes advantage of a traumatised tenager
    and faces prison,
    so why the diferent ? because the gay lobby exercises influence so that boy-nobbing is not an offence any longer

  10. Barnados have counseling to John wills after his arrest for abuse paid for by Suffolk social services, the proof was given to others but they say nothing

    Hard evidence received today magistrate kate Redmond visited Soviet Russia, ex labour mayor of Woodbridge

  11. Redmond was trained by the stasie, to arrange abuse for blackmail

    She's a danger to children still

    I saw a white BMW outside her house last week belonging to a local no, conservative, why

    God will make it clearer

    Special message to hakuna matata jeshie needs a favour he's on his old number


    A friend

  12. Hi barbara i listened to a real news radio show last night on institutionalised pedophilia,
    and they are now calling pedos " minor oriented" and want to decriminalise it, such terms as "boy nobbing" and "manboy" relationships were used, almost as if it is a sport and i think it is for some people with
    claims of keeping photos and diaries of the asaults
    please please keep up your good work
    marie collison

  13. "ex chief constable julie spence who broke up 122 russian run brothels in norflok and surrounding counties"

    Thanks for that, didn't know anything about that, but I did a video in 2009 after I found out about Elton John going to a Ukraine orphanage to get a little boy to adopt, Kiev Regional Child House, 111 Marx, Boyarka Town, Kievsjaya Region, 255,510 Ukraine.

    The Catholic Church is involved in the running of this horrible place.

    I also had that run in with Brian Gerrish over him inviting John Hemming MP to a conference in Stoke, Hemming was one of them on Mothers for Justice when I was getting bullied by a gang of paedos when I was going through the Secret Family Courts. Gerrish got one of his conferences on RTV, and I was there, so they put a big photo of me on the program with me wearing a bright yellow and orange dress, but when I contacted RT to tell them I was the lady in the big bright dress and please could I go on telly to talk about the Secret Family Courts and forced adoption ect they didn't even bother replying to me. Then I felt suspicious of Timothy Maxwell (known as Mas Keisler on RT) looking the very spit of Robert Maxwell.

  14. "they are now calling pedos " minor oriented" and want to decriminalise it, such terms as "boy nobbing" and "manboy" relationships were used"

    Yes, they do want to decriminalise it, God help the children of this poor country if they ever do!

    "please please keep up your good work"

    I hate doing this, I hate running this blog, I wish this blog and others like it were unnecessary, I really do, but this blog and others like it are the loud screams that the children who are right now being abused can't get heard, God help us, please hear our prayers, please stop this madness in this island, please stop this appalling abuse of little children

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. Have you got any more info about this please?

  17. Thanks for the info about the Sun newspaper and Elton John, I have removed it for now, until I can find out more about it, thanks for it though

  18. a postman turned whistleblower and lost his job for going to the police and his MP about russian run brothels
    Ex Chief constable julie spence took him seriously and raided 122 foregn run brothels, they found under age boys there, and women chained to bed legs, the nearby USAF base had several men who were being blackmailed, and the whole thing was an awful mess, thank god the kids were saved, but israel is the worst for shipping in kids to work in the brothels


    please barbara everyone who has been sexually abused should see this

  20. The coming of the anti Christ, yes. We Christian folk must stand strong, following the Lord Jesus Christ, never swerving to the right or left of the narrow path, but always following the Lord Jesus Christ, no matter what anyone who professes to come in His name or be His mouthpiece says to the contrary.

  21. my aunt lives next door to one of the policemen who had to clear out jimmy saviles private papers, he said the place was dirty and the furniture pretty old and worn, he said they found a bunch of disgusting photos and letters from the ex israeli prime minister menachem began, he hada quick read through and tied them up again, these were confictaed and not shown back at the police station, as my aunt said if thes emen are high level pedos the world should be told about it

    Prime Minister David Cameroon,sent a series of emails to the BBC during the Jimmy Saville scandal, which my source has shown to me, David Cameroon, asked that boys names be airbrushed out as it " would derail the homosexual agenda"
    so if David Cameroon would lie and twist over child abuse, i mean thats about as low a sit gets right ?
    Maria Dobson

  23. asked that boys names be airbrushed out as it " would derail the homosexual agenda"


  24. Sorry, but David Cameron is SUPPOSED to be Prime Minister of the UK, not head of the Gay Rights team!

    His role is NOT to select one pressure group to defend, but to run the country well, and make sure all the administrative systems work.

    As it is, the Justice system, Monitary system, Health system, Education system, they're all going belly up, Cameron should concern himself with those things, not be piddling round cowtankering and forlock pulling to the Gay Rights brigade!

  25. when cameron refused to discuss on TV with philip thingey, he said " he did not want this to turn into a with hunt against gays "
    because he knows they are linkedits the homosexual lobby who are working to decriminalise child abuse


    whoa read this it tells you who and why we are being pshed into accepting perversion as natural


    chris spivey explains why the homosexual lobby want to leaglise pedophila

  28. Tom Fowler said on the radio news today,that 4creact had to be maintained with saville because of keeoping good terms with isreal
    i am so disgusted with this

  29. the young teenager found dead on th queens estate at Sandrimgham, was an escapee from a child brothel, blame has been put on chief constable julie spence for closing 122 of these foreign run establishments.
    The police say one in 5 sex crimes are reported, so that means the 450 crimes by saville are really about 1500, and they still say they did not know about saville ?
    every one else knew my sisten in law is a scoial worker in edinbrugh and she knew ages back

  30. re the sun newspaper and elton john ?
    EMI records chief said the bad news would last 3 months and be forgotton, people are interested in his music,
    not his pedophile activities
    same with boy george, now there is one real sicko

  31. "EMI records chief said the bad news would last 3 months and be forgotton"

    Well he's wrong, how the heck can people whose lives have been wrecked forget? People don't forget stuff like that, and the ones who did the wicked crimes can dream on!

    Oh, but thats why they want the child abuse victims put onto mind fuck drugs, to screw up our minds and then they can turn round and point at us and accuse us of having False Memory Syndrome (invented by paedophile Ralph Underwager), well they can forget about that as well, they are well and truly busted!!!

  32. I have blocked Sonia Poulton from Twitter, because I practically begged her to wrote an artical about Richard Gardner and Ralph Underwager a couple of days ago, and she very patronisingly refused to do so, I don't trust her now, and now I have found out she was a writer for the NME, which is the same music newspaper that Bob Woffinden, who is one of the BFMS swine who tried to discredit the police Haut de la Garenne child abuse investigation, along with David Rose (MI5) and Richard Webster, so I certainly can't trust her any more, no matter how sympathetically she wept down the telephone to me a few weeks ago!!!

  33. Zoompad

    Many many people are getting caught out now thanks to you.

    On the subject of blackmail and sexual abuse, it's now clear we have some of that in Suffolk, Magistate Kate Redmond pitched up near to a now closed USAF base and clearly was a soviet spy and agitator.

    Canon Kevan McCormack clearly abuses children, boys, and has clear links to Redmond, kevan has infiltrated the local Woodbridge army base, attends their mess dinners and drinks with the young men in local bars and pubs, he's clearly feeding the information back somewhere, he is a clear terrorist threat, thanks to his paedophile activities, as are all those linked to him.

    And either he's feeding sensitive military information back to the Freemasons or he feeds info from the masons back to redmond, it's easily checked, a google of canon Kevan McCormack Freemasons or his name and knights Templar will prove all of this, why hasn't someone done so and at least told the military.

    How much longer must this continue

  34. "Zoompad

    Many many people are getting caught out now thanks to you"

    NO! Not me, thanks to God. I'm just one of the victims of Pindown, I'm just a woman who has begged God for help, and God DID help me, by showing me all about the ones who are at the very heart of the abuse, those two wicked evil men, RICHARD GARDNER and RALPH UNDERWAGER. The Lord answered my prayer - I was crying JESUS HELP ME! when I was being relentlessly persecuted in the Secret Family Courts, and the Lord guided me to this site:

    This is the very first time I had ever heard of Richard Gardner and Ralph Underwager, but the Secret Family Courts were trying to lable me with Parental Alienation Syndrome. All I've done is shout very loudly about it! The woman who did that research, and other people like Judith Reisler, they deserve the credit, not me, I'm just a shouter! But God is guiding people like Judith Reisler, because God hates and detests the abuse of little children.

    No-one in authority in the UK wants to talk about those two evil men and the FMSF, Sonia Poulton included, why not?

  35. The USA has led the way with teaching homosexuality and transgenderism to young schoolkids, why not teach them normal moral caring sex ?
    why perversion ?
    and now we hear its going on over here too, i despair i really do, thank god my kids are now out of school

  36. "why not teach them normal moral caring sex ?"

    Isn't it the parents job to teach their own children that sort of stuff anyway? The governments have been muscling their way into all sorts of stuff they really shouldn't be getting involved in all over the world, and look at the results.

  37. this child sex thing has been the agnda all along thats why rockefellers paid kinseyto write what he did.
    we have to stand up and write to your MP i have just written to my MP about the awful treatment of young Emma West

  38. "we have to stand up and write to your MP "

    Which I've done, plus I've been to see him, face to face, and showed him documental evidence that Richard Gardner, who has influenced the Secret Family Courts all over the UK was a paedophile, along with his FMSF colleague Ralph Underwager, and Bill Cash, my MP, told me that I was doing an important job, and to carry on doing it, and he also told me that he was the one who instigated the Operation Ore police investigation.

    I don't know if he's telling the truth about Operation Ore, but I'm certainly never going to hold my breath waiting for him to do anything about the Secret Family Court paedo ring cover up, he's done nothing at all as far as I can see, and he knows damned well I was persecuted in those corrupt courts for 7 years, my health was worn down to a frazzle, I ended up seriously ill in hospital with pneumonia because of the relentless and unmerciful persecution of the evil rascals who run those places. I still have PTSD, and have had zero help from anyone, all I have had so far is GPs throwing prescriptions for drugs which actually cause depression and suicide "They're perfectly safe" is the lie the GPs always come out with, but when you reseaqrch the crap they've given you the research tells a different story! and an appointment with an Emotional Wellbeing advisor, that I am shitting myself about, because I am that used to being stitched up by dodgy child abuse cover up agents.

  39. The best help I have had is the help I have given myself, I spent £8 on a DS Carol Vorderman Health Coach device for a Nintendo Game Boy, and thats helped me shed almost 3 stone of the fat that I piled on from comfort eating, the pain of feeling completly powerless to defend myself from the paedo gangsters who have systematically tormented me for years on end.

    Bill Cash my MP knows damned well what I have been through, and he's not done a single thing to help me or to address the serious criminal acts I have uncovered, the paedophile gangster networks.

  40. Sorry for the bad language, but I am so angry, its my way of dealing with it, like steam in a pressure cooker.

    I am furious about the Staffordshire Pindown child abuse cover up. Bill cash also knows damned well they have taken all the Allan Levy/Barbara Kehen Government Pindown child abuse reports from all the Staffordshire libraries. He's not said a single word about that either!

    I wont be contacting him or any other MP ever again though, because they'd only twist it all round and make out that I was being a nuicence and throw mental health in my face. I'm not psychotic or anything, I have PTSD which means I cry a lot and dont sleep very much, but I am not insane, but they would say I was, because they are twisting fiddling lying rascals.

  41. ALL the politicians (as in EVERY SINGLE ONE) already know all about the Pindown child abuse and cover up. I have written to every single one already, many times. I have enough replies to paper my house in cream coloured House of Commons headed paper.

    I wont be wasting a single second writing any more letters to any of the paedophile cover uppers. I wont be wasting any more time on appealing to the non existant better nature of those wicked people.

    I will pray for them all, to repent of their wicked crimes, because covering up for paedophiles is a really wicked thing to do, even if it wasn't against the law of the land, its certainly against God's law!

  42. Hi Zoompad,

    Yes I do agree, most MPs are not taking notice, mainly because they don't live in the real world, and rely on the pOlice telling them things are being dealt with.

    We must give up trying to bring pressure via MPs, it's not working.

    Here's some more info, the new York times printed an article about the stasi and how their spies were still out there, the Stasi did many terrible things for hard currency, those people are still out there.

    Canon Kevan McCormack is linked via his church to magistrate Kate Redmond and also via his prayer sessions at Suffolk coastal district council, is this spending familiar yet, he's linked to the local council, magistrate, and is fond of boys.

    He taught at the same school and was friends with Simon Warr, the son of a mason, a freemason himself so it's said. Warr is on bail for child abuse now.

    Canon McCormack is the grand chaplain of Suffolk Freemasons. The deputy grand master of Suffolk is rumored to have filmed young children in his shop, and to have abused young girls.

    All sounding horribly familiar, now McCormack has infiltrated the local army base, visits them regulalrly, and has connections to a vicar there who was in the west Yorks police.

    All sounds odd, and he could be feeding back info to this ex soviet spy, didn't someone else say paedophiles were involved in blackmail at the local USAF base also.

    It's all proven, yet still he remains a danger to children, they all are, one day it will all come out.

    Keep it up zoompad, your on a mission from god, he is watching over us all.

    A friend

  43. Barbaras blog has helped me so much and for the first time i wnat to talk about my experience.
    I wasa baby boomer baby born just after W W II, food was scarce and i had very small bones, although i am male i always looked small and dainty, this meant that walking home from school from around age 8 i would be accosted by starnge men i later learnt were homosexuals.
    These men would make lewd comments to me and i grew to hate any kind of perversion, i would have thes emen come on to me at various times through my life not just in childhood, at times there would be threats or insults, and at times i was in great fear.
    Thes epeople who have made it legal
    want stringing up, the fear i knew as a boy and a teenager was unforgettable

  44. "Canon McCormack is the grand chaplain of Suffolk Freemasons."

    There was a John McCormack posting on Mothers for Justice, when I was being relentlessly attacked every time I posted anything about Richard Gardner and Ralph Underwager. He sent me a private message one day saying that he lived 5 miles away from Ludwig Lowenstein, who I had denounced as a disciple of Richard Gardner the American paedophile who is credited with inventing Parental Alienation Syndrome which is being used in all the Secret Family Courts all over the UK. John McCormack tried to defend Lowenstein, claiming he was just a misunderstood man. I found the stuff about Hampshire Social Services investigating Allington Manor though, and him knowingly employing paedos there and giving them easy access to children. The paedos smashed up Mothers for Justice, John Hemming MP was posting there as well, all pally with the bad men.
