Tuesday 11 June 2013

PAIDIKA NUMBER 10 WINTER 1994: Guest Editorial: Fall from Grace, by Graham Ovenden

Paidika: The Journal of Paedophilia
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archived here by
Gerald Jones, Ph.D.
University of Southern California, 1964-2007:
Student, Lecturer, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Statistics, Staff (Retired)

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Paidika: The Journal of Paedophilia
No.1 (Vol.1 No.1, Summer 1987) to No.12 (Vol.3 No.4, Winter 1995), complete run
ISSN 0167-5907
Number 1, Summer 1987
Contents of Number 1 (Vol.1 No.1, Summer 1987)
Cover, Publishing Information, Table of Contents, Statement of Purpose (pp.cover-3)
[unsigned]: Interview: Monica Pieterse (pp.4-11)
Lewis Thompson: The Journals of Lewis Thompson (pp.12-26)
(includes Thompson's poem "The Child" on p.26)
Donald Mader: The Entimos Pais of Matthew 8:5-13 and Luke 7:1-10 (pp.27-39)
Nathaniel Parker Willis: On Seeing a Beautiful Boy at Play (poem) (pp.40-41)
Hans Hafkamp: The Life of a Christian Boy-Lover: Willem de Merode (1887-1939) (pp.42-56)
Eric Reynolds: Book Review: The Meese Commission Report
(pp.57-63, plus subscription order form [obsolete], p.64)

Number 2, Autumn 1987
Contents of Number 2 (Vol.1 No.2, Autumn 1987)
Cover, Publishing Information, Table of Contents (pp.cover-1)
Thijs Maasen and Leo Dullaart: Interview: René Scherer (pp.2-12)
Lawrence A. Stanley Esq: The Hysteria Over Child Pornography and Paedophilia (pp.13-34)
Dr Frits Bernard: The Dutch Paedophile Emancipation Movement (pp.35-45)
Dr Frits Bernard: On paedophilia:
I. A Center for Paedophiles? II. The Meaning of Paedophilia (pp.46-48)
Louis Asoka: Paidika Bibliographies 1: Alcibiades the Schoolboy by Antonio Rocco (pp.49-55)
Benjamin Rossen: Book Review: Boys on Their Contacts With Men by Theo Sandfort (pp.56-63)
Letters (p.64, plus subscription order form [obsolete] inside back cover)

Number 3, Winter 1988
Contents of Number 3 (Vol.1 No.3, Winter 1988)
Cover, Publishing Information, Table of Contents (pp.cover-1)
[unsigned]: Interview: John deCecco (pp.2-10)
John Henry Mackay: Listen! Only a Moment! A Cry (pp.11-21)
Gisela Bleibtreu-Ehrenberg: The Paedophile Impulse: Toward the Development of an Etiology of
Child-Adult Sexual Contacts From an Ethological and Ethnological Viewpoint (pp.22-36)
Maarten Schild: The Irresistible Beauty of Boys: Middle Eastern
Attitudes About Boy-Love (pp.37-48)
D.H. Mader: Paidika Bibliographies 2:
Sidney Smith and the Dragonfly Press (pp.49-59, plus advertisement p.60)
Hubert Kennedy: Book Review: John Henry Mackay als Mensch by Friedrich Dobe
(pp.61-64, plus subscription order form [obsolete] inside back cover)

Number 4, Autumn 1988
Contents of Number 4 (Vol.1 No.4, Autumn 1988)
Cover, Publishing Information, Table of Contents (pp.cover-1)
H.J. Roethof: Government and Good Morals (pp.2-10)
Lawrence A. Stanley Esq: Legal Note: Paidika in Search Warrant (p.11)
Edward Perry Warren: The Boy-Lover (pp.12-24)
Edward Perry Warren: Five Poems (pp.25-27)
Theo Sandfort: Constructive Questions Regarding Paedophilia (pp.28-31)
Will H.L. Ogrinc: Neither to Laugh Nor to Cry: A Failure
in the End: Charles Filiger (1863-1928) (pp.32-49)
Haije Stobbe: Two Lesson Plans About Paedophilia (pp.50-54)
Lawrence A Stanley Esq and D.H. Mader: Book Reviews: By Silence Betrayed by John Crewdson;
The Battle and the Backlash by David Hechler; The Storm: A Journal for Free
Spirits by John Henry Mackay Fetscrhift; Ulrichs: The Life and Work of Karl Heinrich
Ulrichs, Pioneer of the Modern Gay Movement
(pp.55-64, plus subscription order form [obsolete] inside back cover)

Number 5, Summer 1989
Contents of Number 5 (Vol.2 No.1, Summer 1989)
Cover, Publishing Information, Table of Contents (pp.cover-1)
Joseph Geraci and Donald H. Mader: Interview: Gunter Schmidt (pp.2-9)
Tariq Rahman: Boy Love in the Urdu Ghazal (pp.10-27)
Robert Bauserman: Man-Boy Sexual Relationships in a Cross-Cultural Perspective (pp.28-40)
Joseph Geraci: Jerome Duquesnoy the Younger: Two Studies - Introduction (pp.41-43)
Georges Eekhoud: A Distinguished 17th Century Uranian:
Jerome Duquesnoy: Flemish Sculptor (pp.44-49)
Geert Debeuckelaere: "For the reason that thou, Hieronymus
Duquesnoy . . ." (pp.50-56, plus advertisement p.57)
Edward Brongersma, Gert Hekma and Theo van der Meer: Book Reviews: De pedagogische
Eros in het geding - Gustav Wyneken en de pedagogische vriendschap in de Freie
Schulgemeinde Wickersdorf tussen 1906-1931 by Thijs C.M.M. Maasen;
Die Knabenliebe in Mittelasien by Ingeborg Baldauf; Het Belang van de
Ervaring by Theo Sandfort (pp.58-64, plus subscription order form [obsolete] inside back cover)

Number 6, Autumn 1990
Contents of Number 6 (Vol.2 No.2, Autumn 1990)
Cover, Publishing Information, Table of Contents (pp.cover-1)
Joseph Geraci and Donald H. Mader: Interview: Kenneth Plummer (pp.2-10)
[unsigned]: Paidika News (p.11)
Ingeborg Baldauf: Boylove, Folksong and Literature in Central Asia (pp.12-31)
Erick Pontalley: Celtic Pederasty in Pre-Roman Gaul (pp.32-39, plus advertisement p.40)
"Benjamin": Whitsun Eve (pp.41-49)
Joseph Geraci: Paidika Bibliographies 3: The Enclave Press (pp.50-54)
Book Notes (pp.55-59)
Hubert Kennedy, Gert Hekma, Frank Torey and Marc van Bijsterveldt:
Book Reviews: Die dorische Knabenliebe: Ihre Ethik und ihre Idee by Eric Bethe;
Zedenangst: Het verhaal van Oude Pekela by Benjamin Rossen; La Pedophilie en
Question by Pasteur Joseph Doucé; Rapport SiR 800/1 by Werkgreop
Seksualiteit, intimiteit, Relaties (SiR) (pp.60-64, plus subscription order form [obsolete]
inside back cover)

Number 7, Spring 1991
Contents of Number 7 (Vol.2 No.3, Spring 1991)
Cover, Publishing Information, Table of Contents (pp.cover-1)
Joseph Geraci and Donald Mader: Interview: John Money (pp.2-13)
[unsigned]: Pasteur Joseph Doucé: 1945-1990 (pp.14-16)
Casimir Elsen: The CRIES Affaire in Belgium (pp.17-30)
Will H.L. Ogrinc: Street Urchins: Antonio Mancini (1852-1930) (pp.31-47)
Click this link for access to High-Resolution Downloads of the illustrations.
John Henry Mackay: A Farewell: A Late Letter (pp.48-49)
Hubert Kennedy: Hiding Out in the Open: John Henry Mackay's "A Farewell"
(pp.50-57, plus advertisement p.58)
Book Notes (pp.59-61)
Jan Schuijer and J.C. Stadterman: Book Reviews: Loving Boys, Volumes 1 and 2,
by Edward Brongersma; The Drummer of the Eleventh North Devonshire
Fusiliers by Guy Davenport (pp.62-69, plus advertisement p.70)
Letter to the Editor (pp.71-72, plus subscription order form [obsolete] inside back cover )

Number 8, Winter 1992
Special Issue: On an Old Bicycle: Erotic and Sexual Relationships Between Women and Minors

IMPORTANT NOTE: This issue of Paidika was published separately in Dutch as Op een oude fiets moet je het leren: erotische en seksuele relaties tussen vrouwen en jonge meisjes en jongens, Amsterdam: Schorer Stichting, 1992. As of January 2010 it was available at various Web sites, for example:


Contents of Number 8 (Vol.2 No.4, Winter 1992)
Cover, Title Pages, Publishing Information, Table of Contents (pp.cover-1)
Marjan Sax and Sjuul Deckwitz: Editors' Introduction: When You Change the Gender,
Reality Changes Too (pp.2-14)
[unsigned]: Interview: Judith (pp.15-20)
Marjan Sax and Sjuul Deckwitz: Interview: Gisela Bleibtreu-Ehrenberg (pp.21-26)
[unsigned]: Interview: Heidi (pp.27-29)
Marjan Sax and Sjuul Deckwitz: Interview: Martha Vicinus (pp.30-36)
Nora de Ronde: A Crush on my Girl-Scout Leader (pp.37-42)
Gloria Wekker: "Girl, It's Boobies You're Getting, No?" (pp.43-48)
[unsigned]: Interview: Mimi (pp.49-52)
Pat Califia: Feminism, Paedophilia, and Children's Rights (pp.53-60)
Sjuul Deckwitz: Interview: Inge (pp.61-64)
Theo G.M. Sandfort: "The World is Bursting With Adults, So I'm Always Glad to See
a Little Girl" (pp.65-75)
Marion de Ras: The Domain of the Wandervogel Girls (pp.76-82)
Mark Blasius: Sexual Revolution and the Liberation of Children:
Interview: Kate Millett (pp.83-85)
Beth Kelly: Speaking Out on "Women/Girl Love" -- Or, Lesbians Do "Do It" (pp.86-89)
The Kanalratten Commune, Berlin: There Can Be No Emancipation of Women Without the
Emancipation of Children: The Kanalratten Manifesto (pp.90-93)
Gonnie Lubbers: Film Review: Kung Fu Master (pp.94-98)
Contents of Volumes I and II (pp.99-100)

Number 9, Winter 1993
Contents of Number 9 (Vol.3 No.1, Winter 1993)
Cover, Publishing Information, Table of Contents (pp.cover-1)
Joseph Geraci: Interview: Hollida Wakefield and Ralph Underwager (pp.2-12)
Jan Schuijer: The Netherlands Changes Its Age of Consent Law (pp.13-17)
Charles Scott-Moncrieff: Evensong and Morwe Song (pp.18-20)
Theo Sandfort: The Sexual Experiences of Children, Part I (pp.21-56)
Gert Hekma: François Augiéras (1925-1971) (pp.57-64)
Book Notes (pp.65-70)
Lawrence A. Stanley Esq: Book Review: Pedophilia: Biosocial Dimensions
edited by Jay Feierman (pp.71-79)
Joel Crawford: Film Review: Voor een verloren soldaat (pp.80-83, plus advertisement p.84)

Number 10, Winter 1994
(NOTE: Both No.10 and No.11 are marked on the inside front cover as being issued in Winter 1994)
Contents of Number 10 (Vol.3 No.2, Winter 1994)
Cover, Publishing Information, Table of Contents (pp.cover-1)
Joseph Geraci: Interview: Gilbert Herdt (pp.2-17)
Lawrence A. Stanley Esq: Graham Ovenden (pp.18-29)
Guest Editorial: Fall from Grace, by Graham Ovenden
Poems and Drawings, by Graham Ovenden
Will H.L. Ogrinc: A Shrine to Love and Sorrow: Jacques d'Adelswärd
Fersen (1880-1923) (pp.30-58)
Theo Sandfort: The Sexual Experiences of Children, Part II (pp.59-78)
Book Notes (pp.79-84)
Donald J. West: Book Review: Childhood and Sexuality: A Radical Christian Approach,
by John L. Randall (pp.85-86, plus advertisements pp.87-88)

Number 11, Winter 1994
(NOTE: Both No.10 and No.11 are marked on the inside front cover as being issued in Winter 1994)
Contents of Number 11 (Vol.3 No.3, Winter 1994)
Cover, Publishing Information, Table of Contents (pp.cover-1)
Gode Davis: The Satanic Ritual Abuse Phenomenon (pp.2-11)
Norman Roth: Boy-Love in Medieval Arabic Verse (pp.12-16)
Marina Knopf: Sexual Contacts Between Women and Children (pp.17-25)
Hubert Kennedy: Karol Szymanowski: His Boy-Love Novel, and the Boy He Loved (pp.26-33)
Hans Hafkamp: Time of Youth, Time of Beauty: The Poet Jan Hanlo (1912-1969) (pp.34-60)
Jan Hanlo: Karel and the Father of Rinus (pp.61-62)
Book Notes (pp.63-68)
Howard Simmons and Will H.L. Ogrinc: Book Reviews: Benjamin Britten: A Biography
by Humphrey Carpenter; Die Lust der Götter: Homosexualität in der Italienischen
Kunst, von Donatello zu Caravaggio by Andreas Sternweiler
(pp.69-74, plus advertisements pp.75-76)

Number 12, Winter 1995
Contents of Number 12 (Vol.4 No.4, Winter 1995)
Cover, Publishing Information, Table of Contents (pp.cover-1)
Morris Fraser: Bara: Of Death, Desire, and Drumsticks (pp.2-12)
Click this link for access to High-Resolution Downloads of the
illustrations. See also additional related illustrations not included in the Morris Fraser article.)
Peter Lamborn Wilson: Contemplation of the Unbearded: The Rubaiyyat of Awhadoddin
Kermani (pp.13-22)
B. Manuel Weischer and Peter Lamborn Wilson (translators):
Poems from the Rubaiyyat of Awhadoddin Kermani (pp.23-26)
O. Brunoz: On Boy-Love Paedophilia: Historical and Scientific Perspectives (pp.27-63)
Jan Schuijer: Recent Legal Developments in The Netherlands (pp.64-71)
Book Notes (pp.72-77)
Vern L. Bullough and Bruce Rind: Book Reviews: An American Seafarer in the Age of
Sail: The Erotic Diaries of Philip C. van Buskirk 1851-1870 edited by B.R. Burg;
First Do No Harm: The Sexual Abuse Industry by Felicity Goodyear-Smith (pp.78-83)
Contents of Volume III (p.84)


  1. PAIDIKA translates as "Boy Lover"

    It is a magazine for paedophiles

  2. ZP, do you know that Peter Blake also abused with Graham Ovenden? I supported an Ovenden victim giving evidence - it was the Brotherhood of Ruralists, formed on the solstice. They were/are Satanists.

  3. It's getting worse, unfortunately, and will continue to do so, in this time of trouble we must put our faith in god alone.

    I think the signs are here and he's coming back, all of the wrongdoing is coming out now.
    We shall one day know exactly what's been going on, we are but tools in gods great plan.
    The police know where to find actual bodies, will they act one wonders?
    Will anyone really help the real victims, probably not, but all those who aid the cover up of the abuse who didn't speak out, who bullied the victims need to realize they are the same as the paedophiles.

  4. I had a phone call from Brian Gerrish last night, I don't know what he wanted to talk about yet as I had my family round at the time and couldn't talk to him. Our family has had so much shit thrown at us to deal with (on account of me being a Pindown abuse victim)and my daughter is going bald because of ATOS persecuting the hell out of her that I would not have let anyone, not even the Queen of England interrupt our precious family time last night.

    He said he would phone back tonight, so I look forward to hearing what he has to say. Brian, if you are reading this (as I have no doubt you will be) unless your phone call is for the purpose of apologising to me, don't bother, because I tell you what, I am in no mood for any more double dealing bull shit from you or from anyone else!

  5. "we must put our faith in god alone"


  6. Hi zoompad,

    Yes I've come across Brian Gerrish before, he's actually put the phone dpwn on me before and he's been very bad to you also, double dealing and all sorts.

    Interesting that we mention a certain paedophile cover upper and suddenly there he is ringing you.

    Be careful of every one, even those who say they are campaigning against the abuse, as something isn't right.

    Your doing well, the fact your getting calls says that.

    I've had a few nuisance calls here, but I fight on, I'm also reporting the stuff that happened to me, I'm giving them no choice but to act against the abusers.

    I don't expect to last long.

    A friend

  7. He just rang me, I've been on the phone for about half an hour with him, I've only just put the phone down about 10 minuites ago. I thought he was going to ring me back tonight so he took me by surprise.

    He told me that he doesn't like John Hemming, and that he only invited him to the Stoke conference in order to pick his brains. He also tried to defend Lianne and Martin Smith, and he got quite angry with me when I said that Lianne Smith was a murderer, she murdered her own children, he said I didn't know the full story, which is true, I don't, but I can't help it, I feel repulsed inside because of her murdering her own children. He said I was being judgemental, and that I didnt know what she had been through, and I said I DO know, because I have also been through the persecution of the Secret Family Courts, but that I would rather murder my own self than murder any of my children, I KNOW what the Secret Family Court gangsters do, I've been there, done that, got the bloody T shirt!

    He attacked me being a Christian because of this, the thing is, I'm a hopeless Christian, I already know that, because I shout and bawl at Jesus sometimes, so Brian Gerrish is only telling me stuff I already know by telling me I am a bad Christian!

  8. So the man rings you up and basically abuses you for your faith in Jesus?

    Always knew he was dodgy, Jesus loves us and does listen, in this great battle between good and evil and everything else it's proved that gerrish is on one side only, his own, and that of darkness.

    Knew he was dodgy.

    A friend

  9. Anyway, I told him I didn't want him shouting down the phone at me attacking my faith, he said he was on the same side as me, I said I only started blogging to defend my family, who have been targetted for attacks on account of me being a Pindown child abuse victim, I told him why doesn't he just clear everything up by answering peoples questions then, and also to tell people what Hemming is up to, and I said how the hell can anyone be a MP and also a member of MI5 at the same time? It isn't even appropriate for that to happen, MPs are SUPPOSED to be the representative of the electorate, they aren't going to be able to do that as well as being involved in secret organisations! He agreed with that. I suggested to him that he just clear things up personally, that he answers the questions that people are asking. I also told him I didn't like Mike Robinson and asked if he was gay. Brian really got angry me asking him that, and he told me no he wasn't gay. I still don't like Mike Robinson though, he lied to me, but when I said "he lied to me" to Brian, Brian said "No he didn't lie to you Barbara", but thats not true either, Mike Robinson DID lie to me. I don't trust people who tell lies then try to cover it up by calling the person who they lied to a liar, why would I trust anyone who does that?

  10. Anyway, Brian Gerrish told me that Hemming is a gatekeeper, and I said, why don't you just tell everyone all about him then, and he said there isn't enough evidence yet. But I think there is, and I told Brian Hemming is very secretive about his family background, we know who Camerons father was but not Hemmings, so why not? also that Hemming is involved in the recording industry, the very same music industry that has covered up for people like Savile and King and other paedos.

    So in the end, I suggested to Brian that he should just tell people what he knows about Hemming.

  11. Zoompad,

    There's a chap called mike Robinson involved with canon Kevan McCormack, it's all comin together slowly now.

    McCormack knew Simon Warr and links to Derek Slade again, so I think you know now what is going on.

    It all becomes clear sooner or later doesnt it

  12. Brian said that Hemming was a very dirty man. He's said before to me that he thinks he is a paedophile.

    Its disgusting that someone like Hemming is involved in the Secret Services. Brian should spill the beans on what he knows about him, because if any children are being abused because of this, when he could stop it, Heaven witnesses his silence.

    Hemming was on Mothers for Justice during the 2 years I was being attacked and bullied because I wouldn't shut up about Richard Gardner and Ralph Underwager, whose dodgy syndrome I was being attacked with in the Secret Family Courts. Hemming knew who Nigel Oldfield was. He watched those evil men trying to tear me apart, and did nothing to stop them!

  13. I am not a "Super Christian" or anything really special, I am just a mum defending her nest.

    Those evil bastards have attacked me for being a VICTIM of the Pindown child abuse. I have been fighting my corner for years, and now ATOSSERS are setting on my daughter and her partner, and bullying the living daylights out of them. I just know ATOS is all a part of this shit, based at Birmingham and Hanley, they all talk to one another these horrid gangsters do, thats how they operate!

    I just keep asking the Lord Jesus Christ to defend me and my family from these wicked gangsters. I can't defend myself, how can I defend myself against these horrible gangsters?

    Its very frightening, but the Lord said to trust Him, so thats what I am trying to do, we all are. He said he has numbered the hairs on our heads, sadly theres less to number on my daughters head now, because ATOSSERS have frightened her so much that she's got a bald patch now!

  14. Derek Slade! He's that horrible headmaster!

    Thanks for that info xx

  15. "So the man rings you up and basically abuses you for your faith in Jesus?"

    Not exactly. He had a go at me for being judgemental about Lianne Smith murdering her two children, he said I didnt know the circumstances and shouldn't be judgemental.

    But how can I not be? She killed her own children! I DO know what the Secret Family Courts do to people, I got terrorised by them over 7 years, it was awful, and made me feel suicidal, but NOT FOR ONE SINGLE SECOND did I ever think about harming my own son because of it!

    I cant help feeling nauseated by someone who strikes down her own babies with her own hand, I just cant help it!

  16. TATCHELL AGAIN: http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=joseph%20geraci%20peter%20tatchell&source=web&cd=3&cad=rja&ved=0CDwQFjAC&url=http%3A%2F%2Fshirazsocialist.wordpress.com%2F2012%2F01%2F25%2Fhappy-birthday-comrade-tatchell%2F&ei=fXoGU9-uJKey7AaBqYCoAg&usg=AFQjCNGJH6LvbIFFWzNlOftsTsD5vAm8ig&sig2=6RS_zlfyoOwPjedacGw8kA

    "Are you aware that Tatchell contributed a chapter to this book?
    The contents and contributors of The Betrayal of Youth:
    Chapter 1: ‘Incest’ by Clive Coliman: Described as “An ardent supporter of the children’s rights movement.”
    Chapter 2: ‘Child Pornography and Erotica’ by Richard Green: Illustrator for the Paedophile Information Exchange magazine under the pseudonym “Dominik”
    Chapter 3: ‘Child Prostitution’ by Warren Middleton of P.I.E. Chapter 4: ‘Gender Differences’ by Liz Holtom and Kathy Challis: both from the anti-Christian Peace News.
    Chapter 5: ‘Power and Consent’ by Eric Presland: Homosexual activist. Contributed also to the American paedophile book “The Age Taboo.”
    Chapter 6: ‘Love and Let Love’ by Tuppy Owens, Editor of the Sex Maniac’s Diary, and Tom O’Carroll: ex-Chairman of P.I.E. who was convicted in 1981 of conspiracy to corrupt public morals by sending out a paedophile contact list.
    Chapter 7: ‘Children and Sex’ by Fr Michael Ingram: Catholic priest, defender of paedophilia.
    Chapter 8: ‘The Paedophiles’ by Beatrice Faust: militant feminist & civil libertarian.
    Chapter 9: ‘Questioning Ages of Majority and Ages of Consent’ by Peter Tatchell.
    Chapter 10: ‘Ends and Means: How to Make Paedophilia Acceptable?’ by Roger Moody of Peace News: “One of the most outspoken advocates of children’s rights in Britain .” Well-documented as a ubiquitous paedophile intellectual.
    Chapter 11: ‘Socialism, Class, and Children’s Rights’ by John Lindsay: “ardent supporter of children’s rights.” Member of the Socialist Workers’ Party. Homosexual activist, hates the institution of the family.
    Chapter 12: ‘Childhood Sexuality and Paedophilia: Some Questions Answered’ by Warren Middleton of P.I.E.
    Chapter 13: ‘The Oppression of the Young: An Inside Perspective’ by Jeff Vernon: Involved in Gay Youth Movement and Campaign for Homosexual Equality.
    Appendix 1: ‘P.I.E., from 1980 Until its Demise in 1985? by Steven A. Smith: ex-chairman of P.I.E. Fled to Holland in 1984, became “active in the Dutch crusade for children’s rights,” was deported back to the UK in 1991 and sentenced to 18 months for sending indecent articles through the post.
    Appendix 2: ‘The Uranians’ by Timothy d’Arch Smith: Bookseller. Author of “Love in Earnest.”

  17. Hi zoom how are you ? I am not on needle for some reason. Like you I came across paidika and ovenden and his publisher Lawrence A Stanley who was on the run till they nicked him in Brazil for distributing indecent images of children
    And to think that artist on trial blog is defending ovenden too along with moor Larkin the Savile fan

    The BOY doc by Middleton aka parret also has peter Coell attached to it .
    We know that guy we think
    Been doing digging around and found lots more re Sidney Cooke and his murderous videos and him linked to EGH too

    OK just saying hello to you from me ..so thats a hope you are ok from an atheist (me) to a christian ( no we are not evil devil worshippers either ) oh and yeah Atos are utter bastards fortunatly they have been kicked off the WCA contract but still on govt payroll I have no idea why. Oh money that's why. What a world

  18. Bob, theres athiests who just dont believe in God, and then theres ones who pretend to believe in God but actually the one they worship is the devil, I know you're not one of those bad people, I think if I had not had a really strong personal encounter with God I would probably also be an athiest, anyway thanks for dropping by.

    I haven't looked at the Needle blog recently, I dont go on there, the way Gojam let me be bullied on there disgusted me, plus he's friends with that pretend supporter of child abuse Peter Saunders, and he was dead nasty to me when I tried to tell him about Pindown child abuse and the reabuse of Pindown victims.

    Lawrence A Stanley, thats very interesting, is he the same man as David Stanley, or related to him, because it was David Stanley who was involved in the Operation Ore cover up
