Monday 10 June 2013


The Charity Commission has paid a lawyer to block one of my FOI requests about the British False Memory Society (BFMS)

so I thought it would be a good idea to look to see exactly who is responsible for running the Charity Commission. Here they are:,d.d2k

Board members and senior management team

Management of the Commission today

Governance responsibilities for strategy and future direction of the Commission rest with its Board of non-executive members of the Commission. Corporate decision making that affects the day-to-day operation of the Commission is delegated to the Senior Management Team. This group is chaired by the Chief Executive and includes the eleven Heads of Function.

The Board is supported by an Audit Committee and a Civil Service Pay Committee. The Directors are each supported by committees comprising their own senior staff together with representatives of other key parts of the organisation.

Board members


William Shawcross CVO

William Shawcross, CVO, joined the Charity Commission as Chair on 1 October 2012.

William became a writer after leaving University College Oxford in 1968. He was in Czechoslovakia during the Soviet occupation: this inspired his first book, a biography of Alexander Dubcek, the Czechoslovak leader, which was published in 1970. Since then he has travelled widely. In 1995 he wrote the BBC Television series Monarchy. In 2002 his BBC Television series and book, Queen and Country celebrated the Queen’s Golden Jubilee and examined the changing face of Britain during her reign. His official biography of the Queen Mother was published to acclaim in 2009. In 2012 he published Justice and the Enemy and Counting One's Blessings: the selected letters of the Queen Mother. He has also written on the work of aid agencies and international organisations in his books The Quality of Mercy - Cambodia, genocide and Modern Conscience and Deliver Us From Evil - Warlords and Peacekeepers in a World of Endless Conflict.

William has broad charity sector experience, particularly in human rights and international aid. He was Chairman of Article 19 from 1986 to 1996; a Board member of the International Crisis Group from 1995 to 2005; and a member of the Council of the Disasters Emergency Committee from 1997 to 2002.

Eryl Besse

Mrs Besse is a native Welsh speaker. She has over 30 years’ experience of the practice of law in 3 international law firms. She was a partner at both Linklaters and Debevoise & Plimpton, where she had a track record of completing large, complex, time sensitive projects. She has had experience in a number of civil society organisations and is currently a Member of the Development Committee, Campaign Board at Magdalen College School, Oxford.

Peter Clarke

Mr Clarke is a retired senior police officer. He was Deputy Assistant Commissioner in the Metropolitan Police Service where he was Head of the Anti-Terrorist Branch and National Co-ordinator of Terrorist Investigations. Previous roles included Head of the Royal and Diplomatic Protection Department and Deputy Director (then Acting Director) of Personnel for the Metropolitan Police. He is a trustee of Crimestoppers, a patron of the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation at King’s College, London, and a non-executive Director for the Serious Organised Crime Agency.

Tony Leifer

Mr Leifer has had a distinguished career at both DJ Freeman and Olswang LLP Solicitors, at each of which he was partner and formerly Head of the Corporate Department. He is a Member of the Board of Deputies of British Jews and is Chair of their Constitution Committee and a member of the Board’s Executive Committee. Mr Leifer is Chairman of the Jewish Council for Racial Equality and Trustee of YaD and the Corrine Burton Memorial Trust.

Nazo Moosa

Ms Moosa has 20 years experience of working in industry, specifically in the technology, media and internet sectors. She was a Director of The Carlyle Group, has served as a Board and remuneration committee member of Transics (Euronext listed transport technology company), Chairperson of BMM (digital marketing services company) and later as a board and audit committee member of LBi (Euronext listed digital agency now part of Publicis).

Sharmila Nebhrajani

Sharmila Nebhrajani enjoys a varied career spanning media, technology and health. She spent 12 years at the BBC where she was most recently the Chief Operating Officer and Finance Director of BBC Future Media and Technology managing the business functions of including the launch of the iPlayer. For the last two years she has been Executive Director of Finance and Performance for NHS Sussex.

She started her career in management consulting after graduating in Physiological Sciences from Oxford University and worked on corporate finance and strategy projects for a range of private sector clients in media, telecoms and technology around the world.

She has held non-executive roles in the health and science sectors including Deputy Chair of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority, the body that regulates all embryo research and licences assisted reproduction clinics in the UK, and Board Member of the Human Tissue Authority which regulates the storage and use of human tissue.

She is currently in her second term as Board Member of the Charity Commission. She has also recently been appointed to the General Council of the University of Sussex and the Audit Committee of the Institute for Cancer Research. In addition to her non-executive work she took a World Fellowship at Yale University in the US in 2007 where she lectured on both media policy and practical cases in medical ethics.

Sharmila joins the AMRC in November 2011 and she is based in Brighton.

Gwythian Prins

Mr Prins is Research Professor at the London School of Economics and Political Science. He is also visiting professor at the University of Buckingham. For over 20 years he was a Fellow in History at Emmanuel College, Cambridge and latterly University Lecturer in Politics. Much of his work has been in Africa or on strategic matters. During the latter 1990s he served as Senior Fellow in the Office of the Special Advisor on Central and Eastern European Affairs, part of the Office of the Secretary-General of NATO, Brussels. He is currently a member of the Chief of the Defence Staff’s Strategy Advisory Panel. He has published on African history, medical anthropology, European politics and on military and strategic issues.

Theo Sowa CBE

Theo Sowa CBE joined as a Member of the Commission in July 2007.

Theo is an independent advisor working on a wide range of international issues with a focus on social development and children and youth issues.

Her work covers evaluation, facilitation, policy and organisational development with a range of international and intergovernmental organizations and grant making foundations, including UNICEF, Stephen Lewis Foundation, African Women's Development Fund, DFID, UNDP, amongst others.

John Wood

John Wood joined the Commission on 1 February 2008. He is one of the two legally-qualified Members of the Commission. John was a partner of Herbert Smith LLP for 25 years and headed up its Trust and Charities practice. He is a member of the Charity Law Association and the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP). He is a founder and committee member of the Association of Contentious Trust and Probate Specialists (ACTAPS). John is Honorary Secretary of the Trust Law Committee and a CEDR qualified mediator.

Independent member of the audit committee

Christopher Daws

Christopher Daws has been the independent member of the audit committee since August 2009.

Until 2007, Christopher was the financial and deputy secretary of the Church Commissioners for England. He has been treasurer of a major parish church. He is a trustee of Action for Children and chairman of the Action for Children Pension Fund. He is on the management committee of the Charity Investors' Group. He is also a member of the Board for Actuarial Standards, an operating body of the Financial Reporting Council.

Christopher is a chartered accountant and a member of the Chartered Institute of Taxation and the Association of Corporate Treasurers.

Senior management team

Chief Executive

Sam Younger

Sam Younger joined the Charity Commission as chief executive in September 2010. Sam has extensive experience of leadership in regulation, in public policy and in charity. His previous roles include founding Chair of the Electoral Commission, Director General of the British Red Cross, and Managing Director of the BBC World Service. After leaving the Electoral Commission he was interim Chief Executive of the housing charity, Shelter, and also held interim roles with the educational charity Bell Educational Trust and with the Electoral Reform Society.

Sam is an independent member of the Greater London Authority Standards Committee. His previous non-executive roles include Chair of the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education and Chair of Council at the University of Sussex.

Sam was appointed Commander of the British Empire in 2009. He is a Companion of the Chartered Management Institute and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, and holds a number of honorary and advisory roles in academia.

•Head of Business Services

Nick Allaway

•Head of Information and Communications

Sarah Atkinson

•Head of Investigations and Enforcement

Michelle Russell

•Head of Legal Services

Kenneth Dibble

•Head of Operations, Liverpool

Lynn Killoran

•Head of Operations, London

Daisy Houghton

•Head of First Contact

Neville Brownlee

•Head of Operations, Taunton

Neil Robertson

•Head of Operations, Wales

Harry Iles

•Head of Policy

Jane Hobson

•Head of Registration

Alison Wells

Related information

Expenses incurred by Board Members and senior Executive team As part of our commitment to transparency, we now publish details of expenses incurred by our Board Members and Chief Executive.

- See more at:



    13 January 2011

    Dear Charity Commission for England and Wales,

    I am very concerned about the BFMS Registered Charity No: 1040683

    Please can you provide me with the details of the people who
    applied for this organisation to recieve charitable status, and who
    granted it, plus the dates?

    Yours faithfully,

    Barbara Richards

  2. From: RTN Registration Applications
    Charity Commission for England and Wales

    31 January 2011

    Dear Ms. Richards

    Thank you for your email of 13 January 2011 (copy below), concerning the
    British False Memory Society (Registered Charity No: 1040683).

    You have requested details of the people who applied for this organisation
    to receive charitable status, and who granted it, plus the dates.

    The organisation was registered by the Charity Commission on 9 September

    The entry on the register of charities is available on our website
    ([1] This provides the name and address of
    the current correspondent for the charity.

    I am unable to provide details of the names of the individuals involved
    with the original application. This information is exempt under section
    40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act. This provides that information
    is exempt where it is personal information relating to a third party.
    Disclosure of this information would contravene the principles of the
    Data Protection Act 1998.

  3. Barbara Richards left an annotation (22 February 2012)

    I am very unhappy about this decision, as I am aware that one of the men who was involved in setting up the British False Memory Society was Ralph Underwager, and he said in an interview for a sex magazine called Paidika certain statements endorsing paedophilia.
    Barbara Richards left an annotation (22 February 2012)

    The reason it has taken me so long to get back to dealing with this is because I am a child abuse survivor, have PTSD because of the abuse and the persecution of the attempts to cover up the abuse and struggle to do anything on top of day to day living.

  4. From: Barbara Richards

    22 February 2012

    Dear RTN Registration Applications,

    I am not happy with this decision. I would have replied before but
    struggle with PTSD on account of being a survivor of child abuse
    and persecution of authorities desperate to cover up the Pindown
    child abuse scandal.

    Ralph Underwager was one of the men who set up the British False
    Memory Society, and he expressed strong endorsement for paedophilia
    in a sex magazine interview called Paidika. The BFMS has been
    involved in the discrediting of police institutional child abuse
    investigations, and lobbied Parliament to try to limit police
    powers to conduct investigations of abuse, therefore I think it is
    in the public interest to be given disclosure on who set up this

    Yours sincerely,

    Barbara Richards


  5. Link to this

    From: Litigation & Review
    Charity Commission for England and Wales

    2 March 2012

    Dear Ms Richards

    Review of the Commission's response to your request for information under
    the Freedom of Information Act 2000

    Thank you for your email which we received on 22 February 2012 in which
    you asked the Commission to review its decision not to supply some or all
    of the information you requested under the Freedom of Information Act
    2000. Please accept my apologies for the delay in responding to your

    The review will be conducted by a Commission lawyer, Louise Platt, who
    will consider your request for information afresh. The review will
    consider whether our original response was correct in the circumstances
    and whether there are any factors that enable us to release the
    information you have requested, either in full or in part. Further
    information about our decision review service can be found on our website
    using the following link:


    The section about Freedom of Information Decision Reviews can be found on
    page 17 onwards.

    We aim to complete reviews of Freedom of Information decisions within 20
    working days, unless there are exceptional circumstances. In this case,
    we aim to complete our review and issue a response to you by 22 March
    2012. However, we will contact you again if this timescale is likely to

    I trust you will find the attached information helpful, but if you have
    any questions about the review, please do contact me.

    Yours sincerely

    Ann Marshalsea

    Litigation & Review Support Officer

    Charity Commission Direct

    PO Box 1227, Liverpool, L69 3UG






  8. Hi Barbara

    Understood on jawf, I still have all the records though and when he gets caught I'm waiting to show the world.
    The info is safe.
    I tried contacting nspcc and also the polIce to make a statement, not interested.

    They abusers tried to lure me somewhere this weekend, and I saw through it, I'm done with them, they (the abusers) gave me someone who said would help and it didn't all she did was abuse me again, sexually and physically.
    They have attempted to lure me somewhere else this week, I'm going along, as although i am not suicidal, if I am killed at least my family gets the life insurance.
    No one wants to helps us, they want to just protect the people at the very top, I have the evidence.

    A friend

  9. "The info is safe."

    Good. Make sure you copy the info to CD, wrap it up in plastic and bury it in a public place - NOT your own garden, but somewhere where they would have the mother of all jobs to find it, and do that several times.

    You'll already know who you can really trust, and it wont be anyone who suddenly comes along troll lol lol out of the blue.

    Keep safe, use all your wits and keep asking the Lord to protect you. Thats what I do. The paedogangsters want us dead, of course they do.

    I always tell people, never ever ever, no matter how bad it gets never commit suicide and never commit any cime either (real crime as opposed to new non "crimes" the paedos keep making up as they go along) Keep your hands clean, and your heart trusting the Lord our God, because He is watching over us, I just know he is.

  10. Ok Barbara.

    It's all done. Yes I've always said beware of new friends suddenly turning up, every time they do, something bad happens, some sort of madness.
    It's not worth committing crime and I'd never committ suicide, I agree they want us all dead, but they will lowe in the end.

    Yes I do think we are being watched over, there is a huge battle coming, we won't all be here at the end but we will win.

    I think as I said it's in gods hands now, so I'm just going to trust in him.

    I've still got a nice back up location, and I'm witnessing the pedophiles becoming increasingly desperate, take the stuff that happened to do with a certain forum, classic disInfo from them, but we've risen above that now.
    I'm only speaking to a few people, so see what happens next.
    I do know that more and more is coming out daily now.

    A friend

  11. Heres some info,

    Plans by a group of abusers to go to a disused hut with a steel door and padlock in rendlesham forest have been scuppered by some campaigners, the hut had a painted floor and occult symbols.

    Near the hut is an underground chamber with a concrete cover on that slides off, in there buried are bodies, and also other stuff, it's used regularly for abuse.
    Nspcc have been told, they next intend on doing one on 21st June, and have lured me to nearby, I shan't go, but they will be there.
