Tuesday 2 July 2013






Deposited papers

Deposited papers are placed in either the House of Commons or the House of Lords Library by a minister or the Speaker. The majority of deposited papers are placed by ministers in reply to parliamentary questions.
Please note that the search by Department facility is currently unavailable. We are aware of the problem and working to get it fixed as soon as we can.



We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are adrian todd (Account suspended) please sign in and let everyone know.

"Links That Stink"

adrian todd (Account suspended) made this Freedom of Information request to Department for Work and Pensions

This request has an unknown status. We're waiting for adrian todd (Account suspended) to read a recent response and update the status.

From: adrian todd (Account suspended)

13 June 2013

Dear Department for Work and Pensions,

[irrelevant material removed]

e/ How much has been spent by your department up to now, on
answering FOI questions?
f/ How many of your disabled staff were made redundant in your last
set of redundancies?

Yours faithfully,

Adrian Todd.

Link to this

From: DWP freedom-of-information-requests
Department for Work and Pensions

13 June 2013

This is an automated confirmation that your request for information has
been accepted by the DWP FoI mailbox.

By the next working day your request will be forwarded to the relevant
information owner within the Department who will respond to you direct.

If your email is a Freedom of Information request you can normally
expect a response within 20 working days.

Should you have any further queries in connection with this request do
please contact us.

For further information on the Freedom of Information Act within DWP
please click on the link below.


show quoted sections


Visible links
1. http://www.dwp.gov.uk/freedom-of-informa...

Link to this

Ganesh Sittampalam left an annotation (19 June 2013)

I have redacted the original request to remove material irrelevant to the FOI request itself:


and hidden an annotation that was in breach of our policy:


Ganesh - WhatDoTheyKnow volunteer

Link to this

adrian todd (Account suspended) left an annotation (19 June 2013)

You have chosen to remove links of senior medical officer, BILL GUNNYEON and colleagues, with UNUM, ATOS CAPITA, SERCO and the INSURANCE INDUSTRY.

You have been put under pressure to remove these items!


Link to this

From: Operations FOI Requests
Department for Work and Pensions

28 June 2013


Response 2713.pdf
20K DownloadView as HTML


Dear Mr Todd

Please find our response to your recent FoI request.

Yours sincerely

DWP Central FoI team

show quoted sections

Link to this

We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are adrian todd (Account suspended) please sign in and let everyone know.

Things to do with this request

Anyone:•Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
•Download a zip file of all correspondence

adrian todd (Account suspended) only:•Write a reply
•Update the status of this request
•Request an internal review

Department for Work and Pensions only: •Respond to request



The Place of the Thing

(Otherwise known as Ganesh's homepage)

Who I am

Just in case you didn't know already, my name is Ganesh Sittampalam. I live in Oxford Cambridge St Neots and waste lots of time playing with computers.

As for appearances, I'm 6 feet 6 inches tall, I look like Arnold Schwarzenegger, and there are big pink elephants flying around your head.

Actually I'm about 5'10". In case I am prosecuted by the European Union for using old units, this is 1.78m (strange as it may seem, rules imposed by the EU make it an offence to label goods in the UK in non-metric units.) On the other hand, I probably violate EU regulations for being under the requisite weight for a human being anyway...

What I do

Workwise, I'm an Associate working for Credit Suisse's Global Modelling and Analytics Group. I used to be a Compiler Engineer for ARM, and before that I was a Research Officer in the Programming Tools Group at the Computing Laboratory in Oxford, working with Professor Oege de Moor. My most recent project there was the abc AspectJ compiler.

I used to be a student at Magdalen College, also in Oxford, doing a DPhil looking at Intentional Programming, an attempt to formulate program design techniques in terms of "intentions". I was supervised by Oege for this, and was funded by Microsoft Research. I spent two periods (of two and three months respectively) working in Redmond as an intern on Intentional Programming.

You can find a few more details of my research on this page.

Other things I'm involved in

I'm a sysadmin for the Oxford University Computer Society and also, just to confuse you, a founder member of Keble Computer Society.

I can often be found hanging around on OxIRC and I'm an earthling.

I used to read Oxnet far too much and post to it occasionally, but I don't so much now.

I used to live in Marston, and in between my house and my department was a cycle path that is rather prone to flooding. Consequently, I wrote this.

I also run munchkin, my own linux box and urchin with a couple of friends. Also on the linux front, I'm a vaguely active member of the not-so-newly formed OxLUG.

Thanks to the RIP bill (see here), I'm torn between emigrating and taking up astronomy as a hobby.

I worry about nasty chemicals.

In the past (in no real order)

Just in case you get the impression that I'm sane, note that I've been treasurer, president and dead hand of the Oxford Guild of Assassins. Note that this isn't the drinking society!

I was a member of the MCR Committee at Magdalen.

I did the MSc in Computation at Oxford.

I did a BSc in Mathematics at the University of Surrey.

I helped to organise Linux '99, a conference run by the UKUUG, and the 2001 and 2002 OxLUG installfests.

I went on the LBW 2000 at and around Coniston, in the Lake District.

I competed in the 28th International Physics Olympiad in Sudbury, Ontario. Their homepage seems to have gone away.

I went to King's College School, Wimbledon. Before that I went to Surbiton Prep School (though it was called Arundel House School when I started there), St. Martin's School, Bournemouth, and Sanderstead Junior School. Don't expect to find anything interesting on any of those sites, though.

Things I like

Well, strangely enough, I quite like computers. In fact, I don't seem to do much else with my time, but I'm a well-balanced individual, really.

For UNIX people, just in case the above doesn't classify me enough, my favourite editor is pico -w and my favourite mailer is pine... I use Debian.

Japanese railway design.

UK Government emergency preparation advice.

The Haskell Cabal.

The Lyneham Village website (it's actually pretty ugly, but it managed to piss of a rival webmaster so much he tried to get an ABSO taken out against the owner, which has got to count for something...)

Things I think are important

Civil liberties (General UK stuff, Liberty, ACLU, EFF)

Current Affairs, Politics and the Law

Animal testing Vivisection

Good URI selection (I'm often guilty of not doing this myself, though)

Things I dislike

Religion (I'll write a page explaining why soon, honest; in the meantime, this seems to summarise my views quite well.

Criminal "activists" (Trident Ploughshares) and terrorist supporters(Sinn Fein)

Climate change. Boycott Esso!


Broken sites: ECN blocking and RFC ignorant.

NTL and their crap customer service.


This miserable failure.

Israel's treatment of the Palestinians



Tim Bagot

Caroline Berry

Adrian Chadd

Jon Chin

Tristam Fenton-May

Stephen Gower

David Ball

Tim Bond

Arthur Bullard

Alex Gough

Dominic Hargreaves

David Higgins

Meryki Horton

Simon Huggins

Rebecca Luckraft

Ian Lynagh

Jonathan McDowell

Janet McKnight

Patrick Moore

Caroline Pearson

Kake L. Pugh

Mike Ricketts

Tim Ricketts

David Sheldon

Stephen White

David Woolger


Fennel Aurora

Matthew Clemson

John Courouble

Simon Cozens

Edd Edmondson

Andrew Holding

Lucy Kennedy

Matthew Leslie

Karen McAtamney

Robin Stevens

James Turner

Tom Womack


Kevin Backhouse

Paul Campy

Radha Nair


Lutz Röder

CJ Saretto


Arjuna Sittampalam

Amanda Kerr-Munslow

Useful (to me at any rate) Links

Linux stuff: Kernel mailing list summaries and archives.

Windows stuff: NT FAQ

Random stuff: The Electronic Frontier Foundation, Today's Userfriendly, BBC News, wibble, French military victories. (from the Jargon File), Oxford Guide

Other random facts

Version: 3.12
GCS d- s:--- a-- C++ UL++++ P++ L++ E W++ N++
o? K w O- M-@ V- PS+ PE Y+ PGP++ t 5 X+@
R- tv b++ DI D+ G e++++ h--- r++ y?

Apparently I'm a:

Cliquey Geek Prof Heffalump

Soundtrack to your life:
Jean Michel Jarre - Oxygene

Favourite website:

Write a PERL script to do it

Certified heffalumps.org Personality Test result.

Dr. Sittampalam is the Managing Director of investment, research and publishing company
Sage & Hermes Ltd., which he founded in 1994 and is the editor of the Investment
Management Review, which is published by Sage and Hermes in partnership with EDHEC.
He is also a Research Associate at the EDHEC Risk and Asset Management Research Centre,
and a member of the professional development committee of the CFA UK.
Dr Arjuna Sittampalam started his career as a mathematician and researched theoretical
models in sub-nuclear particle physics at Imperial College, University of London. He then
qualified as an actuary and, after an initial stint at actuarial work, he focused on a career in
investment management.
He has managed funds specialising in global bonds, global equities and commodities and
energy, as well as in funds offering balanced management and absolute returns. The funds
managed by him include institutional, collective and high net worth client funds. In addition
to operating as a fund manager he has also managed investment management operations,
several of which from a start-up stage. He has also provided consultant advice to leading
financial institutions.
His experience straddles banking, insurance and specialist fund management in an
international spread of leading companies, with a special interest in derivatives as an
allocation and innovative portfolio management techniques. He has spoken at leading
conferences and lectured on investment around the world and has written for many industry
publications over the years. He was editorial advisor to the European Fund and Asset
Management organisation, the trade body of fund management companies in Europe in the
production of their inaugural Fact Book and has written several books on the Fund
Management industry.
BSc – University of Ceylon.
Diploma of Imperial College-came 1st in the class.
Ph.D. in Sub-Nuclear Particle Physics, Imperial College, University of London - the major
part of the Ph.D thesis was published in the journal – Physical Review.
Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries.
Arjuna Sattampalam, Ph.D. - EDHEC Business School
1972-75 Actuarial work at Scottish Widows and in a consultancy practice.
1975-79 Senior Investment Analyst at Schroders.
1979-86 Fund Manager and Head of International Investments at Abbey Life Assurance
(later part of Lloyds TSB).
1986-87 Head of Fixed-Income Investments at Touche Remnant (now part of
Henderson Global Investors).
1987-90 Head of Investments at Swiss Bank Corporation in London (now merged with
UBS) and Head of the Irish investment management subsidiary of Swiss Bank
1990-93 Managing Director of Sanwa Investment Management, responsible for the
global fund management activities of Sanwa Bank (then the fourth-largest
bank in the world, now part of Mitshubishi-UFJ).
1994-date Managing Director and sole owner of Sage & Hermes Ltd.
2004-date Member of the Professional Development Committee of UK SIP, the UK
member society of the CFA Institute.
He wrote two books, Coming Wars in Investment Management and Evolving Techniques in
Investment Management in 1993-94.
He was the founder-editor of the Lafferty Group newsletter, Funds International, which he
helped to launch in 1994.
In 2003 he was Editorial Advisor for the first-ever Fact Book of the Fédération Européenne
des Fonds et Sociétés d’Investissement (FEFSI), the umbrella body for all retail asset
management companies in Europe, which is now the European Fund and Asset Management
Association (EFAMA), He played a major role in its compilation and was responsible for the
reconciliation of statistics from the different member country national associations.
In 2004 he wrote a book, Corporate Governance Activism – Desirable Doctrine or Damaging
He is the editor of the quarterly magazine, Investment Management Review.
He has written for leading publications over the years and has recently produced articles for
the Financial Times, Financial News, Investors Week and Professional Investor.
Arjuna Sattampalam, Ph.D. - EDHEC Business School
He was also awarded the prestigious Wincott Foundation prize by the Professional Investor
magazine (the house organ of the UK member society of The CFA Institute, the premier
global organisation for investment professionals) for the best article in 2005. This was based
on his book on activism above. An article by him on the same subject appeared in the CFA
magazine September/October 2007.
Arjuna Sittampalam has a record of starting up investment management operations.
1. Established Abbey Life’s International Investment Department. Assets under
management grew from £1 million in 1980 to £1 billion by 1986 (his departure date).
2. Established the Irish investment management subsidiary of Swiss Bank Corporation in
1987-90 and also their London-based global equity team.
3. Established Sanwa Bank’s global investment management subsidiary in 1990-93.
January 1986 Guinness Mahon Investment conference in Dublin - speakers from
leading investment institutions.
April 1986 Keynote speech at Annual conference of the Irish Association of
Pension Funds (the representative body for pension funds in Ireland).
October 1986 Institutional Investor conference in Torquay, Devon, UK - spoke twice
on asset allocation and international bonds.
September 1987 Addressed an audience of senior executives of the leading Dutch
pension funds together representing $300 billion under management on
asset/liability management for pension funds.
September 1988 4 day lecture course (jointly with another lecturer) on fund management
to Asian executives under the auspices of the Singapore Institute of
Banking and Finance.
September 1988 Gave a lecture on investment management at the invitation of the
Central Bank of Indonesia to senior institutional executives.
October 1988 Spoke at a conference jointly organised by the Marketing Institute
Ireland, and Business and Finance (Ireland's leading business magazine)
- shared platform with top executives from international companies
such as Siemens and WPP (Martin Sorrell). This speech was widely
reported in the Irish media.
Arjuna Sattampalam, Ph.D. - EDHEC Business School
November 1989 Addressed a conference on Pensions jointly organised by Sedgewick
Dineen, Ireland, and Business and Finance magazine. The topic of the
speech concerned the latest investment management techniques for
pension funds.
January 1990 Appeared on FTTV for a European wide TV audience on investment
June 1990-June 1994 Spoke at Lafferty International Conferences in various parts of the
world including London, Dubai, and Sydney. He was also the keynote
speaker at Lafferty Conferences in Geneva and Singapore.
March 1993 Spoke in Brussels at the Securitisation conference organised by the
American Bar Association.
May 1994 Gave seminar in Bangkok to leading financial institutions under the
auspices of the Thai Institute of Banking and Finance.
July 1995 Gave a seminar organised by Union Investment in Luxembourg on the
trends in Investment Management.
May 2005 Appeared on a panel “A think tank for Investors in Alternative Assets”
held in Geneva and organised by Tara Capital, the Hedge fund Group.
February 2006 Appeared on a panel on UCITS III for retail investors organised by
MGI- Management Global Information in Luxembourg.
March 2006 Gave a talk at the London School of Economics - Financial Markets
Group on the perils of Shareholder Activism.
September 2006 Gave a talk on infrastructure investments in Geneva at the Global
family Office Conference organised by MGI-Management Global


  1. Well, I think its very sad that Ganesh Sittampalem does not seem to be very much in favour of Freedom of Information, despite working as a moderator for What Do They Know.

    It doesn't really seem in the spirit of that excellent site to employ someone who is blocking important information plus banishing the person who made it.

    Why would anyone want to cover up for a Government appointed Quango that is targetting the most vulnerable people in this country for a vendetta of abuse? Why?

    Perhaps Ganesh might come to this blog and answer this question - I promise I will not banish him or censor his post if he chooses to do so, as I very much believe in freedom of speech!

  2. From the article - "Workers at Atos – the company controversially employed by the government to make sure everyone claiming incapacity deserves their benefit"

    Nonsense. The purpose of (French owned) Atos is to refuse benefits to as many people as possible. You would have to be in a coma to "pass" their sham test, and even then a bloke in Stoke was found "fit for work" and had his benefits stopped after not turning up for for his "medical" (the reason he didn't show up was because he was in a coma in hospital!)

    The parent company of Atos is American based "Unum Provident", a company that makes its cash flogging sickness insurance policies. Their "medicals" have been declared illegal in the states and branded "disability denial factories".




  4. If you are having trouble with atos the black triangle website is a good resource, CAB are fantastic but very over-stretched. if you are just at the assessment process please try to not worry as it is just a complete joke, they asses your mental capability by asking you if you can pick up a coin from the floor, if you can you can work. When you get to the appeal process things are much more civil and humane, i think 60/70% are getting decisions overturned, if you doctor says that they won't write a covering letter because it won't make a difference tell them they are full of shit, my doc did not like that and gave me the excuse that atos had written to her and said that. get all of your doc's and supporting letters together and you should be okay.

    Oh and if you can get yourself a little spy cam(i have one of these http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/261221095836?var=560202013160&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649)

    record them, i record everything to do with these evil mothers and don't let them get you down as that is what they want, well they are in my opinion trying to cause as much distress as posible in the hope you give up...


  5. Thanks, had not heard of Black Triangle website, will give it a try.

    We are just going into the appeal stage, with plenty of evidence of ATOS breaking their own rules plus breaking the law YES, I AM TALKING ABOUT YOU "TAZ" OR "DAZ" OR WHATEVER YOU ARE CALLING YOURSELF THESE DAYS FROM BIRMINGHAM!

  6. We won't be giving up, we can't. I am not ba lady who has it in me to give up, after all I have fought 40 years for a simple apology over the abuse I suffered in a Pindown childrens home and I will fight for another 40 if thats what it takes until I get one!

  7. I got my decision overturned on articles 29 and 42 with a recommendation from the dwp that they leave me alone for at least 18months, hope it go's well for your little ones.

  8. http://blacktrianglecampaign.org/2012/11/21/important-black-triangle-dpac-regs-2935-campaign-failed-your-dwpatos-wca-intend-to-appeal-download-these-documents-for-your-gp/

    Thanks Andy, will get this done


    Ganesh Sittampalam

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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    Ganesh Sittampalam was the youngest person to pass an A-level in 1988 when he was nine years and four months old. However this feat has since been surpassed by a number of other children.

    (The A-level is a British examination typically taken at age 18.)

    He graduated in July 1992 when he was aged 13.[1]

    He is the son of Dr. Arjuna Sittampalam and grandson of Mr. Cathiravelu Sittampalam who was the first Cabinet Minister of Posts and Telecommunications in independent Ceylon (now Sri Lanka).


    1.^ "Youngest A level pass". Stephen's Homepage. 2007. Retrieved 24 March 2008.

    External links[edit]
    Young Kenyans who have made a mark
    Boy wonder passes computing A-level
    Dr Arjuna Sittampalam


    Arjuna Sittampalam

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Jump to: navigation, search

    Arjuna Sittampalam

    Personal details



    Arjuna Sittampalam is a financier in the United Kingdom. He is recently appointed as Research Associate at the EDHEC Risk and Asset Management Research Centre.

    He is the son of the Hon Cathiravelu Sittampalam, the first Cabinet Minister of Posts and Telecommunications in independent Ceylon and father of Ganesh Sittampalam the Guinness record holder of the youngest person to pass an A-Level in 1988.[citation needed]

    Sittampalam has written three books, Corporate Governance Activism, Coming Wars in Investment Management [1] Evolving Techniques in Investment Management[2] also he has also contributed articles about investment to different publications.[citation needed]

  11. Dr Sittampalam is the founder and Managing Director of Sage & Hermes Ltd.

    His experience straddles banking, insurance and specialist fund management in an international spread of leading companies, and has given him insights into investment management from widely different perspectives. He has a special interest in derivatives and other innovative portfolio management techniques. He has spoken at major international conferences and meetings to audiences worldwide, and has often contributed on investment matters to leading publications. Dr Sittampalam now runs his own investment management research and consultancy company.

    In the last few years, Dr Sittampalam has advised leading global financial institutions on their investment management business strategy and operations.

    He has written three books on the industry: Corporate Governance Activism, Coming Wars in Investment Management, and Evolving Techniques in Investment Management. He was also the editor at launch of Funds International, a global financial newsletter subscribed to by senior executives of large financial institutions worldwide.

    Dr Sittampalam is a Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries in the UK and holds a PhD in Sub-Nuclear Theoretical Physics from Imperial College, London.

    He started his investment career at Schroders and subsequently moved to Abbey Life where he established the international investment department and managed global bond and equity portfolios. He also held a supervisory role over the investments of Zwolsche Life in The Netherlands.

    Following a move to Touche Remnant, Dr Sittampalam joined Swiss Bank Corporation's newly established institutional investment management operation in London. He spearheaded the establishment of Swiss Bank's mutual fund subsidiary in Ireland. Subsequently, he was managing director of Sanwa International PLC, the London based merchant banking arm of Sanwa Bank, one of the largest Japanese banks, where he established Sanwa's new investment management subsidiary.

  12. Interesting!!

    > Richard Eldritch

  13. Zoompad

    Keep going, these people need to be named and shamed.

    We fight on, you have given us direction, as we will speak the truth always, and continue to do so.

    Years ago, I was beaten badly after being raped and abused, before being beaten unconscious I said to people and have always said one day I shall tell people, and now I am, I have nothing to fear, as Jesus is with us, he loves me, and doesnt want to abuse me, so I too shall name and shame, and continue to do so until they kill me.

    The campaign, 'we will not be silent' seems like a good one, can we have hat as our new slogan Zoompad? Have t shirts as well made saying on front 'we will not be silent' ?

    I think we should, and we all need to keep speaking out until they kill us, and when they do kill one of us, we should not mourn for long, but continue, speaking out.

    They can't kill us all, death holds no fear for abuse victims, prison doesnt worry us, we can survive anything and fight on, because we know we can.

    Let's never quit and keep going now, we will lose some, but keep going, it's satanic, demonic and madness, so let's stop the abusers.

    I'm not bothered about them getting prison, I want the Abuse to stop.

    We will not be silent

    A friend

  14. My brother in law is french and has worked in several secret projects,
    according to him, and i dont know if this is true- but he claims that the ATOS project is not just about saving money but is aimed directly against English people, the destruction of British history culture attitude and future, in order to promote multiculturalism and the big family
    takeover of Britian

  15. I agree with your brother in law. This is nothing to do with saving money, the Government are awarding contracts to foreign quangos to destroy Great Britain.

    We are being governed by a gang of wealthy international playboys who do not give a shit about this country and her people.

  16. We will not be silent sounds like a great slogan to me, much better than Anonymous.

    I never liked Anonymous, I don't want to be anonymous, I don't have anything to hide so why should I be anonymous? Thats why I didn't get involved in that, and I was right not to as it was infiltrated by the Secret Services.

    Why should we be silent about abuse and treason? I won't!

  17. From: GEOFFREY REYNOLDS (Account suspended)

    11 February 2013

    Dear Department for Work and Pensions,
    Could you please tell me if BILL GUNNYEON, Chief medical advisor to
    the DWP and also a Medical Director of Capita Healthcare, has
    registered a "conflict of interest".
    How many times did Bill Gunnyeon meet with Gordon Waddell and
    Mansel Aylward prior to the ATOS contract to undertake ESA
    examinations on behalf of DWP?
    Furthermore, will Bill Gunnyeon be receiving any form of
    remuneration or reward, given that attractive contracts have been
    allocated to both, Capita and ATOS.

    Yours faithfully,

  18. WHAT DO THEY KNOW are supposed to be enabling Freedom of Information requests.

    But here we have two FOI requesters suspended from the site for making FOI requests about ATOS!

  19. GEOFFREY REYNOLDS (Account suspended) left an annotation ( 2 March 2013)


    Two years of detailed research has drawn to a natural conclusion with the exposure of two memorandums by Unum Provident Insurance, to the Work & Pensions Select committee, dated 2002 and 2006.

    Whilst government rhetoric continues to suggest concern for people left on disability benefit for years, and the 'opportunities' available for the long-term sick and disabled population once removed from long-term benefit and directed into work, detailed evidence from the President of the Appeal Tribunals and all the national welfare charities have been consistently overlooked by successive governments. These planned welfare reforms are mainly a cost cutting initiative, by successive governments since 1994, as the UK moves ever closer to the American style healthcare system funded by insurance.

    Unum Provident Insurance, now known as Unum Insurance following yet another name change, have a notorious reputation in the US and were identified as "an outlaw company" in 2005 and, by 2007, they were identified as the 2nd worst insurance company in the entire United States. This then begs the obvious question as to why the UK government have been in partnership with this discredited corporate giant since 1994?

    The evidence exposed within this research is cause for serious concern.

    The promotion of an unelected government adviser to ministerial office, with apparent unlimited authority to destroy the UK welfare service whilst masquerading as reform, should be challenged when the Minister's experience is in finance, not welfare.

    The only priority is a cost reduction, with no concern for the stress and distress caused using an assessment system that's identified as being unfit for purpose, and with the latest proposal to remove benefits from claimants if they choose to challenge the Atos medical assessment via the appeals service. Given that the appeals service is close to collapse, with claimants waiting up to 12 months for an appeal, the latest suggestion is that benefit will be removed until after the appeal decision.

    This latest threat is used by an unelected government Minister, as a form of intimidation against the most vulnerable in society, to guarantee a reduction in the numbers of appeals that generate a 70% success rate when the claimant has representation. How much more evidence is needed before the assessment system, funded at a cost of £100million per annum, is confirmed as being totally compromised and unacceptable? Yet, the Atos contract has just been extended for three years…..

    The identified medical tyranny of the totally compromised medical assessment system, as conducted by Atos Healthcare, will now be supported by enforced poverty to dramatically increase the fear and anxiety of all chronically sick and permanently disabled people who are at the mercy of the State when forced to depend on welfare payments.

    Why is this tyranny permitted in 21st Century UK?

    Mrs S..., Retired healthcare professional

    5th December 2011

  20. GEOFFREY REYNOLDS (Account suspended) left an annotation ( 6 April 2013)


    Sadly, guess who is the independent scrutineer for ATOS,

    The one and only PAUL LITCHFIELD.....


    Sue Godby, UnumUK
    Dr Angela Gra­ham, Atos Origin
    Dr Paul Litch­field, Fac­ulty of Occu­pa­tional Medi­cine (Bill Gunnyeon, now the chief Med­ical Advisor to DWP was the pres­id­ent of the FOM)

    In Phys­ical Tech­nical Work­ing Group included:

    Dr Angela Gra­ham, Atos Ori­gin Med­ical Services
    Dr Peter Dewis, Dis­ab­il­ity Ana­lyst and Cus­tomer Care Dir­ector, UnumUK
    Dr David Hende­r­son Slater, yet again

    The former Chief Med­ical Advisor to the UK gov­ern­ment, Pro­fessor Mansel Ayl­ward, was instru­mental in advising the UK gov­ern­ment to set up med­ical assess­ment centres based on the model in Amer­ica, and he is still fun­ded by the same Amer­ican com­pany used in his example, with his research centre in Wales. The company’s name: UnumProvid­ent (UK). Indeed, his research centre for Psychoso­cial and Dis­ab­il­ity Research is based at Cardiff Uni­ver­sity (Pro­fessor Ayl­ward is the Dir­ector) is named the“UnumProvident Centre.” Pro­fessor Ayl­ward was also instru­mental in how the recent Wel­fare Reform Act was to be imple­men­ted by the DWP. 8




    Ganesh Sittampalam

    Joined WhatDoTheyKnow in 2008

    Send message to Ganesh Sittampalam

    I make a range of requests, mainly aimed at getting the raw material behind aspects of current affairs that interest me.

    I'm also keen on holding public authorities to account when they persistently or wilfully breach the FOI Act.

    I'm also a WhatDoTheyKnow volunteer, helping to run the site. Anything I do in this capacity will be explicitly marked as such; the rest of the time I don't represent anyone but myself.


  22. This person's 484 annotations

    I have removed an annotation from this request in line with our moderation policy: https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/help/requesting#moderation Ganes...

    Ask A Real Doctor
    Request to Department for Work and Pensions by GEOFFREY REYNOLDS (Account suspended). Annotated by Ganesh Sittampalam on 19 June 2013.
    Partially successful.

    I have removed a number of annotations that were in breach of our policy: https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/help/requesting#moderation Ganesh - WhatD...

    "Links That Stink"
    Request to Department for Work and Pensions by adrian todd (Account suspended). Annotated by Ganesh Sittampalam on 19 June 2013.
    Awaiting classification.

    I have redacted the original request to remove material irrelevant to the FOI request itself: https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/help/requesting#focused...

    Hunger striker and the DWP
    Request to Department for Work and Pensions by adrian todd (Account suspended). Annotated by Ganesh Sittampalam on 19 June 2013.
    Awaiting response.

    I have hidden a couple of annotations that were in breach of our policy: https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/help/requesting#moderation Ganesh - WhatDo...

    Reasons for Additional Information Uncovered at Revision
    Request to Department for Work and Pensions by Gerald Jones. Annotated by Ganesh Sittampalam on 19 June 2013.
    Partially successful.

    I have hidden a number of annotations on this request that were in breach of our policy: https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/help/requesting#moderation...

    Atos Influence on Tribunals Evidence- Re Fair Hearing/Natural Justice ?
    Request to Department for Work and Pensions by Jonn Wood. Annotated by Ganesh Sittampalam on 18 June 2013.


  24. I have sent emails to the suspended FOI requestors Adrian Todd and Geoffrey Reynolds via What Do They Know, and so far I have recieved no response from either of them.

    I am quite sure both these men will want to reply to the emails I have sent them, so if I do not get a reply from either of them I will have to find out if someone is tampering with private email communication WHICH IS ILLEGAL

  25. I have informed Black Triange about this as well, surprise surprise, no response from there either.

    Which actually does not surprise me at all, I know all about how gatekeepers and moleblockers function.

    These swine made a big mistake in targetting my family for this malicious vendetta.

  26. Sittampalam Family History

    Roots and Achievements

    Introduction | People | Roots and Achievements| Links

    The following appeared in the memorial booklet published on Deva's death.

    Devalakshmi hails from an Illustrious Family....

    Devalakshmi was born to a distinguished Tamil Family whose ancestry can be traced to the ancient Royal Kuriyans, highly respected noblemen of the King's Court of the Tamil Kingdom of Nallur.

    Two descendants of these noblemen, Vanniyasingam Kuriyan and Canagasekara Kothanda Kuriyan, lived in Jaffna later during the Dutch regime.

    In the 19th century, Visvanathar son of Vinayakar, who descended from Cangasekara Kothanda Kuriyan, abandoned the prestigious Kuriyan title as no longer relevant under the British and became famous as an entrepreneur for leasing large extents of crown land at Ariyalai for salt production on a large scale. Subsequently, many of his descendants were to distinguish themselves in public life of the Northern Province.

    Visvanathar had two sons Arumugam and Casipillai. The former died young and his children were brought up by the latter, his younger brother. Arugumugam's eldest son Cathiravelu was Devalakshmi's paternal grandfather. He functioned as a magistrate and district judge and was the first editor of Tamil Journal ÔInthu sathanam' and the founder of the Saraswathy library.

  27. Visvanathar's second son Casipillai while being Devalakshmi's father's great-uncle was also her mother's grandfather. He was one of the most illustrious citizens of the North. Leonard Woolf, the famous British Civil Servant, author of the classic ÔVillage in the jungle' and husband of Virginia, a member of the Bloomsbury set (which included Keynes, the famous economist) published in his autobiography a letter from Casipillai as a testimonial of his own (>Woolf's) standing among Tamils. Casipillai worked closely with Sri Arumuga Navalar in promoting Hinduism, and functioned as secretary of the Saiva Paripalanai Sabai and was co-founder and subsequent manager of Jaffna Hindu College. One of the houses there is Casipillai House in his honour. He was a great philanthropist, and was often referred to as Mudisoodamannan [uncrowned king]. He was widely sought after for his brains and original contribution to problems and called the Brains Trust. Other terms were Jaffna and Mannar's Thani Perusa Thalaivan [great leader] and Ilangai Perumahan [great son of Lanka].

    The establishment of Sithivinayagar Kovil and Parvathy Vithyasalai were among two of his achievements. Another signal contribution was his participation in the agitation for a railway to Jaffna crowned with success in 1906.

    Another illustrious descendant of Visvanathar was A. Canagaratnam, the younger brother of Devalakshmi's paternal grandfather A. Cathiravelu. Canagaratnam followed in the footsteps of his uncle V. Casipillai in devotion to public service. In 1924 he became the member for the northern provinve, Southern division in the legislative council and agitated for the establishment of a University in Ceylon. As a keen nationalist he edited and published the ÔCeylon Patriot' at his own expense and is credited with strengthening the independent movement in Jaffna. In 1927 he was the leader of the All Ceylon Tamil Conference. With his own money, on his own land, he built Stanley College, initially named after the British Governor and subsequently renamed Canagaratnam Maha Vidyalayam in his honour. As Chairman of the first Urban Council of Jaffna, he set the stage for other descendants of the above Visvanathar to follow, 2 of them serving as Mayor of Jaffna. He had been largely instrumental in the establishment of the urban council, through the previous establishment of the Jaffna Local Board.

    Devalakshmi's maternal grandfather Ramasamy Subramaniam qualified as a proctor and served as vice chairman of the urban council.

    Devalakshmi's father C. Sittampalam was a Brilliant Scholar at Royal College, Colombo, and in his days was a prodigy in mathematics. He was Barrister of the Middle Temple, obtained a Tripos from Cambridge and was MP for Mannar and Minster of Posts and Telecommunications and Broadcasting and was responsible for introducing Pirith on radio.

    Ponnampalam, brother of Sittampalam, Mayor of Jaffna played an important role in making representations to the Donoghmore Commission [whose findings subsequently led to the independence of the country].

    Arjuna Sittampalam - Devalakshmi's brother - founder editor in 1994 of Funds International - an internationally respected periodical. Arjuna is the founder and managing director of Sage and Hermes, Ltd which, over the last few years, has developed as a consultancy providing advice to large and prestigious financial institutions. Arjuna Sittampalam also has his own personal website.

  28. http://www.sageandhermes.com/

    Sage & Hermes is a research and publishing house specialising in the worldwide fund management industry. Our mission is to provide information and analysis of strategic value to the key decision-makers of that industry.

    Our research is available through our publications. The company also publishes the research work of other organizations and individuals.

    Our editor has a strong record of achievement in the fund management industry, both as a practicing fund manager and in a managerial capacity, and is highly reputed as a writer on the industry. The editorial team comprises senior industry professionals with substantial expertise and hands-on experience at the highest levels in financial services.

  29. http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&frm=1&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&ved=0CEQQFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.192.com%2Fatoz%2Fbusiness%2Fbournemouth-bh5%2Ffinancial-services%2Fsage-hermes-ltd%2F2d0062365734ee87e06323bd98c1bfd9113d1255%2Fml%2F&ei=kt3TUdaEOYb20gXmoYD4Dg&usg=AFQjCNFGTsFAHw0OhfPsZ5az51DKOLNgIQ&sig2=7fPmq5mHpVWNMMUdkqrUcg&bvm=bv.48705608,d.d2k

    Sage & Hermes Ltd - Financial Services in Bournemouth BH5 2DN

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    Editorial Director and Head of Research

    Funds managed by Arjuna Sittampalam excelled during the 80s and 90s in the highly competitive UK unit trust market, simultaneously achieving top level performance in both global bond and global equity league tables. In 1986, he won the 'Fund Manager of the Year' title awarded by the Bowen Group. He spearheaded independent fund management subsidiaries of Swiss Bank Corporation and Sanwa Bank in 1987-93.

    He was the founding editor in 1994 of Funds International, a global financial newsletter subscribed to by senior executives of large financial institutions worldwide. Subsequently, he acted as consultant to leading financial institutions in the US, Germany and Holland.

    In recent years, he has written articles for several publications, including the Financial Times, Financial News and Financial Weekly. In November 2005, he was awarded the prestigious Wincott Foundation prize for the best article appearing during 2005 in the Professional Investor, the journal of the United Kingdom Society of Investment Professionals (UK SIP). This is the UK member society of the CFA Institute, the pre-eminent global organisation for fund managers and analysts. Dr. Arjuna Sittampalam is a Research Associate at the EDHEC Risk and Asset Management Research Centre.

    The prize booklet, published by UK SIP, can be found here (PDF file).

    Arjuna Sittampalam has written several books, including Coming Wars in Fund Management, Evolving Techniques in Fund Management, and Corporate Governance Activism – Desirable Doctrine or Damaging Dogma? He also acted as editorial advisor to the European Fund and Asset Management Association (EFAMA, then known as FEFSI ) for their first-ever Fact Book.

  31. Consulting Editor

    Mark Clement has had experience working in fund management and was recently Executive Director and Global Head of Interest Rate and Credit Derivative Operations at Goldman Sachs in London. He has a broad and in-depth awareness of both the theory and practice of derivatives and structured products.

    Advisory Board
    Sage & Hermes benefits from the advice and close involvement of distinguished figures in the investment industry.
    Richard Granville
    Former member of the London Stock Exchange Council, Former partner of Hoare Govett, Recently director of investment trusts managed by the UK groups, Framlington and Rathbones.

    Paul Griffiths
    Global Head of Fixed Income, Aberdeen Asset Managers Ltd, Former Managing Director and Global Head of Fixed Income, Credit Suisse Asset Management, Former CEO of AXA Investment Managers UK, Former director of Investec Asset Management and head of their Fixed Income division, Winner of the 'Investment International Fixed Interest Fund Manager of the Year' award in 1996, 1998 and 1999, and runner-up in 1997, whilst at INVESCO Asset Management.

    Wolfgang Mansfeld
    Dr Wolfgang Mansfeld is a Member of the Executive Board of Union Asset Management Holding, the holding company of Union Investment Group, Frankfurt am Main. From 2007 to 2010 Dr. Mansfeld was President of the German Fund Industry Association BVI. In 2004-2010, Dr. Mansfeld was a member of CESR's Consultative Working Group on Investment Management. From 2002 to 2005 he was President of the European Fund and Asset Management Association (EFAMA).

  32. Hinduja affair[edit]

    In January 2001, immigration minister Barbara Roche revealed in a written Commons reply that Vaz, along with Peter Mandelson and other MPs, had contacted the Home Office about the Hinduja brothers. She said that Vaz had made inquiries about when a decision on their application for citizenship could be expected.[10]

    On 25 January, Vaz had become the focus of Opposition questions about the Hinduja affair and many parliamentary questions were tabled, demanding that he fully disclose his role. Vaz said via a Foreign Office spokesman that he would be "fully prepared" to answer questions put to him by Sir Anthony Hammond QC who had been asked by the Prime Minister to carry out an inquiry into the affair.

    Vaz had known the Hinduja brothers for some time; he had been present when the charitable Hinduja Foundation was set up in 1993, and also delivered a speech in 1998 when the brothers invited Tony and Cherie Blair to a Diwali celebration.[11]

  33. On 26 January 2001, Prime Minister Tony Blair was accused[by whom?] of prejudicing the independent inquiry into the Hinduja passport affair, after he declared that the Foreign Office minister Keith Vaz had not done "anything wrong". On the same day, Vaz told reporters that they would "regret" their behaviour once the facts of the case were revealed. "Some of you are going to look very foolish when this report comes out. Some of the stuff you said about Peter, and about others and me, you'll regret very much when the facts come out," he said. When asked why the passport application of one of the Hinduja brothers had been processed more quickly than normal, being processed and sanctioned in six months when the process can take up to two years, he replied, "It is not unusual."[12]

    On 29 January, the government confirmed that the Hinduja Foundation had held a reception for Vaz in September 1999 to celebrate his appointment as the first Asian Minister in recent times. The party was not listed by Vaz in House of Commons register of Members' Interests and John Redwood, then head of the Conservative Parliamentary Campaigns Unit, questioned Vaz's judgement in accepting the hospitality.[13]

    In March, Vaz was ordered to co-operate fully with a new inquiry launched into his financial affairs by Elizabeth Filkin. Foreign Secretary Robin Cook, Vaz's superior, also urged him to answer fully allegations about his links with the Hinduja brothers. Vaz met Filkin on 20 March to discuss a complaint that the Hinduja Foundation had given £1,200 to Mapesbury Communications, a company run by his wife, in return for helping to organise a Hinduja-sponsored reception at the House of Commons. Vaz had previously denied receiving money from the Hindujas, but insisted that he made no personal gain from the transaction in question.[14][15]

    In June 2001, Vaz said that he had made representations during the Hinduja brothers' applications for British citizenship while a backbench MP. Tony Blair also admitted that Vaz had "made representations" on behalf of other Asians.[16]

    On 11 June 2001, Vaz was officially dismissed from his post as Europe Minister, to be replaced by Peter Hain. The Prime Minister's office said that Vaz had written to Tony Blair stating his wish to stand down for health reasons.[17]

    In December 2001, Elizabeth Filkin cleared Vaz of failing to register payments to his wife's law firm by the Hinduja brothers, but said that he had colluded with his wife to conceal the payments. Filkin's report said that the payments had been given to his wife for legal advice on immigration issues and concluded that Vaz had gained no direct personal benefit, and that Commons rules did not require him to disclose payments made to his wife. She did, however, criticise him for his secrecy, saying, "It is clear to me there has been deliberate collusion over many months between Mr Vaz and his wife to conceal this fact and to prevent me from obtaining accurate information about his possible financial relationship with the Hinduja family".[18]

  34. Nadhmi Auchi[edit]

    In 2001, it was revealed that Vaz had assisted Anglo-Iraqi billionaire Nadhmi Auchi in his attempts to avoid extradition to France. Opposition MPs called for an investigation into what one dubbed "Hinduja Mark II".[24]

    Anglo-Iraqi billionaire Nadhmi Auchi was wanted for questioning by French police for his alleged role in the notorious Elf Aquitaine fraud scandal which led to the arrest of a former French Foreign Minister. The warrant issued by French authorities in July 2000 Auchi of "complicity in the misuse of company assets and receiving embezzled company assets". It also covered Auchi's associate Nasir Abid and stated that, if found guilty of the alleged offences, both men could face 109 years in jail.[24]

    Vaz was a director of the British arm of Auchi's corporation, General Mediterranean Holdings, whose previous directors had included Lords Steel and Lamont, and Jacques Santer. Vaz used his political influence on GMH's behalf; this included a party in the Park Lane Hilton to celebrate the 20th anniversary of GMH on 23 April 1999, where Lord Sainsbury presented Auchi with a painting of the House of Commons signed by Tony Blair, the Opposition leaders, and over 100 other leading British politicians. Lord Sainsbury later told The Observer that he did this "as a favour for Keith Vaz". In May 1999, Vaz resigned his post as a director after he was appointed a Minister. In a statement to The Observer, a GMH spokesman said that Vaz had been invited to become a GMH director in January 1999, yet company accounts showed Vaz as a director for the financial year ending December 1998.[24]

    Labour confirmed in May 2001 that Auchi had called Vaz at home about the arrest warrant to ask him for advice. A spokesman said that Vaz "made some factual inquiries to the Home Office about the [extradition] procedure." This included advising Auchi to consult his local MP. The spokesman stressed that Vaz acted properly at all times and was often contacted by members of Britain's ethnic communities for help. In a Commons answer to Liberal Democrat MP Norman Baker earlier the same month Vaz confirmed that "details of enquiries by Mr Auchi have been passed to the Home Office".[24]

    Since 2003, he has been a Member of the Constitutional Affairs Select Committee.


    Ganesh Sittampalam on "Suicide a 'marvellous possibility'" http://tinyurl.com/dja5jv


    5 Responses to Cameron taunted over DWP-AtoS Work Capability Assessment at Prime Minister’s Questions


    February 8, 2013 at 12:15 pm

    I put forward a Freedom of Information request to the DWP asking how many more people would have to die due to the deadly partnership between them and ATOS.
    I called the request “MURDER BY IGNORANCE” From: GEOFFREY REYNOLDS

    22 January 2013

    Dear Department for Work and Pensions,
    How many Disabled people must succumb to death before the deadly
    relationship between the DWP and ATOS finally realise the extent of
    their ill deeds due to a deeply flawed system of examination?

    Yours faithfully, GEOFFREY REYNOLDS


    Barbara Richards says:
    Your comment is awaiting moderation.

    July 3, 2013 at 2:14 pm

    Geoff, I saw your FOI, and noted you have been suspended from What Do They Know. You’re not the only one suspended because of asking too many questions about ATOS, and a chap called GANISH SITTAMPALEM who is one of the moderators has been blocking other peoples ATOS FOIs.

    I have just done a blog post about this, and I hope you will read it, because it looks like fraud to me.

    I tried to email you from What Do They Know but don’t know if you got my email, I strongly suspect someone is mucking about with emails from What Do They Know because I emailed two more people about ATOS FOIs being blocked and none of the three have replied, so I would be grateful if you could tell me if you recieved it or not, thanks

    Here is the blog post:


  37. Just in case that gets blocked by some creepy mole moderator as well, sick of them

  38. ATOS
    i had not heard of these people but on freedom radio i heard an employee
    talking about the fact they get paid for how many people they can chuck off
    from benefits and BTW they are not benefits they are entitlements.
    This many said one lady chucked off
    was found starved to death in her flat, she just sat in her old armchair and starved, this was awful.
    I tuned in to hear the exposure of another mass pedophile Robin Gibb of the Bee-Gees, and learnt some awful stuff about ATOS.
    we must start burning their offices soon

  39. Hi, I can't publish the last two comments in full, because if I publish comments like that it puts the commenter in danger, can you not see, what you put at the end, the wicked ones will pounce on anything they can and use it against the victims of this vendetta of abuse.

    Jesus knows their hearts, he knew they would do this, which is why he always told us not to lift our own hands in violence, He will protect us, we are forbidden to do what you said we should do at the end of your post, but the Lord knows all of us have probably said it in our hearts from time to time. Nevertheless, the Lord said no, and He always knows what is best.

    We can and should do everything we can AS LONG AS IT IS LEGAL AND HURTS NO-ONE to tell as many people as we possibly can what is happening.

    Writing in chalk on the street is not illegal - Jesus did the equivelant of this when the Pharasees wanted to stone a woman for adultary, which was the judicial punishment at the time. Whilst not condoning that woman's unfaithfulness to her husband, Jesus saved her life, by writing in the sand. What did he write? What would you write if it were you? I know what I would write - the lists of sins punishable by death of all the ones who were lining up to stone that woman!

    And that is exactly what we must do, Jesus did say "Follow me" didn't he? We don't have sand in every city, but we do have concrete made out of silica and we do have chalk which washes off in the rain and therefore can not be classed as perminant graffiti

  40. Here are the two comments, please don't be angry with me for not publishing them in full, its only to protect you, I have to keep this blog a safe place, and leave the wicked ones nothing to accuse any of us of, hope you will understand:

    ATOS i had not heard of these people but on freedom radio i heard an employee talking about the fact they get paid for how many people they can chuck off from benefits and BTW they are not benefits they are entitlements. This many said one lady chucked off was found starved to death in her flat, she just sat in her old armchair and starved, this was awful. I tuned in to hear the exposure of another mass pedophile Robin Gibb of the Bee-Gees, and learnt some awful stuff about ATOS


    at 23:08

    It is good policy to record all your phone calls ATOS are doing illegal work for the government, because they are a firebreak, and the government can then point the finger and say not us but them.

  41. That last comment is absolutly spot on. That is exactly what the government are doing, and their mindset.

    You must record everything, and not just ATOS. The government are even pretending to offer councelling for victims of institutional child abuse and using information gathered to persecute the already well traumatised victims of the abuse even more, to shut them up for ever. They are actually using the Military Secret Services Anti Terrorism powers to do this, it would be unbelievable were it not true.

    Why the blinking heck they simply don't just apologise I cannot understand, as the victims of these disgusting crimes were never any threat to anyone. They have spent far more money trying to cover up and cover up and cover up this shit than if they had simply paid compensation to all the victims of the origional crimes, it isn't even good economic sense, it is something a complete bonehead might dream up as a way of dealing with problems.

  42. I never even wanted compensation in the first place. I simply wanted an apology and for them to leave me and my family alone, for the persecution to stop, and for them to put right the wrong.

    Instead, they tried to destroy me. The Lord has stood in their way, just like Balaams donkey.

    They should have apologised and stop persecuting me and my family. They should not have treated any of the child abuse victims like this, they have done this to so many people.

    They are boneheads and bullies.

  43. As my regular readers will know, I have been having trouble with my Hotmail account for quite a long time now.

    Every time I try to access Hotmail account Windows closes down and reopens, and I get an error message. The same thing happens when I try to access certain sites, what I would call Whistleblower sites ie the blog site of Stuart Syvret, to give an example. It does not happen for every site.

    This strongly suggests to me (stings should be the word I think) that some creepy hacker is piddling round with my site, someone who is trying to shut up whistleblowers.

  44. Sorry, I meant stinks, not stings.

    Anyway, here is what I have found in my inbox this morning. A reply to this hotmail that I sent via WHAT DO THEY KNOW to Gerald Jones.

    I do not think Gerald Jones is the person who sent the reply. I think someone else is sending hotmails pretending that he is Gerald Jones, a hacker. That is what I think.

    Here is what I sent:

    Gerald Jones,

    I note that Ganesh Sittampalam has removed some of the information on your FOI request.

    Please look at this:



    Barbara Richards

  45. And here is the reply I just recieved via Hotmail:

    Dear Barbara,

    I'm sorry but I do not have any problems with Ganesh or any of the moderators on the WDTK website. All of the annotations removed, including my own, deserved to be removed. Sadly there has been an influx of what I can only describe as conspiracy theorists on the WDTK site. These people have been making claims that are factually incorrect and if a vulnerable person who is not familiar with the law acted on them would end up in considerable trouble and possibly have their benefits stopped. Others are making ludicrous statements that have no relation to obtaining information under the FOIA.

    I suggest that you look up and consider Occam's Razor. The chances of any government or any large organisation being able to hide such conspiracies as those being suggested is zero.

    Kind regards
    G Jones

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. After reading that email that has been fraudulently sent using Gerald Jones stolen identity, I changed my mind and published the anonymous post - but I know who sent it, and I think my readers will work it out too, very easily, because the person who has tried to pull this latest trick is a BONEHEAD with a very rich and powerful daddy and a crap train set.


    Now can people understand what Jesus was saying, and why we must be 100% against taking the law into our own hands?

  48. barbara i copied this from an internal booklet on security issues i hope it comes out ok

    dissidents and those whom the government thinks may be involved in alternative issues such as health disarmaent or disrupting the gay agenda are targeted by a longtime surveillance system called mail covers, a forerunner of a vastly more expansive effort, the Mail Isolation Control and Tracking program, in which Postal Service computers photograph the exterior of every piece of paper mail that is processed — about 120 billion pieces last year. It is not known how long the government saves the images.
    also in use is the ultra violet light scans of mail this is believed to show the writing inside letters, Peter mandelson gave Rupert Murdoch permission to open huge amounts of mail and tapp thousands of phones, this info is said to be for mossad.
    Together, the mail programs show that postal mail is subject to the same kind of scrutiny that the National Security Agency has given to telephone calls and e-mail.
    barbara it is said anti pedophile activists are terorists as they resist the governments homosexual agenda


    I don't need to refer to Occams Razor.

    The Word of God is the absolute truth.

    I suggest you read the Holy Bible and repent of persecuting vulnerable people and stealing other peoples identities to post Hotmail messages to other people, and messages on peoples blog posts encouraging them to commit criminal acts of arson, and I also suggest you give your father a copy and urge him to repent of the crimes he and his friends have been committing.

    God did say that the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, 1 Timothy 6 v 10.

  50. The reason the blog post I refused at first to publish in full (because of the encouragement to commit a criminal offence in it) has come after the edited version of that post is because that is the way Blogger works, sorry if anyone is confused about this.

  51. "barbara i copied this from an internal booklet on security issues i hope it comes out ok"


    dissidents and those whom the government thinks may be involved in alternative issues such as health disarmaent or disrupting the gay agenda are targeted by a longtime surveillance system called mail covers, a forerunner of a vastly more expansive effort, the Mail Isolation Control and Tracking program, in which Postal Service computers photograph the exterior of every piece of paper mail that is processed — about 120 billion pieces last year. It is not known how long the government saves the images.
    also in use is the ultra violet light scans of mail this is believed to show the writing inside letters, Peter mandelson gave Rupert Murdoch permission to open huge amounts of mail and tapp thousands of phones, this info is said to be for mossad.
    Together, the mail programs show that postal mail is subject to the same kind of scrutiny that the National Security Agency has given to telephone calls and e-mail.
    barbara it is said anti pedophile activists are terorists as they resist the governments homosexual agenda

  52. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  53. I removed the last anonymous comment as I the person who sent it did not include the source, so I had no way of checking if it was true.

    If they want to resend it, with the source I will be happy to repost it.
