Tuesday 24 September 2013


Wouldn't the lack of certainty make them agnostic? The atheists i knew, almost all of them, said there was no god. They didn't say they did not believe in god, they said there is no god, as fact, like they had discovered it to be true.

Maybe it is less about testing you for results and more about seeing you grow as a person, see you develop and learn things for yourself. Also people helping each other out builds bonds between each other, maybe he wants us not only to be evolved but also to come to create bonds of fellowship, and choose who you want as companions. All just theories, but they seem to make sense to me.

If I was a terrible person I think that god should find a way to fix me, find a way to teach me the right ways to live. One of the many things i disagree with that is in the bible is god throwing people into a fiery pit of hell for all eternity, if there was a hell it would not be a place of eternal torture, it would be a temporary place of learning, to give people another chance. Why would god create men and than throw away some of them into a pit of fire, that is wasteful, and why create them to begin with if he knows that they will end up wasted anyways? I have more questions about god than answers, and i know that i disagree with much of the bible, but i still believe he more possible than impossible.


That was written on a pro-paedophile blog called Boychat by a poster who calls himself Sir Sympathy. It's very clear to me that this person has not read the Bible properly, and does not understand what the Bible says concerning healing forgiveness redemption and eternal damnation. I will try to explain.

The Lord God made this planet, along with everything else, the whole universe, all the stars and everything in space. He made all the animals and plants, and he made man in his own image, and a wife for that man to love and cherish, Adam and Eve. But Eve listened to lies about God, was tempted to take what did not belong to her, tempted her own husband and they were decieved. They lost their innocence that day - they hurt God. They did a selfish thing to the one who had given them so much. I don't know if they fully realised what they did.

God was friends with his creation. He walked and talked with him in the evening. How can you be friends with someone who has listened to lies about you, lies that encourage you to steal from you?

People talk about an apple, it wasn't an apple they stole at all, it was the fruit of the knowledge of Good and Evil. The devil told them they would not die if they stole it - that was a lie - they died the second they bit into it! They were tempted to steal it to be like God - THEY ALREADY WERE LIKE GOD - MADE IN HIS IMAGE!

They were made in Gods image, but they were tempted into wanting more - they were tempted to actually be God. They were like a little boy and a little girl, getting into their parents wardrobe, taking Dads credit card to spend on sweets, putting on Mums high heeled shoes and lipstick. They took what had been forbidden - with good reason - to them.

God talked with man in the evening. God was sharing his knowledge already! They didn't have to steal it!

The devil hates God. He brought mankind into his own argument with God. Satan was the brightest angel of all, but he wanted Gods worship, he wasn't content with being a creation. Satan has done everything he can to bring the whole of mankind into rebellion against God. Look at it, what the world has become.

"If I was a terrible person I think that god should find a way to fix me, find a way to teach me the right ways to live."

The Lord Jesus Christ died for all of us, so we could be redeemed. That even includes repentant paedophiles.

"One of the many things i disagree with that is in the bible is god throwing people into a fiery pit of hell for all eternity"

Sir Sympathy is right on this point. God won't throw anyone into a fiery pit of hell. We are all already standing on the fiery pit of hell - it's just that the funeral pyre isn't lit just yet. This earth is going to become that fiery inescapable pit of hell. We Christians aren't waiting for Jesus to come back to wreak vengeance on those who persecute us at all - He's coming to take us away from the terrible end!

It's very important to read the Bible properly, with a humble heart open to the Word of God. You can make a lot of mistakes understanding it if you don't do that.


  1. Anyone who wants to be saved has to ask the Lord Jesus Christ to save them. A priest can't do that for you, you have to do it your own self.

    And you have to be honest to God - its a waste of time otherwise as God can see everything, He can read your very heart.

    You have to truly want to put right any wrong you have done to God and your fellow human beings - and that is the hard part. That is true repentance. It takes courage and faith. You have to turn away from your sins. If you're doing things God hates you have to stop doing them, and be truly sorry for what you have done.

  2. but why would gad say you can eat the fruit of any tree, except dont eat that apple ?
    if he was god he would have known they would want to eat it, wasnt that wicked of god to do that ?
    The philosopher Empedocles said the original sin was the killing and eating of gods animals, and that makes more sense to me,than a damned apple

  3. Did you see that about the christian couple who ran a B & B
    and refused a couple of homosexuals
    a room for the night to do their stuff, they took the christians to court and bankrupted them, what vicious and fithy people they are.
    The bible tells us quite plainly this is wrong.

  4. Barbara i am upset, we were talking about the pindown scandal, and one of the other wiorkers whos homposexual came into the conversation and then said
    " whats wrong with nobbing small boys then ? some of thes ekids earn damn good money from their bottoms "
    i felt sick and i could not speak

  5. "but why would gad say you can eat the fruit of any tree, except dont eat that apple ?
    if he was god he would have known they would want to eat it, wasnt that wicked of god to do that ?
    The philosopher Empedocles said the original sin was the killing and eating of gods animals, and that makes more sense to me,than a damned apple "

    No, it wasn't wicked of God, it's his world, he made it, and us, so He can do what he likes with it, and with us.

    But God loves us, He's told us that over and over and over again, and showed us as well, by laying down his own life for us, 2000 years ago.

    We murdered God, human beings killed God, not the lions, not the tigers, not the mosquitos, us, it was people who plotted against God and crucified him, our human being ancestors.

    It wasn't an apple, it was the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. God said our ancestors could eat of any tree in the garden except just that one. It was paradise!

    Adam and Eve should have oneyed God, they knew it was wrong.

    Its like nowadays, we tell our children not to take drugs. If they go and do it and end up dead of drug overdose, who is to blame? The parents, for not locking the kids up and following them around all day and night in case they take drugs? What do you think?

  6. "Adam and Eve should have oneyed God, they knew it was wrong. "

    I meant obeyed

  7. I was not abused asa child but as an adult. I tooka job asa postwoman
    delivering mail, the sorting offce manager bullied me and told me he would fudge up some reason to sack me if i did not come across for him
    after some weeks i found out he was doing this to other women there too.
    Norfolk england is a hard place to find work and we were all afraid of losing our jobs, and the trade union did not want to know
    it was a horrible episode in my life

  8. I was abused as an adult as well, I was working for a pittance at a lithographic printing workshop in Stone and the boss kept touching me up, even as I stood at the silk screen trying to do the job he was paying me for. It was horrible, as I desperatly needed the pittance he was paying me, it was about £30 per week, barely enough to live on, and I tried to just shrug what he was doing off, but it made me feel like a piece of rubbish.

    So I know how you feel. I think a lot of people who were abused as children go on to be abused as adults.

  9. http://snippits-and-slappits.blogspot.co.uk/2013/09/ontario-sex-education-designed-by.html

    Thanks for the link.

    But I'm still not going to blame one religious group for the abuse. I don't think its as simple as that.

    The wicked ones are in all the organisations, like Jesus said, like weeks in the harvest. You can't just blame one group.
