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40, Great Ormond Street Hospital Children's Charity, Simon Kaston, Artist Liaison Manager ... 61, NSPCC, Tom Haughton, Artist & Ambassador Liaison Officer ...

18 April 2012 Last updated at 15:36 Share this pageEmail Print Share this page

132ShareFacebookTwitter.Great Ormond Street Hospital 'victimising concerned staff'By Tim Donovan

Political Editor, BBC London

Great Ormond Street Hospital has an international reputation for excellence in children's health care Continue reading the main story
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Great Ormond Street Hospital is facing accusations that it is downgrading child protection work and "victimising" staff who raise concerns.

Doctors claim the hospital has ignored warnings about the reduction in its specialist expertise in diagnosing abuse.

According to the former head of its radiology department, its withdrawal of services since the death of Baby Peter is putting children's safety at risk.

And a senior Conservative MP has also criticised the hospital over its treatment of another consultant, who was accused of falsifying expenses.

Former head of radiology Professor Christine Hall says the hospital has withdrawn from vital child protection work since the Peter Connelly - Baby P - case.

Radiologists at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) were relied upon to give their expert opinion on child abuse cases to doctors around the country.

From X-rays, they made judgements on whether injuries could be accidental or not. But they are now turning away requests for second opinions.

Professor Hall says she was referred scores of cases each year, many complex and time-consuming, which often involved preparation of reports for court cases.

She said: "Other people might be tempted to improve what we're doing, but it seems the opposite case here. They just wanted to withdraw from anything to do with child abuse.

Peter Connelly's mother, her boyfriend and his brother were convicted of causing his death in 2008
"I found this quite horrifying. It was an impossible situation to be in and whoever had dreamt this up obviously had no idea what it involved.

"The consultants were told they could no longer accept referrals of possible child abuse cases. I was shocked. This was the whole reason for Great Ormond Street existing, to help with difficult cases and to provide opinions for court appearances and things like that."

She claims concerns raised by staff about downgrading the service have not been treated appropriately.

"I think complaints are not listened to, not taken seriously, ignored, and often the person doing the complaining had been victimised."

Great Ormond Street say it had become "custom and practice" for Professor Hall to see cases referred by other hospitals, but this was stopped after she left in 2006, before Baby Peter died.

In a statement, they said: "Following her retirement, the radiology team decided, with management support, to stop accepting external requests for 'radiology only' second opinions because the hospital does not have an A&E and therefore, in the department's view, it was not an appropriate focus for the radiology department.

"Child protection work is a core part of the role of all paediatric radiologists, and GOSH is no exception."

Further concerns have been raised about the reduction of specialist work in the radiology department.

Karen Rosendahl was one of a three-member team, specialising in multi-skeletal (MSK) radiology. Since she left two years ago there have been no MSK specialists and the work is done by radiologists with general skills. She claims it has led to recent misdiagnosis of children.

"I have concerns about children's safety. One particular case was misdiagnosed and had the wrong sort of treatment. Another case was misdiagnosed as abuse when it wasn't abuse".

Great Ormond Street rejects this. It said: "Any concern raised by staff at Great Ormond Street is taken very seriously. We encourage staff to raise concerns.

Lib Dem minister Lynne Featherstone claimed there had been a "cover-up"
"On investigation we have found no evidence of any risk to patient safety."

At the time of Peter Connelly's death in August 2007, Great Ormond Street was responsible for child protection in Haringey, and recruited the locum, Dr Sabah Al-Zayyat, who examined the toddler two days before he died.

Last year Home Office Minister Lynne Featherstone claimed there had been a "cover-up" after it emerged the hospital withheld details of its failings from the original enquiry.

Criticisms were contained in a confidential report into Dr Al-Zayyat and the St Ann's clinic where she worked, but a number were not passed on to the serious case review.

The Sibert report - as it became known - revealed a shortage of staff, lack of nursing support and poor access to medical records. Consultants at the clinic had warned about the same problems a year before.

A BBC documentary reveals key failings - identified by Sibert - also didn't appear in a second serious case review. And the hospital pressurised the health regulator not to make criticisms in the Sibert report public.

Social care expert Professor Ray Jones said: "If at any point in time there's been deliberate editing and exclusion to make sure that information doesn't transfer from one stage of the process to another then that has got to be a cause of concern because you have disrupted and destroyed the purpose of the process."

Acrimonious dispute

Great Ormond Street says it withheld information from the first serious case review for legal reasons and to preserve confidentiality but gave the full unredacted Sibert report to the second serious case review.

Details have also emerged of an acrimonious four-year dispute involving another senior radiologist and Great Ormond Street.

Dr Cathy Owens faced an allegation of fraud in 2008 over her claims for reimbursement of the congestion charge. She was made to pay back the money but Great Ormond Street chose not to take disciplinary action at the time.

In 2010 she lodged a grievance about her treatment by the hospital. A few weeks later she was reported to the General Medical Council (GMC) by some of her own colleagues. They resurrected the previous investigation into her expenses as a basis for their referral.

Conservative MP Sir Peter Bottomley says the GMC should not have been involved, and has criticised the hospital for allowing it.

He said: "As soon as the hospital knew that there had been a referral of Dr Owens, it should have intervened and said this is a dead issue.

"Whatever the rights and wrongs may have been just over two years ago, it's not a matter to bring up in public now, it clearly doesn't affect a doctor's fitness to practice, it's been disposed of."

'Pure victimisation'

The GMC has now dropped the case, saying there was no prospect of proving dishonesty, and questioned why it was "silent for well over two years" before a formal complaint was made.

Professor Hall claims Dr Owens was targeted unfairly.

She said: "I think this is pure victimisation of Cathy Owens. My view is that they are trying to persuade her by one means or another to resign."

Great Ormond Street said it did not take disciplinary action against Dr Owens initially because it wanted to avoid further disruption in the radiology department. It says it was obliged to pass all information on to the GMC, after her referral.

"We were bound to ensure that the General Medical Council received a clear, transparent and accurate account of all the key evidence."

Great Ormond Street Hospital is broadcast on BBC One London on 18 April at 19:30 BST and nationwide on the iPlayer for seven days thereafter.


  1. Does anyone know what an Artist Liason Manager actually does?

  2. I can only find this:

    Liaison officer

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    A liaison officer or LNO is a person that liaises between two organizations to communicate and coordinate their activities. Generally, they are used to achieve the best utilization of resources or employment of services of one organization by another. In the military, liaison officers may coordinate activities to protect units from collateral damage. They also work to achieve mutual understanding or unity of effort among disparate groups.[1] For incident or disaster management, liaison officers serve as the primary contact for agencies responding to the situation. Liaison officers often provide technical or subject matter expertise of their parent organization. Usually an organization embeds liaison officers in other organizations to provide face-to-face coordination.

  3. Now I've found this:

    JOB TITLE: Artist Liaison Manager (Maternity Cover) GRADE: 5 DEPT/TEAM: CEO Department – Artist Liaison Team REPORTING TO: Head of Artist Liaison
    Comic Relief’s mission - to create positive change through the power of entertainment, is only achievable through the support of celebrities as ambassadors, entertainers, media spokespeople, public fundraising motivators, merchandising and product endorsers and as awareness raising educators in a wide range of projects. They not only help us to raise cash for Red Nose Day and Sport Relief but also influence the debates on debt, trade justice, domestic violence and elder abuse, amongst many others.
    The Artist Liaison team manage the relationship with celebrities and their agents in order to deliver both our campaign and larger corporate objectives; strengthening and developing the professional relationship between the artists/agents and Comic Relief and working together to think strategically about how these relationships can benefit Comic Relief’s work. The Artist Liaison team is led by the Head of Artist Liaison, who reports directly to the CEO and consists of a team of Officers and Assistants who are employed to work on individual Comic Relief campaigns each year. The Manager will provide the essential link between developing and delivering the artist relationship strategy for the organisation.
    To manage the Artist Liaison team at Comic Relief and lead in the development and implementation of procedures and processes for effective artist management in response to the needs of all departments across Comic Relief. To work in partnership with the Head of Artist Liaison to develop and implement across the organisation, creative and innovative strategies for utilising Comic Relief’s relationships with celebrities.
    1. Artist Liaison Team
    Line manage the Artist Liaison team (four Officers, two Assistants and three interns) to deliver the objectives set out in the operational plan and with the team:
     Develop and manage the processes and systems for effectively communicating information about artists and the priorities for their involvement with Comic Relief
     Maintain and strengthen existing key relationships and develop new opportunities with artists and agents
     Develop new key relationships with artists and agents
     Oversee the responsibility for ensuring all artists are briefed fully about Comic Relief and key issues when agreeing to support us
     Manage artists’ attendance at events and ensure that artists and agents are appropriately thanked and kept informed
     Manage the responsibility for creating and maintaining accurate and accessible records of artist/agent involvement with Comic Relief (using database and paper based systems as required)
     Ensure that other users of the database system are fully trained and briefed and that records remain up-to-date
    2. Working across the organisation
     Work with managers and teams across the organisation to develop and implement procedures and processes to ensure effective internal communication around requesting and prioritising the use of artist to support the work of Comic Relief
     Work across the organisation to ensure that relationships with artists and agents are maintained, managed, developed and utilised in line with Comic Relief’s artist relationship strategy
     Provide specialist advice across the organisation about artist use and ensure that decisions made by the Artist Liaison team are informed by up to date knowledge of the work and priorities of other Comic Relief teams.

  5. 3. Project Management
     Take the lead on managing specific projects under the direction of the Head of Artist Liaison. These include:
    o SING Campaign with the Annie Lennox Foundation
    o Comic Relief 365 Artist Strategy
    o Cross-organisational projects to deliver key aspects of Comic Relief’s campaigns, which rely heavily on artist involvement
    o Specific projects within the Red Nose Day and/or Sport Relief campaigns
    4. General
     Be self-servicing with administration
     Undertake any appropriate work delegated by the Head of Artist Liaison
     Look for and use any opportunity that presents itself to support the organisation’s drive for sponsorship both for cash donations and gifts in kind
     Participate and contribute to the Chief Executive’s Office department taking an active role in team development
     Actively work with other teams to reinforce constructive cross-organisational working, share priorities, tackling and working to find solutions to organisational issues (as appropriate).
     Support the effort to ensure that as much of our work as possible is sponsored by actively pursuing opportunities in everyday work.
     Promote the values of Comic Relief through participation in organisational initiatives and by taking actions wherever possible to support the Comic Relief Promise.

  6. I would imagine with GOSH and a lot of other charities its someone who spends their life trying to get celebrities to come and see the kids/fundraise/be patron etc. They do seem to get quite a lot of celebrites in GOSH. Have done for years. No doubt someone has the job of ringing agents.

  7. I can't publish that post about Russell Brand without a link to the source, sorry.

  8. I heard after the death of Jimmy saville mother, he asked for time to be alone in with her and locked the door,? afterwards we beleived he had intercourse with the body.

  9. I've heard that too, but I don't know wether to believe it or not, as I think the necromania accusation might be a false trail planted by the paedos top cover up the crimes THEY have all committed against children.

    Jimmy Saville was a horrible man, but I find it a big stretch of the imagination to be asked to believe that he had sex with his own dead mother.

  10. As for Russell Brand, my opinion of him is this:

    He is a very funny stand up comedian - he did make me laugh out loud with some of his Ponderland programs. Sadly, he is also quite disgusting and disrespectful - I remember the colour card he had, to compare the colour of his fathers willy. If I had been his mother, he would have got such a bawling out over that it probably would have been heard from outer space.

    I think its rather sad that he feels (in my opinion, wrongly) that he has to sink into toilet humour to be a good stand up comedian.It's a pity, as he really is very funny and on the ball at times.

    Although I think he is very sharp and clever as a comedian, I also think he is probably rather vulnerable and naive in some ways. I also think he is surrounded by a lot fawning people with bad intent.

    Thats my opinion of Russell Brand. Incidentally, I don't blame him one little bit for feeling disillusioned over politics, and not knowing who the heck to vote for.

  11. Please could you post the link to that Russell Brand comment, thanks.

    I've found this:,d.d2k

    In his autobiography, Russell even told how, when he was 16, his dad took him to Thailand and immediately hired three prostitutes – two for Ron, one for him.

    After a period of not speaking, the pair are now back in touch.

  12. The police have just announced that Saviles closeness to Maggie Thatcher Edward heath and the Royals wa scoincidental and they did not know what he was.
    Well before anyone meets the royals or top brass they are security vetted so they did know.
    saviles chauffuer has taken his own life but he did say that on TV when ever savile used the term boys and girls... he would wink at a cameraan who was in the know

  13. "saviles chauffuer has taken his own life"

    Good grief!

  14. A former driver charged with sex offences as part of the investigation triggered by allegations of abuse against Jimmy Savile has been found dead.

    David Smith, 66, was the first person to be charged by officers from the Metropolitan Police's Operation Yewtree investigation.

    He had pleaded not guilty in July to two counts of indecent assault and two of gross indecency on a child following his arrest in December.

    Smith leaving court in May
    But he failed to turn up at Southwark Crown Court in London on Monday for the start of his trial, prompting police to go to his home in Effingham Road, Lewisham.

    Scotland Yard said: "At approximately 14:20 officers entered the address and found the body of a man. A FME (forensic medical examiner) attended and pronounced the man dead at the scene. Next of kin are being informed."

    A post mortem was being carried out on the body.

    Smith's barrister, Sandy Canavan, had told the court she was "concerned" that her solicitor had been unable to contact him ahead of the trial as she had regularly been in touch with him.

    She told the court Smith was the sole carer for his elderly mother.

    Police have separated the Yewtree investigation into three parts, the first concerned with the actions of Savile, while the second concerns allegations against what has become known as 'Savile and others'.

    Smith was investigated under the third strand, concerning accusations of sexual abuse unconnected to Savile, but made by people who came forward following publicity surrounding the Savile allegations.

    Court documents said there was "no evidence to suggest any connection" between Smith and Savile, although the former "was contracted to work as a driver for the BBC in the relevant period".

    The BBC, however, said it had not found any record of Smith working for the corporation.

    "On searches carried out to date, we have not found any record of David Smith being employed by or working for the BBC. We have been assisting the police in relation to David Smith and will continue to do so," a spokesman said.



  16. Barabara some people put their names and emails on their comments, please remove these
    as the Government want to collect these names.
    Remember it is not anti semitic to fight child abuse,
    its child protection

  17. I am always very suspicious when anonymous people come onto my blog to posts comments asking me to remove posts.

  18. ps My name isn't Barabara, it is Barbara.

    Neither is it Babs.

  19. Don't take any notice of these silly people (if you can all them that) Barbara.

    The hole they are digging themselves into is getting deeper and deeper by the month. They must be getting very exhausted have to cover their backs all the time. All we have to do is just wait patiently for the truth to be told.

    What a right Royal c*ckup they are making of things. Remain calm and play the waiting game.

    There Zionist master will treat them like beasts of burden when they have done their dirty work for them. They are merely gentiles doing the dirty work for their masters. What a surprise they will have when they are locked down into submission when their duty is over.

    Relax in the light Barbara and soak up the light of experience, peace and happiness and never let anyone get you down again.

    ahimsa (Sew to your hearts content, love the crafts blog :) )

  20. "The hole they are digging themselves into is getting deeper and deeper by the month. They must be getting very exhausted have to cover their backs all the time. All we have to do is just wait patiently for the truth to be told."

    Yes, and the Bible says that will happen. I remember how they mocked me and tried to intimidate me for clinging on to the Word of God, now I know the truth of the passage "Man does not live by bread alone, but from every word that proceeds from the mouth of God", my faith has kept me strong through so much that my soul feared would crush me. I really do feel that I have been to hell and back. I will never forget how I was treated in the Secret Family Courts, and in the Pindown "home", I never want to forget those things, painful as they are, if I forget those things how can I shine my little light for all the other people who have been abused and are so frightened?

    Sometimes I have thought how easy it would be for me to just take the prescription drugs that GP's keep foisting onto me, the Prozacs and the other crap, the medical coshes. Theres a small part of me that would like to just forget all this crap, that would like to turn inward and blame my own self for all the abusive crap that has happened, just bury it. But I know if I did that my soul would die, my spark would go out like a candle flame.

  21. "Sew to your hearts content, love the crafts blog "

    Thanks. I have just started a new Book of Joy (as I call it) I write little poems about the little things that happen, silly little things that make my heart leap with joy, for instance, watching the swifts, a dragonfly late in the season, little things like that. I've discovered children's coloured pencils are more convenient to carry around than a box of watercolours because you dont have to wait ages for each wash to dry. I bought a light box yesterday in a charity shop so that I can have a go at animation, like The Snowman (Raymond Briggs)

    I haven't posted on the craft blog for a while, perhaps I need to do that now, because I really don't think I can do any more exposing of bad uns, and I feel the Lord is just wanting me to rest in Him now, just like you say, do my crafts and let it go now, give my burden to the Lord and let Him deal with it.

    But I will never ever (God help me) ever pretend that what happened didn't happen, or take any of those brain numbing prescription drugs or NLP brainwaswhing "therapy".

  22. We knew ages back in our office that the DJ Paul Gambacini did a deal with poilce for immunity from prosectution if he dished the dirt on Jimmy saville.
    But police have now said the evidence was over too longa period and too serious for Gambacini to be let off, and he has now been charged with multiple boy-nobbing offences

  23. I'm just waiting for the Operation Ore gangsters to be arrested, because they're the ones who covered up HDLG and Stafford Pindown and other Pindown round the UK.
