Thursday 26 December 2013


The murder of Hilda Murrell, an abiding mystery?

John Osmond 5 December 2011

Subjects:Democracy and government
Civil society

The grotesque murder of a 78 year old rose-growing spinster continues to grip attention in Britain after 27 years - and this is why....

A Thorn In Their Side by Robert Green, published by Rata Books of New Zealand and is available online (NZ$60, including p@p) through accessing Robert Green’s website

There are many layers to unravel about the grotesque murder of a 78 year old rose-growing spinster in Shrewsbury 27 years ago. The first lies in the character and campaign of the extraordinary woman at the centre of what became a murderous melodrama, Hilda Murrell. She was among the first women to graduate from Cambridge, obtaining her degree in 1927, after which she returned home to Shrewsbury, eventually to take over the family horticultural business. In her later years she became much exercised by the dangers of the nuclear industry. At the time of her violent death she was about to give detailed evidence to the inquiry into the proposed Sizewell B nuclear reactor in East Anglia.

Hilda had two major concerns with nuclear power. First, the by-product of its generation is plutonium, a highly hazardous material which will create radioactive fallout should there be a breach in safety. Secondly, this nuclear waste needs to be stored for hundreds if not thousands of years in a secure environment – typically below ground – before its radioactivity diminishes to safe levels. The continuing relevance, indeed urgency, of Hilda’s concerns was demonstrated in March this year when catastrophe struck Japan following the earthquake and tsunami that eviscerated the nuclear power plants at Fukushima. Two thousand square kilometres of land were contaminated. Radioactive caesium from the disaster is still circulating in the currents of the Pacific Ocean and will return to the shores of Japan in 20 or 30 years time.

Will Fukushima be allowed to fade in the memory just as have the Three Mile Island nuclear reactor meltdown in Pennsylvania in 1979, and the Chernobyl disaster in the Ukraine in 1986? Not if the memory of Hilda Murrell has anything to do with it.

A second layer in the story surrounding Hilda’s death was the military and political events that became closely associated with the event. In December 1984 the Labour MP Tam Dalyell got up during an all-night sitting of the House of Commons and announced that “men of British Intelligence” had been involved in her murder nine months before. How could this be?

The link, or coincidence, was the fact that Hilda’s nephew, Commander Robert Green had been part of the naval intelligence operation at Northwood, London, at the time of the Falklands War in May 1982. He was one of only 20 or so people who knew the detailed circumstances around the sinking of the Argentine cruiser General Belgrano. It was torpedoed by the British nuclear submarine HMS Conqueror on 2 May 1982, with the loss of 321 Argentine lives.

In the months that followed Tam Dalyell pursued the truth behind the sinking with dogged tenacity. He became convinced that Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher had authorised the attack in order to precipitate an all-out conflict and secure the victory that propelled her to success in the 1983 general election. Intelligence that was leaked to him revealed that at the time it was attacked the Belgrano was steaming away from the exclusion zone that Britain had placed around the Falklands, and so could not be claimed to be presenting a threat to British forces.

In early 1984 Dalyell’s Parliamentary questions about the episode, fuelled by persistent leaks, threatened to completely undermine the government’s position on the Belgrano. There was growing anxiety within No 10 about the source of the leaks. Then, on 19 March 1984 – two days before Hilda Murrell was abducted from her home in Shrewsbury – Dalyell hand-delivered a letter to Michael Heseltine, then Secretary of State for Defence, in which he asked nine new questions about the Belgrano’s exact position and movements, indicating that it was steaming away from the Falklands.

For those who subsequently investigated Hilda Murrell’s murder one proposition became that her nephew Robert Green would have been subject to investigation as a potential source of the leaks. After all, he was among only a handful who had intimate knowledge of the details around the Belgrano’s sinking. It was later revealed that objectors at the Sizewell nuclear inquiry had been subjected to investigation and surveillance by private investigators. The theory gained ground that this provided further evidence to support the suggestion that Hilda Murrell would have been caught up in the search for who was leaking information about the Belgrano. Would her nephew have left papers with her for safe-keeping?

Put in this compressed way the question sounds so far-fetched as to be absurd. However, a reading of Robert Green’s recently published book A Thorn in Their Side – the Hilda Murrell Murder which traces his 27-year quest for the killer or killers of his aunt, may well persuade you otherwise. For one thing, Green himself was initially extremely reluctant to pursue let alone believe this theory. If true it would mean that, however, indirectly, he was in some way responsible for his aunt’s death. Instead, for many years he was convinced that Hilda had been killed because of the threat she posed to the nuclear industry.

In his book Robert Green constructs a scenario, based on evidence accumulated over many years – much of which, it has to be said, is largely circumstantial – which points to Hilda’s murder being the result of a bungled surveillance exercise aimed at discovering whether he was responsible for leaking evidence about the sinking of the Belgrano. As time passes it becomes ever more difficult to pin down what exactly happened. One potential source of enlightenment would be if Tam Dalyell would finally reveal the identity of the “reliable source” who first told him that British Intelligence were involved in Hilda Murrell’s murder. That source has died, as has his widow. Dalyell has contacted the family who have requested that he keep his commitment of secrecy. In his book Green quotes Dalyell as telling him, “As a man of my word, I will carry this man’s name to my grave.”

A third layer surrounding the murder of Hilda Murrell is the behaviour of the West Mercia police who investigated the affair. Throughout they have clung to the belief that the bizarre sequence of events that accompanied the killing was the responsibility of a lone walk-in burglar. However, Robert Green’s book raises a raft of questions that throw substantial doubt on this theory. In the concluding chapter he summarises fifty outstanding concerns and unanswered questions about Hilda’s case.

Consider: on the late morning of Wednesday 21 March 1984 Hilda Murrell returns home from a shopping trip to disturb an intruder or intruders in her home. Following a struggle in which there is evidence that she is assaulted, she is bundled into her car parked on the drive alongside her house. She is then driven through the middle of Shrewsbury town centre past the police station. She is slumped in the passenger seat and is wearing a floppy hat that covers her face. The driver is reported to be in his late twenties or early thirties with short light brown hair and a clean-shaven appearance.

There are more the 20 witnesses to the car’s progress as it passes through the town and is then driven erratically into the countryside beyond. After a few miles the car swerves in a narrow lane, crashes and comes to rest on a wide verge off the road. The driver’s door is jammed against a low grassy wall in a way that prevents it being opened. Hilda Murrell manages to grab the car keys and leave the car. Staggering off she places the keys in her pocket where they are later found.

The driver follows her after exiting through the passenger door. He catches her up and drags her through a gateway into a field across the road. Here Hilda is assaulted again, losing her hat and spectacles. Then she is either dragged across a large ploughed field and dumped in a copse about half-a-mile away, or just left against the hedge at the side of the field and later crawls into the copse by herself.

In any event three days later, on the morning of Saturday 24 March 1984 Hilda’s body is discovered by the police in the copse. A post-mortem finds that her torso has been stabbed several times and her hands are cut, revealing signs of a struggle. However, death was the result of hypothermia and she died at some time between the Wednesday and Friday nights.

All these are the police assumptions of what happened. In 2005, after they had re-opened the case they secured a conviction. Their alleged culprit was Andrew George who at the time of the murder had been a 16-year-old truant from a home for looked after children in Shrewsbury. Despite all the improbabilities, including the facts that at the time George was unable to drive and that he did not fit witness descriptions of the driver of the car, he was convicted at the High Court in Stafford on the basis of DNA evidence found in Hilda Murrell’s house. He is currently serving a 13-year sentence

Robert Green’s new book provides evidence that George’s conviction is likely to be unsafe. This is because subsequent to the trial and appeal it emerged that some DNA evidence that was discovered was not put to the jury by the prosecution. This was DNA on the underside of Hilda’s fingernails from a male that did not match that of Andrew George.

So, although the DNA evidence – and also fingerprints – prove that Andrew George entered Hilda Murrell’s house at some point on the Wednesday or Thursday, no doubt with the intention of stealing whatever he could find, it is also possible, if not probable, that as a result he found himself caught up with events and people over which he had no control. Indeed, new evidence revealed in Robert Green’s book suggests this is the case.

In his book Robert Green calls for George’s release and for a Commission of Inquiry into the case, led by an independent figure who has no connection either with the police or the British security system. I would suggest that figure should be Michael Mansfield QC who provides an important Foreword to Robert Green’s book.

I first became aware of the murder of Hilda Murrell in May 1984 when the late Gerard Morgan Grenville, founder of the Centre for Alternative Technology at Machynlleth, suggested that Wales This Week, the HTV Wales programme I was then working for, should look into it. He had known Hilda for some years and was advising her on the paper she was preparing to put to the Sizewell B nuclear reactor inquiry. In February 1984, a few weeks before her death, he had taken a phone call from Hilda at his home near Crickhowell. At the end of an unusually long call, which lasted about half-an-hour, she had uttered what became fateful words, “If they don’t get me first, I want the world to know that one old woman has seen through their lies.”

Gerard put me in touch with Robert Green and I began an investigation that led to us producing three programmes that were broadcast during the first half of 1985, and then a fourth in 1994, on the tenth anniversary of the murder. Our programmes focused mainly on the improbable events that surrounded the first three days of the affair, and especially the lost 24 hours following Hilda’s abduction when the police failed to follow up repeated calls about her abandoned car. The car was reported to the police within hours of it crashing at around 1.30pm on the Wednesday. It was seen by two local people who discussed the car on the phone before agreeing that one of them should report it to the police. It is acknowledged that the first 24 hours following a murder are likely to prove the most productive in any murder investigation, after which the trail becomes increasingly cold.

When I was investigating the case I repeatedly contacted the police asking for a background briefing and an interview but was refused. On the evening before the transmission of our first programme, at about 8pm, while we were editing the film, I took a call from the police in Shrewsbury. They were now very anxious to see us, they said. When I told them the prpgramme would be broadcast the following night they said it was vital they should see us first. They would travel down to Cardiff o see us by 9am the following morning.

Two officers duly arrived and spoke with myself, the reporter on the programme David Williams, and HTV’s solicitor for several hours. They were very concerned, they said, that we had filmed inside Hilda Murrell’s home. They were worried that we might reveal details that would interfere with their conduct of the case. They wanted to hold back some information so they could check the veracity of witnesses and suspects. We agreed to most of their requests, as is usually done by journalists when a police investigation is underway. But we also took the opportunity of questioning the police about their handling of the inquiry.

Their demeanour surprised us. Normally, the police are brisk and businesslike when dealing with journalists. They have the information. Usually they are looking for the co-operation of the media to publicise a case, but they call the shots. In this case it was different. The officers who came to see us were on the defensive, even embarrassed. We seemed to know as much about the case as they did. They were unable, or unwilling to give us satisfactory answers to many of our questions. We suspected they had come as much to find out what we knew and what we intended to report as to protect their operational handling of the case.

One of the main new revelations in our initial programme was our account of an interview with the owner of the copse where Hilda’s body was found, Captain Ian Scott. He was a member of the local squirearchy and a witness of some credibility. He was unwilling to be interviewed on camera but told us that on the Thursday afternoon, the day after Hilda was abducted, he was in the wood with his dogs counting his trees for felling. He said he paced over the spot where Hilda’s body was found and she was definitely not there at that time – about 3.30pm on the Thursday afternoon. “There is very little undergrowth in the wood at that time of year,” Scott told us. “If there had been a dead rabbit in that wood I would have seen it.”

In Robert Green’s book he publishes for the first time police photographs which came into his possession in 2006, after the case was closed following the conviction of Andrew George and his failed appeal. Among them are Hilda’s body in the wood at the time it was discovered. One is a long distance shot, another a close up. The ground is bare. Hilda is clearly visible at some distance.

Of course, if Scott was right and Hilda was not in the wood on the Thursday afternoon this would undermine the case against Andrew George that he was the lone walk-in burglar, solely responsible for the murder.

But the police discount Ian Scott’s story. In March 1985 the West Mercia Police brought in two outside senior detectives from the Northumbria force to review the case. This was completed in June that year following a three-month investigation. The police refused to publish it at the time. However, it was leaked to Robert Green in 1996, and it is now posted on a website devoted to the Hilda Murrell case. In their report the Northumbria police give a good deal of credence to Scott as a witness. However, they suggest that since he was counting his trees when he walked through his wood on Thursday afternoon 22 March 1984 he would have been gazing upwards and not looking at the ground.


  1. "In 2005, after they had re-opened the case they secured a conviction. Their alleged culprit was Andrew George who at the time of the murder had been a 16-year-old truant from a home for looked after children in Shrewsbury. Despite all the improbabilities, including the facts that at the time George was unable to drive and that he did not fit witness descriptions of the driver of the car, he was convicted at the High Court in Stafford on the basis of DNA evidence found in Hilda Murrell’s house. He is currently serving a 13-year sentence"

    I didn't realise this. Does anyone know which childrens home in Shrewsbury Andrew George was from?

  2. I do know as a Pindown victim that powerful men have used childrens home children like pawns, its like they dont even consider us to be human beings.

    In my case once I was in Chadswell Assessment Centre it was just as if a big black mark had been placed on my personal records. It was like I'd had the Mark of Cain once I was sent to that hell hole (SUPPOSEDLY as a Place of Safety, for my own benefit, NOT because I had committed any crime)

    Its making me wonder if Andrew George was picked out of a home at random, as a scapegoat. Just blame anyone for the crime, anyone without anyone who cares enough to stand up and fight for him?

    I know that sort of thing has been going on in Staffordshire, I know that from my own personal experience.

  3. "I first became aware of the murder of Hilda Murrell in May 1984 when the late Gerard Morgan Grenville, founder of the Centre for Alternative Technology at Machynlleth, suggested that Wales This Week, the HTV Wales programme I was then working for, should look into it."

    Another wierd non coincidence (I just dont believe in coincidences)

    I remember the CAT centre from the 80s, it was a great place, very grass roots. I didnt realise the founder Gerald Morgan had died, but I do think that place is not what it was when I used to go there in the 80s. Then, it was very grass roots, it was a lovely place, had a very welcoming atmosphere, very low tech and earth child way of doing things. But its changed, and not for the better - it seems to be all more big business corporate ventures ect now, I dont like it there any more.

  4. Morgan-Grenville was nearly 40 when he became acutely aware of the environmental crisis, a susceptibility he attributes to his mother, "who had long preached the need for humanity to live within the finite resources of planet earth. Simultaneously, I began to see my social world as rather superficial ... What I did not find was a willingness to do much more than talk."

    He explored the hippy movement in Britain and the US, but failed to find practical solutions there and decided he preferred to use his own entrepreneurial skills for the cause. "I decided to set up a centre where people, ordinary passers-by, might readily perceive the disastrous course on which our civilisation was set and be shown things they, anyone, might do to reduce their impact on the environment," he said. "It was intended to show a range of practices which would have minimal adverse consequences both environmentally and socially. It was also proposed that books and pamphlets would be available for sale, and that those who lived and worked there would be as self-reliant as possible. There were just three difficulties; I had no staff, no place to put it and no funds."

    When he had found the quarry, he obtained £20,000 from his halfbrother, whose farm in Kenya had been destroyed by the Mau Mau. "As soon as the grapevine spread the word that something was happening in a disused slate quarry in central Wales, volunteers started to arrive, unannounced, without tools, without skills and, mostly, without a penny to their name." Early visitors included the Duke of Edinburgh and the Prince of Wales - and CAT was on the map.

    Making use of his contacts in the establishment, he co-founded the Green Alliance with Maurice Ash, a former chairman of the Town and Country Planning Association, seeking to make the environment a central political issue. In 1983, he was appointed a Countryside Commissioner, first for England and then for Wales.



  6. There is a superb article on this at the which coincidentaly was knocked off air yesterday.
    The boy was low IQ and ADHD and was fitted up, he confessed but could not give any details.
    By coincidence in August of this year Mosad said they were stepping up attacks on whistleblowers and their families.
    One of the main investigators into the 7-7 bombings lost his son ina car crash just before christmas


    this is a terific article on hilda murrel

  8. Thankyou for posting this, it is an enduring mystery, and you have some good info here.
    someone somewhere should pay for this killing
    and i dont mean a silly young lad

  9. abuse of boys ? see this it has sound

  10. I would like to know if Richard Brunton Latham Esq QC is any relation to Tony Lathem of the Staffordshire Pindown child abuse scandal?

  11. Sorry, I meant Tony Latham, obviously, stupid typo.,d.bGQ

  12. What the hell has been going on at Atcham Industrial Estate?

    It's called Little America by some people.

  13. Local governance[edit]

    It was once part of, and gave its name to, Atcham Rural District, before that district merged with the Borough of Shrewsbury in 1974, and the village came under the control of Shrewsbury and Atcham Borough Council. From 2009, Shrewsbury & Atcham was merged with the other districts of non-metropolitan Shropshire to form Shropshire Council. The Parliamentary constituency which covers the borough remains as Shrewsbury and Atcham.


    The only church in England to be dedicated to Saint Eata, bishop of Hexham, can be found in the village. Just why St Eata should have this one church bearing his name so far away from the area of his ministry is something of a mystery. There is no written record suggesting that he ever came so far south. There is, however, a crop photograph from the 1970s of a field in Attingham Park showing the ground-plan of a Saxon palace identical to one excavated near Hexham. Did a noble's daughter from Hexham move to Atcham to be married, bringing with her architect's plans and the memory of a favourite saint? 'Atcham' is a contraction of 'Attingham' which means 'the home of Eata's people.' The church dates back to the 11th century.

    Ordericus Vitalis, the historian, was born in the village in 1075.

    The local airfield RAF Atcham (now returned to agriculture and light industry) was home to an American training unit for much of World War II. They used P-47 Thunderbolts and, later, P-38 Lightnings for operational training for new fighter pilots posted in from the USA. Almost 50 pilots were lost in accidents flying from here.

    The A5 London-Holyhead road once ran through the village, but now runs to the north on a new dual-carriageway.

  14. Reading about the disgraceful way the police treated Hilda Murrells relatives and friends, its so similar to the way I and other Pindown child abuse victims have been treated.

    I have had the cars parked with men reading outside my house, reported it to Staffordshire Police, been brushed aside, made to feel like a paranoid idiot.

  15. I found out information that MIPaedo didn't want me to find out.

    I was supposed to be too thick to find out that the syndrome they were trying to label me in the Secret Family Courts with was Parental Alienation Syndrome, invented by an American Fathers Rights paedophile self awarded psychologist Richard Gardner of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation.

    John Hemming MP (MI5) and his creepy friends who stalked me on Mothers For Justice were very angry about me finding out about that, and they tried to idolate me from all the other Pindown and Secret Court victims, by making out I was a religious biggotted nutter.


  17. I got a sort of half hearted apology in the end from Stafford Police, but they ruined it by sending Dawn Franks round my house to try to trick me into signing a pencilled in statement (which could have been rubbed out, I'm not that stupid!) in her police notebook, which Stafford Police have now stupidly tried to deny.

  18. The ones that MI5/MI6 are getting to do their dirty work, the professional assassins, how do they brutalise these once innocent children to turn them into people capable of committing these awful crimes?

    The Forced Adoption industry, and thats why MI5/6 got involved in the Pindown cover up. Thats why Jimmy Savile was so cocky.

  19. I know this might seem a mad thing to post, but its a message for the trained and brainwashed professional assassins who might be reading this.

    Jesus can forgive your sins. Jesus understands about child abuse and brainwashing. Please don't sin any more and ask him to forgive what you have done. You don't have to end up in hell, please turn away from evil, save yourselves, please.

  20. Truly repentant murderers can be saved.

    But those who continue to rebel and try to outsmart the Holy Spirit will go to eternal damnation.

    We all choose our eternal destination.

  21. Michael Heseltines name keeps bobbing up in all these different cases.

    He is mentioned in connection with Hilda Murrells murder and cover up.

    He is also involved in the Staffordshire and Haut de la Garenne Pindown child abuse cover ups

    He is Ian Josephs business partner. Ian Joseph of Monaco pretends to fight against Secret Family Court abuse. "Pretends" is the key word. Don't turn your back on him!

  22. Funny how these creatures live in lovely big houses, mansions even, and the people they brainwash into doing their dirty work are so poor.

    They pretend to be oh so noble benefactors of mankind.

    No wonder they didnt like it when I started telling the ex cons they were sending round to my house all their nasty little secrets!

    Joanna Simpson Blake, she can get back on her broomstick and ride away back into the darkness from whence she came.

  23. Yes, the Lord understands all about people who have been brutally treated from their infancy, and He holds out his loving arms to such people, with a heart longing to forgive them and heal their wounds.

    But what about the whitewashed tombs? What about the haughty arrogant treacherous evil hearted plotters who deliberatly brutalised those people, deliberatly corrupted them, used them as pawns to do their filthy work?

    I'm a woman of great faith, but even I don't know if such people can ever be redeemed.

  24. I dont understand greville Janner has been named several times by
    abused boys who are now grown men,
    he was named in operation orchid as a persistent abuser of young boys,
    yes still no conviction
    why ?



  26. "Study uncovers hidden casualties of violence, many of them too scared to report the crime

    More than half a million victims of domestic abuse are too terrified to come forward and report their experiences, according to provisional estimates of research that specialists hope will quantify the true extent of the crime."

    Well, I can only go from personal experience, and I haven't reported crimes that were committed against me, because I had such low self esteem that I just thought no-one would be bothered.

    The new adverts about domestic abuse make me grimace, because when I lived with my husband in Birmingham (the husband Stafford Crown Court has blocked me from getting divorced from)he told me to my face that he had the God given right to kill me, the Pentecostal Church he was a member of was about as useful as a chocolate teapot in supporting me, but they did arrange a meeting in our sitting room to accuse me of being a bad wife for making passes at another member of the church and not wearing a hat to attend Church

  27. The man I was accused of making passes to was there, it was farcical. He accused me of making passes at him by staring at him and repeatedly moving my thumb around in my mouth.

    The thumb business was true, and so was the staring probably, as at that time I often went into trances, like Silas Marner, probably because of all the horrible stress I was under at that time.

    The thumb business - I used to bite my own flesh off and eat it, PICA - I didn't know why I did it at the time, and didnt realise it is a medically listed disorder. I also used to pick off the skin of my feet and eat that as well, I didnt even realise I was doing it, I went into a sort of a trance when I did it. I tried to explain that to the man, and showed him my half bitten thumb.I didn't get an apology, just a lecture on wearing hats to go to church, I didn't even go to their church, I was at that time attending Trinity Methodist church in Handsworth, which had a woman as the church leader, which they all highly disapproved of.

    That is just one example of how I was treated, and I felt so alone and how do you complain about that sort of thing - it just doesn't sound like abuse, but it is!

  28. Stafford Crown Court blocked my divorce from my husband. My solicitor at the time was shocked that they did that.

    I haven't seen my husband for coming up 20 years yet I am not able to get divorced from him and "move on"

    They wont let me "move on" yet they're the first to have a go at me for not "moving on"

    I can't win, can I?

  29. The only reason I can see that Stafford Crown Court blocked me from divorcing my husband is sheer spite, because I put up a big fight in the Secret Family Courts of Stafford Wolverhampton and Walsall, when they tried to accuse me of having Parental Alienation Syndrome (invented by paedophiles) and embarressed the shit out of them.

    Thats the only thing I can think of, my solicitor couldn't think of any other reason either.

  30. So when I read about how Hilda Murrell has been treated, and the cover up by Stafford Crown Court, my ears pricked up straight away, because my experience of that blasted place is that they are all AS CORRUPT AS HELL!!!

  31. The phenomenon of biting your own flesh, it can be the inside of the mouth but is usualy around the hands and fingers, is part on an anxiety constellation, and a part of self harming which is often seen with abused kids, this can often reain into the twenties. an expert on seeing this would know what it was

  32. They all knew, except me, they didnt give a shit.

    I didnt know about PICA until I found an article about it on the internet. I didnt know why I was doing it, but the GPs and therapists who dealt with me must have known - I never hid the abuse I had suffered and never tried to brush it all under the carpet, I was open with them about the abuse!

  33. This is very interesting. I am going to buy the book.

  34. Yes Pica is one sign of sexual abuse, i was looking through some old papers and read something on Sydney Cooke who was described by the judge at his trial as one of the worst pervert gang leaders of modern times.
    The media tried to hide the fact that Sydney cooke and his mates were all gays.
    The desire to sexually attack the anus is what signifies gay sex,
    Sydney Cooke had links to several famous people including Jimmy saville and the queens butler Paul Kid, Michael Barrymore
    and a lynchpin to other gangs
    Walter Clack. police took away a large quantity of Clacks papers after his murder, and one policeman said he knew Sir Anthony Blunt
