Wednesday 1 January 2014


As Mumsnet is no longer accepting any more comments on this topic

I just wanted to ask this question:

Does anyone know what was the Training Course at Stanstead was that the Italian mother was sent to by her employers?


  1. I would like to know who the moderators are on Mumsnet.

    I am thinking that some of them may be the same ones who wormed their way onto Mothers For Justice admin and tried to shut me up talking about RICHARD GARDNER and RALPH UNDERWAGER, the FMSF and the BFMS

    I'm saying that because someone has attached a virus to my Mumsnet notifications and my anti virus has detected it.

  2. John Hemming is a member of MI5/6


    Dr Evan Harris‏@DrEvanHarris1 Dec
    The Telegraph & John Hemming have axes to grind agnst social workers, doctors & the courts. Fair play (or not). Rest of us shld be sceptical




    A.A.Emmerson‏@AAEmmerson1 Dec
    @DrEvanHarris Is it really fair to slag off Lib Dem MPs? dirty laundry public and all of that Evan?




    Dr Evan Harris‏@DrEvanHarris1 Dec
    @AAEmmerson UR not being serious are you? Our party allows free discussion. This turned out to be nonsense, no? …



    View summary

    John Hemming‏@johnhemmingmp1 Dec
    @DrEvanHarris @AAEmmerson That article was not nonsense. There were court orders trying to stop people talking to me. I can sent you a copy

  4. Now 'hyper-injunction' gagging order stops constituent speaking to his own MP

    ByDaily Mail Reporter
    UPDATED: 12:03, 21 March 2011

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  5. An MP who lifted the lid in Parliament on banker Fred the Shred's super-injunction has revealed a bizarre ‘hyper-injunction’ which bans a constituent from speaking to his MP.

    Lib Dem MP John Hemming told the House last week that an individual had been banned by High Court order from claiming that paint used on the water tanks of passenger ships could be poisoning the water.

    The hyper–injunction bars the individual – it is not known if it is a man or a woman – from discussing the case with ‘members of Parliament, journalists or lawyers’.

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  6. In addition the ruling says the person must not talk about the issue with the U.S. coastguard or any other ship owners, or reveal the existence or terms of the injunction.

    According to Mr Hemming, who described the move as a 'hyper-injunction', it adds that: ‘The defendant must not communicate ... any speculation that the illness of any individual (including without limitation the collapse of H) was, or has been or will be brought out by the chemical composition or the chemicals present in the coating of the potable water tanks.’
    The gagging order effectively bans the person from discussing the issue with anyone who could help take legal action in relation to their complaint.

    Mr Hemming said: 'I believe that the person concerned got a two-week suspended sentence for talking to a lawyer about whether he could have it on a no win, no fee basis.

    'So there is a real question about whether he can get a fair trial on this basis. One of the things to which he is not supposed to refer is the fact that in the potable or drinking water tanks of these vessels, the paint was defective.

    'In certain circumstances, the coating could break down and release small quantities of a toxic substance into the water contained in the tanks.

    Fred the Shred: Fred Goodwin was forced to step down as chief executive of RBS in October 2008 as the bank lurched towards disaster

    'What we have, therefore, is passenger vessels trundling around the world with potentially toxic substances being released into the tanks, although to be fair, the problem with the coating in the tanks is being fixed; but one of those who worked on the tanks collapsed as a result. We also know that the situation continued.'

    He added in the debate last week in which he mentioned the 2006 case: 'I am greatly worried about transparency, and I might pass these details to a Committee of the House, if there is one that wishes to look at them.

    'From a health and safety point of view, we want to think that the water we are drinking is safe and that it will not cause health problems; the difficulty in this case is that we do not know.

    'What we do know is that corporations used the massive force of the law to gag an individual and truss him up so much that he could not really challenge the process.'

  7. Niri Shan, the head of media law at the legal firm Taylor Wessing, told the Daily Telegraph: 'I have never seen a super-injunction that bans someone from speaking to an MP.

    'One of the fundamental rights that you have as a citizen is that you should be able to speak to your MP, particularly if it relates to matters of public concern.

    'This is the development of privacy law through the courts as opposed to Parliament legislating on it. It is deeply concerning, and undermines freedom of speech.'

    Fellow MP Richard Bacon described the case as 'quite extraordinary'.

    Earlier this month, Mr Hemming said during a Commons business debate: ‘In a secret hearing, Fred Goodwin has obtained a super-injunction preventing him being identified as a banker.’

    The Birmingham Yardley MP said the Commons should be given the chance to discuss the increasing use of super-injunctions by celebrities.

    Parliament has been freed from the constraints of super-injunctions since the 2009 Trafigura case when the oil company’s lawyers appeared to try to extend a court order, aimed at silencing the Guardian newspaper, to apply to the Commons.

    Labour MP Paul Farrelly revealed the existence of the injunction and the courts backed off. A committee of judges headed by Master of the Rolls Lord Neuberger is shortly to publish the findings of an inquiry into super-injunctions.

    Super-injunctions were originally so secret that even their existence could not be mentioned. Gradually, judges have accepted that court orders should be reported in all but the most exceptional circumstances.

    Those who have taken out super-injunctions include footballers, pop stars and TV personalities, mainly in cases in which they have successfully suppressed stories about their sex lives.

  8. I HAVE BEEN A FOOL.,d.d2k

    I bought that book and fell for the lies that ERIC PICKLES made hook line and sinker - he tried to pull off exactly the same gagging order stunt as John Hemming has.

    I don't know if Jack Frost is genuine - he seems genuine to me - but I now know Eric Pickles certainly is not and neither bis Ian Josephs.

  9. That David Rose is on twitter now.
    Interesting to see that Dr Evan Harris follows him.

  10. He could be following him from the adage "Keep your friends close and your enemies even closer"

  11. You can find out some very interesting things by following your enemies.

    Don't know if thats whats happening though. These people are like eels, so slippery slimy

  12. care homes schools and orphanages have seen boys sexually abused since as far back as the 1920s probably further.
    we are bnding together to form a group to dissasociate ourselves from professional bumboys rent boys and toetouchers.
    These boys may want to do this but we did not and ressent the fact that we are all classed in together Adam Pearce

  13. it is a very good point that abused boys are not classed in with those who have to do this for a living.
    Boy george was a rent boy who then went on to abuse others, how frequent is this ?
