Friday 3 January 2014


Funny how much influence John Hemming MP has.

The whole thing is being watered down by the media, "The Naughty Step", to make people think he's done nothing that should be investigated by the police.

Funny how differently Steven Messham was treated though, isn't it?

It seems that being an MI5 agent and grass roots anti child abuse campaign infiltrator gives some people (especially millionaires) a licence to do what they damned well please!


  1. I told Stuart Syvret what he did to me on Mothers for Justice, but Stuart didn't believe me, he wouldn't listen!

  2. If you're a Christian people just think you are a nutcase. I'm sick of it.

    I am fed up of people keep telling me that Jesus Christ is a fairytale.

  3. Jesus saved me when they were all ganging up on me, it was horrible, I kept begging people to help me, but no-one would, or could, but Jesus did though.

    I had one time when I heard a conversation at Stafford Court that it ought to have been physically impossible for me to hear, I will never forget it, all the noise round me went so quiet and still and I could hear the conversation my crooked solicitor (Murray Cantlay) was having with a Cafcass officer, the Lord did something to my ears to make me hear what I should not physically been able to hear, it was so wierd, it was sort of like time standing still, like in that David Niven film A Matter Of Life And Death, but it wasn't time, it was sound that seemed to stand still! The Lord did it, he really did, but I cant prove it, so people think I am a nutter.

    I can prove other things though but no-one wants to listen to a nutter so they dont.

  4. I am still waiting for a proper apology for all the abuse and reabuse, the abuse in my childhood and the reabuse that was an attempt to cover up the abuse I suffered as a child.

    I have asked Jesus for this apology, and I know God does answer prayers, so I know I will get it eventually.

    Then, maybe I can finally "get over it" as everyone wants me to do. I can't do that until I feel safe, and I don't feel safe without that apology, it means a lot to me.

    Stafford Police tried to trick me over that, and thats just another layer to the abuse, trying to get me to sign pencilled in stuff in a police notebook, thats even more abuse!

  5. I will always be "nutty Barbara Richards" as my Aunty Rose who was abused by the Magdelaine Laundry nuns was called the nutty one, until she got her apology, then all of a sudden it was poor aunty Rose.

    I would rather be called poor Barbara than nutty Barbara, as I am sick and tired of being called a nutcase, and some people are even doing blog posts about me being nuts, which is really abusive, but what the hell can I do about it, nothing, all I can do is complain and cry!

  6. Barbara no one here calls youa nutcase just the gays who infest these blogs,
    My next door neighbours husband was a BBC cameraman when he was alive and he kept a bit of film of his first day there, it was an interview with a weirdo called
    Larry Grayson, in which he said how lovely it is to sleep with young boys, the audience laughed but looking back, i belive what he said he meant.
    Incidentally when the interview was shown this bit was cut out but my next door neighbour still has it

  7. I never liked Larry Grayson, I didn't find him funny at all, he made me squirm, so did Frankie Howard

  8. Your next door neighbours husband should post that bit of film onto YouTube

  9. NO! I won't hate a whole bunch of people on account of their religious beliefs, on account of what these monsters, who pretend to be something they're not.

    Can't you see what I'm saying?

  10. Anyone who does something like that to another human being is a monster.
