Thursday 9 January 2014


I can't comment very much on the Mark Duggen case, because I just don't know enough about it. I will say that I was very surprised that the Metropolitan Police Chief Bernard Hogan-Howell sent his Deputy to handle the Press and Newsnights Jeremy Paxman, I would like to know why that was, as if Mr Hogan-Howell has time to go gallivanting off on Stonewall dinner parties, surely he ought to have made time to address those serious questions that need to be answered, and to reassure the public, some of whom are now terrified of the police on account of the shootings and tazerings and truncheonings of unarmed citizens?

I will repeat how disgusted I am still about the way I was treated by Stafford Police. NOT the ordinary police, the ones at the top who decided to try to cover up Pindown. We also have a Chief of Police in Staffordshire who seems to care more about Gay Rights than about justice for anyone else who isn't homosexual. I think it is very stupid of officers like Dawn Franks to assume that just because a person has mental health problems that they would not take everyday precautions against further abuse of process by authorities, my tiny little cheap MP3 recorder is very handy for protecting me from further persecutions, ie for picking up interesting conversations inside my own home between me and anyone who comes round trying to trick me into signing into a police notebook underneath a pencilled in scrawl.

Its about time the Police stopped treating their fellow citizens like idiots and criminals, and started doing their proper job of catching the REAL criminals. The public - myself included - do not want to destroy the police, we need the police, because there are criminals, so we all need protection from wicked people who think it is ok to rob murder and rape, but what we DONT need is the Police trying to cover up mistakes they have made by abusing people when they think they can get away with it.

I would have added the photo of Police Chief Bernard Hogan-Howell and Harry Derbidge at the Stonewall do to this blog post but someone has mucked about with my settings on Google Blogger and made it impossible for me to post photos onto my blog any more, so I will just have to post the link to the photo instead.


  1. I will add one thing - I think that police officers should be banned from being members of any secret society.

  2. Sorry, I meant to say someone has ILLEGALLY mucked about with my settings on Google Blogger (just as they ILLEGALLY mucked about with my Hotmail settings and stole about two months worth of my private email communications, much of which was between me and politicians, when I was discovering the full extent of what Ralph Underwager and Richard Gardner and the FMSF (BFMS in the UK) had been up to, whilst I was being persecuted (at great cost) in the Secret Family Courts in the futile attempt to label me with Parental Alienation Syndrome (which the aforesaid American paedophiles had invented)

  3. THATS the sort of thing the Police OUGHT to be investigating.

    NOT dashing round peoples houses, VICTIMS houses, with police notebooks and pencilled in scrawls, trying to trick and entrap them!

    If they started doing their proper jobs and stopped persecuting VICTIMS of crime people might trust them more.

    As it is, lets put it like this - a bird would be very stupid to trust a cat!

  4. Barbara this is a wonderful pice you have written here and once again you speak for us all.
    Not one policeman spoke out publicly against the Romanians coming, yet in private they are all furious,
    where is the backbone our police should have ?

  5. Rothschild rule is now law
    you can sodomise kids with no comeback

  6. I used to buy the Big Issue, because I very naively thought I was helping poorer people than myself by doing so.

    I was robbed in my local library, and the robber was a refugee woman with a baby in a pushchair. I found my purse on the floor by the library desk, she robbed me while I was distracted by getting my books stamped out. That woman had a robbing spree the day she stole from me, she also went into several shops that day and stole from other people. The thing that astonished me was the speed and dexterity of the woman who robbed me, because there is no way I could have opened up my bag and ransacked it in the speed at which she did it, even though its my own bag, she was like a magician!!! So I do believe the stories that some of them are coming to the UK specifically to rob UK citizens, from my own personal experience.

  7. I also got manipulated into handing over a large amount (about £60) of money to a Big Issue seller, she is very friendly and told me she needed the money to put a deposit down on a flat so she would not be homeless any more, I very stupidly gave her the money because I felt sorry for her and thought I was helping, they are not supposed to beg from people, but they do, and they jump out in front of people and shout "BIG ISSUE" and stand in front of people when they are coming out of places like banks and post offices.

    That was about 2 years ago, I don't know what she did with the £60 I gave her but she's still selling the Big Issue, so it doesn't seem to have done her any good because she's been selling it for about 5 years now!

  8. I do feel sorry for the police (not the bad police, the real police, the good police) because the politicians who are letting all these things happen expect the police to do a magic trick and clear up after them, and they can't!

    I think the police should definatly be looking into political fraud, because thats what is causing so many problems in this country, but its the poor that always get blamed for everything, and lots of people are poor but they have good morals and are just people wanting to get on with their lives and not wanting to wreck anyone elses life at all, which to me is what good citizenship is all about.

    And in this day and age, if you are a Christian, well, I just think certain really wicked people are going hell for leather to get Christianity abolished!!!

  9. The Big Issue is a very expensive magazine, and I do not like the articles printed in it.

    So why are Easten European people (I hardly ever see any other type of Big Issue seller) allowed to stand in front of shops banks and post offices and jump out at people shoving it in their face trying to intimidate them into buying it?

    I think that is much more intimidating than someone begging for a few pence in the street, yet that is outlawed and the former is allowed! I didn't mind giving to beggers, but I do mind giving to John Bird!!!

  10. I used to buy big issues until i found the lads have to buy them nd they geta to keepa small percentage, the articles are extremely left wing, the magazine preys on the lads who sell it and the public
    i never buy it now
    As for foregn theives the Met police say they cannnot warn people enough to be extra careful, the police did not want them in the country but were overruled

  11. Most of the music entreprenuers were homosexual, so they would promote only those boys who would play ball, Cliff Richard Long John Baldry and Jess Conrad were pretared to drop trousers for fame Marty Wilde was not and before a gig at the Granada Marty Wilde gave Cliff Richarda fat lip
    for suggesting he too was queer

  12. I didn't know that about Marty Wilde, Justin Hayward played with Marty Wilde when he first set out, I love Justin Hayward's music but never could understand why he and the Moody Blues are pretty much snubbed by the music industry, I could never imagine in my wildest dreams any of the Moody Blues doing anything like that so perhaps thats the reason why.

  13. Justin Hayward is a real musician and a real gentleman as well, and seems like a really kind man as well as a good musician, from what I saw of him.

    My friend played Justin Hayward music that was on my iPod for me to calm me down what the Secret Family Court gangsters were torturing me at Stafford Court in 2005, when they called the paramedics and gave me an ultimatum to either go into the courtroom to recieve an apology or to be injected with tranquellisor and be taken to St Georges Psychiatric Hospital, that is the shitty way they treated me, and I was begging and pleadinjg with the two Paramedics to be allowed to go home, but they wouldn't let me, it was either go into the court room or be carted off to the nuthouse.

    My friend plugged my iPod in with I think it was the View From The Hill to calm me down enough to face going into the court room, otherwise they would have sectioned me. It is illegal to do that to someone, but that is what they did to me.

    Justin Haywards lovely music gave me the strength to face that horrible ordeal.

  14. A lot of the modern music that I hear leaves me cold, to me there isn't any beauty and good spirit in it.

    One of my favourite Moody Blues songs is The Voice, it is mixed in such a way that if you listen to it through headphones the music seems to make a series of rainbows whizzing backwards and forwards over your head. I don't know much about music technology so that is the best way I can describe it. The lyrics of it are so lovely, it makes me feel a great surge of hope to listen to those lyrics, so does Dawning Is The Day.

    There isn't a single one of Cliff Richards records that makes me feel like that, although I do like the Shadows music very much, to dance to, and I especially like Wonderful Life.

    I think a lot of modern music is soulless

  15. "the police did not want them in the country but were overruled"

    Please could you provide a link to this, as I am very interested in this, thanks

  16. Hi Barbara, the police federation told the government if they wanted to bring in masses of rumanains as at least one in three crimes is committed by them, the government would have to stump up huge overtime pay increases, the government said no, so the police then said they could not be able to cope witha huge input of beggars and criminals and suggested the government re think importing them all in

  17. I dont know the deatils of the duggan case but on Richard D halls superb radio show "richplanet" covered the background to the Raoul Moat and it turns out that PC Rathband who was shot and blinded was picking continually on Moat, and people like moat can only be pushed so far, the police have to re learn to respect the public.

  18. If thats true about PC Rathband then then why did the media make a hero of him? It wasn't just PC Rathband that Raoul Moat shot, Samantha Stobbart and Chris Brown were also gunned down. If P C Rathband deliberatly goaded and pushed Raoul Moat over the edge, then surely he has to share some of the responsibility of those other two victims, and Chris Brown died!

    It appears that P C Rathband also had an affair with the 7/7 bombing survivor Lisa French, who he met on Twitter!

    Now, as a victim of child abuse, who has been stalked on social networking by corrupt MI5/6 agents, it makes me wonder what the hell was P C Rathband playing at? Why was he even on Twitter homing in on the 7/7 victims in the first place? If he was on Twitter trying to help the victims of 7/7 that would be fair enough, but theres no evidence as far as I can see that he was doing that, so what was he doing then?

  19. "so the police then said they could not be able to cope witha huge input of beggars and criminals and suggested the government re think importing them all in"

    I've got a better idea, why don't the police just start arresting the corrupt as hell politicians who are systematically wrecking this country, they should be examining all the dodgy business deals that are going on and the dodgy companies that are set up and quickly metamorphise into something else.

  20. "so the police then said they could not be able to cope witha huge input of beggars and criminals and suggested the government re think importing them all in"

    I've got a better idea, why don't the police just start arresting the corrupt as hell politicians who are systematically wrecking this country, they should be examining all the dodgy business deals that are going on and the dodgy companies that are set up and quickly metamorphise into something else.


    Met's VIP paedophiles probe turns into murder investigation - Police on operations Fernbridge and Fairbank examine sadistic killing of young boy, by Mark Conrad 11th January 2014

    Detectives are investigating the sadistic killing of a young boy as they examine allegations of a paedophile ring linked to politicians and other VIPs

    Exaro can reveal how police operations that are looking at historic claims of child sex abuse by political figures have turned into a murder investigation

  22. The Metropolitan Police Service's paedophile unit is investigating the brutal murder of a pre-teenage boy in a basement flat in London more than 30 years ago, according to sources close to the case.

  23. Exaro revealed last month how the same detectives had seized video that places a former Conservative cabinet minister at one of several parties where men sexually abused boys three decades ago

    Police believe that some of the "sex parties" were organised by Sidney Cooke, the notorious paedophile who led the ring of four who were jailed for killing Jason Swift, a 14-year-old boy, in Hackney, east London, after gang raping him in 1984.

  24. In a chilling development, the detectives are investigating whether Cooke was involved in an incident in which a pre-teen boy was strangled to death during a sustained sex attack at the basement flat in London.

    Detectives have interviewed what they believe to be a witness to the murder.

    The witness was around 12 at the time and he was also strangled and sexually abused during the three-day ordeal. The witness dates the attack as the summer of 1980 or 1981.

    He told police and Exaro how Cooke abducted him and a younger boy from a fairground.

    Hr knew Cooke as "Fairground Sid". He said that Cooke used his job on a travelling fair to groom or abduct children by offering them sweets, free rides, or turns on his "test your strength" machine.

  25. The witness said, "It was exciting because he was making a fuss of you, and you can go on the fairground rides - one after another".

    He said Cooke gave him and the younger boy a drugged drink, and drove them away. The awoke to find themselves chained to a bed in a "mouldy" basement.

    The witness claimed that Cooke and the other man repeatedly strangled him and the younger boy close to the point of death while raping them.

    The other boy ended up dead, and his body was disposed of, according to the witness. "Sidney Cooke left me for dead" he said.

  26. A third paedophile at the property panicked after the younger boy's killing, and helped the witness to escape.

    He feels like "the one that got away", the witness added.

    He saw Cooke several times later, including in Amsterdam. He claims that Cooke told him he was "lucky" to have survived, and warned him that he would be killed if he ever talked about it.

  27. Police believe that they know who the younger boy was.

    Exaro is not naming the boy because his identity has not been established beyond doubt, and out of concern of raising false hopes for relatives that an unsolved murder will be resolved.

  28. The METs paedophile unit is also investigating Cooke's role in the sexual abuse and murder of other boys.

    As part of the new line of enquiry, Scotland Yard is understood to be liasing with other police forces, including Thames Valley Police, which investigated Cooke after his release from prison for killing Jason Swift.

    Thames Valley Police investigated Cooke's sexual abuse of two brothers during the 1970's and 1980's. Cooke was given two life sentences in 1999 for those offences, but the judge ordered that he should serve a minimum of only five years.

  29. Cooke applied for parole in 1994. It was refused, but he is understood to be able to apply again within two years. He is 86 now.

    The MET is also helping Dutch police investigate allegations that Cooke sexually abused and killed boys in Amsterdam.

    Scotland Yard is scoping, under 'Operation Fairbank', historical claims that political figures sexually abused children. It is investigating additional allegations against politicians and other prominant people, under 'Operation Fernbridge'.

    In a separate operation, Leicester Police raided the London home of Lord Janner, formarly a prominant Labour MP, last month as part of an investigation into historic allegations of child sex abuse.


  31. How on earth can anyone even think of ever letting Sidney Cooke out of prison, ever?

    That man should die in prison, never be let out!!!

    Does anyone know who the crackpot judge is?

  32. No suggestion is made or implied that Mary Wilde was a poof in any way i should make that clear, but those of who who werethere saw cliff get a good smack in the kisser.
    PC rathband was nota nice guy and the richard d hall show covered just sopme of the harassment he gave raol mote before he snapped, remember the police killed him, he did not do it.

  33. This one is interesting Barbara,
    you were mentioning the jewish people, and this article tells of Israel stealing all the tents and emergency provisions provided by the UN

  34. Barbara Hewson is one of the gatekeepers, that horrible creepy minx is helping to cover up the NATIONWIDE Pindown child abuse scandal.

  35. Utah fighting ‘gay marriage’ ruling by federal judge‏


  36. celeb sexualy assaulted by staff at airport

  37. Ralph Underwager was a church minister at Utah:,d.bGQ

    Paedophiles can boldly and courageously affirm what they choose. They can say that what they want is to find the best way to love. . . . Paedophiles can make the assertion that the pursuit of intimacy and love is what they choose. With boldness they can say, "I believe this is in fact part of God's will. --Dr. Ralph Underwager in this interview with Paidika,
    a European pro-pedophile publication.
    Dr. Ralph Underwager earned his masters of Divinity from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri, and his Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota, and has been, since 1974, Director of the Institute for Psychological Therapies in Northfield, Minnesota. Besides being a staff psychologist in a clinic, Dr. Underwager has also been a pastor at Lutheran churches in Iowa and Minnesota. He is a member of the National Council for Children's Rights, the American Psychological Association, the Lutheran Academy for Scholarship, and the Society for the Scientific Study of Sex, among others.
    Hollida Wakefield received her M.A., from the University of Maryland, where she also completed the course work for her Ph.D. She has worked as an elementary school teacher, a college psychology instructor, and since 1976 as a staff psychologist at the Institute of Psychological Therapies. Her memberships include the National Council for Children's Rights, the International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect, and the American College of Forensic Psychology. She and Dr. Underwager are married.
    Ms. Wakefield and Dr. Underwager are the publishers of the journal, "Issues in Child Abuse Accusations." They co-edited the volumes: "Accusations of Child Sexual Abuse" and "The Real World of Child Interrogations." They have written numerous articles on the interrogation of children, the role of the psychologist in assessing child abuse cases, the evaluation of child witnesses, and the manipulation of the child abuse system. They regularly appear as expert witnesses and give training sessions to jurists, psychologists, and laymen.
    This interview was conducted in Amsterdam in June 1991 by "Paidika," Editor-in-Chief, Joseph Geraci.

  38. I never read newspapers but in my office they are all up in arms, the daily Express apparently said that homosexuals from any part of the world can come here and gain asylum, as if we need any more sex offenders, why not put out a red carpet into our schools for these perverts ?

  39. this is how they build sex slaves

  40. People stood by as equal rights were granted for homosexuals.
    The government and the BBC etc gave positive discrimination to homosexuals and this meant that people like Jimmy Saville Michael Barrymore Robin Gibb and others
    were able to continue what they did, abuse boys.
    Now the situation is that homosexuals are totally in charge and want instant asylum in the UK to be given to homosexuals from all over the world, this will put our kids at added great risk, the laws now are absolutely heterophobic and against normal people

  41. The Monarch Mind Control designation was originally applied by the US Department of Defense to a sub-program under the CIA's MK-Ultra Program. However, the techniques employed in the Monarch programming system extend back further under various names, such as the Nazi marionette programming.

    Even further back, the techniques used in Monarch programming can be traced to various generational Satanist families among European royalty. The MPD state created by the Monarch programming techniques were used to isolate the personality involved in Satanic rituals from a public face. Without this alternate personality, the nobles practicing Satanism inevitably went insane, so it's practice spread rapidly through the occult community.

    It is unclear who first started practicing the MPD techniques as a way of creating mind control slaves rather than as a defense mechanism, but it is clear that the Nazis were using Electro-shock and binding to create slaves in the 1940s. After World War II, some German and Italian psychologists who were working on Marionette programming were brought to the United States to continue working on their research.

    After the original development of the Monarch program inside of MK-Ultra, it has been adopted by other groups such as the Illuminati and the American entertainment industry. Very notably, since the 1970's the Disney corporation has been involved heavily in Monarch programming, and several of their films (especially Alice in Wonderland) are used as a base for Monarch programming.

    Over 1 million Americans have had Monarch programming applied to them.[1]

    Monarch programming is achieved through repeated abuse and torture, until the victim dissociates from reality into a fantasy world in their head. When that happens somehow an alternate personality is created, and the handler (abuser) can trigger this personality at any time.

    Beta programming is sex kitten programming, used to create "ultimate prostitutes" as well as celebrities used to sell sex in the media to the masses. Making it look cool and awesome to be sexually abused and over used. They are made to be devoid of all sexual inhibitions. Take a look at Courtney Stodden.

    Delta programming is used to program soldiers and patsys to carry out ritualistic murders.


    Monarch programming is applied when a drone is needed to carry out commands which are of a morally questionable nature. Monarch victims are used for assassinations and murders which must be carried out for political purposes. It is used heavily within the entertainment industry to create easily manipulated music stars. One variation of the process, known as "Kitten" or "Sex Kitten" programming is used to create willing sexual body slaves.


    Many modern female musicians have performed in videos with multiple allusions to Monarch mind control including Miss Monroe, Miley Cyrus, Rihanna, Beyonce, Lady Gaga, Jessie J.[2], Britney Spears [3], Christina Aguilera, Katy Perry [4], Hillary Scott of Lady Antebellum (who is also a Handler) [5][6] and other artists...

    Sex KittenEdit

    Sex kitten programming, aka referred to as "BETA" programming utilizes incest and sexual abuse to program a woman or man as a willing sexual slave. Often the handler is referred to in this context as "Daddy" or "Auntie".


  42. Yes, and this is the reason some of us call the television the One Eyed God.

    Television is being used to brainwash people.

    People are ignoring the truth which is staring them smack in the face, and falling for the constant stream of lies pouring from their television sets instead.

    Mary Whitehouse was absolutly right.


    Sussex and Cheshire again. Wierd isn't it?


    Change the a for an i and you have a good description of them!


  46. I always read Aangirfan's blog nowadays, just to see what his/her/their latest attack on heterosexual Christians is!

  47. "an obsession with saying all heterosexuals are secretly homosexual, why do they do this ?"

    Its probably because they are so messed up in their own heads that they can't understand other peoples minds, so they can't understand wholesome feelings like, everything revolves round sexual lusts for them. Thats all I can think it must be.

    I've looked at the homosexual sites, and the ones I've seen just focus on sex sex sex. The Gay Pride parades look to me like a load of very noisy and aggressive underdressed people.

  48. I think there's a lot that still hasn't come out about PC Rathband, I think we haven't been told the full story yet.

    Just as we haven't yet been told the full story of the Dunblaine massacre.

    The Official Secrets Act should never be used for cases like that!

  49. I stumbled onto this old article
    and thought it damn good

  50. I agree:


    Mary Whitehouse CBE was both an art teacher and teacher of sex education, and a devout Christian who sprung to fame by campaigning against the constant lowering of standards in the press and particularly on BBC TV. She became the first president of the National Viewers and Listeners Association, and a very popular leading figure in the Christian clean-up campaign, and the Nationwide Festival of Light , the Student Christian movement and Moral re-armament. The mass public reaction against what the press called the permissive society, that is bad language and swearing, needless violence and excessive and perverted sex in TV programmes meant she became a hate figure for homosexual groups after she instigated court cases against the Gay News newspaper for its blatant heterophobic content.

    But the public was behind her in her campaign against the BBC who claimed the public was in favour of the lowering of moral standards, but it was undermined by BBC secretaries who secretly supplied her with details of upcoming programmes, the BBC was furious at the success of her campaign but got revenge by mocking her in the 2008 BBC docudrama on her life called "Filth; the Mary Whitehouse story" with Julie Waters. Daily down market newspapers in defiance to her campaign began to print pictures of topless women inside the front pages, and the sexualising of young children with degrading sexual language in many articles, and encouraged the opening of sex shops and marches by homosexual activists in what became known as gay parades and gay marches, while heterosexual Christian and family marches were banned.

    Sir Charles Curran the head of the BBC at the time was pictured in a ferocious argument with Mary Whitehouse for excessive violence in the children’s programme "Doctor Who" where many children became disturbed and afraid after watching, the BBC reacted by declaring they would in the future have a homosexual play the part of the doctor, yet in 1963 alone 500,000 people signed a petition supporting her stand to clean up TV, which even Margaret Thatcher agreed with. Mary Whitehouse believed that TV detective programs need not contain blood soaked and gory scenes, she also spoke out about groups like NAMBLA ( the North American Man/Boy Love pedo groups ) and the ALBBA (Australia Loves Bum-Boys Assoc)

    The Scallywag magazine branded her a "spoilsport" and she was accused of being anti-semitic as many Jews were involved with porn clubs, and they compared her to Hitler who banned the promotion of perversion in clubs literature and displays, she was even portrayed as assisting the Jewish Holocaust.

    Her death in November 2001 saw her lampooned in the Robert Maxwell newspaper The Daily Mirror, while sir Robert Mark London Metropolitan chief of police said: " it was a newspaper he would not wipe his arse on"

    T Stokes London

  51. Julie Walters should be ashamed of herself for participating in that propaganda cover up exercise FILTH.

    I watched that film and not one mention was made of Mary Whitehouse's brave struggle to expose the Paedophile Information Exchange, who were at that time sharing a platform with Liberty.

  52. I wa sthrilled to read about Mary Whitehouse, i remember her so well she wanted to stop the PIE or pedophile info exchange,
    she knew about BBC protecting
    the pervs, and the jews constantly hated her
    this really took me back
    Susan Foster

  53. January 17, 2014



    One of Britain’s most senior black lawyers told police a rumour that Chris Huhne’’s relationship with Vicki Pryce almost collapsed due to his ‘liaisons with men’, a court heard (Fri).

    Constance Briscoe, 56, said in a police interview that Pryce nearly broke up with disgraced Lib Dem after he gave her ‘crabs’, Southwark Crown Court was told.

    Speaking to cops on the day of her arrest, the recorder - or part-time judge, was trying to explain her contact with journalists, in particular, Mail on Sunday journalist David Dillon.

    ‘One of the stories that Mr Dillon was interested in was. he had discovered somehow that Vicky Pryce had called off her engagement, or whatever it was, to Chris and it had been called off when she was engaged with him, because Chris Huhne had said to Vicky that he had had liaisons, whatever you want to call it, with men.

  54. bill maloney exposes how talmudic influence controls our politicians

  55. I would be a lot less suspicious of Bill Maloney if only he would just explain to me why he shared a platform with PETER TATCHELL and what his opinion of Tatchell is now.

    Because I just don't trust anyone who thinks its ok to share a platform with a man who is friends with paedophiles and who wants to lower the age of consent for whatever reason!!!

  56. Barbara we learn so much from your website and thankyou for telling that Bill Maloney shared a platform with that vile man Tatchell
    my first husband was a senior labour party member and he knew some awful stuff on that vile man, they asked him to step down from his position in the labour [arty when they found him out
    my husband was an honourable man

    lattoya bandaloginskyevskinova
