Friday 28 February 2014


I have a personal grievance with Harriet Harman, because I wrote to the MOJ many times while I was going through 7 years of being persecuted bullied and threatened (Richard Gardners "Threat Therapy) in the Secret Family Courts, and she is one of the people who the MOJ referred to wtite back to me.

I had discovered that what was being used against me in the secret family courts was PARENTAL ALIENATION SYNDROME, and that had been invented by an American paedophile called Richard Gardner.

Harman and others from the MOJ lied to me, she told me that Parental Alienation Syndrome is not used in the UK, when she knew it was being used all over the UK, in secret family courts all over the UK. At the time, I had no idea of Harriet Harmans involvement with the Paedophile Information Exchange or the NCCL.

Harriet Harman did know not only that syndromes that had been invented by American paedophiles were being used all over the UK, she also knew that in 2005 200 women had been put into jail because of beng accused in secret courts of "Contempt of Court" and that is the charge PAS accused women are put in jail on when the judge uses Gardners "Threat Therapy" on them.

I hope Harriet Harman reads this post and decides to try to sue me, as I am a very angry women and would relish the prospect of a proper fight in a court of law, and this time it wouldnt be a secret one either. Harriet Harman and her creepy skulking crafty friends have blighted my life, and she knows it. Hearing people like Emily Thornberry praise Harriet Harman as some sort of advocate for womens rights is like hearing Thatcher praised as a champion of women, absolutly sickening. Not only did Harriet Harman and her colleagues in Parliament and the BBC make the UK a dangerous place to be a mother, they have turned the UK into a paedophiles paradise.

I also want to know why my son and his friends from a school for disabled students was taken to prison for PE lessons. Bill Cash and Jeremy Lefroy know all about that, so does Ian Parry, and I'm sure Harriet Harman is also fully aware of that sort of thing going on because all pigs feed from the same trough!

I've just realised that Emily Thornberry is Labour MP for Islington South and Finsbury, so surely she herself must also be aware of the massive cover up of the abuse of childrens home children in Islington? But these people would rather all rally round one another defending the undefendable than lifting even the tip of their little finger to try to defend little children from the determined as hell paedophiles that prey on them!


  1. For those people who say Harriet Harman would never support child abuse which does not exist, read this

  2. Lies from politicians like harman are nothing new, i just ran across this wanted to contribute it

  3. Margaret Hodge was childrens minister and her name also appears on documents with hewitt and harman, has anyone noticed this crowd are all jewish ?
    for 2% of our population to have over 50% of our government shows something is wrong, and if you criticise sex with kids you are imediately labelled an antisemite !

  4. Hi barbara some great comments on the site,
    ths tells how they poison our childrens mind

  5. i cant beleive no one has commented on this ?
    see this!/!n=442001939&fid=1&mid=043bc241-a358-11e3-84f1-002264c15436&fv=1

  6. Barbara has gone missing ? maybe you took our advice to go get laid, maybe we should have told her go boil her head too !

  7. D, I haven't published your comment, thanks for sending it, yes I agree with your point, thats why I haven't published your comment, thanks for making it anyway, I know a lot of good people do read this blog as well as the paedophile gangsters.

    The paedophile gangsters are a gang of horrible cowardly bullies, as the disgusting comment above shows what sort of people they are. I wasn't sure wether to put that one straight into the spam pile, but decided to let it through, so that people can see what sort of malicious trolls are stalking me.

    As far as me dissapearing goes, with God's grace thats not going to happen, I know the paedophile trolls send me stuff to post up and I have been caught out a few times and asked to remove stuff, which I always will if it turns out to be lies, because the last thing I want on this blog is to post stuff that isnt true.

    One thing that is true which the paedophile gangsters are gnashing their teeth about is the existance of the Lord Jesus Christ, who died for the sins of mankind, and rose again three days later. Instead of fiddling around with children, and attacking whistleblowers and child abuse victims the paedophiles should be falling to their knees in repentance and sorrow, because the Lord Jesus Christ promised to come back, he WILL come back, it is not a myth, it is not a fairy tale, it is going to happen, and woe to the ones who refuse to repent of their sins before the prophesied second coming of the Lord our God!

  8. Barbara that awful comment upset me,
    how horrid some of these homosexuals are, why would any sane person say that to you ?
    we all know you are a good person and your site has halped many of us, please dont be put of by what homosexuals say barbara
    with love Sue and Brian

  9. barbara i have a good news item for you now.@ members of my church were going door to door chatting about jesus, one man once he started to talk broke down and said he had been a homosexual and sodomising boys for over 20 years. The church members prayed with him as he cried, to took extensive counselling through the church
    and is now a trusted member himself who helps other homosexuals come back to jesus.
    Lattoya Bandaloginskyevskinova

  10. The homosexual pressure to lower the age for child sex is shown here

  11. "one man once he started to talk broke down and said he had been a homosexual and sodomising boys for over 20 years"

    Did he contact the police and hand himself in? Because thats what he should have done, and thats what the church members should have encouraged him to do. Otherwise how can you know he had truly repented?

    Paedophiles are turning to trickery to cover up what they have done, they are getting into high positions in the church, where they can hide amongst God's children and carry on their evil.

    Sorry, but some of his victims might never find healing without him doing that. You can't just wipe the slate clean without first locating the slate.

  12. I dont understand ? whats this about a man for 20 years abusing ?? that looked interesting but i cant find what you are referring to.
    I wanted to show this

  13. barbara can we ask your opinion on something a bit different ?
    my elder sister and i have never been close but she lives near to where that soldier Lee Rigby was killed, and from her window she took some snaps with her camera,
    and she says that her pics show no ones head was cut off at all
    she thinks its was staged for the news papers, i confess from the snaps it does look that way, and BTW local people say those boys were not mulims but christians
    what are we to think ?


  15. I'm not publishing that post about Peter Tatchell.

    I'm not stupid enough to fall for that Machievellian trick again.

  16. I don't know about Lee Rigby. I just don't know who is telling the truth.

    The whole thing seemed really wierd to me at the time, the woman who came out and intervened for example, she just seemed so calm, I know I would be shaking and hysterical witnessing something like that. I don't know anyone who would be able to stay that calm in that sort of situation, and that seems wierd to me, not right.

  17. "The emergence of the recording has been an embarrassment to the BBC’s governing Trust, which spent three million pounds ($4.9 million) on the Pollard Review. The bulk of the national broadcaster’s income comes from compulsory annual license fees paid by television viewers. After Wilson said he planned to make the recording public BBC Trust chairman Chris Patten earlier this week warned him that if he did so he risked legal action." - See more at:


  18. The BBC covered up the Pindown child abuse in Staffordshire, and I was abused as a child in Staffordshire (Chadswell Assessment Centre Rocester near Lichfield)

    The BBC knew damned well I was abused and in order to stop the Secret Family Courts putting me in prison (after being falsely accused of having Parental Alienation Syndrome which was invented by an American paedophile Richard Gardner of the FMSF, and had Gardners Threat Therapy used on me for years in court) I wrote a book (Tip by Zoompad) and got it published, because I was terrified of being dissapeared by the Secret Family Courts, and thought if I got my book published the publicity might keep me from that fate, that is the only reason I got that book published, I thought it might keep me safe from being dissapeared.

    I've had people attacking me because of that book, tut tut tutting me, but they can tut tut tutt all they like, I was a child and the ones who were paid money to keep me safe sent me to be locked up in the charge of paedophiles. All I want is an apology and for them to do something towards putting right the wrong they did, and all I've had instead is hounding of me and my family in secret courts and other abusive nonsense.

    I do watch BBC programs, but the only ones I like are nice ones such as the wildlife ones, Coast, Wainwrights Walks, the Great British Sewing Bee, and classic book adaptions like Sense and Sensibility, certainly not the horrible soaps and horrible dramas and as for the news, well, it would make a nice change if the BBC really would tell the proper news instead of covering up propaganda. I wouldn't mind paying the licence fee if they just put nice programs like the ones above and had proper news on and stopped letting paedophiles run riot all the time!

  19. The media people promised Teresa Cooper they were going to dramatise her book Pindown (before they got her to change the name to Trust No-one it was called Pindown) but I would never want my book to be dramatised, because I would never want any young actress to have to play the part of me as a child, no child should go through that, wether in drama or real life.

    I only got my book published because I saw it as a way to escape from my persecutors, it was my way of screaming.

    I wished I'd screamed more as a child. I wished I'd confided in Mr Ibbotson when he asked me why I was crying that day. I wished I'd just sobbed my heart out instead of swallowing my tears. I wished I had trusted Miss Dawson, I know now she would have helped me, she was kind. But I didn't know who to trust then.

  20. I don't know why our government gave money to Peter Tatchell and his cronies to stir up trouble in Russia, and I am wondering if that has got anything to do with the kick off that is happening right now in the Ukraine.

  21. I have been to an ATOS appeal in Stoke on Trent this morning, supporting my daughter, who ATOS have waged what can only be described as a vendetta against her.

    It was an eye opener. I didn't realise until this morning that ATOS are holding their tribunals in one of the Secret Family Courts (Bennett House in Stoke on Trent).

    I started to feel really ill there, it was very oppressive. There were a lot of threatening notices on the notice boards, there was for example a notice saying it was a criminal offence to record the hearings which I do not think is correct, as I was told by the MOJ that hearings are supposed to be recorded.

    There was also a notice up saying that there are hidden CCTV cameras all over the building. I do hope those CCTV cameras picked up what I said inside that building whilst I was in there, talking about crimes which had been committed in the secret family courts by using syndromes that had been invented by American paedophiles, and I hope that any staff who scrutinise those recordings realise that if they do not report the crimes they glean information about via those recordings are aiding and abetting the covering up of paedophile gangsters and international child traffickers.

    If people want to spy on me then I can't do much about it, but when the police finally do start rounding up the international human trafficking gang then they are going to have to find a damned good excuse for aiding and abetting the gangsters, because "WE WERE ONLY FOLLOWING ORDERS" really isn't going to gain much sympathy this time!!!

  22. I had my knitting confiscated at the desk. I didn't know wether to laugh or cry, it just seemed so pathetic that in this day and age knitting needles are classified as a lethal weapon.

    If I'd know ATOS were using secret family courts for their tribunal hearings I would have took a book to read instead!

  23. The next time (God help us if ever there is a next time, because after nearly 4 years of this ATOS vendetta nonsense I think it's about time they stopped persecuting my daughter and the rest of our family) I will take my friendship braiding corder to pass the time instead, I defy anyone to call a circular foam ring and a few strands of embroidery floss a potential lethal weapon, though perhaps I'd better not put any money on that!!!

  24. Well well well, Ian Parry eh. Lives on the corner of the estate I live on, church goer, walked out on his wife. I'll look forward as a Green party candidate today locking horns with him in their next Council house
