Friday 28 March 2014


Lord Ramsbotham,

I have been betrayed again. I thought those men Peter and Mark (Benidorm) who I shared the correspondence between yourself and me in which I told you all about my son and his classmates being taken to Drake Hall Prison in a minibus from the special school for disabled youngsters they were all attending for PE lessons, without consulting the parents or asking our consent, I truly thought Peter and Mark and their elderly mothers were also victims of institutional abuse, in short, I took them for their word, a dangerous thing to do in this day and age, I had no idea that "Mark" (if that is really his name) was involved in the program called Benidorm when I contacted him from the website he had put his telephone number on.

Please Lord Ramsbotham, please, just do the right thing, I urge you. You know it's wrong what's been happening, I don't need to tell you that, you should listen to your own concience telling you it is wrong. I think you are a kind hearted man who just got sucked into believing that this scheme was benign, I know how these bad men gild their horrible schemes in such a way they appear to be good, and how crafty these bad men are, but you yourself inside your heart must know that what has been happening is not right, it is totally totally wrong!

Please, for the sake of the children, the ones these bad men haven't even yet got their hands on, please tell of what you know, please don't keep these bad secrets, please, I do beg you.



  1. barbara to read this is most upsetting, i heard on radio that
    Michael Barrymore had the man held tight then he put cocaine on his gums, Barrymore teabgged him
    buggered him then threw him in the pool to drown.
    This was disgusting in the extreme

  2. I haven't heard that about Michael Barrymore, please can you tell me what radio channel you heard that on, and when?

  3. I'm feeling really sad today, as I feel like I am fighting a losing battle.

    My son and his friends were taken to a prison for PE lessons, on top of all the disgraceful and illegal things that have been done to me, the cover up of Pindown child abuse, the legal abuse I was forced to endure in the secret family courts over a 7 year period.

    Yet I cannot find an agency or charity that can be bothered to do anything about it, all the agencies I have gone to for support either can't support me (or say they can't) or else they have joined in persecuting me.

    This morning was the first gay marriage, appropriatly enough, in the witching hour. So now homosexual people can get married, yet one person who cannot get married is me, because Stafford Court blocked my divorce for no good reason, so I am left tied to a man who I have not seen for 17 years and who abused me and my daughter.

  4. Every day my heart cries out "WHERE ARE YOU GOD?" because of the horrible injustice and I feel like the invisible woman, I know God is there, but why is He allowing wicked men and women to spit in his face and pull his beard, and persecute those who cling to His promises?

    I feel like the tree is being shaken and I am clinging on for dear life.

    The Lord Jesus Christ never lied, all that he said will happen, so we Christians must have faith. NOT like the spineless and corrupted man who is currently appointed as Archbishop of Canterbury, who has sold his soul to the world, who along with the one before him is a moral coward. More like the faith that Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote about, in her great novel Uncle Toms Cabin, in which the hero Tom chose to suffer and die rather than betray his friends in chains.

    That book isn't read in schools any more, and I dont wonder why, the message in it is powerful good, and attracts the faithful hearts and repels the wicked.

  5. I found the bit about Michael Barrymore rubbing cocaine onto Stuart Lubbocks gums in the Guardian, thanks for telling me about this Anonymous:,d.d2k

  6. I don't know where to go to for help, as everyone I go to either isn't bothered or else stabs me in the back.

    I feel like an alien on a strange planet. Its not my fault I was abused as a child, its not my fault I ended up in court for 7 years being falsely accused of having something that a gang of American paedophiles invented by a gang of corrupt legal aid swindlers, and its not my fault my son ended up being taken to a prison for PE lessons without my knowledge and consent, we are supposed to have laws against all these things in this country, but all our horrible cocaine taking government seems to be interested in is gay rights and persecuting the poor.

  7. Sorry you are unwell Barbara
    there are several conspiracy channels where sexual misfits and boy-nobbing are often disgussed, i did hear that about Michael Barrymore, and teabagging is when they dip their bollox in and out ofa young boys mouth like dipping a teabag into a cup, it did happen at the BBC, and it can choke the boy.

  8. The Michael Barrymore stunt was covered again recently on conspiracy radio, there are several alternative radio shows
    which give real news, but what i dont like is the language,
    bumboys for male prostitues and there is no diferentiation between boys forced into this and those who do it for a living.
    The word gay is a terible insult, its a zionist word for a useless young male, please remember to use the word homosexual at all times
    Neil copeman

  9. Thanks for telling me what teabagging means, sorry I couldn't post the comment, its just too disgusting, not you explaining, but what they do, the filthy devils

  10. I think it was Sir Anthony Blunt who said, "if god did not want men to bugger little boys, he would not have given them such gorgeous little arses "
    as long as homosexuality is encouraged by government and condoned by religion, you will have to watch your little boys 24/7

  11. Hey Barbara its not just in the UK we have had our share of boy nobbers in the USA too.

  12. I hate what they do, but more important, God hates what they do.

    I'm sorry but I'm not going to post the filthy things they do on this blog.

  13. I just wanted to say thankyou barbara, thankyou for everything, opening our eyes to whats going on, whats happening to our kids and how low things have sunk into the pit of perversion.
    If Hitler stopped all this in germany surely some one can over here ?

  14. Hitler was a bad man as well, a mass murderer, so I'm sorry but I'm not posting any pro Hitler stuff on here either.

    Just because the UK has lied about WW2 and about institutional child abuse doesn't make Hitler a good man.

    If you want to worship a man make it Jesus Christ, as no other man is worthy of being hero worshipped, certainly not Hitler!!!

  15. Barbara you are falling into a trap laid by the newspapers,
    please look into why you say hitler was a mass murderer, he wasnt, i used to think like you,
    i prayed to jesus for guidance and so should you
    love you barbara.

  16. hello barbara i just read what you said about hitler
    please read this

  17. please read this on the sexual oppression of british women by immigrants

  18. "Barbara you are falling into a trap laid by the newspapers,
    please look into why you say hitler was a mass murderer, he wasnt, i used to think like you,
    i prayed to jesus for guidance and so should you "

    I have and do, and I still refuse to hero worship ot try to justify a mass murderer.

    The one thing that Jesus has shown me about Hitler is that two wrongs never make a right!

  19. hello barbara i just read what you said about hitler
    please read this

    The link doesn't work

  20. "please read this on the sexual oppression of british women by immigrants"

    When I was a young mother living in Handsworth I was approached by a man in broad daylight who wanted to purchase my services as a prostitute. I was really shocked as at the time I was wearing a long skirt which showed no leg at all and a high fronted sweater with no cleavage showing, plus I was hand in hand with my infant daughter, we were on the way to her school. The man, who was Asian and in his 50's or 60's, was in his pajamas, and he called me over to his gate and offered me £10 for sex. A friend of mine, a lady who attended the same church as me (Cannon St Memorial Baptist) another young mum had the same experience, and she was decently dressed as well.

    At the time I was really shocked and disgusted that someone could just pop out like that in broad daylight and make a lewd offer like that while I was walking my daughter to school. I didnt report it to the police, because, quite frankly, after the appalling way the police treated me as a runaway child when I was trying to run away from being abused, I have never really trusted the police, I have not really had any reason to do so.

    I had problems with men with wandering hands many times, but never in broad daylight on the way to school with my daughter trotting by my side until that day.

  21. Just reading about when you were a young mother in handsworth, prompted me to tell you that since the government has ben encouraging homosexual behaviour the old sport of poofeteering is making an appearance again , this is when homosexuals hang about outside school gates and pester the boys coming in and out
