Thursday 10 April 2014


I'm sorry, but aquitted or otherwise the behaviour of Nigel Evans doesn't seem befitting to a person who is supposed to represent ordinary people in Parliament.

Most ordinary working class people do not guzzle down alcohol and have sex with one young person after another and visit seedy gay bars, so why would they want to be politically represented by someone who by his own admission does those things? What sort of a role model does he present to our young people? A very bad one I would say!

I remember when Charles Kennedy was slated and had to resign because of his drink problem, quite rightly, as you can't have drunken peope running the country, but there was no mention of him doing any of the things that Nigel Evans has admitted doing, so why was he treated so differently?

The fact that Cameron has publicly spoken up his support for Nigel Evans is another indication if anyone needed one that he is totally unfit for the position of the leader of this country.

Another thing - who is Daniel Burke, Nigel Evans solicitor? Aren't we allowed to know who he actually is and what his qualifications as a lawyer are? Why the secrecy?


  1. Nigel was known in parliament with a snigger as "pervert nigel "
    it is said that not one of the abused boys was under age, does that make it right ?
    it is still exploitation of perverted desires on the vulnerable, i am disgusted

  2. Elm house is still being investigated as is the offshoot Nimrod house, unfortunately many records have been destroyed, and accusations against Freddie Mercury and Robin Gibb who both died of AIDS, cannot be corroborated, was this a deliberate cover up ?

  3. heres one barbara thats worth a look

  4. I am fuming.. literally boiling over with frustration at Nigel Evans.
    This man is a MP supposedly representing abused children and a barrister yet he is calling for a time limit on child abuse cases.
    I was an detective specialising in abuse cases and most cases I dealt with were historic.
    Anyone who has ever been abused as a child will find it difficult to say anything at the time. It will destroy a normal life and it often only is reported in adult life.
    He is not fit to be an MP and should resign....from the human race

  5. Nigel Evans was a promiscous little pervert, no two ways of looking at it, and if cameron wants to support morally bankrupt people he should be slung out also, this bit about "well most of those boys deserve what they got "
    does not sit right with me at all

  6. Mark,

    I did complain, but all my complaints have been brushed aside and I have been slandered, called AGGRESSIVE, and a "MENTALLY ILL ATTENTION SEEKER"

  7. No child deserves to be abused, not ever.

    As for David Cameron, he attended that 2002 conference calling for police "trawling" (as MI5 paedophile cover up agent David Rose, Bob Woffinden and Richard Webster called it when the police try to do a thorough investigation of institutional child abuse) to be banned. David Cameron is not fit to be Prime Minister in my opinion, as he is helping cover up child abuse.

  8. None of the MEN were under age. He denies being an alcoholic. Until you have had your sex life splashed all over the media, no one know who gets up to what in their bed, in their private lives - you're probably all dirty barstewards in the bedroom, and to be honest, I'm not interested in your seedy little sex lives! He was found innocent, to which you will all bleat 'Not guilty doesn't mean not innocent' - GET OVER IT!
    Those complainants lied - even the prosecutor gave up in the end - read the transcript ffs!

  9. "you're probably all dirty barstewards in the bedroom, and to be honest, I'm not interested in your seedy little sex lives!"

    I'm actually Barbara Richards, one of the Staffordshire Pindown child abuse victims, I don't know who the heck you are, but you're pretty vocal in standing up for this MP, now you say you're not interested in my private life, you call it someting else, I don't have a seedy little sex life, I live with my partner, so I don't know who you think you're talking to with your libellous slander about the way I live.

    Parliament has snooped into every corner of my life, I dont actually have a private life and haven't for years, I even had ex police sent bang bang a banging down my door because I refused to fill in the 2011 Census, because I did NOT want to give all my personal details to Lockheed Martin, of which Eagle Associates is a part of, they already persecuted me to hell and back via the secret family courts, falsely accusing me of Parental Alienation Syndrome, which a bunch of American paedophiles invented!

  10. WindyWeather, you have a damned cheek coming on here and moaning about people like me commenting on the Nigel Evans scandal.

    I dont know who the hell you are, but what you've said about me is libellous. I dont have a seedy little sex life, I dont actually have ANY private life, as MIpaedo have been snooping on everything I do for years, and my MP Bill cash and all his colleagues know it too!

  11. Plus, my son, who has Asperger Syndrome, was taken WITHOUT MY KNOWLEDGE OR CONSENT to Drake Hall Prison for PE lessons, from his school for children with special needs, Walton Hall, and none of your Parliamentary friends wants to explain what the hell was going on!!!

  12. I've just been reading a news article about the Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult network.

    Sometimes something is just so absolutly evil it takes your breath away. I feel so utterly powerless, and repulsed.

  13. I've just been reading a news article about the Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult network.

    Sometimes something is just so absolutly evil it takes your breath away. I feel so utterly powerless, and repulsed.

  14. What is wrong with people? Can't they see what is staring them right in the face? The hypocracy of the so called church, an institution that pretends to serve God, but does the exact opposite of what God wants?

    How can such disgusting hypocracy and double standards go on? Why, Jesus, why?
