Thursday 22 May 2014


Its a great pity they had to be frogmarched into doing the right thing, they should have had this report made available online years ago.

They should also have given all us Pindown victims copies of it years ago, and not subjected us to years of reabuse from the military secret services, who have been using their surveillance powers inappropriatly, by stalking victims of these crimes, making sure we Pindown child abuse victims had our characters well blackened, getting some of us put into prison and squashing the ones they couldn't deliberatly criminalise into nervous wrecks and allowing disgusting creeps like Nigel Oldfield to prey on us and call us "Nut jobs".

The Pindown report is a damage limitation excercise, it doesn't go back far enough, and it doesn't go into the rapes of children that were happening at Chadswell Assessment Centre in the 70's, but at least them publishing this digitally is a small step in the right direction.


  1. The comment I recieved about Exposing End Time Disinformation agents, just reposting the answer I made here, in case you don't see it:

    Zoompad said...
    I think Aangirfan isn't just one person, because when I was on Facebook Brian Clare, the man who played a creepy trick on me with Ian Evans at the Trafalgar Square anti child abuse rally, I think it was in 2010, before he did that, he tried to get me to commit perjury for him by being a character witness for him in a secret family court case. He wanted me to make a false statement claiming I knew him when I didn't, but he kept saying that I did know him and made me think perhaps I did know him from somewhere, so I asked him where we had met, and he said we'd met in a childrens home in the north east, but that wasnt true as I'd never been in any childrens home in the North East, the one I was put in was Chadswell Assessment Centre near Lichfield.

    He told me he was one of the Operation Rose Pindown child abuse victims and I believed him, but after he did what he did to me, trying to bully and trick me, I dont believe he was telling me the truth, maybe there was someone called Brian Clare and he'd stolen his identity, because I just dont believe that any victim of a Pindown home would treat another victim of Pindown in such a horrible cruel way. I never met him, as far as I'm aware, he just befriended me on Facebook. Chris Wittwer told me other women had been befriended by him and that he'd tried to get them to commit perjury for him as well.

    He told me Aangirfan was his blog, sort of, he told me he wrote on Aangirfan, but that he wasn't Aangirfan, he said he'd had his own blog but it was closed down.

    I think genuine child abuse victims are having their identities stolen then other people, bad people are pretending to be them.

  2. I did not think this would ever be made public, i bet most of it was redacted ?
    Warwick Spinks the man described as a crimonal mastermind in the suply of young boys said of oindown " it wasa great time for selling young boys, many were high profile jews and i assumed that would give me a degree of safety, pindown was a great time for money making "
    this disgusted me to think this vile man was using this asa cover for child abuse


    Dramatic video: Dad pays ex-special forces team to rescue 4-year-old boy abducted by mother

    May 23, 2014 06:00
    By Emma Pietras

    Gordon Carr feared he'd never see son Moregan again after partner Souly Vongkalasinh took him back to Laos - and had to resort to desperate lengths

    It was a daring mission that could have come straight from a Hollywood movie.

    A team of ex-special forces soldiers in a blacked out jeep driving into the Laos jungle to rescue a four-year-old boy.

    After making the snatch, they swapped to a van and then a boat as they raced towards the Thai border.

    Anxiously waiting on the shore was Gordon Carr, the father who had gone to such desperate lengths to get back Moregan, the son he had lost.

    And after three and a half years and thousands of miles apart, they were finally reunited.

    “It was like something out of a James Bond movie,” says Gordon. “Moregan knew who I was. He was a bit scared for the first five minutes because he didn’t know what was going on.

    “When we got in the car, I gave him his favourite toy – Iggle Piggle from In The Night Garden – to help bring back memories. I gave him a hug and held his hand.

    “I couldn’t stop looking at him. I couldn’t believe I’d got him back. My nightmare had finally ended.”

    Phoenix Photo Agency
    Home safe: Moregan with battling dad Gordon

    But his little boy was changed in a dramatic way. “His teeth were all rotten and he was covered in mosquito bites. He was skinny and you could see his bones.”

    Moregan was just a tot when Gordon’s partner, Souly Vongkalasinh – known as Nam – took him from their home in Wallasey, Merseyside.

    She then abandoned him with relatives in her native Laos, south east Asia, before fleeing to America to start a new life.

  4. Heartbroken Gordon spent £40,000 in his quest to get Moregan back through the Laos courts, and had almost given up hope.

    But then he read a story in the Mirror about another desperate dad, Sean Felton, who snatched his son back from Thailand – and Gordon knew he had a chance.

    “I’d been to Laos so many times and each time I had a feeling I wasn’t going to get him back but this time was different,” he says.

    The handyman met Nam, then 23, on holiday in Pattaya, Thailand, in November 2007. Originally from Laos, she was working in the
    neighbouring country.

    “We got talking and that was it,” says Gordon, 56. “Despite the age gap, we really hit it off. She seemed a nice pleasant girl.”

    Phoenix Photo Agency
    Flight: Nam dumped son

    When divorced Gordon flew home two weeks later, they stayed in touch, arranging for him to visit again.

    Then in the summer of 2008, Nam came to the UK on a six-month visa – and they discovered she was pregnant.

    “Starting a family was something we’d talked about so we were both really happy,” says Gordon, who also has a grown-up son.

    “We even bought an engagement ring.”

    But as her visa ran out, Nam returned to Laos, when Moregan was just six weeks old. “He was a gorgeous baby,” says Gordon.

    “I was enjoying my chance at being a dad again and Nam slowly settled into life over here.”

    In December 2010, Nam again had to go to Laos to renew her visa, taking Moregan with her.

    “I drove her to the airport,” says Gordon. “She got quite upset – we both did. I stayed for as long as I could then I gave her a kiss and said, ‘I’ll see you soon’.”

    While they were away, Gordon kept himself busy doing up Moregan’s bedroom – getting him a Liverpool FC bedspread and putting up posters of Tweetie Pie, Bob the Builder and Bugs Bunny.

    He recalls: “Nam called me when they got to Laos and texted me saying, ‘Me and Moregan love you very much.’”

  5. But a few weeks later, in January 2011, Nam rang to say she was in America because she had to pay off a family debt.

    Gordon says: “She told me not to worry, that she’d stay there for a bit and work it off before returning with Moregan.” She left the boy with her parents in Laos.

    Phoenix Photo Agency
    Cutie pie: Moregan aged 6 months

    Over the next three months Nam’s calls became less frequent. In the last one she asked him to send money for the flights home and he transferred the cash.

    “When I didn’t hear anything more, I knew she wasn’t coming back,” he says. “I felt physically sick. She’d clearly lied about her feelings for me. I was worried and realised I was going to have a fight on my hands to get my son back.”

    After consulting his local Citizens Advice Bureau, Gordon went to the High Court in London. In May 2011, a judge issued a wardship order, saying the toddler should be returned to the UK. A month later, Gordon flew out to Laos.

    He says: “I was terrified Moregan wouldn’t remember me but when he saw me, he said, ‘Dadda’ and I was so relieved. He looked very unhappy though. You could see it in his face.

    “The conditions he had been living in were awful. It was a half built house with a concrete slab over the top.

    “It floods when it rains. They hadn’t even got a cooker or shower. He was just getting buckets of cold water thrown at him. There was no toilet and his bed was filthy.”

    Gordon soon realised the British court order meant nothing in Laos. He says: “Nam’s family hid his passport. Why they wanted to hold him is beyond me. Perhaps she was sending them money to keep him.”

    Laos: Moregan's grandmother in her home

    In February 2012, Gordon’s case came to court in Laos, but the judge ruled against him.

    Then, eight months later, he suffered another blow. He says a company promised to recover Moregan in exchange for £10,000 but after paying the money he never heard from them again.

    Despite racking up huge debts, Gordon refused to give up. Then, in February 2013, he won his appeal and four months later was given a new British passport for Moregan.

    But Nam’s family weren’t prepared to hand the boy over. “I tried to deal with them amicably, but they were playing a game,” he says.

    In desperation Gordon contacted the charity Abducted Angels, set up by Sean Felton, which supports parents of snatched children.

    “I read his story in the Mirror,” says Gordon. Sean put him in touch with Child Abduction Recovery International, who agreed to take his case.

    “The team advised me to stay on the Thai-Laos border, in case someone recognised me and warned the family,” he says.

    It was there that he was reunited with his son.

    “I’d been crying but I had to pull myself together because I didn’t want Moregan to see me upset.

    “It was a relief like you would never believe.”

    From there, the CARI team escorted them to Bangkok, before boarding another flight to the UK.

    Gordon Carr
    Shell shocked: Moregan reunited with father Gordon

    Since Moregan has been back in the UK, he has started school and is slowly adjusting to life with his father. Gordon says: “He couldn’t speak English at first but he’s started to pick it up. He said ‘dad’ for the first time the other day. It was lovely to hear.”

    Gordon is planning to apply for sole custody of Moregan, now five. He says Nam – who he believes has since married – has been back in touch a couple of times.

    “She wants Moregan to go and visit but that’s not going to happen,” he says. “I just don’t trust her.”

    Gordon now believes Nam probably simply used him to get into the US.

    “I found out that they don’t let people from Laos into America and she only got through the net because she’d been to England,” he says.

    “All she was interested in was passports and money. That’s what she’s been after.”
    •For more information visit
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  6. Ive reprinted the whole story just in case it dissapears.

    The thing that worries me about that story is, why are special overseas military forces being deployed in private secret family court custody battles in this way?

    As a victim of Pindown child abuse totally let down by police and social services, I don't have any access to this sort of power, so how come these men can be sent charging into action for something like this, and who is footing the bill for what sounds like a very expensive military operation?

  7. A policeman freind was telling me that all this info on pedos was known for some time
    the laptop ofa man called warwick spinks had all thse names on and more, he would brag he supplied boys to several high level jews and was protected.
    he surmised that he was talking about greville janner jonathan king and uri geller, well why should anyone be above the law ?

  8. Well, they didnt want to publish it but I forced them, by publishing it page by page on my blog, and doing FOI requests about it.

    I'll be reading it through very carefully to check if anything has been altered, but I don't think it will be, although the report did not go far back enough, it should have gone back as far as the 70's because Pindown was certainly happening in Stafordshire at the time, I should know, I was incarcerated at Chadswell Assessment Centre!

    well done barbara you were listened too
    this short vid tells you of kids targetted in partcular

    it was widely discussed at the time warwick spinks was caught, that in special branch greville janner was behind several kidnaps on young lads and suspected murders, but as the commenter says hes too big to stand trial

  11. intelligence services did not trust pervert blair after iraq war

  12. Anonymous said...
    well done barbara you were listened too
    this short vid tells you of kids targetted in partcular
    24 May 2014 05:59

    That link doesn't work

  13. I've been reading about John Profumo, I think it's important to try to understand what happened then to understand how The Tony Blair fiasco.

    Having international playboys and would be pop stars as Prime Ministers for the country is so obviously not right. A Prime Minister ought to be a sober, unselfish, digilent,honest, hardworking man, dedicated to serving his country, dedicated to serving God, with a deep respect for God's laws, devoted to doing his best for the people of his country, in short, an exceptional man, and a role model. I don't think we got such a man in Tony Blair.

    Tony Blair reminds me of a stalk of grass being blown every which way by the wind.

    I don't know if the things about Tony Blair when he was younger are true, but personally I don't believe Blair is a paedophile, I think what happened is that the crafty paedophiles caught in the Operation Ore net got their computer savvy paedophile friends to smear people who weren't paedophiles to muddy the water.

    Tony Blair has some very wicked friends, that I do know.

  14. Brabara i had to show you this
    its all here if you want chemtrail lung problems and your kids tatchelled, vote for them

  15. jehovah witness molested kiddies

  16. I see a policeman has spoken out that if Rolf Harris had molested boys it would not have come out, i am coming round to this opinion myself, how many times have greville janner ian mckellern elton john robin gibb and boy goerge been named by boys and still no prosections ?
    why the double standards here ?
