Wednesday 18 June 2014


I am having right game posting anything on Twitter this morning, theres a delay every time I try to post anything, and the first time I get Internal Server Error, its' like someone else is intercepting everything I post. Its not only on Twitter, its done it on here as well, my blog site.

I am pointing the finger at MI5, because they've already exposed themselves as paedophile cover uppers, from their employing men like Jimmy Savile and David Rose, and John Hemming.

I have just been reading about Sonia Poulton, and her struggle with Twitter trolls, and one of them, surprise surprise is from Birmingham. Mary Beard has also been attacked on Twitter. I wondered why Sonia Poulton didn't write what I told her over th telephone, about Pindown/Richard Gardner ect, but it's not surprising now, because it really gets you so low when the paedo stalkers do this, it wears you down. The Hemming gangsters are always there in the thick of it, he is a very very clever man, he wanted to work for NASA, (he probably does work for them) but he's alo a very stupid man, I will never forget what he and his friends did to me on Mothers for Justice, over a 2 year period, hounding the living daylights out of me there were, also on other sites, Topix, and The Jesus Army Watch forum, at the time I thoght was talking to different people, but the nasty creepy sinister childish giggle down the phone and "Emily's " broad black country accent was a dead givaway, you know who you are, and it'll all come out in an open court one day.


  1. barbara this is a great website deealing with abuse
    its called butlins cat

  2. Sadly, I had an argument with Butlincat, over John Hemming, Butlincat didn't believe me that Hemming and his merry band of gangsters (including Nigel Oldfield) had bullied me for two years on Mothers for Justice, so we ended up having angry words. He threatened to set the police on me (just as Hemmings friend Jane Webb had done), so that is why I dont have anything to do with him.

    I really don't think Butlincat is one of the bad uns, but I think he's blind if he can't see what a bad man Hemming is.

  3. Apart from that, I do think Butlincats site is a rich source of education, I like his piece on the fashion industry con trick, its absolutly spot on, I've always hated and ignored the fashion industry, even when I was a pretty young girl, the only time I really followed fashion was when it was the in thing to make your own, the hippy era, and thats because I never had any money to buy new clothes anyway!

    He also mentions The Prisoner, was a good program, the Patrick McGoohan 60's series, not the crappy Ian Mckellan remake, I remember watching it as a child, it took years before we figured out what it was about, but we certainly knew the state oppression that McGoohan was pointing at, I remember reading Mcgoohan was a committed Christian, and the reason he turned down James Bond was because he didn't want to play a character who committed seriel adultary, as he was very much in love with his own wife, and faithful to her as well.

    The series before it was Dangerman, and I have it on DVD to watch, waiting for some bad weather now so I can watch it instead of being outside in the garden

  4. I've just found this article:

    Popular Music Project ARTICHOKE Mind Control Program

    May 15, 2014 in Mind Control, Popular Culture, The Illuminati

    ■Views 66
    ■Rating 12345

    Ft. Chaffee, Arkansas — When your mother told you to turn down that loud music, she probably wasn’t only concerned with the damage that it would cause to your ears. According to truth seekers in conspiracy circles, most popular music is actually apart of a mind control program called Project ARTICHOKE.

    Project ARTICHOKE, a CIA project run by the Office of Scientific Intelligence, researched interrogation methods and arose from Project BLUEBIRD on August 20, 1951. Artichoke became Project MKULTRA on April 13, 1953. The studies focused on hypnosis, forced addiction and forced withdrawal from the use of chemicals, part of the study also included the ability to produce amnesia and other vulnerable states in subjects. While it precedes MK-ULTRA by nearly two years, sources believe that the studies conducted at Project ARTICHOKE were much more intensive and brutal, and now exist as the disjointed music of pop culture. These methods, conspiracy theorists believe, were later converted to music, as all the necessary components to manipulate brain activity existed in sound waves.

    As a program of mind control, Project ARTICHOKE gathered information with intelligence from the Army, Navy, Air Force, and FBI. The scope of the project was outlined in a memo dated January 1952 that stated, “Can we get control of an individual to the point where he will do our bidding against his will and even against fundamental laws of nature, such as self-preservation?” “Today, we see children who commit suicide due to a heartbreak of unrequited love, join gangs and have a sudden urge to feel like a man while riding a pickup, without the slightest clue about why. The music that we hear on the radio is increasing suggestive. Music affects the emotions, in some cases overriding the ability to reason. This is why people do things based on lyrics that an average person today would call stupid if they were merely told to do it.”

    However, even though each music genre perfects the art of mind control, no one genre has been able to control the public, hence genres in radio stations. Yet, many conspiracy theorists believe that the remnants of ARTICHOKE have found a perfect simulator for the mind in Dubstep. The genre of electronic dance music originating in South London, England, developed with as a inheritor of 2-step garage, broken beat, drum and bass, jungle, dub and reggae styles. The music generally features syncopated drum and percussion patterns with bass lines that contain prominent sub bass frequencies, making it perfect for subliminal messaging. “Aside from pop music, which still has reverse messaging in some of the popular hit radio songs, Dubstep has “mind-breaking” beat patterns and binaural sound waves. The rhythms used musical patterns to re-wire the brain so that it could concentrate with matter of fact reasoning and high sensitivity to external stimuli. In the cause of brain misfiring, the brain loses the ability to focus. The brain is actually being suffocated.”

    Conspiracy theorists believe that prolonged audio exposure to Dubstep can cause kids to become violent, and create short-term memory problems comparable to being intoxicated on marijuana.

  5. I know I really don't like Dubstep if it is that booming rhythmatic two step thudding beat, which it seems to be, according to that article.

    It seems to be everywhere right now, and it makes me feel uncomfortable, and angry, so I can well understand the effect its having on young minds.

    I used to laugh at the notion that loud thudding music is demonic, I remember the tail end of the outcry when Rock and Roll came in, being a 60s child, and like most kids of my time, I loved pop music, though I very quickly veered towards the prog rock and Island record singer songwriters, and I always hated the Rolling Stones, I never liked the aggressive "we're gonna do as we like and we don't care who we stomp on" sort of defiant music, I veered more towards musicians like Joe Cocker, Joni Mitchell, Ralph McTell, Judith Durham, Yes, Cat Stevens ect. Though I did like Rock and Roll Suicide by David Bowie, and God Save the Queen by the Sex Pistols, I thought the words were pretty much how I have felt most of my life, as a crushed down stomped all over Pindown child abuse victim, "NO FUTURE NOW", I have felt the lyrics of that song in my own life most acutely.

  6. I've only just recently found out who Joanne Mjadzelics is! It's certainly not me who's protecting her!

    I'm a Pindown child abuse VICTIM, not some sort of paid campaigner, I don't get any money for shouting out, and not much thanks either - not that I do it for that, I scream out of my own personal pain - but I get a heck of a lot of abuse!

    I'll post that video up here if you'll send me a Youtube link, or a link to a site where my computer isn't going to be hacked, the only reason I havent posted it is because when I clicked onto the link you sent me my computer went all funny and I couldn't even watch the video, and I've ended up with 14 malware issues because of it, not blaming you, but don't come huffing and puffing here about me censoring videos and protecting wicked people, use your brain before you start blasting into people!

  7. And also, you having a go at me for being paranoid is stupid, we Pindowns and other institutional abuse victims have been treated so badly, PTSD is rife amongst us, its like our war wounds, yes I am paranoid and so would you be if you'd been treated like I have been for years and years and years without an end to it in sight!

  8. Pity you have to be such a coward and leave anonymous nasty comments, that in itself speaks volumes!

  9. Anonymous said...
    Your support for her while deliberately ignoring a video where she actually ADMITS incest and drug taking with jailed pervert Ian Watkins speaks volumes about what sort of "campaigner" you are.

    bum shitter!

    22 June 2014 08:35



  11. Excuse me!!!! Joanne Nikita was Joanne's old twitter name before the trolls took it to carry on their sad lives posting hate at everyone in someone else's name. Joanne was supporting you before she left twitter!!!!
    Why would she comment about something she is taking legal action against people for posting and linking her name to?

  12. I don't know, but you see, neither did I know why John Hemming and co were sidling up to us child abuse and legal abuse victims, pretending to help us and be our friend, but really stabbing us in the back. I dont understand how anyone can do such disgusting persecutions of people who have laready been to hell and back, and in a way I'm not even sure if I want to know, its just so wretched evil to do stuff like that to people!

  13. I know the paedos steal child abuse victims and whistleblowers identities, if they've done that to Joanne Nikita whoever she is then I'm sorry, the paedophiles are like devils, its hard to keep up with all their wretched tricks, I dont know everything I'm just a Pindown and secret family court victim who is trying to get some sort of justice or even a simple apology, it wears me down to have this constant battle with MIpaedo, the so called best brains in the UK are waging war against us smashed up child abuse victims, it is like a David and Goliath battle except the David is not a little boy with a sling but a group of smashed up but very angry and determined child abuse victims, and the Goliath is a bunch of really nasty and well funded gangsters who are determined as hell to cover up what they have (and still are) doing to children and vulnerable people, its not us smashed up victims that will stop them though, its the Lord God, God will stop these cruel swine from persecuting the vulnerable, God will do it, I have faith in that!

  14. I know the paedos steal child abuse victims and whistleblowers identities, if they've done that to Joanne Nikita whoever she is then I'm sorry, the paedophiles are like devils, its hard to keep up with all their wretched tricks, I dont know everything I'm just a Pindown and secret family court victim who is trying to get some sort of justice or even a simple apology, it wears me down to have this constant battle with MIpaedo, the so called best brains in the UK are waging war against us smashed up child abuse victims, it is like a David and Goliath battle except the David is not a little boy with a sling but a group of smashed up but very angry and determined child abuse victims, and the Goliath is a bunch of really nasty and well funded gangsters who are determined as hell to cover up what they have (and still are) doing to children and vulnerable people, its not us smashed up victims that will stop them though, its the Lord God, God will stop these cruel swine from persecuting the vulnerable, God will do it, I have faith in that!

  15. Perhaps its only right and fitting that my previous comment accidentally got posted twice, I really do have faith in God that He will stop all this wicked nonsence and bring healing to us Pindowns!
