Tuesday 1 July 2014


It gives me mixed emotions to read about what that wicked man has done, because I used to really love Rolf Harris's television programs, and his songs. It's hard to face up to the fact that the things you loved as a child were rotton to the core.

Why didn't Rolf Harris own up to what he'd done instead of employing expensive liars, oops I mean lawyers, oh well same difference, to cover up for him? Why do they do that? I probably wouldn't have felt so disgusted with Rolf Harris or any of the other convicted paedophiles if they didn't add to their crimes by forcing their victims to be interrogated and made to feel like criminals by covering up their crimes with a Not Guilty plea. Every time they do that what they are doing is calling the person they abused a liar!

The only pleasure I get from all this is that it increases my hope that my own 40 year long ordeal might come to an end before too long, as every time one of this network of paedophiles gets convicted the police (the REAL police, not the criminals in uniforms that are colluding to cover up institutional child abuse and murder and other wicked crimes, that remark is aimed directly at Stafford police) get closer and closer to the hub of this horrid network of international gangsters.


Rolf Harris 'visited Broadmoor hospital with Jimmy Savile'

Alison Pink, who alleges Jimmy Savile abused her at Broadmoor, recalls how the pair suddenly turned up on a women’s ward as patients were getting changed

By Keith Perry

11:45PM BST 30 Jun 2014

Rolf Harris was once shown around Broadmoor hospital by Jimmy Savile as female patients were undressing for bed, it was alleged.

Alison Pink – who said Savile abused her at Broadmoor– recalled the pair suddenly turned up on a women’s ward just as patients were preparing to get undressed in the corridor, the Mirror reported. The pair had been attending a fete at the hospital before they ventured onto the wards.

It was also claimed that another victim of Harris wrote to Buckingham Palace in 1995 warning that he had abused her.

The woman allegedly told royal staff: “He ruined my life. You need to know what kind of man you’ve let near the Queen.”

The anonymous letters were passed to Scotland Yard’s Royal Protection Group who deemed them credible and they were logged as intelligence
But they remained filed until Harris, 84, officially became a suspect in 2012.

Scotland Yard refused to comment on the allegations.

Describing how Harris and Savile attended Broadmoor together, the ex-patient, now called Steven George after a sex change, believes the pair were “birds of a feather”.

Mr George said: “Harris turned up one evening out of the blue.

He was being shown around by Savile in an understated way. Normally stars only came if they were there for an official performance but Harris didn’t do one.

“It was also unusual because visitors would come at visiting hours, between 10am and 4pm, but they came in as we were getting ready for bed,” Mr George said.

Harris’ visit was mentioned in last week’s report on Savile’s abuse of vulnerable victims in the hospital, it was reported.

While it found no evidence of wrongdoing by Harris, the report stated: “We heard convincing accounts of a pattern of inappropriate behaviour surrounding Savile’s attendance on female wards at bath time and bedtime... female patients would be obliged to strip while lined up in corridors.

“We heard that Savile followed a clear pattern of arriving on a female ward at just before this time.”

The report adds: “Unchallenged by staff, he would then watch from behind, as the row of female patients undressed.”

Mr George, now 62, first wrote an account of Harris’ Broadmoor visit in his 2012 autobiography “Heartless”.

Alison was sent to the high-security psychiatric hospital as a teenager after she ran away from her adoptive parents and set fire to a property.

Savile was a hospital volunteer and was given his own keys and living quarters at the hospital. Alison was on the York ward when the men visited at the height of their fame.

They then headed to the Lancaster ward, where women who were being punished had to strip in the corridor in front of warders.

Mr George said: “Harris was very famous at the time and had his weekend show. He walked down the passageway of York ward with Savile opening the doors along with a nursing officer.

“Some of the girls came out and there was an unprompted performance of Tie Me Kangaroo Down, Sport. He then went through to the punishment ward.

"At that time of the evening all the girls on that ward would have been undressed ready for bed.

"We all had to get completely undressed in the hallway in front of the staff, male and female, to show nothing was being taken into our rooms.

“I thought it was odd that he was walking through the female wards and not doing a show. It was strange that he arrived at the same time the women were undressing for bed.”


  1. What does this mean?

    "Twitter uses the t.co domain as part of a service to protect users from harmful activity, to provide value for the developer ecosystem, and as a quality signal for surfacing relevant, interesting Tweets."

  2. Good grief, I've had 1294 veiws from the UK today, how come so many people are reading my blog yet hardly any people are leaving comments, that is just weird!!!

  3. You should be watching the Joanne Mjadzelics video and exposing her lies on here instead of covering up for her with Chris Spivey and all the fools on the David Icke Forum.
    If you dont then you are as good as helping her get away with it.



    Your alternating from goading and bullying me into posting anonymous comments and then threatening me with libel for posting those same comments are ridiculous and I won't be rising to your bait or be intiidated by you either.
