Sunday 17 August 2014


David Cameron is only partly right, he's right of course about the threat to this country, but he's wrong in thinking they are not already here. They're here, working from the inside, they're in the schools, in the courts - the legal courts and the illegal secret courts, in the quangos, in the select committees, in Parliament in the House of Lords, in the Church.

Islam is different to Christianity. The New Testament tells us that it is a sin to lie. The Quran says that lies are permitted in certain circumstances. There is a vast gulf between Christianity and Islam, and Prince Charles was wrong to believe that their paths are one and the same.

The Church is corrupt, and needs to repent, to be cleansed, the wicked church leaders need to be punished, the church leaders who don't even believe in God need to be honest about it and either step down or seek the Lord, and David Cameron needs to call for national repentance, for this country is in peril, and everyone with eyes can see it.

This country has persecuted me, my own country has hurt me, but I don't want revenge or even compensation, I love my country, this is where I was born, in Englands green and pleasant land, the paedos have taunted me telling me to run away when I was being persecuted in the secret courts, but how could I? I didnt even have anywhere to run to, and in any case didnt want to run away, this is the land of my birth. I know there will be another country one day, but while I am in human flesh this is where I belong. I love this country though I hate some of the dreadful things it has done, just like Isaiah, people reading this blog might think I hate England, but they cant see inside my heart as God can. I hate that there are secret courts that steal children from parents who love them using syndromes paedophiles invented, things like that I hate, I pray for repentance of these wicked things in this country


Islamic extremists will come to Britain if nothing is done to stop them, says David Cameron as Church of England slams Prime Minister's 'incoherent' Middle East policy
David Cameron has said 'military prowess' may be needed in fight against IS
Warned that terror could be brought to Britain if no action is taken
Called for 'tough, intelligent and patient' response to Middle east threat
Church of England accused government of abandoning Christians in Iraq
Questioned why no help had been given to those fleeing city of Mosul

ByChris Pleasance for MailOnline

Published: 01:12, 17 August 2014 | Updated: 08:28, 17 August 2014

The UK is in a generational struggle against a poisonous brand of Islamic extremism which will bring terror to Britain if nothing is done to stop it, according to David Cameron.

The Prime Minister has warned that the West faces having an extremist state on the borders of the Mediterranean if IS extremists succeed in their goals.

Cameron has also signalled that airstrikes will not be enough to defeat the terrorist organisation, and has called for 'tough, intelligent, and patient' measures to combat the threat.

Writing in today's Sunday Telegraph, Cameron said Britain will have to use its 'military prowess' to help defeat a 'warped and barbaric' movement before UK citizens become the target of attacks.

Mr Cameron said: 'The creation of an extremist caliphate in the heart of Iraq and extending into Syria is not a problem miles away from home.

'Nor is it a problem that should be defined by a war 10 years ago. It is our concern here and now.

'Because if we do not act to stem the onslaught of this exceptionally dangerous terrorist movement, it will only grow stronger until it can target us on the streets of Britain. We already know that it has the murderous intent.'

The Prime Minister also vowed action on those recruiting for IS in Britain, saying that anyone posting videos promoting the group will be arrested.

He also pointed to statistics saying that police officers have already removed 28,000 pieces of terrorist related material from the web, including 46 IS videos.

Mr Cameron raised fears that the struggle against the terrorists would last ‘the rest of my political lifetime’.

He was speaking as RAF Tornado jets returned to RAF Akrotiri in western Cyprus after carrying out vital ‘recon’ sorties over Mount Sinjar in northern Iraq.

No 10 officials denied Mr Cameron was paving the way for British military action in Iraq – which he has repeatedly ruled out.

But diplomatic observers seized on his reference to the 2003 Iraq War, seen by most as a catastrophe for Iraq and Britain, as well as for Mr Blair personally.

Government insiders said Mr Cameron’s comments were meant to signal that he refused to accept the Iraq War was the cause of the current crisis – or that Britain had no right to be involved in attempts to tackle it.

The Observer is also reporting that senior figures in the Church of England have penned a letter to Mr Cameron attacking his Middle East policy as incoherent and badly planned.

Written bythe bishop of Leeds, Nicholas Baines, with the support of the archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, the letter says policy seems to be dictated by 'the loudest media voice at any particular time'.

The note also accuses the Government of abandoning Christian minorities in Iraq feeling extremists in the city of Mosul, while leaping to the defence of Yazidis trapped on Mount Sinjar.

Baines writes: 'Does your government have a coherent response to the plight of these huge numbers of Christians whose plight appears to be less regarded than that of others?

'The French and German governments have already made provision [for Christians driven from their homes], but there has so far been only silence from the UK government.

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  1. sorry barbara but this is your first ever post i disagree with, you fall into the trap of beliving the enwspapers,
    next you will be saying adolf hitler wasa bad guy
    best wishes BV

  2. my brother is a top policeman in liondon and he told us that if Britian prosecutes Greville janner for his crimes, there will be a bombing campaign in the city
    you never make any mention of jewish expremists
    so maybe you should

  3. "my brother is a top policeman in liondon and he told us that if Britian prosecutes Greville janner for his crimes, there will be a bombing campaign in the city"

    Cowardice is not a trait that is part of the British psyche. We Brits have a long history of having to face grave danger with a stiff upper lip.

    I remember when we got our "Duck and Cover" booklet in the 70s, how to survive neuclear war with a couple of old doors and a few blankets. I remember the discussions about that at the Dirty Duck in Stafford, we LAUGHED about it, we realised we couldn't really do anything else but laugh about it! We laughed, and carried on living, trying to, as much as our crafty cowardly scheming self serving government would allow us to at any rate.

    So if the police aren't arresting upper class child abusers for fear of what their gangster thugs will do if they do, I thank thats cowardice, sorry but you don't beat bullies by running away from them, it just doesn't work, you have to stand up to them, and grab the ringleaders!

  4. barbara you shout about being judges but you do this yourself
    hitler was no mass murderer, as the other commenter said
    dont tell me you beleive in the holocuast ?
    sarah jones

  5. hello barbara i tuned in to a small radio station to hear a short prog on fracking, but it was changed at the last minute to one on the care homes scandal,
    i feel for all these boys abused by homosexuals, one phone in man told of what greville janner would make them do and i could not finish my supper, and to think this man is walking free
    makes me sick

  6. like you barbara i am a christian
    and i cannot for the life of me see how boy-nobbing is ok
    that Peter tachell with his "it does no harm to young lads "
    i see as bullshit, but people are now saying that maybe homosexuality is ok.

  7. "but people are now saying that maybe homosexuality is ok."

    The Bible doesn't say its ok.

    I've struggled with it, because when I first became a Christian living in Handsworth I could not understand why God was so against it, so these accusations from anonymous cowards about me being homophobic are ridiculous, I was really sorry it was in the Bible about homosexuality being wrong, I felt sorry for anyone who was under that Biblical curse, when I read it, and you cant just cut bits out of the Bible wether you want to or not, you just cant.

    But during my massive personal struggle that God has seen fit for me to endure, I have had my eyes opened to a lot of things. First, the gay community, as far as I cn see, there are a lot of people in it who are themselves victims of child abuse, the other thing is that unlike the Christian institution of marriage, there is not the same yearning for a long term relationship, faithful till death to one partner, as far as I can see the reason the homosexual community wanted gay marriage is so they can adopt other peoples children. And I know, from my own personal experience, that the secret family courts are stealing children who are very much both loved and wanted from mothers using syndromes that paedophiles invented

  8. Hi Barbara

    You were right about many things, the issues lately prove this, even what you said re MI5 is correct, many people are not what they seem, even once friendly journalists are compromising our efforts to out the abusers.
    A broken arrow is called, there is no overall control of anyone, and we go back to our previous guerilla tactics.
    By the way, theres a pet grave at thornham magna with dracula written on it, thornham is where Peter Righton once lived, and where Charles Napier visited.
    Everyone be careful, a very close friend of us all was shot today, RIP, we fight on your memory L.
    A new friend

  9. where are you barbara ? have you abandoned us ?

  10. I just needed a break, I absolutly hate having to do this blog, I wish I could just do nice things ie painting knitting sewing playing guitar birdwatching going for lovely walks ect ect ect, but I cant, I have to do this, do this blog, to find out why I and other children were abused and then let down by all the authorities.

    I have to have a break from it sometimes though, as I am not a robot, and need to do nice things, nice things that have nothing to do with paedos and gangsters, so sorry but I have to have a break sometimes.

  11. I have been reading a book all about George Thomas, called Order! Order! by Ramon Hunston.

    I have also found this:

    I think Leo Abse was a really really horrible man, and a very crafty man.


    I'm not a psychologist, but after reading Ramon Hunstons book about George Thomas, to me this just doesn't sound right:

    "With tears in his eyes, he railed: ‘Bust them, Leo. I do not care a damn what is said after I’m dead but I couldn’t stand them taunting me in my lifetime."

    Extract from Leo Abse’s book Tony Blair: The Man Behind The Smile, Robson Books, 2001.

  13. Why would a God fearing man talk like that? It sounds like something an athiest would say, and George Thomas was a Christian, even if he's been bad and done what Leo Abse has said he'd done, he wouldn't have been talking like that in God's sight, surely not!

    I don't believe Leo Abse's version of events, and as for the Daily Mail, that nasty stinking so calle newspaper wont even publish the truth about the taking of disabled children from special schools to prisons for PE lessons withoput parents knowledge or permission, that shows how much they really care about child abuse!!!

  14. Its funny how the boy who George Thomas is supposed to have abused is remaining anonymous.

  15. glad you are back barbara
    its not funny at all thata man wishes to remain anonymous
    most men cannot cope with being abused as boys and there are thousands of us
    i will never put my name to what heppened to me part of me is still in denial
    you should know this barabara

  16. I don't believe it helps any of the victims of these crimes to insist we remain anonymous.

    I don't want to remain anonymous, I have spoken openly, using my real name, about the people who have abused me, everything I've said is easily checkable, if I was lying I would have been arrested for slander by now and my name would be all over the newspapers and on the BBC news, for the accusations I have levelled at people like John Hemming and Bill Cash, accusations I am very well prepared to defend in a court of law.

    Why hasn't John Hemming taken me to court over the things I have said about him? He took his wife to court over a cat, and what I've been saying publicly about him is far more serious than a custody struggle over a pet cat!The reason he hasn't is because it would all come out into the open exactly what he's been doing if he did, and he doesn't want that to happen.

  17. I never knew or met George Thomas and he's dead now, but I am reading about him, and from what I've read so far the quote that Leo Abse said seemed highly unlikely to have come from the lips of George Thomas.

    I don't know if George Thomas was guilty of the crime he is accused of having committed, but I do think it is very wrong for someone to accuse someone, dead or alive, of such a serious crime under the cover of anonimity. Some people might think it doesn't matter as George Thomas is dead now, but actually it DOES matter, as George Thomas was an ambassador for Jesus Christ, and preached in the Methodist church, so if he really did do the wicked things he is accused of it does need to come out into the open, so that anyone he hurt by his deception can be healed! So its wrong for his accuser to hide, he should come forward and stop hiding, because if it turns out to be untrue it hurts the rest of us child abuse victims who really have been abused, as well as being an attack on God!

  18. I am also wondering why a man like George Thomas would befriend a man like Leo Abse, as I would have thought the two men would have been inclined to despise each other, so Leo Abse making out that they were friends and that George Thomas came begging him for help seems out of character and very very odd!

  19. "i will never put my name to what heppened to me part of me is still in denial
    you should know this barabara"

    No I don't know it. Why on earth would any institutionally abused person want to remain anonymous?

    I've been telling people about the abuse I suffered for 40 years, I may have suffered because of other people trying to shove it under the rug but I believe I'd have suffered even more if I'd tried to live a lie by pretending to myself that it never happened!

    I do not understand why any victim of child abuse would continue to try to pretend they hadn't been abused to other people. I can understand a child doing that, of course I can, but not a grown adult, for a start if you'd been in an institution, as I was, how would you explain even being there, especially if it affected your school college and career prospects, and why would anyone even want to cover all that up?

    So no, I don't understand it, please explain, because I dont understand that at all!

  20. David cameron like many of the establishment is a traitor by definition of his continued kowtowing/support of the EU.
    Under Common Law as enshrined in the Bill of Rights of 1689 he, along with all other eu quislings sold the UK off to the foreign power/eu. TREASON! This is still the highest crime in any society & it was blair upon becoming PM who scrapped the death penalty for..treason?!
    The islamic problem is here and will stay for as long as we fail to challenge, confront, reverse the trend and practices such as halal slaughter "honour killings' FGM and ultimately eradicate this insidious evil from our society. It is nor merely a religion but a cultish political system without ANY tolerance for any others & attracts individuals who become ensnared and subject to death threats if they ever rebel or wish to leave. The constant unrelenting demands for "considerations" "special privileges" "understanding" & "tolerance" are merely to buy time until that point when they have so much power via schools/govt. etc. they will not need to ask, but simply enforce! Reiverdave

  21. David cameron like many of the establishment is a traitor by definition of his continued kowtowing/support of the EU.
    Under Common Law as enshrined in the Bill of Rights of 1689 he, along with all other eu quislings sold the UK off to the foreign power/eu. TREASON! This is still the highest crime in any society & it was blair upon becoming PM who scrapped the death penalty for..treason?!
    The islamic problem is here and will stay for as long as we fail to challenge, confront, reverse the trend and practices such as halal slaughter "honour killings' FGM and ultimately eradicate this insidious evil from our society. It is nor merely a religion but a cultish political system without ANY tolerance for any others & attracts individuals who become ensnared and subject to death threats if they ever rebel or wish to leave. The constant unrelenting demands for "considerations" "special privileges" "understanding" & "tolerance" are merely to buy time until that point when they have so much power via schools/govt. etc. they will not need to ask, but simply enforce! Reiverdave

  22. David cameron like many of the establishment is a traitor by definition of his continued kowtowing/support of the EU.
    Under Common Law as enshrined in the Bill of Rights of 1689 he, along with all other eu quislings sold the UK off to the foreign power/eu. TREASON! This is still the highest crime in any society & it was blair upon becoming PM who scrapped the death penalty for..treason?!
    The islamic problem is here and will stay for as long as we fail to challenge, confront, reverse the trend and practices such as halal slaughter "honour killings' FGM and ultimately eradicate this insidious evil from our society. It is nor merely a religion but a cultish political system without ANY tolerance for any others & attracts individuals who become ensnared and subject to death threats if they ever rebel or wish to leave. The constant unrelenting demands for "considerations" "special privileges" "understanding" & "tolerance" are merely to buy time until that point when they have so much power via schools/govt. etc. they will not need to ask, but simply enforce! Reiverdave
