Saturday 2 August 2014


Today is my birthday, and to celebrate I am going to devote my page to honour the Lord my God with this video.

I watched this video yesterday and want to share it with my readers.

I know a lot of athiests read this blog, I just urge you people to put aside your bigotry for a little while and watch this.


  1. Very funny at 31 minuites, sorry Richard Dawkins, but it is!

  2. thankyou barbara and happy birthday, i am nota believer i lost all my beleifs when homosexuals were allowed into our orphanage to rape and threaten us,
    i still wake up in fear and i am now a 64 year old man.
    enjoy the vid folks but not for me

  3. Dear Zoompad

    I know you like to keep up with the false memory people - so do you know what they are up to now? they have started a centre called "memory and law" at city university and they have moved the false memory archive there. I hope they let ordinay people read it. Would be good to know what the archive has to say about me"

  4. false memeory archive is now at "cetre for law and memory" city university

  5. happy birthday barb.
    A very good website is the coleman experience, it covers sex perversions, homosexuality is an accepted perversion and is well covered.

  6. Politician George Galloway
    is to open an inquiry into criinal acts by the BBC
    (1) the airbrushing out of savilles attacks on boys
    (2) the bullshit that pases as news
    (3) the trash coverage of the israeli attacks on gaza
    (4) the amount of rubbish sport and crap thats passes as programmes
    thankyou george

  7. Thanks for info about George Galloway, I've complained to the BBC about their appalling news coverage, if thats what you can call it, they only tell you what they want people to know, they censor news and they make documentarys ie Care Home Kid which try to gloss over abuse and scandals, damage limitation exercises. The BBC treated my complaint like as if I was a flea complaining about being scratched by a gigantic dog.

    Sorry to disagree with the other poster, I don't think its true that B Liar and his pillar box mouth wife were the ones to change the police from being defenders of the peace to defenders of the system, because the police were doing that long before the Liars came to power, they've always been biased towards the rich and powerful as far as I can see, its just that it got worse under the jumped up little Empiror that calls himself Tony Blair.

  8. Sorry again, but I will not make a hero of that wicked murderer Hitler, or a scapegoat of one race of people.

    I don't know all the ins and outs of what is going on in the Middle East, and theres a very good reason for that, it is that none of us British people can trust what comes out in the newspapers and on our television screens professing to be the news any more, as there are so many propaganda merchants and spin doctors trying to spin and twist the news, instead of telling us all what has happened plain and straight and true.

    What I do know is that this planet is being run by a bunch of international psychotic stinking mega rich playboys, and they aren't like us, they have mansions in every corner of the world, yachts, private airplanes, even their own private islands, and they push all the buttons, we peasants can count ourselves lucky if we are even allowed to have a place to lay our heads at night, and enough to eat. We Brits were fed a lie about slavery being abolished, slavery was NOT abolished, it just went underground, slavery is used in most of the big businesses worldwide, even Marks and Spencers have been caught using slave labour.

    I am not going to hate Jews or turn to worshipping bad men like Hitler on account of what a few megarich psychos are doing, and you shouldn't either my friend, please WAKE UP!

  9. "I know you like to keep up with the false memory people - so do you know what they are up to now? they have started a centre called "memory and law" at city university and they have moved the false memory archive there"

    Thank you very very much, yes, I do want to know what those creepy stinkers are up to, thanks for letting me know xx

  10. Eileen Fairweather has written to me telling me that she will not write an articleabout the taking of disabled children to Drake Hall prison from their special school for PE lessons without parents permission. She has told me that because this happened too long ago, but Ithink she's got muddled about the time, and didnt realise my son was a teenager when he was being taken to Drake Hall, so I'm hoping she will change her mind.

  11. hi again

    Maybe you could make another FOI request asking directly if the dead founder of the BFMS is the Webster guy. I think it was him and they don't want it revealed because it would limk them with the north wales stuff
