Saturday 1 November 2014


I have just been reading this document:

I am trustee of a sustainable development charity called Raleigh International. The
director is Marie Staunton who formerly legal officer for NCCL. PIE (the Paedophile
Information Exchange) was affiliated to NCCL until 1983 (the year Ms. Staunton
joined NCCL). On 1 March 2014 Ms Staunton issued a statement agreeing with the
current director of Liberty (the successor organisation to NCCL) that PIE's affiliation
"was and is a source of disgust and horror”.
I am a member of the Association of Women Solicitors, of which Harriet Harman is
also a member. You will be aware of media criticism of Harriet Harman regarding
alleged links between PIE and NCCL during her tenure as a legal officer.
In my capacity as Lord Mayor my steward has been Colin Tucker, a former solicitor
from Edinburgh. In 1989 Mr. Tucker was prosecuted for fraud and acquired. He was
later struck off as a solicitor. In 1983 he was involved in an inquiry into an allegation
of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice in Scotland, conducted by WA Nimmo
Smith QC and JD Friel, Regional Procurator Fiscal of North Strathclyde. The inquiry,
which concerned allegations that senior figures in the Edinburgh legal fraternity,
including judges, were engaged in sexual relations with under age boys, found no
evidence of wrongdoing. For the sake of completeness I attach a link to the full
report and the conclusions are found at pages 106-107 of the report.
13/0377.pdf). I can confirm that I have never discussed this issue with Mr. Tucker
and was unaware of his prior history until this matter was brought to my attention.
As you will appreciate, in the course of a long professional career and during my
time in various public offices I have inevitably encountered a very wide range of
people, some well-known, who have held senior positions in business, commerce,
the arts, the charitable sector and politics. I am clear that to know someone and to
meet them occasionally, even on an informal basis, is not the same as being a close
friend or sharing their views. To provide context, I attend on average [insert number]
of events per month which will consist of both formal and informal engagements.
As such



I am now reading page 19, the heading is 6 COLIN TUCKERS STATEMENT OR "LIST"

Colin Tucker, by his own admission is a promiscuous homosexual (not really the sort of person most people would want to be the Director of Childrens Services or Adoptions) but what he really doesnt want to admit to is his interest in young boys, and also his ruthless determination to try to throw a Christian lady into jail because she had put a spanner in the works of a child abuse ring masquerading as a charity he was involved in in Ethiopia.,d.d2s

British teacher faces jail in Ethiopia for exposing ... - Daily Mail

3 Mar 2008 - A British teacher faces jail in Ethiopia after being convicted of ... Colin Tucker, a spokesman for TdH, declined to discuss the charity's motive in ...

British teacher faces jail in Ethiopia for exposing paedophiles at children's charity

Last updated at 08:47 03 March 2008

A British teacher faces jail in Ethiopia after being convicted of defamation for her role in exposing paedophiles working in a children's charity.

Jill Campbell - who could be locked up for six months - and her husband Gary compiled a dossier of evidence that helped to convict a British sex offender who admitted abusing a child in his care.

And a second suspect committed suicide.

But Swiss charity Terre Des Hommes-Lausanne (TdH) succesfully brought a defamation case after the couple claimed care home staff tried to cover up the scandal.

Mrs Campbell, 45, will find out on Friday whether she will go to prison after a failed appeal.

Her lawyers have told her that she will be found in contempt of court if she refuses to apologise and could be jailed for six months.

Friends have said that she was distraught at having to tell her two adopted ten-year-old children that she might have to go to prison.

Her husband has apologised to TdH so that one parent will be able to remain at home.

In a statement published by the Ethiopian media last week, he apologised to the charity for alleging that it “knowingly removed their country director, David Christie (also known as David Allan) from Ethiopia in order to cover up a crime”.

The couple have lived in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, for 14 years and are well known for their charity work.

Friends have rallied to defend the Campbells and insist that without them paedeophile activity would not have been exposed.

“Instead of TdH apologising to the victims, they are forcing Gary and Jill to apologise for blowing the whistle and stopping the chain of homosexual abusers victimising orphans in the care of this Swiss-based NGO,” said told The Times.

Clare Rees, a teacher who works with Mrs Campbell at Sandford English Community School, said: “She's seen as a saint.

“If you walk along the streets here you meet so many people she has helped. That's why this whole thing is so unfair.”

Mrs Campbell became aware of the allegations of sexual abuse through a colleague at the school whose boyfriend worked at Jari.

In December 1996 staff members saw a boy escaping from Christie's bedroom window.

He was dismissed by the charity and left Ethiopia. He was subsequently arrested in 2001 as he travelled to Zambia.

The Campbells had drawn up a dossier of evidence against him, which they circulated widely.

Christie, originally from Bournemouth, was eventually found guilty of abusing boys under 15 and of procuring children for his friends. In 2003 he was sentenced at a court in Addis Ababa to nine years in prison with hard labour.

One of his associates and a frequent visitor to Jari, Mark Lachance, committed suicide after posting a confession on the internet in 1999.

Colin Tucker, a spokesman for TdH, declined to discuss the charity's motive in suing the whistle-blowers.

“Read the judgment. That's the best we can say,” he said. “They defamed us and we have successfully prosecuted them.”

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  1. As far as I am aware, Colin Tucker is STILL being employed in fostering and adoption. It is like putting a fox in charge of a chicken shed.

    I would like to know when Colin Tucker is actually going to be arrested, or wether his powerful paedophile friends are going to be allowed to protect him for ever

  2. Thank you Zoomy, this is so important to be shard everywhere, thinking of making it into a rolling text video if you agree.
    All the best

  3. George, its frightening that a creature like Colin Tucker is allowed to actually be in key roles in child protection, please do whatever you can to expose this, rolling text video sounds a good idea to me.

    I am smashed up, I am having to see mental health people because I'm having fits and its all been done on purpose, people keep telling me "you need help" but all thats been happening is the very people I've gone to for help either havent been able to do anything to help or else they have actually been part of the gang that have been hurting me and other Pindown and secret court victims, its been horrible, thats why I havent been making any more videos myself recently, I just feel so smashed up. The paedophile gangsters are like a pack of dogs, once they get their gnashers into a victim they dont want to let go, its just so cruel and horrible, they literally pursue their victims to death, in sly skulking ways, I have got a whole bunch of them trolling me on Twitter and Facebook and they come here as well and leave disgusting and sly comments, it makes me so tired and depressed - and absolutly determined to bite them all back!

  4. They have pretended to support Hollie Greig, George, I actually met Hollie and Anne at Stafford, if Anne Greig is lying then she should get an Oscar for acting, I absolutly believe her, but the paedos have skulked round here trying to brainwash me into believing shes lied about everything.

    I know that disabled kids have been targetted for abuse in Staffordshire, from personal experience I know it, they were actually taking my son and his classmates to Drake Hall prison for PE lessons without parents consent or even knowledge, for heavens sake, I would NEVER have given consent for my son to be taken to a bloody prison for PE and neither would any other good parent, can you imagine David Cameron having that done to his son Ivan? It really makes my blood boil what they have done, plus there are so many mothers of disabled kids in Staffordshire who have been targetted by the secret family courts and accused of having syndromes that paedophiles invented!

    I wasnt able to contact Anne Greig apart from one telephone call not long after the Stafford event that Jane Webb organised, she changed her phone number not long after, and I think that was done to keep her isolated, thats what they do, I have no doubt that the awful way I have been treated is pretty much the same as the awful way she and Hollie have been treated, the same vicious skulking tactics

  5. i was part of the VSO working
    with several agencies, and colin tucker was well known back then as a homosexual abuser of young boys and i do mean young.
    myself dave freeman and judith all got as far away from the homosexuals as we could and never went back.
    it is a fact that wherever you get young lads the homosexuals will not be far behind

  6. its not just boys that are targetted by homosexuals, they will go for any child of either sex that has a bottom
    the child killer Robert Black has given many statements to this effect

  7. I made this FOI about Colin Tucker:

    and this one:

    and I remain absolutly convinced that Scottish Colin Tucker who preyed on Thai boys is the same man as B'ham Colin Tucker who preyed on Ethiopian boys

  8. hi barbara i feel sure you are right that this is the same colin tucker.
    Bee-gees singer Robin Gibb used to have boys brought to him bya man named tucker
    is that coincidence ?

  9. Did he really? How do you know that? Please can you send me a link, thanks

  10. I've found some reference to a Paul Tucker but I don't think he is a paedophile that Robin Gibb was involved with, just another musician.

    I found this though:

    Alcoholic paedophile avoids jail as he is 'too ill' for prison

    Jun 28, 2013 17:59
    By WalesOnline

    Paul Tucker, 61, of Port Talbot appeared before Swansea Crown Court today charged with seven offences against a 10-year-old

    A paedophile who sexually abused a young boy with severe learning difficulties has avoided a jail sentence – because he is “too ill”.

    Paul Tucker, of Swan Road, Baglan, Port Talbot, today appeared before Swansea Crown Court charged with seven offences against a 10-year-old.

    He admitted to four counts of sexual assault, two of inciting sexual activity with a child and one of making the youngster watch hardcore pornography.

    But the 61-year-old alcoholic, who has acute liver disease, claimed he could not remember his sick acts as he was too drunk at the time.

  11. Prosecutor James Jenkins said concerns were raised about Tucker after he was spotted spying on the youngster.

    A worried neighbour described the divorcee’s gaze on the boy as “transfixed” - and immediately told his family.

    When Tucker’s name was mentioned within earshot of the child, the lad immediately burst into tears and bravely spoke up about his horrifying five month ordeal.

    Mr Rees said: “The defendant said he has no recollection of the events, but concedes he ’may’ have touched the complainant’s genitals and ’may’ have asked the complainant for oral sex – although it may fallen short of that.

    “The complainant at the time was 10 years of age and his vulnerability would have been obvious to the defendant.”

    A court was told the offences dated back to 2009, with Tucker’s victim too scared to speak out until last year.

    Following the defendant’s arrest last September, he was remanded into custody for five days before being granted conditional bail.

    Despite the evidence mounting up against him Tucker had continued to protest his innocence – until finally confessing at the 11th hour.

    Defending barrister Huw Rees said while “full credit” could not be given for an early guilty plea, his client’s admission had prevented the complainant from the stress of giving evidence in a trial.

    Mr Rees also invited the court to take into account the defendant’s personal circumstances when sentencing.

    Recorder David Aubrey said the starting point for Tucker’s sentence had he been convicted after trial would have been an immediate prison term of two years.

    He said: “Your victim was a boy 10 years of age, who was befriended by you, and (you were) someone who had his family’s trust.

    “You clearly breached that trust.”

    However, the Recorder said that he decided not to impose an immediate jail sentence because of Tucker’s seriously ill health.

    “I come to my conclusion with great reluctance,” he noted.

    “What persuades my decision in passing sentence is the factors relating to your health.

    “You are a man (whose ailments include) acute liver disease, ischemic heart disease multiple spinal injuries, chronic anemia and type two diabetes.

    “You would be an incredible burden on the prison service.”

    Mr Aubrey added that another factor he had taken into account that the defendant had no previous convictions.

    Tucker was given a 21-month prison sentence, suspended for two years.

    He will also be subject to a 24 month supervision order and have his name placed on the sex offender register for the next 10 years.

    “If you fail to comply with the Probation Service you will find yourself back before this court,” Mr Aubrey told the defendant.

    Before being wheeled out of court by his carer, unshaven Tucker – dressed in a white jumper and jeans – was met with a cry of “bastard” and “rot in hell” from the public gallery.


  13. Recorder David Aubrey:,d.d2s

    Curriculum Vitae
    David Aubrey QC
    (1976) QC 1996
    University of Wales, Cardiff – LLB (Hons) 1972
    Pupillage Christopher Llewellyn-Jones 1975-1976
    Called 1976 Middle Temple
    Pupil supervisor 1983 - present
    Recorder Crown Court & County Court 1996
    QC 1996
    Authorised to try serious sexual offences 1997
    Appointed Legal President, Mental Health Review Tribunal, 1998
    Member of the Bar Council 2000-2010
    Head of Chambers, Temple Chambers, Cardiff & Newport, 1999-2010
    Treasurer Wales & Chester Circuit, 2001-2003
    Appointed Master of the Bench, the Honourable Society of the Middle Temple, 2002

  14. ‘Welsh Lawyer of the Year’ 2004
    Appointed Legal Adviser, Care Council for Wales, 2005
    Appointed Legal Assessor, Nursing & Midwifery Council, 2006
    Head of Chambers, Temple Court Chambers, Cardiff, 2012-present
    Head of Advocacy, Public Defender Service, to commence March 2014
    Syndicate Leader/Tutor Judge on the Criminal Justice Act 2003 Seminars, Judicial Studies Board
    Syndicate Leader in Criminal Law, Wales and Chester Circuit
    Formerly Lecturer for the External Law Degree, University of London
    Lecturer, Temple Chambers Training Courses in Criminal Law and Family Law
    Lecturer on Civil Actions against the Police, and The Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984, for London Legal Training
    Member of the HMCS Working Party on the use of Psychiatric Evidence in Courts
    Consultee to the HMCS Committee investigating amendments to the law and procedure relating to Coroners’ Courts
    Criminal Law
    Extremely extensive and substantial practise – prosecuting and defending – very grave, complex and heavy-weight cases of murder, manslaughter, sexual offences and violence.
    Similarly extensive experience in cases involving fraud, VAT and tax evasion, trading standards offences, money laundering, proceeds of crime and recovery of assets.

  15. Sits as a Recorder in the Crown Court dealing with cases of all levels of seriousness and complexity including serious sexual offences and cases with a European Law and Human Rights Act element.
    Family Law
    Wide experience of representing parties in Care Proceedings that have involved issues of physical and sexual abuse of children, and their general neglect.
    Especially skilled at the examination and cross-examination of expert witnesses in a variety of different disciplines.
    D Aubrey CV PDS 17.9.14
    Civil Law
    Experience acting for parties in general civil claims; landlord & tenant and boundary dispute actions;
    and in cases involving equality and diversity law.
    Sits as a Recorder in the County Court hearing a very wide and diverse array of cases including personal
    injuries, boundary disputes, landlord and tenant disputes, contract cases, malicious falsehood etc.
    Conducts hearings involving Actions against the Police for abuse of powers, wrongful arrest and
    unlawful detention.
    Acted in many cases of judicial review, particularly those where questions relating to Mental Health Act
    law and practice arise (see below).
    Mental Health Act and Regulatory Law
    Advises regularly in the fields of Mental Health Act Law, and Regulatory Law, and appears in the High
    Court and County Court dealing with cases in these areas of law.
    Sits as a Legal President of the Mental Health Review Tribunal, dealing with Restricted Patients, and
    acts as Legal Adviser and Assessor to the Care Council for Wales and the Nursing and Midwifery

  16. Represents parties before Regulatory and Disciplinary Tribunals, and acts pro bono for Barristers
    appearing before the disciplinary bodies of the Bar Standards Board.
    Notable Cases
    Set out below is a selection of cases in which David Aubrey QC has been involved, but it should not be
    regarded as exhaustive.
    R v Tecwen Whittock 2003
    VHCC case. Lasted two months.
    Defended the ‘cougher’ in this ‘Who Wants to be a Millionaire’ trial. Case involved obtaining the
    execution of a valuable security by deception and fraud. Four-handed, high-profile case involving
    technical evidence and scientific issues.
    R v G
    Multi-handed conspiracy to evade VAT, involving complex issues relating to planning law and
    regulation, as well as the VAT regulations.
    R v M
    Fraud involving the evasion of VAT duty.
    R v W
    Trading Standards Prosecution relating to wholesale ‘ringing’ of motor cars.
    R v Bristol Trade Centre
    Evasion of duty and tax, and vast breaches of Trading Standards legislation.
    D Aubrey CV PDS 17.9.14
    R v B 2013
    Defended a man charged with a high-profile, brutal murder, in which the defence was ‘loss of control’. Appeared before the Court of Appeal presided over by the Lord Chief Justice. A ‘guideline judgement’ hearing involving five other appellants heard over three days.
    R v R and H 2013
    The ‘Roath Park Murder’.
    R v S 2006
    The murder and mutilation of a young woman by a man previously acquitted of murder. Questions arose about the admissibility of that acquittal, complex scientific evidence about soil deposition and analysis, and admissibility of statements made not under caution.
    R v B 2003, 2007 Appeal
    The murder by the Defendant of his step-daughter, involving extensive expert scientific and medical evidence, plus analysis of mobile telephone records and computer data.
    R v J 2003
    Murder trial involving youths kicking and beating a man to death. Issues of joint enterprise arose, as did the question of the status of incrimination remarks made by a co-defendant. The Court of Appeal adopted Mr Aubrey’s suggested direction on the point, which was then incorporated in the Judicial Studies Board’s Specimen directions.
    R v B 1998, 1999 Appeal
    The murder by a forester of his wife, where the case was based entirely on circumstantial evidence, and the deceased’s body was never recovered.
    R v S 1995
    A multi handed ‘satanic child abuse’ trial involving complex issues of disclosure, social work files and reports, cross-admissibility of evidence, and cross examination of children.
    R v EB 1991
    The M50 Murder involving the killing of a young pregnant woman who was snatched from the side of the M50 and killed.
    R v C
    Murder, counts of attempted murder and false imprisonment, arising out of a revenge attack by an employee on his work colleagues. The trial involved expert medical and scientific evidence, psychiatric evidence, elements of international jurisdiction and warrants, and sensitive disclosure.
    R v D, R and G
    A multi-handed drug related gang murder, involving difficult questions of joint-participation and joint enterprise.
    R v CvL
    A multi-handed, drug-related murder, involving members of the Vietnamese community running ‘cannabis factories’, and the killing of a worker. The case dealt with issues of expert scientific and medical evidence, detailed analysis of mobile phone records and cell site data, and questions of international jurisdiction.

  17. R v A and B
    A drug-related killing involving competing gangs.
    R v SM
    The attempted murder of a police office by a Defendant driving a bulldozer over his vehicle, during the disturbances arising out of the ‘Foot and Mouth’ crisis.
    R v H
    The murder by a Defendant previously convicted of attempted murder. The trial involved detailed analysis of mobile phone and CCTV evidence, scientific evidence relating to DNA and blood deposition and analysis, and pathological evidence.
    R v DA
    Armed robbery by man previously convicted of armed robbery. Guidance given by the court of Appeal for such cases on an Attorney-General’s Reference.

  18. R v DC
    The trial for murder of a man previously convicted of murder, who was released on life and committed murdered again.
    R v H
    VHCC case. First trial lasted four months. Retrial lasted five months.
    Defended in this two-handed murder in 2012 and 2013. A cut-throat defence involving detailed scientific evidence, issues of admissibility, PII, detailed phone and CCTV evidence.
    R v M 2009
    Leading Counsel for an appellant, along with several other appellants, in a hearing before a five-judge Court of Appeal which gave a ‘guideline judgement’ in POCA proceedings.
    R v E
    Conspiracies to import vast quantities of cocaine, amphetamine, cigarettes and tobacco, and the evasion of VAT duty.
    Newport Borough Council v. T.
    A lengthy case of Care Proceedings involving questions of International Jurisdiction, evidence taken by live television link from Pakistan, medical experts, alleged rape, and multiple parties.
    Newport Borough Council v. T.W
    Represented Intervener in Care Proceedings involving complex and detailed medical and scientific evidence, cross-examination of experts, and evidence given by international expert on live television link. The case involved serious defaults in medical examination which were exposed during the evidence and led to the case being reported on the point concerned.
    Caerphilly CBC v. S.L
    Represented a woman with serious impairment of intellectual capacity and understanding, in a case involving neglect and abuse of her child. Medical and scientific experts gave evidence and had to be cross-examined, as did the Social Workers, whose notes and records were voluminous.
    D Aubrey CV PDS 17.9.14
    Cardiff County Council v. B
    A case involving the alleged shaking of a baby with the usual medical and other experts involved.
    Caerphilly CBC v. S & AL
    Represented the Intervener in a case alleging sexual assaults on a young child, with the usual medical, scientific, and social work experts involved, and issues of law to determine.
    Caerphilly CBC v. T.C
    Alleged non-accidental injuries, with the usual medical and scientific experts involved, dealing with a wide variety of injuries and conditions, the “triad of signs”, the law and approach to this type of evidence, and substantial social work documentation and other evidence.
    To Note
    Defended in VHCC trials for offences of importation and supply of drugs, fraud, murder and VAT evasion.
    Conducted POCA hearings as an advocate and as a Recorder. Very familiar with the provision having acted as Leading Counsel in a guideline case before the Court of Appeal.
    Complexity and Scale of Evidence
    Conducted many cases that have exceeded three months. Accustomed to long and complex trials.
    Dealt with cases involving vast quantities of papers, digital material and complex computer evidence. Very experienced at, and interested in, scientific and medical issues, and in cross-examining experts in these fields.
    Leadership and Recognition
    Elected by fellow practitioners as the Treasurer of the Wales and Chester Circuit and as an elected member of the Bar Council. Elected as ‘Welsh Lawyer of the Year’. Elected as Head of Chambers by peers for more than ten years.
    Reputation and Commitment
    Reputation for independence and for not submitting to the will of judges! Determined to ensure that PDS has an ethos of independence and that the interests of a Defendant are at the forefront of all PDS’ dealings.
    Contact Details
    Robin Driscoll, Senior Clerk Public Defender Service Advocacy Unit Business Suite, Ground Floor 102 Petty France London SW1H 9AJ DX: 328 London Inquiries to Robin Driscoll, Senior Clerk Telephone: 020 3334 4253 Mobile: 07468 709022 Email: Website: http://publicdefenderservice



  20. re 10 year old boy being abused
    barabara I thought you understood that homosexuality is now encouraged by government, they cant do this and still have it illegal to nob little boys, you cant have it tis way, so both will soon be not only legal but encouraged
    We recently had a statue built for 2 lesbian mothers with 2 kids.
    this shows the agenda to come

  21. I understand their agenda only too well, and dispair at it, which is why I am screaming and shouting about it here!

  22. They are going to have to murder me before they legalise it, because I can't live in a country where it is legal to rape children, I am like a bird screeching at nest robbers, and there are many more like me



  24. "because sometimes I get so down and depressed over all the child beggaring homosexual filth out there"

    So do I, really very very depressed, but I am a Christian and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and Jesus did warn us that the devil would run amok amongst us and infiltrate even the Church, Jesus never lied to us about it, but He said to obey Him, and its very easy to see what Jesus wanted us to do, not to steal, cheat, harm other people, so though we may hurt and hurt about having those things done to ourselves we must never pay back by doing those things to other people.

    The most sickening thing I get furious about is when the drug fuelled perverts pretend to be Christians, as Paul Flowers and other men have done, stepping into the role of being Church leaders and elders, and persecuting anyone who tries to blow the whistle.

    It may look like we are on the losing side, very much so, but we have to remember that it was only one third of the angels who rebelled against God, and two thirds must have stayed faithful to God. The devil is a tricker, and likes to make himself look more powerful than he actually is, and dresses in stolen plumage.

    Keep strong.


    Children's homes were 'supply line' for paedophiles, says ex-minister

    Lord Warner says an inquiry he conducted in 1992 showed how children's homes were targeted by powerful people


    Nicholas Watt and Patrick Wintour, Tuesday 8 July 2014 09.58 BST

    Powerful people in the 1980s targeted children's homes that served as a "supply line" for paedophiles, a former health minister has claimed.

    As a former child protection manager warned that a "powerful elite" of at least 20 prominent figures carried out the "worst form of abuse", the former health minister Lord Warner described the sexual abuse of children as a "power drive".

  26. Warner, a health minister in 2003-07 who conducted an inquiry into child abuse in Birmingham in 1992, spoke out after the home secretary, Theresa May, announced a national inquiry into how the authorities may have ignored child abuse at Westminster.

    The Labour leader, Ed Miliband, said the government's approach had been dilatory and piecemeal. He said: "The inquiry needs to recommend child protection measures for the future. If the government does all those things, we will support them."

    He said: "They have been slow and piecemeal getting to this point. I think victims and others need to be able to give testimony and give their evidence.

    "It is vital that the inquiry is sufficiently comprehensive and over-arching. The important thing is to get at the truth to get at justice, to get what happened in institutions, and to get the right answers for the future. The appalling examples of child protection abuse we have seen must never be allowed to happen again."

  27. MPs on the home affairs select committee will question Mark Sedwill, the home office's permanent secretary, on Tuesday afternoon over the loss of 114 potentially relevant files on child abuse dating back to the 1980s.
    Warner said his inquiry in 1992 showed how children's homes were targeted by powerful paedophiles. He told the Today programme on BBC Radio 4: "Some of these children's homes were targeted by people in power, powerful people. Indeed, sexual abuse of children is a power drive. That's what a lot of it is about.

    "It is possible that people who were authoritative, powerful in particular communities did sometimes have access to children's homes. We know for historical purposes that children's homes were a supply line sometimes."

    Warner, a director of social services in Kent in the 1980s, said insufficient action was taken to deal with child abuse in that decade because there was "disbelief in the public mind".

    He said: "It is pretty distasteful stuff. Society has found it difficult to come to terms with this … We still had an air of deference about people in authority.

    "A cover-up means something is very organised. I think much more of this is about people being insensitive to some of these concerns and not being as preoccupied with protecting vulnerable people – children and adults."

  28. Peter McKelvie, a former child protection manager whose allegations about child abuse led to a police inquiry in 2012, claimed that at least 20 prominent people abused children.

    McKelvie told BBC2's Newsnight: "I believe that there is strong evidence – and an awful lot of information that can be converted into evidence if it is investigated properly – that there has been an extremely powerful elite amongst the highest levels of the political classes for as long as I am alive, and I am 65.

    "There has been sufficient reason to investigate it over and over again, certainly for the last 30 years. There has always been the block and the cover-up and the collusion to prevent that happening."

    He added: "For the first time I have got a belief that survivors will come forward and justice will be served for a lot of survivors. Unfortunately it has been left so late that a lot of the abusers are now dead.

    "We are looking at the Lords, we are looking at the Commons, we are looking at the judiciary, we are looking at all institutions where there will be a small percentage of paedophiles and a slightly larger percentage of people who have known about it but have felt that in terms of their own self-interest and self-preservation and for political party reasons it's been safer for them to cover it up rather than deal with it."

    McKelvie, who served as a child protection manager in Hereford and Worcester, worked on the conviction of Peter Righton, a founding member of the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE). Righton, who has since died, was convicted of importing child pornography. McKelvie told police in 2012 that West Mercia police had seven boxes of evidence including letters between Righton and other alleged paedophiles.

    On Monday, May told the Commons she was establishing a public inquiry into how complaints of sexual abuse were treated, and sometimes ignored, in public bodies over several decades.

    Ministers had been holding out against such a sweeping inquiry, but, facing charges of an establishment cover-up, succumbed and promised there would be no no-go areas for the investigation.

    The inquiry will be able to examine the files of the security services and allegations that the Tory whips' office in the 1970s may have suppressed allegations of child abuse by members of the parliamentary party. It is also expected to take some evidence from victims.

    Labour MPs pointed to a 1985 BBC documentary in which a former government whip between 1970 and 1973 said the Tory whips' office, when faced by an MP involved in "a scandal with small boys", would get him out of trouble, partly so the MP then felt obliged in the future to carry out the bidding of the whips.

    May said she would look at plans, backed in principle by the Labour MP Tom Watson, to require public servants to report allegations of child abuse to officials in a form of mandatory whistleblowing. A duty to report would place some form of culpability on a public official if they knowingly withheld information concerning suspected child abuse.

  29. Lord Warner is wrong, inasmuch that the organised paedophile gang that have abused captive children in childrens homes all over the UK didn't start in the 1980, the abuse was going on when I was incarcerated at Chadswell Assessment Centre Rocester in Staffordshire in 1971/72, there were children being abused there before I even set foot in the place, and the abuse at HDLG in Jersey was going on in the 60's.

  30. It is like living in hell for me right now to be living in the epicentre of Freemasonry (satanism) here in Sunny Stafford, it LOOKS like a respectable enough town, that is if you close your eyes to the horrific eyesore that is Stafford Prison and St Georges Psychiatric Hospital, incidentally where the official Freemasons Headquarters is near, though they now hold their Wednesday night sessions at 16MU in Beaconside, the place with a Harrier jumpjet is outside, I think that is for the lower dregs of the Freemasons meet though, is disabled school taxi drivers, ex cops ect.

  31. Sorry, I ought to have explained who Mr Sizzle actually is:,d.ZGU

    I'm not one of his customers, I dont buy hot dogs ect, but Mr Sizzle is a small business and Stafford Freemasons love to pick on small businesses and little people, the Freemasons are the biggest nastiest gangsters on the planet, the Freemasons are gangsters.

    They may look respectable and have a respectable looking facade, but they are gangsters all the same and anyone decent should steer well clear of this horrible child abusing organisation as their Titanic is about to sink - the Lord is not going to allow this disgusting spying sneaking skulking gangster set up get away with the crimes they have committed, no matter how strong and unsinkable they appear to be.

  32. the government cant have it both ways, it cant legalise homosexuality and not legalise pedophilia, so logically
    so time over the next few months the act of pedophilia will not longer be a crime
    The thing is where do you draw the line ? Peter Tacthell wants boys aged 4 to be able to consent to sex with men
    Elton John says no age limit at all, should babies be allowed to have sex as it in the lost prophets case ?
    many social workers say we should go all the way and ban it all again, or take down all legislation, but what about the young boys ? do they have no say here
    PS you are right about the freemasons, Adolf Hitler banned them, I don't see any comments on here Barbara are people not writing in now ?

  33. the government cant have it both ways, it cant legalise homosexuality and not legalise pedophilia, so logically
    so time over the next few months the act of pedophilia will not longer be a crime
    The thing is where do you draw the line ? Peter Tacthell wants boys aged 4 to be able to consent to sex with men
    Elton John says no age limit at all, should babies be allowed to have sex as it in the lost prophets case ?
    many social workers say we should go all the way and ban it all again, or take down all legislation, but what about the young boys ? do they have no say here
    PS you are right about the freemasons, Adolf Hitler banned them, I don't see any comments on here Barbara are people not writing in now ?

  34. the website aangirfan has had pro homosexual story lines in the past and has got itself a bit of a reputation for heterophobia
    nevertheless they say here that 100,000 children are trafficked illegally into the USA each year for the sex trade.
    Judith rainer was on TV this morning saying that these boys
    ( because most are boys) need special help and protection
    Apparently Israel keeps naked boys in cages at special child brothels
    How evil is this trade ?
    its horrific
