Tuesday 25 November 2014


I can't stand it any more, its gone on for too long, the abuse and reabuse, I'm sorry. The letter from Capita is the last straw and I just cant take it any more they have made me into a zero person. I am going to London at least this way maybe others might be saved


  1. hi love. hope you are ok.

  2. my god barbara its you that have kept us together all this time, you are the only family many of us abused folk have i feela deep sense of panic if you are no longer there how will we cope ?

  3. can we see the capita letter please ?
    you have done sterling work for us all pleaese dont give up

  4. Barbara I am upset and I am frightened, you have always been there for us.
    I don't know what to say.

  5. I'm sorry that you are feeling so low. I do hope that you can get through this and that you can tell what you know. Now is the time to do it. Things are changing. Send an email to news@exaronews.net with zoompad in the subject line. You can help them stop the abuse.

  6. I'm sorry you've chosen to go thank you for all you have done.

  7. Barbara, I just saw your tweet and blog post. Where are you now, and how are you?

    People do care, even though they may not say so or seem like it.

  8. what letter from capita ?
    i often wondered how these pro homosexual groups get their funding, a man on radio was something to do with stonewall before becoming a christian, he said the groups are secrtly funded by rockefeller and they want to break down the family unit
    but why ?

  9. I thought long and hard before speaking of this but my son went missing after school in 1967 aged 10.
    The police drew a blank and as time went on i grew more and more depressed but never gave up hope he was still alive.
    In 1974 i read in the newspaper abouta spirit medium who was occasionally used by police forces.
    I went to my police statio and asked their advice, they said police do use reputable psychics on occasion but the problems arise with the fact that what they say cant be used in evidence and it is an area where you get cranks.
    So i contacted this lady called Doris Stokes, gave a false name and asked to see her.
    I went in to see her and had to wait a while as a lady from a hospice came for some money, i did not know but most of what she charged for went to charities.
    she told me that my grandmother whom i was close to was here and spoke about her and a man who i recognised as an uncle, suddenly she changed tack and said i have the spirit of a young man here aged 11 who said he is your son ?
    this was why i came but told her nothing. she then said he was taken while at school.
    now two things he was aged 10 not 11 and he was taken on the way home not at school.
    she then said he was approached by a well known personality he recognised and went off with two men, one he says had an unusual voice with a white wig, and he said he was used by several men one of whom was a rabbi
    This made no sense to me neither did what she said after.
    he was dumped in a wood then they came back and is buried in the corner of a farmers field which slopes down to this corner
    the field is in a quiet country road which goes into a main fast road that as you stand at the junction has a large electrical substation painted green on the lest and over the road down a bit is a petrol garage.
    I dismissed most of this and still did not accept he was dead.
    in 1986 a policeman came to my door and asked me to come down to the police station, it was about my son.
    The police were careful with my feelings and sensitive, and asked me to come and see a body found in a field
    through twisty roads and a country village.
    They said a farmer was ploughing and some stuff near the surface told him to call the police where a body was found.
    the police said is this your son ? his head and hands were gone and the partially clothed body was unrecogisable with decay
    i said no i dont think it is, i was convinced he was still alive somewhere.
    We came back a different way, down toa main road junction where i saw a large green electrical substation, stop i said
    and as i got out i looked down the road and saw a petrol garage, i screamed it is my son, it is him, my boy.
    I cant say enough how good the police were with me hysterical going back, as i remembered the words of medium doris stokes
    now since the truthseeker website exposed about jimmy savile, i keep thinking he was a well known personality had white wigs and an odd accent, and i read he was associated with high ranking jews, could he have abused my son passed him round where he was killed ? was it him ? how many other mothers have lost their boys in this way to these homosexual gangs ?

  10. what you are just going to leave us abused as schoolboys in the lurch ?

  11. Hi again zoomy there's. Lots of us here who are worried about you. Can you get in touch and let these comments through

  12. Zoompad. Psalm 91. PROBLEM SOLVED.

    Scryfa xx

  13. zoomy please give us a sign .....i miss you

  14. I just discovered your blog.

    Don't let the Useful Idiots bring you down. There are others out here in the world that need to hear the truth.

  15. HI zoomy it was me that called the police. Hope they didn't scare you too much. I didn't know what else to do

  16. Hi barbara we heard you were back
    what is st georges ?
    no one hates jews barb, just what they do, or i should say some do
    Do you know how much you telling your story helps us ?
    we all get comfort from knowing we are not alone
