Saturday 28 February 2015


I am so angry about the Rountree Trust funding Isis terrorists, because I think it was about 10 years ago my sons community nurse encouraged me to apply for Rountree Trust funding to help me with my son who was diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome just before he started school. I really needed the money so badly, as I was really struggling to cope, but I was turned down for the funding, because I had been initially turned down for DLA. The DLA decision was overturned at appeal, thank God, because I don't know how our family would have survived without that money, in fact looking back I don't know how on earth I coped.

I didn't reapply for Rountree Trust funding, because finally receaving the appealed for DLA money made such a huge difference I felt I didn't need any extra money after that, but it seemed bonkers that the way the funding was linked in to benefits meant that even if a family was absolutly struggling at gutter level and ticked all the criteria boxes apart from recieving state benefits the Rountree Trust wouldnt help them, and being turned down for help by them was such a huge slap in the face it was very very upsetting at the time, my community nurse told me to reapply both for DLA and Rountree Trust, she told me that it was a shame I'd been turned down for help as I really needed the money, and God bless that lady because her kind words to me were like an oasis in the desert, I don't know how I would have coped without without those few grains of human kindness at that time, as every day was a massive struggle back then.

Now it makes me feel sick and angry that Rountree Trust has been funding terrorists, and I wonder if the same time I was turned down for a much needed grant to cope with Asperger Syndrome and other problems that are not of my own causing they were dishing out money to thugs who are using the money to terrorise other people by chopping their heads off? Joseph Rountree would never have wanted his legacy to be used like that!


  1. this is disgusting about rowntree
    police acting under orders not to disrupt the homosexual agenda allowed hundreds of homosexuals to abuse boys over a long period

  2. here is another government scandal
    in hiding up homosexual abuse of boys

  3. You saw it first on zoompad
    The amazing james randi has been exposed as a long term abuser of little boys, he visited over a dozen care homes including kincora barnabus house and st marys to abuse boys.
    He has had to retire overnight and has gone into hiding
    He is now known as the " disgusting james randi"


  4. I have some good news save the children have agreed to drop the award to Rony Blair, but to even consider it means no one in my church group will ever support it again and i advise you to do the same

  5. I will never give any money, not even a single penny to any childrens charity any more, because not a single one of them has done anything about the Pindown child abuse cover up, and I am scared now that by giving any money to any of the childrens charities I might actually be giving money to paedophiles.

    I give to buskers and small local charities and big ones that I actually know and have witnessed personally doing real charity work ie the PDSA.

    I would not give Save the Children even one single penny.

  6. Barbara you aree fake charities
    i learnt some while ago and never give to children in need which is a BBC swindle.
    I was reading about Derren brown the
    TV guy, some of those skits he does are made up from 100 takes, to get it right and then to find out
    he was using boys ? how many more ?
    I knewa while back about james randi
    these people are vile


  8. another senator accused of boy-nobbing commits suicide
    rumours of homosexuality for some years

  9. Thank you for your apoloy Barbara I just saw it today and I am furious that my paedo fan trolls are attacking you and taking advantage of your vulnerability and fragile state. I am fuming. These people have been reported to police, you have not btw I can assure you that, that is just an empty evil threat by this paedophile supporter Sophie Woolley who lives in Leeds and creates hundreds of fake accounts everywhere just to attack me and other whistleblowers and now it's clear she also attacks victims of abuse too. We know where she lives, we have hundreds of evidence exhibits on just SW and hundreds on the others in her online gang of cyberstalkers, and she will be stopped. I am absolutely furious that she has turned on you and threatened you knowing your vulnerable state of mind and health after reading just one of your posts you can see this. Please inform someone such as your therapist or GP about these threats, and tell them to pass the information about Sophie attacking and threatening you onto West Yorkshire Police on your behalf if you don't feel you can do it yourself. Take care xx

  10. i spent some time on the net and found the lib/dems hid up cyril smiths abuse, this the original article exposed him

  11. i see hampstead is the latest place where kids have been used as sexual playthings.
    UKcolumn said the london care home scandal involved boys on an industrial scale, the BBC and the Murdoch newspapers tried to say jimmy saville and his mated only abused girls this is a huge lie and as many boys if not far more boys were abused.

  12. Yes, but the trouble is that the UK Column started out good but got infiltrated by paedophiles and trickers, the paedophiles take over everything, Brian Gerrish has some awful people, paedophiles and paedophile defenders working for him at the UK Column, and he knows it and does nothing about it, I got took in by him but he's not interested in stopping institutional child abuse, sorry but the UK Column pretends to be helping child abuse victims but they actually stab us slyly in the back instead

  13. Children are still being abused in Staffordshire and no-one is doing anything about it apart from trying to cover it up, its actually got worse since I was in "care" in Pindown 40 years ago, because I dont think they were targetting disabled children in the 70s, and they are now!
