Tuesday 21 April 2015


First of all, sorry to people who have been commenting here and not getting their comments published, the reason for that is that last year I was sectioned and put into St Georges Psychiatric Hospital by Stafford Police, who are refusing to investigate the Pindown child abuse and reabuse in secret family courts in Staffordshire. To be fair to the actual officers who sectioned me, I had become ill because of continually having to fight for justice, but the ones at the top of Stafford Police have a lot of questions to answer.

I've been trying to get my health back, and haven't been blogging, I've had to for my own health and sanity, I don't want to end up in a wooden box before my time, though I'm sure certain people would give a massive cheer and dance on my grave if that happened, I pray to God for my health, even if its only to spite the paedophile gangsters.

I've had to come to my blog today, as a lady called Catherine Bruen has contacted me and showed me that someone calling themselves Chrisanna Kennedy is using a photograph of me as their avater on Facebook. As I haven't been on Facebook for at least 6 months, I was unaware of this until Catherine very kindly brought it to my attention.

She showed me part of a conversation of a chap called Paul Smith with Chrisanna Kennedy from last Tuesday, round about 3.15pm.

I've told Catherine some of the things the paedo gangsterss have done to me, and that I have nagged and nagged the police to do something about it, but all theyve done is reabuse me instead, I didn't tell Catherine a half of what theyve done to me, ie the time Dawn Franks from Stafford Police came round my house pretending to investigate the abuse I've suffered, but tried to trick me into signing my name underneath a very faintly pencilled in entry (which could therefore easily be rubbed out and replaced with something else in biro, as I'm quite sure was her intention) in her police notebook, the Lord alerted me to that one and I dealt with it by writing that I wanted Stafford Police to carry on investigating institutional child abuse in Staffordshire and signed under that instead, leaving her no space in which to insert any other writing afterwards!!!

I can't deal with the bullies on Facebook, theyve already made my life an absolute hell for years, and I told Catherine that, and also its a waste of time me going to the police as Stafford Police are part of the problem, they wouldn't even investigate a death threat made to me by the paedos, but what I can and will do is pray for courage and enlightenment for all the people who are getting bullied and abused by them, I've done my bit in the fight against paedos, as anyone who reads this blog can see, and I am shattered now, other good people will have to take up the battle now, but I do want to publicly thank Catherine for alerting me to them using my photograph illegally on Facebook.


  1. the gay radio station have said several times that you are an enamy tose homosexuals who enjoy boys which they say is everyones right.

  2. i see more men are coming forward at last to say greville janner abused them as boys
    what a scum bag this man must be ?

  3. I dont listen to the gay radio station, but I have no doubt at all that they hate my guts, the mad thing is that its not me they have to worry about, I'm just a sad woman that has been persecuted by paedophile gangsters for year on end, its God they have made an enemy of, and He is a lot tougher than I am for sure!!!

    Do those bozos not understand that God hears the voices of the persecuted and gives them shelter under His covering?

    Ah, but they dont actually believe in God, even though so many of them have infiltrated the institution that calls itself the Church.

    They have caused me so much pain and terror, but it will all be wiped away in a heartbeat on Judgement Day, and I will be free for all eternity of their hideous and unwarrented persecution. There will be an unbridgeable gulf for all eternity between those with faith in Jesus Christ and those who have waged war on Him and His followers.

  4. Jesus said that there would be a seperation, based on faith.

    The prey and the preditors will be seperated, Jesus calls to every one of us, He calls some of us to repent and change our ways, He calls others to take heart and bto trust in Him, He speaks to us all individually, and its up to us as individuals to listen to Him or ignore Him, as we all have free will, we're not puppets, we can choose right or wrong.

    In this world right now, right and wrong are muddled, but at the Judgement everything will be clear and transparent, and God will say to each of us either, "Well done faithful servant", or "I don't know you, go away", there will be a terrible judgement and a gulf which can never be crossed again, at the moment we are living in a time where we can repent and choose God, and there are only two sides, choose God or oppose God, choose God and try to do good, or oppose God and oppress those who have run to God to persecute them, anyone ought to be able to see how that is going to end!

  5. Here is more info for you on the elite abusers! One of them is a VERY famous pop star.


  6. the trouble is if you mention these men who have sex with boys you are immediatly accused of being homophobic.
    some people see nothing wrong in it

  7. barbara none of us can get our comments acrooss to you
    regret will not look in again
    susan foster

  8. Its not my fault Susan, I cant go onto my blog so much these days, I'm being watched, its not that I'm censoring comments, I just cant come on so often, I dont want to end up being incarcerated in St Georges again!!!

  9. Yes, I'm sick of the accusations of homophobia, the paedophiles pull that one all the time, it is like their shield of invincibility.

    I never used to be homophobic at all, but these days the very mention of the word gay makes me feel sick, and I automatically switch off any program that Graham Norton, Stephen Fry and Alan Carr are in!!!





  11. barbara we all learn so much from your experiences , horrible as most were
    but what do you think on this ?



  12. This article was a bit extreme but what it says is dead right


  13. I agree with that article about sports. I think its bonkers how seriously sport is taken, its good to keep fit and have fun ect, but nowadays football isnt even a proper game any more, its all about money money money.

    Real men put their nearest and dearest before any sports and recreations, and real women do likewise.

  14. I tried to read the Daily Stormer post but it crashed my computer, could you please copy and paste what it says onto here, thanks

  15. here is another pervert from the " chosen people brigade "


  16. look at what the sickies are now teachng our kids



  17. I think the daily stormer post was on forcing homoexuality onto our kids, at least thats the post i found on there
    i am glad my kids have finished school and have their own families now


  18. I was listening to chris cooper on conspiracy radio where he interviews several boys , now men, who were sodomised by greville janner and afterwards when they had the phone in some moron rang in and shouted
    " nob those little boys janner , give to to them ha ha "
    how some people can find abuse funny is beyond me, as you yourself know barbara it ruins lives

  19. Daiv Icke exposed the amazing james randi
    ( real name randall zwingli ) asa log term abuser of young boys, kincora boys home the franklin case and others going back over 40 years
    randi has apologised retired over night and gone into hiding

  20. my christian church tells us to switch off TV whenever stephen fry or other perverts come on, people can call us pedophobic all they want we just dont care

  21. there is a witch hunt against greville janner who had admitted he has homosexually abused a lot of boys in care homes over some years, greville has said the boys were well looked after and paid a small sum for their services, so what is the problem ?

  22. No there isnt a witch hunt against Greville Janner, theres a witch hunt against all the victims of institutional child abuse, we're the victims not the dirty filthy perverts who abused and reabused us, I'm actually one of the fortunate ones, as some of us were murdered, driven to suicide which is really murder to all intents and purposes.
