Tuesday 6 June 2017


I've just had Mike Cunningham all dressed down in his Masonic Rotary Club green sweatshirt booming on my door. Asking for a non existent person, cheeky begger thought he could pull one over on me, WELL HE CANT!

Mike, I'll give you a tip mate, stop hassling me. The Lord is watching.


  1. I'm also keeping an eye on things too.

  2. Thanks Charles. They've decided to start harassing my daughter again now. I've told her to go through her Facebook friend list to weed out the trollstalkers. She's such a sweet person, she gave a freemason the benefit of the doubt, and I've advised her to block all funny handshakers, no matter how nice and friendly they seem.

  3. Hi Barbara, did you know that the Jesus Army Watch forums have re-opened?
    There have been some interesting developments regarding abuse.

  4. hi, i saw one of your posts on revolutionharry blogspot about peter power and noticed you live in staffordshire and was wondering if you have meet ups with other truthers? its getting so difficult now to communicate with genuine truthers...most of the forums are controlled..im on facebook [steve collier ] burton on trent..you'll see a 911 truth header, all th,stevee best

  5. Once again, I've got them mucking about with my Twitter account. I'm pretty sure I know who it is.

  6. To the person who posted the comment and was afraid of being traced and bullied, I haven't posted your comment but I have read it, and know exactly how you feel. Thanks for leaving a comment. I don't use this blog much, mainly because of Staffordshire police bullying, I am scared of them, and like the other poster who didn't want to be published either said, we don't live in a democracy, it's a nightmare!

  7. Hi Moxy, yes, I just found out a few days ago, thanks

  8. Hi Masonfreeparty, I do live in Staffordshire, and would love to meet up with other victims of institutional abuse. The last time I attended a local meeting was at The Democracy Club in Stoke on Trent, and I had a confrontation with a white haired witch called Diane Smith, I call her a witch because she's a self professing pagan and pagans are involved in witchcraft. The sly cow used the meeting to spy on us all and was writing down notes about us which she wouldn't let us see. She didn't participate she was just sitting in the corner writing about us. So it's quite difficult, as public meetings make us who were abused a target all over again,but we do have to try, because at the moment we are all being stamped on.

  9. I did blog about the sleazy old cow though. And I also wrote to the Staffordshire Newsletter about her sneaky skulking stalking activities. That didn't go down well at all!

  10. Just feeling really anxious now. I can never put this horrible nightmare behind me.

  11. Not sure if you are aware but Nigel Oldfield the paedo is in a relationship with Katy Morgan Davies....she was on tv a lot a while ago..google her. Google both names together and you will see a picture of them together.

  12. No, I wasn't aware of that, thanks for telling me, I will go and check it out thanks

  13. To the person who posted the comment about the JA forum, thank you so much. I won't post your comment but have taken more and really really appreciate your warning, thank you friend xx

  14. Taken note I meant to say. Predictive text changed it! Thank you so much.

  15. Hi Barbara

    Things are getting bad, follow jesus and the truth, the whole exaro nick thing is about to blow up, the ja thing is blowing up for them, these are desperate times for the enemy and we will win because one day we will sit with jesus in heaven, our pain, torture and hell is only temporary, you yourself will be vindicated soon enough.
    Avoid liz davies, Eileen fairweather, in fact anyone, ask jesus before trusting people

  16. Thanks. Will do just that, help me Jesus, good advice.
