Monday 2 July 2018

Another Capita assessment

Looks like I might be ending up in the Guinness book of records for having to have the most Capita assessments in one year. I hope this time it will be a PROPER assessment, done by someone who actually knows something about child trafficking/abuse ect and has plenty of time and patience,  because I can bend down to pick up a penny but I can't stop shaking when I have a fit, no doubt the assessment will leave me broken again, it's like picking a huge scab off the biggest wound possible.

I feel sick inside. My leg throbs, my heart is pounding and I feel like crying. Ah well, that's Britain today. I suppose a lot of people feel just as I do.

I wish Jesus would hurry back, I really do. So tired now.


  1. The lady who assessed me last time seemed kind, but she didn't have time to listen to me and I ended up getting hysterical, I am crying again just writing this, how can people not understand, how can they be so blind? Every time I have to explain it takes me back, it's like being tortured over and over again, I can't talk about it without getting upset, it's impossible, I've been told so many lies, I didn't even realise Joseph Hopkins had been sent to prison, they never even told me that, I don't know who the horrible woman, his sidekick was, they won't even tell me who those gangsters were, they won't even tell me that!

  2. I can't go to my GP surgery even for a suspected fracture! HOW CAN THIS EVEN BE HAPPENING? If the Capita assessment is soon perhaps I might even get them to have a look at my leg? I actually trust them more than I trust my GP!!!!
